
Chapter 121 - Leo’s Worry

Chapter 121 Leo\'s worry

Author: M_W Cancer Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

While Leo and the people of the five major Noble Households were just about to prepare to start the talk about something of great importance, an explosion suddenly sounded outside, followed after by more explosions, before the silence finally return once again.

The faces of Vincent Snow and the others quickly became solemn soon after the silence returned.

"Let\'s postpone today\'s discussion!"

"What seems to be the cause of the commotion outside?"

"One way to find out!"

*Whooosh! *Whoosh!

Just like that, Leo was left alone in the Royal Court.

"Finally!" Leo can\'t help but to exclaim in delight. He had been longing to return home, and with their disappearance, he could finally do so.

"But what was that explosion all about?"

Those explosions were really unusual. It seems like it just came from nearby the Royal Court. Moreover, it didn\'t even last that long, yet it had caused Vincent Snow and the others faces to turn really solemn.

"Better to also take a look."

The moment Leo arrived outside the Royal Court, what greeted him was a crater in the middle while multiple houses smashed into pieces around, flames burning some of the nearby houses made out of light materials, and dozens of injured people.

It was a disastrous sight to looked at!

The explosion only lasted for a few seconds, yet it had actually caused such a catastrophic event.

Fortunately, though, no one was killed despite all of that!

Leo was really dumbfounded while observing around. But, he was quick to understand that a battle between powerful Mages had just taken place in the span of those explosions.

"How powerful were those people?"

For this kind of aftermath to take place, it is indeed only the work of powerful Mages. But, that wasn\'t what he was really curious about, though. What he really wanted to know was despite causing such damages, they were actually still able to successfully escape away from the place. It had even taken place just right in front of the Royal Court. With the presence of all those powerful people inside the Royal Court, it should have been easy for them to get caught.

"Don\'t tell me..."

Leo suddenly realized something, "Those flames... Master!"

Leo quickly decided to run back home.

If his guess was indeed right, then only his Master, who had been present in the Royal Court awhile ago, could have caused such a blue-colored flame. He was really familiar with these burning flames that seemingly looked like those Pure Mana in large Mana stones. Especially, since these were the flames that had made him realized something really important in life.

"Leo, do you see this?"

"Yes, Master!"

"These flames are pretty, right?"

"Like you, Master!"

"Hahaha, you are indeed a really cheeky kid! But, don\'t be fooled by how beautiful these flames are."


"Disastrous things often hide in beautiful things!"

*Huff! *Huff! *Puff!

Leo doesn\'t care whether he was tired of having a hard time trying to catch his breath while running. He doesn\'t even care about his action being really stupid since he had actually chosen to run towards his house which was obviously really far from the Royal Court.

Well, the only thing he cares about this moment is whether his Master was safe or not. Though he fully believes that his Master was powerful, but with how big the Celestial World was, there would always be someone much more powerful than her.

That was exactly what he was worried about. She might have been attacked the moment she left the Royal Court. To be honest, he might not know what had really happened awhile ago, but he was sure that it\'s something really bad.

Often times, his Master would only use red or orange flames, or she would not even bother using any form of Magic since she has great assassination skills. So, for her to use her blue flames, then it only meant to say that the situation was really dangerous for her!

"Please be safe!"

Leo had already taken the first step to move on from his past. So, if something bad had really happened to his Master, then he would surely go back to his dark days once again.

To be honest, Leo doesn\'t want that... He really doesn\'t want to experience back his past once again! His life, despite full of trouble, which is one of the things he really hated the most, is in fact a lot better compared to before.

"If you\'re going to take away something from me again, then I would surely destroy you one day!" Leo can\'t help but start swearing inwardly towards the heaven while running as fast as possible.

While Leo was running really fast, due to only focusing on getting home as soon as possible, he had unexpectedly hit a rock on the road which had then caused him to stumble and fall.


Leo quickly moves his hand and body to stand back up again.

"Yow, what happened to you?"

A voice really familiar to Leo suddenly sounded in front of him while putting up a hand to help him stand up.

Leo immediately took the hand as he finally stood back up again.

"Oh, Alfred!"

"Yes, it\'s me... What happened to you, bro? Why are you in such a rush?" Alfred can\'t help asking. He had been on his carriage going home awhile ago when he suddenly saw Leo running really fast towards something. He was really curious about the reason why hence he quickly told his chauffeur to change direction towards Leo.

Fortunately, Alfred had thought of such a thing...

Seeing Alfred, Leo quickly put his hand in both of the former\'s shoulder as he said, "We are brothers, right?"


"Then please take me back to my house!"

"Okay... Then come inside the carriage!"

Leo and Alfred quickly got inside the carriage before the carriage began moving towards the direction of Leo\'s house.

"Tell me what happened bro!"

"Can the carriage be any quicker?!"


"Please tell your chauffeur to rush with the fastest speed possible!"


Despite wanting to know the reason why Leo was rushing, but after seeing him having such a worried face and an unusually full of desperation in his voice, Alfred didn\'t bother asking anymore. He just told the chauffeur to drive towards Leo\'s house as fast as possible, while looking at the seemingly unrest Leo in front of him full of curiosity.


Before the carriage could even park right in front of the villa, Leo had already quickly jumped off the carriage as he began running towards the house.

To be honest, Leo wasn\'t even sure whether his Master would be in the house or not right now. He was only rushing towards the house with all that he got with only the sole hope that she would be there waiting for him.

Arriving in front of the door, Leo quickly turns the doorknob as he pushed the door really hard in front before rushing inside.

Alicia who was currently cleaning the house at this moment was immediately startled after due to the slamming of the door. She quickly glimpsed at the door as she soon saw Leo rushing upstairs.

"What\'s wrong with Lord Leo?" Alicia can\'t help asking herself.

Soon after Leo, Alfred followed inside.

"Where did Leo go?" Alfred quickly asked the moment he saw Alicia staring at him.

"Upstairs!" Alicia quickly replied as her face finally changed to worry.

Alfred just nodded his head in response before quickly rushing upstairs. Seeing Leo acting really unusual this time around, as one of his friends, he can\'t help but to also feel really worried about him. He really wanted to know what was causing Leo to become so panic today, so that he would be able to help.

After Alfred rushed upstairs to follow after Leo, suddenly and unexpectedly, Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, and Veronica also followed after inside.

The reason why the 4 girls have also appeared just right after Alfred was simply because they had actually arrived almost at the same time as Alfred.

Awhile ago in the Royal Court, the 4 girls had already left even before the case was finally over, exactly after Elizabeth and her father stopped arguing. They already knew what would be the ending, so they thought that they might as well return home and prepare a celebration for Leo\'s triumph.

It was really out of their expectations though that Leo and Alfred would actually arrive before them.

Moreover, Leo was even rushing about something, and Alfred also followed behind, also in a rush.

With that reason alone, they also followed behind.

Also, they were really curious and at the same time worried too, simply because they had actually seen Leo jumping off of the carriage, which obviously meant that something really important had happened inside the house.

The moment the 4 girls appeared, they didn\'t bother asking Alicia since they already saw where Alfred was going to when they were still outside the house.. Hence, they quickly rushed upstairs to follow after.

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