
Chapter 106 Trail Part 2

Chapter 106 Trail Part 2

He didn’t find any trace of Crocodile in the Pirate United Army, but he found a few interesting people. For example… Mr.5, as well as several other unnamed supporting roles who are working in the Baroque Works.

This group of people is negotiating with the Old Boss of the Pirate United Army about compensation, and they seem to feel that the other party had not paid enough.

Obviously, after discovering the Marine operation, the Pirate United Army did not put all of their hopes in King’s surrender.

They secretly contacted the Baroque Works and they wanted to use the power of the Baroque Work Agency to resist the Marines. The Boss of the Pirate United Army has agreed to give them 100 Million Belly as soon as they have the King under their control.

Rowen estimated that the Baroque work agency hadn’t received such a large order for a long time, so they sent out Mr.5 and others.

The issue of remuneration is a trivial matter but it is crucial to re-establish the reputation of the Baroque Work Agency!

Although the World Government did not acknowledge the Huadu West Island (Flower Capital) incident, everyone in the Underground World knew that the Baroque Work Agency had suffered a big loss and were almost crippled by the Marines!

And their main business range is the arms trade, and the mere 100 Million Belly would not make them feel so concerned.

However, the Booger Man nicknamed Mr.5 felt that the price of 100 Million Belly was not enough to warrant his appearance so he bargained with the Boss of the Pirate United Army and asked for 300 Million Belly.

“Crocodile and Jino must already be on the Island but they must be hiding, what if they don’t show up?”

He wouldn’t be afraid of them if they were to show up in front of him at this moment but who would like to guard themselves against someone for all the time.

“I don’t believe that you would be able to sit still after I have killed off all your men!”

Rowen’s eyes flashed with killing intent and he reached out to Den Den Mushi and called out.

Puru Puru Puru…

At Deep Sea Tuna Station, Dante blankly looked at Count David, putting pressure on the other party.

Just now, Count David had asked the Marine troops to be stationed near the palace to show off their good intentions and to also protect the King at the same time.

But in reality, the Marines are being diverted away from the Frontal Battlefield so that the Pirate United Army could attack Pucci.

The orders Dante received were to cooperate with the Kingdom Army to eliminate the pirates, and David’s proposal happened to be stuck in the middle of this order.

If he did so, he would be cooperating with the Kingdom Army, but the mission to purge the pirates was out of the question.

And as smart as Dante was, he immediately noticed that something was wrong at a glance and was about to call Rowen to inform him, but his Den Den Mushi rang first. Seeing this, Dante breathed out a sigh of relief and sneered.

“Round them up and kill them if they resist!”

“Yes, Sir!”

After that, Dante walked aside and connected the Den Den Mushi.

“You Asshole! What do you want to do?!”

“Do you know who I am? How dare you do this?!”

“Cut the crap and move over there!”

A big soldier pushed the two back into the crowd while David and Minai were anxious. Are these Marines crazy?

They are the Allied Kingdom Members!

David’s two bodyguards cursed and wanted to push the Marine Soldier away, and the Ensign(Ranked) Marine Soldier raised his eyebrows and raised his hand.

“Ready… Fire!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two bodyguards fell in a pool of their own blood, completely crushing the only remaining fluke of hope in the hearts of the group of David’s soldiers.

The Soldiers dropped their weapons and surrendered themselves to the Marines without showing any resistance.

At Dante’s gesture, the Ensign(Ranked) Marine Soldier walked up to David and Minai and said, “We now suspect you of colluding with the Pirate Army and betraying King Lapnis, the specifics will be dealt with when Rear Admiral comes here.”

After that, the Ensign(Ranked) Marine Soldier grinned and patted David on the shoulder as he said: “Don’t worry, the Marines will never do any wrong to a good person! But…”

“We will never let go of a bad guy!”

A mouthful of smoke ring spit in the face and David was about to piss himself. He had never seen such a ridiculous Marine!!

In fact, this is also the philosophy that Rowen has been imperceptibly(Without doing it consciously) instilling in the soldiers.

No matter what he does, he, the Senior Officials, is responsible for the soldiers under his command, but he can’t be afraid of things in case of trouble.

This is Rowen’s only request. If the Marines, as the minion of the World Government, has to be timid in every case, then what even is the significance of this force?

Others may have restrained due to the privileges of them being the Allied Kingdom Member because any Allied Kingdom Nation can go to the World Government to file a complaint against them and cause a commotion.

But Rowen is not afraid of that, his credit has broken through the sky, and the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) would have to think twice before disposing of him. And he will get a bigger credit and he will also get stronger in the future.

As in the present situation, he will have to deal with a rebellious Shichibukai Crocodile and “Assassination King” Jino.

As a traverser, he has the advantage of being familiar with the plot of this World, whether he is a Pirate or a Marine, he can easily make a difference.

As long as he has the strength to follow his actions, any dangers can be dealt with…

Rowen casually asked when the connection on this side was stabilized, “What happened? Why is it so noisy over there?”

“It nothing, we encountered a little problem that needs to be dealt with.”

Dante replied indifferently, and then asked: “How about you over there? Did you spot the enemy?”

“Not yet, but I am going to force them out…”

“How would you force them out?”

“Didn’t you say there would be an Evening Thunder Shower at Pucci in the evening?”

Dante’s fingers on the hilt of the sword slightly stiffened as he remembered the experience of being on the Ship one day and he spoke after taking a deep breath: “You Crazy man!!!”


(PS-Patreon For This Translation is Up. You guys can read 10 Chapters Ahead there)

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