
Chapter 93: Walking into the Lions den

93 Walking into the Lion\'s den

"Why would you assume something like that? I thought we were friends", Akira asked almost tearing up. She couldn\'t bear his accusatory tone.

"Even I thought the same", Raymond said and walked towards the kitchen all disappointed. He was beyond hurt because of her words. Disappointed because he felt that her behavior was just an outcome of gratitude and nothing more. In his head somehow he had thought that she too had a soft corner for him and that he could possibly win her over someday. But her statements complete;y whitewashed all his dreams and doused his heart. He couldn\'t accept the fact that she didn\'t even consider him a good enough friend to share her stuff with him. He was irritated for over assuming and hoping against hope about the whole scenario in between them.

He knew that right now they meant nothing to each other, but still, he wanted an account of everything related to her, every sneeze to every breath, like in sickness and health. But that was probably just him being way too possessive.

Akira followed him and entered the kitchen. He was checking the grill settings and was standing far off in a corner with his back facing towards her. Somehow she was not able to bear his indifference. For a moment she felt like she had lost him forever when he had questioned her. She could not bear the thought of hurting him by saying something randomly stupid.

She wanted to hug him tight and make him understand what he meant to her. But unfortunately, she couldn\'t. So she decided to speak up instead as she just couldn\'t keep calm seeing him this way.

"Raymond I have always respected you and I have given you a very high position in my life. That\'s not just because you are my boss but because of the person that you are. If I would have been saved by anyone else, like some other random person, then also I would have felt the same way about you as I do now. My perception for you is not based on just that incident. I think very highly of you Raymond and it\'s not because of any gratitude. Yes I owe you for saving my life, but that has nothing to do with the way I act around you or I feel about you", Akira said and paused for a moment, expecting him to turn back.

But alas he didn\'t.

"You probably think that the whole base of our relationship is gratitude, but you are wrong. You probably think that I don\'t share anything with you and still have the audacity to call you as my friend right? Then listen, I was about to tell you that day. I swear I would have told you everything. About that incident, about being invited by Katherine to the party, all of it Raymond. Trust me. But as David came in, I just couldn\'t."

Raymond didn\'t say a word further but he turned back and looked at her. Her eyes were moist and were dripping with sincerity. He knew that she was telling the truth. Actually, he knew it earlier too that she was telling the truth, but somehow his heart demanded an explanation and this was his way of getting one.

Her voice quivered seeing him turn back, but she continued and said,

"I sometimes don\'t know how to frame words properly. Please don\'t misunderstand what I said and ruin this Raymond. I am sorry".

His heart was in splits seeing her like this. He could bear a line of pain on her face and here she was struggling and apologizing because of him. That made him feel even worse. He wanted to hug her so bad at that instant that all the heaven could solemnly vouch for it. He inched closer and lifted her chin with his hand and asked her,

"Do you really think of me as a friend?"

"Yes !!! A Thousand times yes Raymond," Akira said.

"Then why would you starve your friend to death?", Raymond asked with a straight face.

"Huh?", Akira couldn\'t understand and kept batting her eyes.

He turned her towards the stove where the vegetables were still boiling in water for the last half an hour.

"Oh no", she said and ran towards the stove.

All her vegetables were reduced to mulch.

"Looks like our chicken caesar salad will have only chicken in it", he said and smirked.

Finally, she was relieved to see him smile.

"Well lucky for you, you have braised beans and chicken too. Tell thanks to Katherine for bringing in food and saving you out", Akira said and wiped the hint of tear that had formed on her face.

Raymond smiled and placed the casserole on the table top.

"Why don\'t you smile often like this. It will be easier for people to come close to you", Akira said.

"I don\'t think so", Raymond said.

"Why so?", Akira asked.

"Because I think I smile quite a lot with you, but it hasn\'t brought you any closer. Has it?", Raymond asked and waited to fish for her answer.

"That\'s not true", Akira said after thinking for a while.

"Then prove it", Raymond said.

"Well we were just acquaintances earlier, then we became a bit closer and now we are good friends. That\'s because of you. If you would have shut me out with a perennial grim look on your face all the time, then probably we wouldn\'t be having this conversation right now", Akira said and threw the veggies into the dustbin.

"I see", Raymond remarked.

Encouraged with his remark she went on,

"It\'s a \'give and take\' relationship. It depends on both sides to be good friends. I mean if only I try to be your friend then it won\'t work. We parties need to make an attempt for a proper friendship to blossom. Like in our case. You respect me so I respect you back. You are nice to me so I try to be nicer. When you smile at me, I also smile in return. That\'s how it works. That\'s how we have become close".

"So ours is a give and take relationship?"

"Absolutely", Akira said.

"So if I give you something, then you will give it back to me in return?", Raymond asked with a devilish grin on his face.

"Of course !!! And I will try to give back magnanimously", Akira said, beaming up all confidently.

"Are you sure?", Raymond asked again.

"Try me!!!", she said.

Little did she know what was she bringing upon her.

The poor lamb had walked into the lion\'s den.

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