
Chapter 322

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Kris who was left behind tried his very best to delay the Executioner for as long as he could, but that proved to be quite difficult since he was outmatched in every way . The few seconds he tried to delay the Executioner, Kris got some of his toes cut off, and he had numerous scratches on him .

The Executioner was surprise to see Kris still alive, since from the start all of his attacks were meant to claim the enemy’s life in one strike . Yet here stood Kris who was able to survive ten slashes from him . The Executioner could no longer see Oliver and the others . Well not that it matters that much to him, it will only make the job a bit more tedious, but that was all . In the end all shall die by the Executioner’s blade .

"Damn it, if I’m going to die then I better go all in! I hope you’re ready Executioner!" Kris took out two Syringes and injected himself with it . One of the syringes had the nanomachines in it . Unlike Richter, Hektor, and the Executioner, Kris wasn’t a person that could handle the nanomahcines . To be able to fully utilize the nanomachines, a person must have a strong mind bordering insanity, and a body strong enough to withstand the infusion of the nanomachines into the bloodstream .

Kris wasn’t someone capable enough to use the nanomachines, that’s why he injected himself with a serum that enhances his body’s functions for five minutes . The drawback of using this serum, was after the five minute mark the person who uses it would feel extreme exhaustion, and the body would become paralyzed for about twenty seconds, which would give the enemy all the time to kill him ten times over .

Kris didn’t really care about the side effects since this might be his last time breathing . After he injected himself with the two, Kris felt his body heating up . The lost hand and toes could no longer be healed, but the pain was now gone .

The Executioner wasn’t really bothered by this final stand, and attacked . Kris tossed a gun upwards then he took out another pistol and started shooting . The Executioner was able to easily deflect the bullets, and was now close enough to slice the opponent’s head off .

Kris who was being boosted by the serum that was injected into him could now clearly see the Executioner’s movements . So with that boost he was now able to somehow predict and counter the Executioner’s moves, Kris then tried to kick the Executioner’s abdomen . The Executioner was able to react on time and blocked using the scythe’s shaft . Kris strength which was enhanced was able to make the Executioner stagger from that kick, with that delay Kris was able to jump upward and caught the gun he tossed seconds ago .

Kris then started raining bullets at the Executioner . The Executioner was unable to regain balance in time and got hit by some bullets, before he was able to evade by jumping backward and dodging sideways .

This was the first time he had gotten damaged while hunting traitors . Though the wound quickly healed because of the nanomachines, the shock he received was still there . The Executioner was expecting Kris’ abilities to rise because of the things he injected into himself, but the Executioner didn’t expect it to be to this degree .

The Executioner who was momentarily shocked in his mind, continued evading Kris’ shots . Once Kris ran out of bullets the Executioner charged inward and chopped downward . Kris was able to block the scythe using his handgun, but then he felt something pierced through his skin .

In retaliation Kris did a somersault kick hitting the Executioner’s mask . The mask the Executioner was wearing was blown away as he staggered a bit . Kris on the other hand, was also feeling a bit unstable .

The Executioner was actually able to throw a knife coated with poison while they were clashing . The knife stuck into Kris’ stomach . Kris got a hold of the knife and took it out, the pain assaulted him but only momentarily . The nanomachines inside of Kris wasn’t able to fix the wound while the poison was spreading .

So first the nanomachines made Kris puke out the poison . Kris started coughing out blood, and with it the poison . Once the poison was gone the nanomachines started closing the wound . While all of these was happening Kris was looking at the Executioner . Even though he was a bit dizzy he couldn’t let his guard down .

The Executioner who no longer had a mask on, stabilized himself and calmly looked at Kris . When Kris saw who was in front of him, he couldn’t hide his surprise .

"How could it be you!? Aren’t you already dead?"

The Executioner already knew that Kris was moving on borrowed time, and the other prey he was hunting down could never escape him . So the Executioner decided to indulge Kris with a conversation, since it looked like he knew him before his death .

"You are correct I already died once before . I no longer remain the me of before . I’m no longer a human, and have been reborn as a weapon, as the leader’s Executioner’s blade . "

When Kris heard what the Executioner said, he looked at him with a confused expression .

"Huh? Why are you talking like that? Are you really him . . . How are you still alive? . . . It can’t be, that old monster actually revived you? No, that’s not possible, you’ve been dead for quite some time . If he was able to resurrect dead people, he would have resurrected the first Patriarch of the Greyhound family . . . Also the way you look it doesn’t seem like you aged from the last time I saw you . Are you perhaps a clone? But that can’t be possible as well, even Richter couldn’t perfectly replicate Phil and Margie’s skill to create clones . If you’re a failed clone you shouldn’t be this strong . . . Tell me who are you really?"

Kris started to babble in front of the Executioner, forgetting he was using borrowed time . Well that just goes to show, that seeing the real face of the Executioner was that surprising . The Executioner himself doesn’t know the answer to Kris’ questions, and really didn’t care to answer any of those questions .

"Like I said I already died, and the me right now is no longer the me of the past . It would seem that you knew me, but I’m no longer the person in your memories . "

When Kris was about to say something more, he finally felt the backlash of using the strength enhancing serum . His body suddenly went numb, and then he felt the nanomachines inside of him going crazy . It was like thousands of ants were eating his innards .

The Executioner seeing that the backlash of using the strength enhancing serum, slowly approached Kris .

"I no longer remember who you are . . . Still at some point you and I seem to be well acquainted with each other . So as a mercy, before the wild nanomachines inside of you go and devour you from the inside out, I will kill you . "

The Executioner raised his scythe and sliced Kris’ head off . Once the brain was detached from the body, the nanomachines that lived inside Kris’ bloodstream stopped functioning . The Executioner then took a picture of Kris’ head . This was the proof of the kill that he needed to send to Richter .

After taking the picture, the Executioner walked towards the mask that was blow away . He picked it up and wore it . He then remembered what Kris said, ’Revival or a clone? Richter did say he revived me from near death . . . Was that the truth?’

When the Executioner thought of that, his head suddenly started to hurt real badly . ’Sh*t! I don’t have time for such idle thoughts I need to go and chase the traitors . ’ Once the Executioner’s thoughts veered away from his question the pain he felt disappeared .

Every time he started to think of who he was, this would happen, and the only way to stop the pain was to think of something else . The Executioner was already used to this, so he was able to quickly change his thoughts .

The Executioner no longer continued to think about whatever Kris said, and once again initiated his chase of the traitors .

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