
Chapter 557

Chapter 557: Why Did You Have to Do That...

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Everything was ready, so Levis started reading in somewhat halting Mandarin: “The big river flows eastward, the stars in the sky follow the Big Dipper! Let’s go, Whatever you have, I have, everyone has!”

Hong Weiguo’s, Liu Yihui’s, and Mu Tie’s expressions were very strange. The first kowtow!

Levis continued, “Shout if you see something unfair happening, help when you should. Travel the nine states through winds and fire!”

The three men looked at each other and tried to hold back their laughter. The second kowtow!

Levis continued to read, “Heiya, yi, er ya, ai hei, ai hei, yi, er ya!” This sentence was certainly read brokenly and haltingly. Fortunately, he managed to get the rest out coherently. “Shout if you see something unfair happening, help when you should. Traverse the nine states through winds and fire!”

The three did their third kowtow.

When the ceremony was completed, the three men rolled on the floor clutching their stomachs. Liu Yihui laughed and said, “Hahahaha, your Dali is hilarious. What are these ridiculous verses he came up with?” Mu Tie gasped. “No, wait, let me finish laughing, hahahaha!”

Hong Weiguo said, “When I get home, I am going to kill him!”

The three men laughed for a full ten minutes before they managed to compose themselves.

Liu Yihui said to Hong Weiguo, “Big brother!” Hong Weiguo cried affectionately, “Second Brother!” Mu Tie said, “Big Brother!” Hong Weiguo replied, “Third Brother!”

“Hahahahaha! Great!” Hong Weiguo boomed. “The internet of the Heavenly State will be under our rule from now on!”


On the stock market that day, the more intuitive investors noticed something different.

Early in the morning, all the investors started to get ready. Once the stock markets opened at 9 AM, numerous people rushed to the stock exchange to sell their Qian Enterprise shares.

The Qian Energy Group had fallen. They had to quickly sell while there were still people willing to buy their stock. If they did not dump the stock quickly, it was likely that the prices would drop even further! When that happened, they would lose even their capital.

Today, something seemed different.

The share price of the Qian Energy Group had stabilized somewhat compared to the first two days. It did not hit the limit down price right at the beginning. Instead, someone was buying up the shares at a price that was 4% below the listed price.

It was a foregone conclusion that the Qian Energy Group had fallen. Everyone who had Qian Group shares was anxious to sell them. Since the price had not reached limit down so soon this time, they were all rushing to get rid of their shares.

Once there was an opening, Qian Energy’s shares were let go like the Yellow River flooding, unstoppable. At that time, even a god could not stop the voluminous outflow.

“Haha, we got a lot of shares today!” In Hong Weiguo’s temporary office at Li Jing Hotel, Liu Yihui looked at the numbers on the computer screen and laughed. “If this continues, the Qian Enterprise will be ours in two days!”

“Yes, all these loose shares actually add up to such a large quantity.” Mu Tie nodded. “We have to stabilize things from here onwards. Otherwise, if the value of the Qian Enterprise shares continues to drop, it will be hard to bring the prices up again even with asset restructuring.”

“Keke, we are in no hurry for that.” Hong Weiguo laughed and said, “We have to take it slow. After all, more haste, less speed.”

“That’s true.”


Everyone was on tenterhooks. Everyone in the entire Heavenly State was talking about the complete collapse of the Qian Group.

After meals, on the streets, and in alleys everywhere, people were talking about it. “I didn’t expect that the Qian Energy Group would fall so fast!””It’s not a rumor. I heard that this is the State preparing to regulate energy prices. Before, the Qian Energy Group was always raising energy prices. The price of oil has risen to five yuan per liter, it’s getting unaffordable!””It’s good news that they have fallen. If Young Master Dali can take over them, that’ll be the best!”


Shanghai Tianhai City, Door to Heaven.

“It’s unexpected. Qian Guangzhao was so cocky and sure of himself just a few days ago. Turns out, the entire Qian Family has completely fallen in just a few short days. Eh, nothing is permanent, better keep a low profile and live quietly.”

“True. It seems like keeping a low profile is the way to go!”

“Hong Dali is indeed powerful. Just a casual move from him and everything is turned upside down. When I think of the fact that I went against Hong Weiguo previously, I occasionally break out in cold sweat.”

“Luckily we switched sides in time, else we would be in hot soup too.”

“Yes. We impeached Hong Weiguo mainly because Hong Dali was sticking his fingers into all the pies. It’s really scary. Now, it seems like it would be better to just cooperate with the Hong Family. At least we’d get a share of the pie.”

“Right, right, right. Otherwise, we will be like the Qian Family, no pie for them at all.”


Lan Ruoxi sat in the conference room of the company’s Tianhai office by herself. Her eyes closed, relaxing. The curtains in the conference room were drawn and the room was very dark.

“The effects of being impeached by the Chamber of Commerce have finally passed.” So much had happened in this period of time. Although she was not physically present at all the proceedings, Lan Ruoxi still felt somewhat exhausted. After all, the Resource Chamber of Commerce had a lot of control over many things.

Just as she thought that, the door suddenly opened softly, and a ghostly figure appeared behind her!

“You’re here.” The person appeared without a sound, but Lan Ruoxi seemed to know that he was coming. She asked quietly without even opening her eyes, “Hattori Jiro?”

“You know me?” When he heard Lan Ruoxi’s question, Hattori Jiro’s iris contracted and he immediately stepped back. “How did you know I would be here?”

This was just too strange. How did this woman know that he would be here to assassinate her?

Lan Ruoxi said quietly, “It is obvious that your movements have been exposed.”

“So what?” Having heard that, Hattori Jiro said in a low voice, “There are only the two of us here. I know that you have taken self-defense classes, but do you think you are my match?”

Unexpectedly, just as Hattori Jiro finished speaking, an unhurried female voice said, “Your opponent is obviously not her, but me.”

A figure appeared slowly from a dark corner of the meeting room in the direction of the voice.

The person had a very clear, open face and looked like an Asian/European mixed-blood. She had long, black luscious locks that cascaded like a waterfall, a tall lithe figure with an attractive tiny waist and a generous bosom. An exotic beauty.

The Night Queen, Christina!

Since the Bureau Chief had arranged for Levis to guard Hong Weiguo, Christina, who was one of the Four Kings, obviously would not be idle. She was the best choice to guard Lan Ruoxi.

Hattori Jiro was indeed fast and vicious.

His target was Lan Ruoxi, so he made his move instantly, aiming straight for Lan Ruoxi’s throat. He had only moved halfway towards her when his hand stopped moving as though it had gone into thick mud.

Since his first attack had not worked, Hattori Jiro whipped out a small knife from behind him that he carried with him at all times, suddenly twisted, and went instead for Christina who was standing to one side.

That was because he knew that if he did not kill this strange woman first, not only would he fail to kill Lan Ruoxi today, he might not even be able to return unscathed.

This strange woman in front of him was obviously not an ordinary human being!

The air in the entire room instantly became as thick as glue. The movements of Hattori Jiro, which should have been lightning quick, slowed down to less than a quarter of his usual speed. It looked like a slow-motion scene from the movies.

This was the reason Christina was known as the Night Queen! That was, she was able to manipulate darkness! As long as there was a shadow, she would be able to control the other person’s actions.

“Who exactly are you?” When his move did not connect, Hattori Jiro jumped backward! He was already getting his escape route ready.

“My name is Christina.” Christina smiled. “Of course, my code name in the organization is the Night Queen. You must have heard of the Sand Eagles.”

“No wonder!” Hattori Jiro said in a low voice. “I wondered why such a skilled person would appear by Lan Ruoxi’s side!”

As he spoke, his body started to expand. The top of his bare arms started to show traces of bone armor. He had mutant powers and at that moment, he knew that if he did not use his full power, he would not be able to leave alive!

Just at that moment, three gunshots rang out. “Bang, bang, bang.” Hattori Jiro’s eyes dilated in disbelief!

“Ah, actually, I not only took classes in self-defense,” Lan Ruoxi replied innocently. “I also took shooting classes...”

Christina added salt to the wound. “Oh, by the way, the Blood Demon is on his way to deal with Tarō Gohon.”

“You...” Hattori Jiro slumped to the floor before he could finish his sentence!

“I suddenly feel sorry for him...” Lan Ruoxi shook her head and said regretfully, “Sigh, why did he have to do this...” As a non-professional shooter who had successfully taken a few days worth of classes, Lan Ruoxi still knew the importance of being sure—so as she spoke, she aimed straight at Hattori Jiro’s head and fired another two shots.

Hattori Jiro was definitely dead now...

As Christina watched, she shivered, and not because it was cold. The people of the Hong Family were indeed exceptional. They even killed with such righteous conviction...

“All right, we are safe now.” As Lan Ruoxi spoke, she looked at Hattori Jiro’s body and randomly fired another two shots at it. “To be honest, Miss Christina, I thank you for your help. If it were just me by myself, I would have been dead by now.”

Christina’s hair stood on end—he was already dead, and she was still shooting at the corpse!

“Hehe, hehe, it’s nothing. I should help, I should help...” As one of the Four Kings of the assassin world, she had met her fair share of vicious people. However, it was the first time she had seen one who could mutilate a corpse while maintaining an air of innocence. It made even her slightly afraid. “It’s just a small thing, there is no need to stand on ceremony with me. Hehe, hehe...”

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