
Chapter 268: Game of Divine Thrones 3

Chapter 268: Game of Divine Thrones 3

“It is you who will die, Heavenly Magic Cultist Mujin” Woohyuk stated.

Ajin was a pseudonym used to deceive Woohyuk’s party.

When Woohyuk said his real name, Mujin laughed out loud.

“That’s interesting. Who are you? Outwardly, you look similar to the Lioness Kingdom’s people, but you’re armed like a western knight,” Mujin mentioned.

“My name is Chun Woohyuk, the great commander of the Eeth Continent.”

Woohyuk didn’t hide his identity or achievements.

Mujin listened intently to Woohyuk’s brief explanation of his past. Mujin seemed fairly interested.

“I don’t know if what you’re saying is true, but it seems you’ve been doing quite a lot. You might be worth dealing with,” he responded.

“As I said before, you can’t beat me. You may be the strongest martial artist to have ever lived, but that’s still not enough,” Woohyuk replied.

Woohyuk got into his battle stance.

The smile disappeared from Mujin’s mouth. He quickly retorted back, “Ha… kids these days. You’re completely ignoring your elder, you rebellious scoundrel. Fine. Let me teach you a few things about life.”

Mujin took a step forward.


A heavy, oppressive aura poured out of Mujin. The people behind Woohyuk fell to their knees with painful expressions on their faces. The pressure was too much for them to handle.


“What the hell…”

“This force…”

The Heavenly Magic Steps.

A Heavenly Magic member, who reached a high level, was essentially a warrior who overpowered one’s enemies just by walking and expanding one’s oppressive aura.

However, Woohyuk spoke calmly towards Mujin as if the aura was nothing, “Stop bragging and showing off. Go ahead and attack. Wasting time like this is annoying.”

“… Who the hell are you? I can’t believe what I’m seeing.”

“That sounds about right. Until now, you’ve only fought with people who are weaker than you in the martial world.”

No matter how high a level a Heavenly Magic member reached, he had no chance of contending against Woohyuk.

Woohyuk activated Liandry’s Ring and used Black Constellation.

Then, a pitch-black mana aura started emanating from Woohyuk’s whole body.

“So, you’re using demon power. I thought those black wings looked a little suspicious.”

“Yes, this is the power of the demon. It is the abyss that even the Creator fears.”

Woohyuk summoned Fenrir to attack Mujin. It was in order to induce Mujin to react and to reveal a gap.

However, Mujin was called a Heavenly Magic member for nothing.

“Is this your pet dog? It’s quite strong, but its bite doesn’t match its size!”

Mujin created numerous alter-images and confused Fenrir.

At the same time, he narrowed the distance with Woohyuk. Mujin stretched out his weaponless arm.

Heavenly Wind Aura Attack.

It was one of the Heavenly Magic members’ favorite techniques.


Along with a large bang, Woohyuk’s fist pushed against Mujin’s outstretched palm.

Mujin vomited blood and was pushed back.


From Mujin’s point of view, something unbelievable just happened.

When Mujin stepped back to gather his ragged breath, Woohyuk spoke out, “As I said, you can’t beat me.”

“T-T-This guy…”

Mujin’s eyes were bloodshot as he exuded an intense madness aura from his being.

After briefly overcoming his initial shock, he raised his index finger and began to throw dozens of aura attacks.

Kwang! Kwang! Kwang!

However, all of his attacks couldn’t break through the basic magic defensive barrier that swirled around Woohyuk like a personal tornado.

As soon as the surroundings fell quiet, Leifina, who was watching from behind, looked at Woohyuk with admiration.

‘My Lord has grown tremendously.’

Suddenly, she remembered peering into Woohyuk’s memory when he fainted after defeating ancient devil Harpes.

He had been running himself ragged for this world and for others.

She felt that she needed to be more than just a lump of luggage in his corner.

‘If you are in danger, I will definitely protect you, Lord.’

From the beginning, Leifina wholeheartedly accepted that she’d share her fate with Woohyuk.

Using her hidden class ability, Iron Maiden, she could teleport to his side at any time.

It was unlikely that Woohyuk would lose to Mujin, but Leifina prepared her mind in advance anyway.

Meanwhile, Mujin prepared for a final blow. All of his previous attacks had been blocked.

‘I must bet everything on this one strike.’

Heavenly Magic Fist!

Among his martial art techniques, the destructive power of Heavenly Magic Fist was the strongest.

Mujin opened his eyes and stretched his fist toward Woohyuk, who was standing still.


With a roar, their fists collided.

‘Was I able to push him off?’

Mujin didn’t feel like he was pushed back.

When he was full of anticipation, a tremendous pain suddenly spread from his fingertips to his entire body.


An ultrasonic boom belatedly rang out.

Mujin was astonished as he tumbled along the floor.

The damage of the Heavenly Magic Fist returned to him completely intact.

“Mirroring… definitely a usable ability,” Woohyuk muttered as he saw Mujin collapse with all of his internal organs bursting.

It was the ability he gained after killing Cadiz, the Death Alchemist.

Mirroring was able to return the magic and physical damage cast towards him to the opponent, completely intact.

Of course, it needed to be a force that he could handle anyway. If the force was greater than what he could handle, Mirroring would fail.

“Lord, are you okay?” Leifina shouted as she rushed over to check on Woohyuk.

Woohyuk nodded his head and looked down at Mujin, who was barely holding onto his breath.

“You must have entered this ruin with other Heavenly Magic Cult members. It seems like something went wrong and you survived alone at the expense of the rest.”


“Close your eyes, Mujin. You’re just a loser who can’t even overcome a single epic dungeon.”


Woohyuk swung Verserios and cut off Mujin’s head.

Afterward, he had Irene eat Mujin’s heart.

“In the martial world, he’s a very strong guy. This is a rare opportunity, so come and absorb his power,” Woohyuk instructed.

“Thank you, I will eat well,” Irene replied.

After Irene leaned her head down, she started chewing Mujin’s dark red heart.

Reina turned her head to the side as if she was disgusted with the scene.

“Ugh… I feel sick,” Reina said as she was dry heaving.

“You haven’t done anything, so be quiet, Reina,” Woohyuk stated.

“I was momentarily stunned because he suddenly used a strange technique. What was that?”

For someone who shot arrows in the forest and learned only pure magic skills, the Heavenly Magic Cult’s aura attacks were something completely new.

After a while, when Irene had eaten up all of Mujin’s heart, Woohyuk confirmed her new abilities.

“Try to copy the technique he used,” he said.

“… Kneel,” Irene stated as she looked at Reina.

Immediately, Reina knelt on the ground. Her body started shaking uncontrollably.

“Again, I’m being embarrassed again…” she muttered as she was forced to keep a kneeling position.

“Excellent. It seems that the dragons’ abilities of the dragon tribe and the aura martial arts of the Heavenly Magic Cult have combined,” Woohyuk said approvingly.

Irene had eaten a dragon heart before.

As he watched her continue to grow, Allen looked at her as if he was interested in something.

“Certainly, if you keep feeding her hearts in this way, she will become very strong sooner or later. Personally, I look forward to her development,” Allen stated in amazement.

“I should also feed her the boss monsters’ hearts from here. Well, if Irene doesn’t want it, I can’t help it,” Woohyuk murmured.

“I like hearts. I like how they flip and flop like a fish,” she said as she wiped the blood from the sides of her mouth.

Woohyuk stroked her head as if she did well.

“I’ll feed you as much as you want. Of course, no matter how hungry you get, don’t eat your coworkers.”

“… I understand.”

Irene licked her lips as she looked at Reina’s chest area.

Reina collapsed backward and her complexion turned blue.

“S-Suddenly, I-I’m scared of her suddenly…” Reina managed to stutter.

“Well, you should have treated her better before, right?” Woohyuk said half-jokingly.

Chimera Irene was able to determine who liked or disliked her.

While she was at a standstill with Reina, Woohyuk sat in front of the campfire and continued to have dinner.

“... It’s gotten a little cool, but it’s still edible.”

“Lord, there is still more venison left. Shall we cook it?”

“Get away from the cooking utensils, Leifina.”

Leifina wanted to be of some help, but her food was difficult for anyone to bear.

Woohyuk enjoyed his cold venison steak with a sulking Leifina sitting next to him.


During the four-day period, no other survivors showed up.

Thanks to this, Woohyuk was able to summon the boss monster without any interruption and killed them all.

As a result…

“I think this is the key to open something.”

The party was able to obtain three different loot items.

“It looks like a crystal ball needed for a certain ritual.”

“This looks like a map of the forest in front of the base camp.”

The map was certainly helpful in gaining their bearings and attacking the ruins, but the use for the key and crystal ball were still unclear.

When the party was sharing their opinions, a black fissure appeared, and Eve stepped out.

“Well, well… everyone is alive. I guess it wasn’t very difficult, so it’s natural that you’re all still here.”

“So, what’s the next assignment? Can we now go through the forest along the forked roads?”

“That’s right. For your information, no matter which one you choose, you don’t have to worry about getting lost, since you’ll eventually arrive at the same destination. The fork is just a mechanism to evenly distribute people for the next stage.”

The first stage lasted four days to weed out weak contestants from the start.

Reina asked a question after hearing Eve’s explanation, “Then, you mean that the tremendous martial arts boy was a weak person?”

“I think you’re referring to Mujin. He actually reached the final stage but came back to this one. He had met something in the final stage that he couldn’t handle.”

She seemed to be talking about the Wind God. Mujin must have lost out.

Woohyuk nodded his head and asked, “Then, once we get out of the forest, we’ll be facing that same existence?”

“Correct~! You’re quick to notice, so I’m sure you’ll do well! So, go ahead~!”

Eve winked and disappeared through the black fissure.

Woohyuk and his party went straight into the forest after packing their supplies.

“Since we’ve already explored each path, we can easily move through it. We’ve already killed all the monsters,” Leifina said.

“Good job finishing that up, Leifina. Irene, too.”

“I would do whatever you tell me if it means I can eat a heart,” Irene replied. It seemed that she developed a taste for hearts.

Eventually, the group arrived in the middle of the forest. However, rainbow-colored Cockatrices the size of a bull blocked the road.

“Chip, chip, chip!”

The Cockatrice also came out of the tutorial area, so it could be said that it was a monster that the Creator recycled for this purpose.

“Irene, that’s inedible chicken, so don’t put it in your mouth,” Woohyuk warned as though he was talking to a young child.

“Inedible chicken… I see,” Irene replied as she nodded sadly.

Afterward, she lifted a pitch-black scythe above her head and danced like a dancer, mercilessly cutting through the Cockatrices.




The Cockatrices couldn’t even resist properly. They were soon scattered on the floor.




The Cockatrices behind the slaughtered ones started exchanging dialogue in their own language.

Afterward, they turned around and started sprinting away.

“… Lord, is this really an epic dungeon?” Leifina asked puzzlingly.

“The Creator must have been busy with something. It seems like he just slapped some parts together,” Woohyuk answered, understanding the Creator’s feeling.

The core objective of the epic dungeon was to defeat the confined gods anyway.

The rest of the process was insignificant.

That’s probably why the Creator didn’t properly decorate the dungeon’s interior, choosing to copy and paste previous styles and stages.

Feeling that there was no need to waste time in such a place, Woohyuk hurried towards the next stage.

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