生活中的玛丽 高清

Chapter 67

At the airport, Jiang Qi took his own luggage and he planned to go back with Jiang Lu together . Jiang Qi took his own things and speak to Ke Yan: "I will go first and I promise I’ll come back to you as early as possible . "

Ke Yan’s eyes stayed at Jiang Qi and said, “It’s okay . Just spend more time with your parents . I also need to take a trip back to my parent’s house . ”

"En, alright . " Jiang Qi nodded .

They followed behind other people walking towards the exit . Jiang Qi looked at the suitcase on Ke Yan’s hand . If he remembered correctly, inside his bag should only have him and Ke Yan’s clothes .

“Ke Yan . ” Jiang Qi called out to Ke Yan and then he split half of the local specialty he bought to Ke Yan . “How could you go back to your parent’s house empty-handed like this?”

Ke Yan raised one of his eyebrows, “I never bring before . ”

“Liar! Every time you went back from a trip, you always buy something back for me... . ” When he spoke up till here, he suddenly thinks of something, “Don’t tell me you only bring those things especially for me only . ”

“En . ”

Jiang Qi was stunned . Then he couldn’t help but wanted to laugh yet he stifled a giggle from coming out . Ke Yan looked at Jiang Qi’s idiotic smile and pinched his face, “Are you so happy?”

"En . " Jiang Qi nodded .

Looking at Jiang Qi nodded so seriously, Ke Yan almost could not stop his hand from going to pinch his face once again . Luckily Jiang Lu appeared in time or Jiang Qi would have to meet his parents with a red face .

After Jiang Qi bid his farewell to Ke Yan, he and Jiang Lu took a taxi together and went home .

Ke Yan looked at the local specialty products in his hand with a smile while shaking his head a few times . Going back with these local specialties, he estimates his mother would be scared to jump .

Thinking back of Jiang Qi’s serious expression just now, Ke Yan’s face rarely showed a moment of tenderness .

In the car, Jiang Lu looked at Jiang Qi, "Brother, what about your clothes?" Just now as they put the luggage in the trunk, Jiang Lu accidentally saw Jiang Qi’s luggage had only local specialty products and there were not even single clothes left .

Jiang Qi was stupefied by Jiang Lu’s question because all his clothes were carried by Ke Yan . When Jiang Lu stared at himself and waiting for his answer, Jiang Qi lied, “ I asked my colleague who lives next door to bring it back for me . ”

“Oh...” Jiang Lu was a bit disappointed . It seems like the ‘love affair’ is totally bogus .

Jiang Qi and Jiang Lu took a taxi back to the Jiang family residence . When the taxi stop at the entrance of their community, they bumped into Jiang mother who came back from outside . Jiang Qi took their things out from the car . Jiang mother saw they had bought so many things, couldn’t help but nagged them for being wasteful . However, she still had laughter on her mouth and couldn’t help but wants to take things from Jiang Qi’s hand as they go upstairs .

But, Jiang Qi feels that the things in his hands are still quite heavy and will not let Jiang mother pick up, "Mom, just let me carry it back okay . "

" Alright, then you are carrying . " Jiang mother no longer quarrel to help his son, because she knew Jiang Qi is still very insistent in some places .

As the three of them walking towards their residence’s building, Jiang mother said, “ We should ask the taxi driver just now to drive directly into our community . How are you both . Is it hot . ”

"It’s okay mom . Just take it as an exercise to lose some weight . "

Jiang Lu picked up a hat to wear .

“Nonsense, you already looking so thin . Why would you want to lose some more weight ah! To lose weight is yourself, your second brother doesn’t need to . He is already thin enough . If he gets much thinner, mom afraid his future wife would suspects he was too unreliable ah . ”

Jiang Qi was helpless with the way his mother suddenly turn the topic around towards finding a daughter in law . While he was feeling helpless, suddenly they saw a bunch of aunties who usually hang out with her mom was sitting under a big parasol holding a stack of photos . They seem to be choosing something while their mouth keeps on chanting, “ Ai, I think this girl is better . ”

When Jiang Qi heard those words, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable . But as soon as Jiang mother heard those words, she immediately rushed towards them . “ Hey, what good thing had you all been hiding from me . Come on, I also want to take a look . ”

A few big sisters were more happy to see Jiang mother coming, “Xiao Jiang ah, we already plan to look for you in a minute . Come, come take a look . These photos of girls and their conditions are much better than the previous one . ”

“Is it! My son just came to visit me today . ” As Jiang mother spoke, a few big aunts turned to stare at Jiang Qi .

Jiang Qi’s smile was stiff as he greets everyone .

“ Xiao Jiang ah, your son is really handsome . Now the girls, like this kind of gentle and polite temperament man . ”

“Is it true . I’m afraid those girls don’t like him because he doesn’t look tough enough like a real man . Moreover, he grows so thin . ”

Not as tough as a real man? This statement was too exaggerated ba . Jiang Qi looks at his own body . Obviously, he is also strong okay!

“Do not worry . Girls today especially like this type . ”

They started to chat but Jiang Lu could no longer stand the heat and interjected, “Mom, let’s go up and continue your conversation ba . It’s just right to taste those local specialties we had brought back . ”

With Jiang Lu reminders, Jiang mother suddenly came back from her enthusiasm and took a group of people into Jiang’s house .

And Jiang Qi’s intention to sneak away failed .

At this point, Ke Yan had also arrived at his parents’ home . The housekeeper opened up the door and was surprised to see Ke Yan came back with a lot of specialty products . After Ke Yan gave the specialty to the housekeeper, he went into the living room .

The housekeeper was petrified while he looks at the specialty products in his hand . He could not believe that their young master would specifically buy these products back .

Lan Ru Yin is sitting on the sofa and chatting with Ke Shao when she sees Ke Yan coming back . She is so happy to stand . "How was it? Did you enjoy your trip?"

"En . " The specialty products Ke Yan took back was placed on the table in the living room . Lan Ru Yin had a slight jump looking at it . "This . . . " should not be the local specialty products ba .

“Xiao Yan, how come this time you came back with local specialty products . Such a rare sight ah . ”

Ke Shao took the specialty product out of the bag and her face turned strange .

Lan Ru Yin also looked at her son . This scene is truly very rare ah .

Ke Yan sat on the sofa while looking at them . "These are what Jiang Qi gave you . "

Lan Ru Yin’s hand stop from reaching out for the product . Her eyes looked at Ke Yan in a complicated way, and she took her hand back .

Meanwhile, Ke Shao’s expression is indifferent .

“Son, do you really think Jiang Qi is good?”

Ke Yan chuckles and the whole person turned exceptionally gentle, “ He is very good . ”

Lan Ru Yin was stunned for a while . She has not seen Ke Yan’s laughter for a long time . . .

While in Jiang house, a group of people sitting on the sofa in the living room . Jiang first daughter in law arranged the juice and cut the fruits for them and put it on the table for everyone to taste .

Jiang Lu slipped back to the room . to sort out the luggage . Jiang Qi originally wanted to go back to the room as well, but he was stopped by Jiang mother and was forced to look at the photos with his mom .

“Look at this, this girl seems to be good . Don’t you think she looks beautiful . ” Jiang mother took a picture and showed it to Jiang Qi .

Jiang Qi’s heart felt heavily pressured and he just wanted to get away quickly from this conversation . “Actually I’m not in a hurry . I wanted to build up my career before...”

One of Jiang mother’s friends interrupted Jiang Qi’s words halfway . “Jiang Qi ah, where are you working right now?”

“At Ke Group . ” Jiang Qi simply replied .

“Oh, then it’s quite good . My son also works in Ke Group . He said he will be soon promoted as a group leader in his department . Although being a group leader is not a high position, but being promoted to this position in Ke Group can be considered as a great achievement . There’s a lot of outstanding talent in Ke Group and it’s not easy to be promoted if you’re not good enough . Oh yes, Jiang Qi . You should be a small staff member in Ke Group, right . So, what is your job inside?”

Jiang mother feels uncomfortable listening to her speech .

Jiang Qi was slightly awkward listening to her boasting, “Ah, I’m also just the head of a department... . ”

Jiang mother looks at the person who just spoke with a slight smile . Everyone knows how big is the difference between a group leader and a manager position .

After this small episode, everyone’s mood suddenly plummeted and they no longer interested in looking at the pictures . As for Jiang Qi... he is of course totally happy with this situation .

After the crowds dissipated, Jiang Qi finished his dinner with his family in a hurry . Jiang mother looked at his behavior and saw him sneaking away so fast, wondering to herself when she should set up a blind date for Jiang Qi .

When Jiang Qi came out from his house, he called out to Ke Yan . “Do you go back tonight? I am going home now... hmm, forget it . You better stayed and accompany the aunt . I’m not going home today . ” Originally Jiang Qi wants to go home and be with Ke Yan but after a while, he felt he cannot continue to act so selfishly . Ke Yan also wants to stay with his parents . That’s why he added the words behind .

Listening to Jiang Qi, Ke Yan estimated that he already went out from his family home and on the way back to their house . So he said, “Go back . I am coming home soon . ”

When Ke Yan picking up the phone, the whole Ke family just finished their dinner and they were resting at the living hall while eating fruits .

Ke father had an appointment with his friend to play golf today, so he is not at home with them . At first, Lan Ru Yin was surprised Ke Yan was willing to lie on the phone but soon after she realizes he was talking to Jiang Qi . So, there’s no surprise there .

While Ke Shao just looks at her brother with a sly look . After he finished talking on the phone, Ke Yan bid farewell to his family . “ I will go back first . See again next time . ”

“En . ” Lan Ru Yin did not stop, instead, she straighforwardly agreed .

After Ke Yan went back, Ke Shao looks at Lan Ru Yin curiously . Why did mother agreed so willingly ah?

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