
Chapter 99 - Isolated

Chapter 99 - Isolated

Dean and April enjoyed the ambience after their meal, it started to get dark as night time approached and Dean removed his jacket and leaned forward as he draped it around April\'s shoulders in case she got cold.

The small gestures meant the most to April who was used to being treated otherwise. It was more comfortable to expect less from people because the more you expect from them the more you will only hurt yourself in the end.

"Shall we go home?" Dean realised how cold and late it was getting and although they were enjoying each other\'s company he didn\'t want April to get a cold and he had the keys to the gallery so they could come back again any time they wanted.

April turned to ask Dean in a small voice, "Home?"

Dean smiled, "Yes home."

"Oh okay," April replied and she stood from the table and pulled Dean\'s jacket around her shoulders, his warmth surrounding her.

Dean pulled her closer by her waist as they once again walked through the gardens, stopping to see the swans and turtles in the lake before walking over the glass bridge and through the gallery exhibit again.

Dean wanted to let her look around again before they left but her steps suddenly halted.

April had suddenly stopped and Dean looked down at her to check if she was okay before realising that she was staring off to the left. Dean glanced to the left and saw Martin standing staring at one of Kathleen\'s paintings.

April lightly stepped towards the exit of the gallery hoping not to make a sound pulling Dean as she walked, she didn\'t want to disturb her father. Once outside April turned to Dean who was closing the art gallery door behind him and asked, "Did you let my father know?"

Dean held her close as the wind had picked up and whistled through the trees, "Yes, I phoned him yesterday to let him know the details of the art gallery opening. He gifted me his favourite piece from his home office for the opening. But I didn\'t know he would be here today. I had asked Oliver to give him a key to the gallery so he could come and go as he pleased for the month."

"You very thoughtful, thank you." April held his hand and walked to the car together, "You really do think of everything."

Dean laughed and opened up the car door for her, holding her head to protect her from hitting it as she got in. Dean could not imagine losing her again in this lifetime and he could only sympathise with Martin as they both had felt the loss of the love of their life. But unlike Martin, he would never consider taking another wife after April no matter what the circumstances were

Dean walked around the car and got in the driver\'s side, he turned on the engine and Aprils next words had him speeding for home as quickly as possible.

"I\'m tired shall we go straight to bed?" April didn\'t think before she spoke and had no idea of the effect they had on Dean. She was really tired and innocently wanted to go to bed. But now Dean had other thoughts occupying his head.

Back at the art gallery, Martin was slowly walking around each painting. He had arrived a few hours ago and hadn\'t seen April and Dean in the gardens just outside of the gallery. From the moment he had entered the art gallery he was overwhelmed with melancholy and memories.

His young wife was beautiful inside and out and April reminded him of her every time he saw her. She had so much love to give, she always put her family first unlike Rachel who seemed to care for material items.

At the star,t Rachel had a lot of Kathleen\'s qualities but over time they had faded and it was too late by the time he had realised that everything was indeed a fa?ade. Kathleen and Rachel were good friends and he thought they were similar but it had become clear he was wrong and he made a huge mistake.

He didn\'t love Rachel how could he? His heart would only belong to Kathleen. He married Rachel and took Lucy in as a daughter only because she had convinced him he needed a wife to raise April properly. But now he wondered if he had raised April alone would she be happier?

April never seemed to mind Rachel so he had let it slide over the years and his relationship had slowly changed over time with April but now she seemed to be different and the difference had made him start to question everything.

It was like once she had awoken so had he. He realised he could live alone and have April and Dean by his side. He had to slowly take away all of Rachel\'s power. He had already started to fire any members of her family that worked for him and soon he would take away all the shares she had in his company.

Martin stopped at each painting a relived the memories he had of his wife Kathleen, he remembered her painting a few of these. Her art room, now his office always had an easel set up and a canvas ready. The room had excellent light and it would have canvases leaned against the walls.

As soon as he would come home from work he would check on April before going straight upstairs to see his wife. She would always be in her art room sitting on a chair in front of a painting, her fingers covered in paint. The paintings were all at different stages each time he would come home. It was her passion and he loved to see her so content.

He came to a stop at a painting he hadn\'t seen before and sat on the bench just behind him. He took in the soft brush strokes. The painting was of a little girl sitting alone in a meadow glancing up at the moon. A tear ran from Martin\'s eye as he felt the little girls sorrow. Was this his wife\'s feelings before she passed? Did she feel isolated and alone?

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