
Chapter 359

"I did as you told me to, I hope you fulfill your side of the deal . " Richter who was deep in though moments ago looked at his grandson with a smile on his face .

"Of course Alex, not only will I keep Rachel alive, I will even allow the other girls to live as well . All of them can become yours, and the four them can give birth to the next generation of Greyhounds . Powerful, intelligent Greyhounds, with your genes and theirs it is likely you might produce a very powerful being . "

Richter told his speech with excitement and passion, yet his eyes that were supposed to be filled with ambition was instead filled with nothingness .

"I don’t need anyone else aside from Rachel, how about you let the others go? They have served their purpose . "

When Alex said that he wanted to let the other girls go aside from Rachel, the four girls had different reactions to that statement .

Evangeline who was still trying to process what Alex had done to their friends, felt her heart sting . Even though Alex had killed their friends she was willing to forgive him, she was still willing to love him no matter what, yet now he was discarding her like trash . This nearly broke Evangeline’s will, but because of her numerous experiences and the perseverance she had endured to love Alex, she wasn’t fully broken .

Emily who finally understood what was happening felt empty inside . The man she finally gave her heart to was dead, and the man she respected the most had changed . Not only did he change, but he was also the person who killed her man . Now she was sure if they were able to leave this place alive, Alex would be an enemy the next time they met .

Sayaka, on the other hand, was full of hatred . She had a deadly look on her face as she stared at Alex if looks could kill Alex would have died hundreds of times .

’Now you’re showing some compassion! Where was that compassion when you murdered your friends when you murdered my lovely Oly! Alex, I don’t care what your reasons were, if I’m able to get out of this, I will hunt you down and kill you!!! Then I will kill myself . . . ’

As Sayaka was shouting in her mind, Rachel was still in a state of confusion as she looked at Alex .

’Alex, is this really what you want? . . . Was this the only way for some of us to survive? . . . Fine, if you are willing to carry this sin and become a demon then I’ll become a demon as well . ’

Rachel who was thinking about various things finally came to a conclusion to her thoughts about the situation . She believes that Alex did all these things because he knew that there really was no escape, and there was no way to trick his grandfather .

He must have told her that fake plan because he didn’t want her to worry . Maybe he knew that there was no choice so he decided to kill the guys to at least save the others . This theory was what Rachel desperately wanted to believe was true .

. . .

"What are you saying Alex, even if they won’t become your women, these lovely ladies could still prove useful to us . Their strengths and potential is something that you don’t just find anywhere . " Richter was trying to probe Alex and see what his reaction would be, but same as before Alex remained expressionless . Not even a twitch could be seen as he answered .

"What you say is true, but no matter what these girls will never follow you . Especially now that I killed the men they loved so dearly . "

"I get what you mean, but here in the base, we do have a brainwashing machine . It’s not as complete and has some flaws here and there, but it will still do the job . So how about that, if they don’t remember anything we can make them into anything we want . Of course, I won’t do that to Rachel, but the others well as you said we have no choice . So now the problem with their loyalty is solved, what do you say?"

"I still don’t like it . Making them forget their past, with a defective brainwashing machine won’t exactly work in our favor . It is highly probable that they won’t be as strong as before if we do that . I guess that’s one of the reasons you didn’t use that machine on me, cause you know of its defects . "

Hearing Alex’s answer made Richter his mouth curl upward into a smile .

"I guess you are correct Alex . So since we don’t need them and they’re pretty much a dangerous element to you and this organization, how about you kill them already . That’s the only logical approach . "

Alex still remained unnerved and retained his stoic look, but he didn’t respond at Richter’s order . Yet after a while, he took out his gun and then pointed it at Evangeline . When Evangeline saw Alex pointing his gun at her, she wasn’t afraid instead deep inside she felt a bit happy . Though it may sound weird she was happy at the idea Alex was the one who takes her life .

Alex then pulled the trigger, but the bullet that was going to pierce through Evangeline’s head was instead heading straight to Richter’s head who evaded the bullet with a smile .

"As expected this was all an act!" Leon who was beside Richter was about to attack Alex but then was blocked by a huge body of muscle .

Sayaka who saw the dead body of her Oly moving was stunned . She then noticed that she was no longer bound to the chair, she was free . Because of her confusion and anger, she didn’t notice that Oliver was setting her free while pretending to be dead . Sayaka then looked around her and saw the others ready for battle . The friends they thought were dead, were now brandishing their weapon ready to fight .

While the girls were still trying to comprehend the events that transpired, Richter started clapping slowly .

"Amazing Alex! Even though I saw through it in the end, you were still able to trick me . As a reward I will no longer order you to kill your friends, instead, I will just make them all into mindless minions, or if the brainwashing fails, then they become retards . Well, either way at least they’ll be alive . "

Alex was about to retort to that statement, but then the whole base shook . Richter was now looking genuinely surprised as he shouted at Alex .

"What did you do?!"

Alex didn’t respond, which Richter misinterpreted as Alex has a secret plan of sorts . Yet the truth was Alex might have looked stoic on the outside, but in the inside, he was as equally shocked as Richter .

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