
Chapter 136 - V8 Chapter 11. Liam Vs. Izel

Chapter 136 – V8 Chapter 11. Liam Vs. Izel


The formation of the Kingdom of Dominion’s army was collapsing under Avid’s assault.

However, in the grand schemes of things, it meant very little. There was virtually no way for a troop of 30,000 to charge into an army of 600,000 and emerge victorious.

The Kingdom of Dominion’s target was the Imperial Army which numbered at 100,000—and of course, Klaus, who was waiting behind them on planet Augur.

Indeed, Klaus was the Kingdom of Dominion’s ultimate target.

It was neither Calvin nor Liam, but Klaus.

As for why, it had to do with Klaus being a very capable knight.

Defeating him would guarantee fame and glory.

It would be like a local celebrity becoming a national sensation.

Not only that, if Klaus were to be defeated it would be a massive loss for the Imperial Army in terms of human resource, or so the Kingdom of Dominion thought.

A knight like Klaus who could lead a fleet consisting of millions to victory was extremely valuable, and someone like him could not be easily replaced.

Hence, the Kingdom of Dominion was shocked to learn that the Banfield Family’s fleet was moving under the command of Klaus.

Izel, who was inside the ship’s bridge, was astonished by Klaus’ assault.

“With only 30,000 ships, he’s challenging our fleet which numbers at 600,000? I was under the impression that he’d be the strategic type, but it seems he’s more of a fierce warlord.”

His eyes were sparkling, showing how highly he thought of Klaus the knight.

The Kingdom of Dominion had just declared that they would be breaking through their line of defense, and yet Klaus had stepped forth himself to confront them.

More than anything else—

“To use his master as a pawn if it means victory—I like it! A knight, no, a general like him is wasted on the Empire!”

—Izel couldn’t help but desire Klaus.

He didn’t like how Klaus was being treated as a knight and a vassal under Liam when he had defeated the United Kingdoms.

The strong should be given a position proportional to their strength.

That was Izel’s philosophy.

It was then that one of his subordinates made a report.

“Speaking of his lord, Count Banfield is on his mobile knight and causing great damage to our army.”

“He falls short of Klaus-dono, but he’s a wonderful knight as well. He’s a worthy opponent for our army! The name of the Banfield Family will be engraved in my heart.”

A powerful knight—that was the extent of his evaluation towards Liam.

However, unexpected news began to arrive in rapid succession.

“Your Highness Izel! Lord Hajiteme, one of the Twelve Heavens under your command, has fallen in battle!”


The Twelve Heavens were knights that Izel had collected, and they were fierce warriors that had fought with him on the battlefield.

They represented the cornerstones of his army and were first-class knights that had slaughtered countless enemies.

As they were bestowed the newest model of mobile knights crafted by the Kingdom of Dominion, they weren’t ones to be easily killed.

Izel raised the corners of his mouth.

“Who killed him?”

“Liam Sera Banfield!”

The people around Izel looked at one another—and grinned.

“He’s strong.”

“Keeping him as a Count is almost wasteful.”

“If I were a few years younger, I would have gotten rid of him myself.”

Everyone was excited at the appearance of a powerful foe.

Izel spread his arms and said, “We have ourselves a strong enemy! Let me deal with him personally!”

Contrary to expectations, none of the crew on board tried to stop their commander, who declared that he’d head out. Instead, they cheered him on.

“His Highness Izel is heading out!”

“The strongest warrior of our kingdom is joining the battle!”

“Notify the entire army!”

The Kingdom of Dominion was raring to go.

The ship’s monitors were featuring Avid as it defeated the Kingdom of Dominion’s mobile knights one after another.

I’ve noticed something while running around the battlefield riding Avid.

“The Kingdom of Dominion, what a peculiar bunch they are.”

They’re treated like the Shimazu clan, or better yet the samurais of the Kamakura period, and I can see why.

Avid grabs an enemy mobile knight with its left hand, crushes it, and proceeds to throw it away.

As it does so, more enemies flock towards us.

Avid cuts them down with its blade, but even more of them are flocking to us.

Despite being shown the overwhelming difference in performance, the mobile knights of the Kingdom of Dominion are still charging at us.

Avid kicks the head of a mobile knight that’s approaching and shoots through its cockpit.

A number of magic circles materialize behind Avid, and muzzles aimed at our enemies make their appearance.

Enemies are being destroyed left and right around Avid, yet the enemies just keep coming.

Pirates would’ve run away by now.

“Is it because they’re aware that they have the numerical advantage? Still, aren’t they afraid?”

With its laser blade, Avid slices apart an approaching mobile knight, and we leave the scene of the battle.

After shaking off the enemies that try to chase after Avid who has a large body, I call forth our hidden card.

“I can’t be bothered with you cannon fodders any longer. Avid—Connect.”


A huge magic circle appears behind Avid as its eyes glow brighter than before.

A giant battleship, which is in fact Avid’s main body, emerges from the magic circle.

Avid merges with the giant battleship and intercepts the enemies that are flocking over with the weapons installed on the ship.

The giant battleship then begins to change its appearance, and takes on a humanoid form.

This is the hidden card that I used to destroy the Berkeley Family.

“Blow them all away.”

Attacks pour forth from every part of the battleship, which has now assumed a humanoid form, destroying enemy knights and battleships in its vicinity.

With its massive arm, it’s swinging down its blade on enemy ships that try to get near us.

The Kingdom of Dominion is concentrating its attacks on Avid, but Avid’s made of rare metals like adamantine and orichalcum. They often appear in games, and armor made out of these metals aren’t easy to penetrate.

The armor around its chest opens up, revealing a vast amount of energy that has been accumulating there.


With that signal, Avid fires off the gun in its chest and sweeps it across the battlefield.

Even the most distant enemies are swept away by the beam that’s unleashed.

An overwhelming difference in performance.

That is what it means to be strong.

“You guys were never a match for me to begin with!”

While laughing hysterically inside the cockpit, I notice a mobile knight that’s weaving past all the attacks coming from Avid’s body.

It’s avoiding attacks from optical weapons, such as beams and lasers, and dodging missiles thrown its way.

It’s movements are rather ridiculous, leaving only a trail of light in its wake.

The path of light becomes exceedingly complicated, and just as I’m wondering whether it’ll get tangled up, I realize that the enemy is right before us.

The person inside the mobile knight, that’s rapidly approaching Avid, announces his name through an open transmission.

‘I’m Crown Prince Izel of the Gudwar Kingdom of Dominion! I request a one-on-one against Count Liam Sera Banfield!’

With Izel declaring his name and requesting to duel, a lot of people might think a great opportunity has rolled in for me, but it really hasn’t.

This is too unnatural of a situation.

Why did the Crown Prince decide to appear before me?

I was originally thinking of rushing to the place where the enemy commander might be and winning the war by defeating him, and yet the Crown Prince is here?

He’s the enemy commander, you know?

Not only that, said enemy commander has requested a duel.

It almost sounds like a joke.

“A one-on-one? Against me? Don’t get cocky.”

The enemy is being so stupid here than it’s actually frightening.

Can’t he tell the difference in our strength?

Is he only a Crown Prince in name?

Or maybe he’s just a look alike?

I never thought I’d encounter an enemy where common sense doesn’t apply at all.

‘You want me to first prove myself? I don’t see why not.’

Izel’s mobile knight is carrying a lance with a sharp, conical tip.

He swings it sideways and makes a pose.

‘If it’s against you, I can display my full power! This is my—’

“Oh, shut up.”

Explosions occur as Avid fires beams and missiles at Izel.

What kind of a naive fool does one have to be to declare his name on the battlefield?

From the looks of it, the Kingdom of Dominion is no good as well.

While I’m harboring such thoughts, Izel’s mobile knight appears from within the explosion.

But there’s something off about its size.

It seems bigger than before.

‘How petty you are to interrupt somone while he’s speaking.’


There are some changes to the appearance of Izel’s mobile knight.

It previously took on a humanoid form, but there are six extra arms sticking out from its back now.

In addition to the increased size, Izel’s mobile knight now has a grand total of eight arms, and his spear is pointed towards Avid.

Other than his spear, each one of his eight arms are carrying different weapons.

‘The ruler of the Kingdom of Dominion is the strongest, and the title of Crown Prince is borne by the warrior who can take up that mantle.’

I was wondering what he had to say.

Turns out he’s just saying he’s the strongest.

“Isn’t that just inside your kingdom? The title of the strongest belongs to the School of One Flash—to Master Yasushi, my teacher.”

‘I’ve heard rumors about One-Flash. If you have that much to say about your school—prove it!’

The mobile knight that Izel is on begins moving more quickly than ever before.

So quick in fact, that Avid, with its huge body, cannot catch up to it.

Avid pours down attacks as if to swat away an annoying fly, but none of them are hitting Izel and his mobile knight.

“You little...!”

‘Fuhahaha! As expected of my favorite mobile knight! It’s the strongest!’

Powerful attacks are thrown our way from each of Izel’s eight weapons.

The spear that he throws has increased penetration due to the spin that it carries, and it pierces through Avid’s armor.

“No way!”

Avid’s armor is made of rare metals.

It’s hard to believe that it could be breached.

Another weapon that’s shaped like a ring multiplies itself midair after being thrown and slashes against Avid’s armor.

Batteries, missile launch pads, and lenses for optical weapons installed in various parts of Avid’s body are destroyed by the attacks, then an alarm goes off inside the cockpit.

‘All the weapons equipped on my mobile knight are from the ancient era, not to mention the mobile knight itself was built using advanced ancient technology.’

In other words, the mobile knight that Izel is on is a crytallization of ancient technology that can no longer be manufactured.

The Guide was thrilled.

“A product of ancient technology that can’t be replicated in modern times—splendid! Its performance is definitely above Avid’s!”

Avid was one heck of a humanoid weapon, but Izel’s mobile knight was even beyond that.

It possessed a performance higher than that of Avid.

Gudwar was also watching the battle next to the Guide, and his octopi legs were swelling up in anticipation.

“I prepared that mobile knight just for Izel. He’s my best masterpiece yet.”

The best masterpiece.

To forge Izel, countless battles had been waged.

For Izel, tens of thousands, hundred of thousands, nay, hundreds of millions were sacrificed.

An environment where he could be forged.

An environment where he could grow.

Battlefields and rivals.

Many a life had to be forfeited.

Nevertheless, Izel managed to survive on the deadly battlefields arranged for him by Gudwar, he was the real deal.

Other warriors behind him perished on the dangerous battlefields that had been prepared for them.

Gudwar was excited.

“I’ll make Izel my first chess piece once this battle is over. He’ll be the first to become one.”

A warrior that Gudwar raised and favored.

Izel was the product of that very ideal.

It was no wonder when he was so strong.

The Guide smiled, a crescent moon hanging on his mouth.

He didn’t stop there and laughed while applauding.

Watching Avid being dismantled was an irresistible sight for him.

“EXCELLENTOOO! Finally, Liam’s end is near!”

Gudwar praised Liam as well.

“He’s a decent warrior too. A warrior who contributed in completing Izel.”

Liam was being evaluated as a bonus stage for Izel, almost as if his life existed for that very purpose—and that was truly how Gudwar saw him.

The Guide couldn’t stop laughing.

“How’s that, Liam! Your opponent’s a strong one, and he possesses ancient weapons to boot! Even you and Avid cannot come out on top against him!”

Avid was falling apart on the battlefield as the Guide and Gudwar were overseeing it all.

The Banfield Family’s fleet was in a state of emergency.

‘Avid’s damage has exceeded 30%!’

‘It’s a red alert!’

‘We can’t seem to damage the enemy knight!’

Klaus also faltered seeing Liam and Avid, a duo that had never lost before, struggle against their opponent.

However, as his deputy, it would be problematic for him to lose his cool.

“Calm down! Immediately have Lord Liam recalled from the battlefield. I’ll disguise as him and buy time for him to retreat.

Klaus wanted to immediately have Liam retreat from the battlefield.

He wasn’t saying this out of loyaly.

If Liam were to die here, problems will sprout up without end.

There was the matter of the Banfield Family not having a descendent, and besides that, the faction war between Cleo and Calvin was still ongoing.

If Liam perished here, chaos would ensue inside the Empire.

Not that it would be any less chaotic with him alive, of course.

(As long as Lord Liam is alive, the Banfield Family will not fall.)

The Banfield Family’s fleet still remained standing, and there were other knights besides himself who were even better than him. So, there wouldn’t be any problems in terms of human resources either.

As extreme as it may sound, everyone else besides Liam was replaceable.

There was no replacement for Liam.

“Have Lord Liam come back. Have him escape immediately—”

That was when Liam’s voice was picked up by the ship.

He had sent an open transmission to Izel.

‘—Look what you’ve done, you punk. Don’t get too conceited, I’ll deal with you for real now.”

“Eh?! Lord Liam! You mustn’t! Please make your escape immediately!”

Klaus panicked after hearing that Liam still planned on continuing the fight.

Without knowing what Klaus had to say about this, Liam continued to address Izel.

“I was originally thinking of capturing you and handing you over to the Empire—but now I’ll have you die here.”

His declaration only served to motivate Izel even more.

‘What delightful news, Banfield! You’re the first one to show such an attitude after seeing what I can do when I’m serious!’

Round two of Liam versus Izel was about to begin.


Wakagi-chan (゜д゜): “If we look at the bigger picture, I think losing Klaus would be more devastating.”

Brian (´;ω;`): “Lord Liam, and my ulcer pain comrade, are backed into a corner. It’s painful.”

Wakagi-chan (゜∀゜): “Even if they’re in hot waters, Idol Naegi-chan will do her share of advertising! Volume 6 of ‘The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs’ is now on sale! If you want a digital copy of the limited edition, I recommend trying out BOOK☆WALKER. They’re selling Volumes 1 through 5 as well, so you can take this chance to purchase them.”

Brian (´;ω;`): (Lord Liam is in a pinch, and yet this plant is still doing advertisements here. It’s painful.)

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