农场主的女儿们 经典

Chapter 403 - If not I, who then Shall Enter Hell?

The voice chocked, “Second brother!”

A teen approached the carriage with caution, “Second brother, why are you here?”

Second Crown Prince removed the cover, “Little Qi Shijiu, you have the nerve to ask me? You caused this damn mess. If I didn’t come who would wipe your ass?”

Little was afraid, “Second brother, it’s all those heavenly soldiers’ fault. I didn’t play around!”

Second Crown Prince snapped, “Fine. Now that I’m here, I will help you clear this mess. I came in secret to help you, so don’t go shouting my status!”

“I understand, second brother. With your help, the matter is as good as done!”

“Forget about those mortals and weak cultivators. We need to remove this undead calamity. I will later have the people in the surrounding stars move here, to cover up your blunder.”

“Great, we’ll do as you say, second brother!”

Chen Ming’s voice echoed, “Won’t this be too cruel?”

Second Crown Prince snapped, “What do you know? These wraiths are craving for the yang energy in the flesh of mortals. We can’t afford to save them. Heavenly Court doesn’t have enough men!”

Little Qi Shijiu echoed him, “You know nothing, baldy. You just feign contemplating the world and shedding a tear for humanity when you’re just afraid of death!”

Chen Ming smiled, “Could you bring little monk to see?”

Second Crown Prince said, “Again and again you said you came to cleanse souls, so I shall take you!”

The three were escorted by a team of Heaven’s Generals above the city walls. Far ahead there was no light, only eerie whistling accompanied by anguish wails of mortals. The cries made that place a living hell.

Chen Ming gained a first-hand understanding of the reason behind feeding the Tree of Martyrs. If these souls were left alone, the world would fall.

Dark clouds roiled above, thick like the night and blocking all trace of sunlight.

Second Crown Prince said, “See for yourself, this is hell on earth. All we can do is eliminate this undead calamity with as little sacrifices as possible. My way is the best way.”

Little Qi Shijiu said, “I knew you, human suffering thinkers, will be left mute in front of such disaster.”

Chen Ming prayed, “If not I, who then shall enter hell? With this disaster upon us, allow this monk to walk outside and cleanse these anguished souls.”

Second Crown Prince was in shock, Is this monk joking?

“If your heart is not steady enough, you’ll just be feeding them!”

Chen Ming smiled. “Little monk is aware. At least it will save a few mortals of the pain befalling this monk. All creatures are innocent, so why must they suffer?”

Second Crown Prince felt veneration, Though mystics like to show off and brag when conning, monks tone it down. And the young monk here chose to go to his death.

Second Crown Prince waved, “Open the gates. Let Grandmaster through.”

His words changed and conveyed respect.

“Little monk has a request.”

Little Qi Shijiu was irked, “Second brother, I am certain this monk doesn’t have the nerve, he just wants others to save him.”

Second Crown Prince waved him off, “What might it be, Grandmaster?”

“Will you allow me to have a Soul Bead?”

Second Crown Prince was stunned, You mean to say this monk can back his words? Why else would he need a Soul Bead for?

In order to bear witness to his skill, second Crown Prince handed him a Soul Bead. Chen Ming hid it in his sleeve and prayed, “Thank you.”

The gates creaked open, with the Heaven’s Generals watching Chen Ming walking outside. A mass of wraiths shrieked at this. The monk was like a baby to them. His body wouldn’t last ten breaths before he was nothing left but bones.

“His heart is sincere towards Buddha.”

“Such a pity he’s now a meat bag.”

“Why must he ask for death?”

“Your Highnesses’ words moved him.”

On the city walls, second Crown Prince and little Qi Shijiu watched his steady gait. His white clothes ruffled by the wind.

Among the darkness engulfing this world, the white Chen Ming was its only beacon of hope.

A swarm of wraiths stormed towards him, to devour him whole.

They were upon him like a flood. Second Crown Prince couldn’t bear to watch. This young monk who devotes his life to Buddha is now wraith fodder. Will his bones remain?

As the black wraiths came at Chen Ming from every angle, his white figure was overshadowed. He seemed to have plunged into the dark abyss.

The Heaven’s Generals felt pity, He never spoke a lie, going out like he promised.

Little Qi Shijiu felt the error in his ways, I just got a heart monk killed for nothing.

When all hope for Chen Ming died in their hearts, they heard a shout, “Praise Buddha!”

Eyes were fixed on the sea of shadows, peering through them to find Chen Ming’s white figure wrapped in aura. It was as if he was a Buddhist deity walking the earth!

“The mortal coil brings with it much suffering. It is hard to maintain clarity and pass on. On the boundless Sea of Bitterness, if one would look back he would see the shore. Reincarnating for many times bringing with it all past worries. For one to live, peace is needed. It is said, the endless that give up being reborn are fortunate through their offspring...”

Each step he trod ignited into a white lotus flame.

He stood among the darkness, body enveloped in aura, the last light in this abyss.

He pressed on and spoke on a calm voice, one that traveled for lis on end.

Chen Ming’s recited Sin Searing Book. As his aura shined on the wraiths, they stood there like stones. His words never stopped and a wraith soon fell to his knees and held his hands in prayer before Chen Ming.

Wraiths slumped while the endless sea of shadows grew and grew around him. But the only ones left in the end were pious believers.

With the fall of the wraiths, none were left in the sky. It was now that he finished reciting the Sin Searing Book, “In my name as a priest, I forgive all your worldly sins!”

Second Crown Prince saw the sky-high aura in which Chen Ming was centered, “He’s a true Grandmaster!”

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