
Chapter 105

The younger female teacher started to surround Alex’s group . They kept on asking who they were waiting for, what school are they from, and other such questions . Kei was in a sorry state, since he was being pushed aside by the female teachers .

Alex with his stoic face, and indifferent tone of voice as he answered each question, was for some reason a big hit with the female teachers .

"I’m waiting for my little sister . " When they heard the answer as to why Alex’s group was in front of the school gates, the younger female teachers started to become even more aggressive .

"Who’s your little sister? Maybe she is someone in my class?"

"Is your little sister having trouble in school? If you want I can go to your house to give her private lessons, I could teach you as well if you’re having any problems . I can teach you anything, even bits about the how the female body works . "

"I’m sure your little sister is proud to have such a kind older brother . "

"How kind of you to accompany your friend to get his little sister . "

"Oh my what big muscles you have . It’s like your arms are made of iron . "

"Your girlfriend is a really lucky girl . What you don’t have a girlfriend, how about you consider me . Of course I’m just kidding . "

"Actually now that I look at you, the way you are blushing looking all innocent makes you quite cute . "

The female teachers who had surrounded them were now, not only talking to them all at the same time, they even started to try and hold Alex’s hands which he easily evaded, some of them were touching and slowly caressing Oliver’s muscular arms . Even Kei was finally being noticed, as some of the female teachers felt that compared to Alex, and Oliver, Kei was quite cute with his innocence .

After a few more questions, Lilitth was finally heading outside . The moment she and Niki got outside, she immediately spotted her Onii-sama . Alex as well spotted her real quick .

"Onii-sama what a pleasant surprise . You didn’t need to come and get me, I have already memorize the routes going here, and I’m capable enough to get home by myself . "

When the female teachers saw Lilitth, and heard her call Alex onii-sama, most of them backed off . To them Lilitth was someone even the superintendent feared, and is capable of making the son of the Amamamis transfer schools . That would mean that she is from a much stronger lineage .

Yet some of the female teachers saw this as a chance . If Lilitth was calling Alex onii-sama that would mean he was the heir of the powerful family that could easily eliminate the Amamamis . If they could seduce him, then they would be set for life, as a bonus Alex was young, handsome, nicely shaped boy .

"Oh wow you’re little sister is so cute . A cute little sister for a handsome brother . " When Lilitth saw how close the female teacher was to her onii-sama, she suddenly had this weird feeling that she wasn’t sure what it was .

"Um, who are you auntie?" Lilitth looked at the young female teacher who wasn’t even pass twenty five and called her auntie . When the teacher heard what Lilitth said, she was stunned .

"I’m a teacher in this school . Sorry I need to go, I still have something left to do . " Hearing what Lilitth said about her, calling her an auntie with those innocent cute looking eyes, was too much of a blow for her .

The remaining female teachers snickered, since now they had one less rival to worry about . As if they were in a line another took a shot at Alex .

"Hey Lilitth, are you having any difficulties in school? If you have anything you want to talk about, you can always talk to me . " This teacher decided to attack Lilitth instead, since if she’s able to get close to the little sister, it would be easier to get close to Alex .

"No thank you . " It was a simple answer, yet it made the whole situation awkward . The teacher who offered the free consultation felt really awkward at the way Lilitth answered her . Such a direct rejection was new for her .

"Okay then . . . But if you just need someone to talk to you can find me anytime in the faculty room . " Feeling ashamed about what happened, the teacher quickly retreated .

The next teacher was up to bat .

"Hello, I’m sorry for the late introductions, I’m Sarah Resti an art teacher of this school . It’s a pleasure to meet you . " This teacher was trying to know Alex the normal way first, so she extended her hand for a handshake .

Alex seeing that the teacher wanted to shake hands, did so without hesitation . "I’m Alexander the brother of Lilitth, please do take care of her . "

It was a normal answer but for this teacher she felt like it was a success .

"Of course, I will . I do love all the students in this school . " The teacher was now trying to show of her seductive smile, but was interrupted by Alex .

"You must really be dedicated to your work . " Alex said, which surprised the others teachers present . Was Sarah actually ahead now?

The teacher called Sarah was ecstatic, since this was the first time Alex was the one to start a conversation .

"Why yes, I do love art, so it’s fun for me to teach it . The students are also quite lovable, and easy to teach, since they’re all such smart children . . . Um, How did you know?" Sarah answered, and asked a question at the same time .

"Know what?" Alex asked confused at the question .

Sarah thought Alex was being silly on purpose, which was a great contrast from his serious looking face . This made her look at him in a different light .

"How did you know I was dedicated to my work, silly . " Sarah giggled as she said this .

"Oh that . . . It was a simple deduction really . The moment we shook hands, I felt the calluses in your hand, so I knew that you must really be quite the hard worker . "

When Sarah heard Alex’s answer, she felt extremely embarrassed . She wanted to find a hole and hide in it forever .

"Oh is that so . . . Why thank you . . . Um I need to get back to work since . . . Um . . . Oh yes, I am the adviser of the art club . So I hope you visit me again Alexander, I can teach you a bit of sculpting if you’re interested . " After saying her piece Sarah fled the scene .

After this only a few teachers tried to somehow seduce Alex, but they all failed either by Lilitth’s innocence or because of Alex’s thickheadedness .

Niki who was watching the whole sequence of events, was simply staring at Alex . She then thought that Lilitth’s onii-sama was quite cool, but nowhere near as cool as he nii-nii .

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