
Chapter 340

Chapter 340: Chapter 340

Act 4

『Kim Su-hyeun, sick of South Korea. Announces he’s leaving!』

『Kim Su-hyeun, where to next?』

『Potential impact Kim Su-hyeun’s absence will have on Korea』


South Korea was in chaos.

It turned out that the news of Kim Su-hyeun’s plan to leave the country had more impact than him wiping out all the dungeons.

Moreover, his revelation on how his decision had something to do with the association’s dungeon omission incident caused the citizens to panic. Even the National Assembly was experiencing an unprecedented crisis.

“What dogsh*t rubbish is this?”

The minister of the Awakener Management Department, Jeon Gyeong-guk, went to the meeting held during the National Assembly to discuss the matter. Once it was over, he couldn’t stop himself from yelling at anyone he encountered.

His aide kept his head low. He didn’t utter a word as he waited for the minister’s rage to subside. The aide had already been serving consecutive terms and working for Jeon Gyeong-guk for some time, so he knew very well how to deal with the minister.

“Kim Su-hyeun wants to leave the country?! That is b*llsh*t! Who set it in motion?!”

He really wanted to know. He was waiting for an answer.

Only then did the aide open his mouth. “It’s possible that our Authority was the one that got this ball rolling, Sir.”

“What, our Authority?”

“Y-yes, Sir.”

“Then, who the hell was it?!”

“The Authority’s current director, Sir,” the aide revealed. “There was a report submitted by the director not too long ago, right after Lee Ju-ho was appointed as the association chairman. He said that he had a plan to make the association and Kim Su-hyeun do whatever they wanted.”

“And that’s related to this issue?”

“There’s a good chance that it is so, Sir. The report did say that we can exploit the system’s flaw to manipulate the dungeon raid order. And, through that, we should be able to absorb the association’s strength as ours...”

“Meaning, the director was confident of there being some kind of a flaw in the association’s system... And, with perfect timing, an incident did happen.”

“Yes, Sir. Indeed, it was perfect timing.”

“That stupid son of a b*tch...”

The thing was, the Assembly had come to a unanimous decision that the culprit for unnecessarily provoking the association needed to be identified as soon as possible.

If not, Kim Su-hyeun might just pack up and leave Korea for another country.

In the current era, as well as in the near future, an awakener like Kim Su-hyeun would serve as basically the best indicator of a country’s strength.

A man with enough power to deal with a country’s numerous dungeons all by himself? Any country would welcome him.

If they failed to hold onto someone like that, then even Jeon Gyeong-guk’s position as the minister of the Awakener Management Department would become precarious.

“Summon that damn director to my office and launch an investigation regarding this matter. I want results as soon as possible,” the minister ordered.


There was no such thing as the perfect crime in this world, especially when the act in question was perpetrated not by a lone individual, but an organization. There would inevitably be traces—records, texts, e-mails, and even phone calls—somewhere.

Uncovering such things might be difficult for an individual or a small-scale organization, but...


Jeon Gyeong-guk threw the documents in his hand. Before the director could react, pieces of paper were everywhere, scattered in his office.

The director took the paper near his desk and read it. His eyes widened in disbelief. Some contents of his previous text messages were on that piece. He stood up and took another paper, which contained his e-mails.

Dates, contents, orders of the arrangements...

All information tied him to what had just happened—he was involved. The connection between the Authority-affiliated awakener who knew mind control skill and the Authority’s director were undeniable.

“It was you, wasn’t it?”


“Answer me, you son of a b*tch!”

“M-minister... Sir. I think there had been some misunderstanding...”

“You better come out clean here. Unless you want to ‘mysteriously’ disappear.”

Jeon Gyeong-guk’s anger gradually subsided. He was trying to suppress his rage.

The director realized it. There was no point in defending himself or coming up with excuses at this point. If he kept denying it despite all the evidence, he would be challenging Jeon Gyeong-guk’s sources and would imply that the minister was mistaken.

“I’m sorry, Sir. This wasn’t my original intention...”

“Who told you to start this crap in the first place?! Are you f*cking insane? Why the hell did you provoke Kim Su-hyeun?!”



Jeon Gyeong-guk threw an ashtray and it smashed into the director’s forehead. The latter stumbled before wiping away the streaming blood with the back of his hand, then stood demurely again.

“You wiped that? Did you just wipe that off?!”

“I...I apologize.”

“Oh, you know that you need to apologize now, do you?! You should be sorry for existing! I’m in this sh*t because of some bullsh*t you started!”

The minister stood up and shoved the chair towards the director. He couldn’t contain his anger anymore.

“Don’t you get the level of impact Kim Su-hyeun has on our country, not to mention his overall worth?! Don’t you read reports? Analysts commented that if we just let Su-hyeun be, our country’s strength could surpass that of America in less than a decade! America! Do you hear me?”

The longer Jeon Gyeong-guk’s berating went on, the paler the director’s complexion became.

“But now, Kim Su-hyeun is considering leaving the country because of a pest like you!”

“S-sir, I was merely acting on the belief that if the Authority had control over Kim Su-hyeun, then our organization would become stronger...”

“You were acting solely on your desire for promotion. That’s all, you ambitious prat!”


Jeon Gyeong-guk couldn’t control his anger any longer and grabbed whatever was near him and threw it to the director.

“Because of your greed, the whole National Assembly has been on the edge! If Kim Su-hyeun leaves Korea because of this,” Jeon Gyeong-guk pointed angrily at the director, his eyes filled with rage, “you’re a dead man. Got that?”

“Y-yes, Sir.”

The director squeezed his eyes shut.

His arms and legs were trembling, and his heart was pounding.

The bit about the ‘dead man’... The minister surely wouldn’t use those words just to reprimand, or even scare, the director for his wrongdoing.

The director’s ‘mistake’ had thrown the entire National Assembly in disarray. There was even a rumor of the Korean president organizing a secret discussion with Kim Su-hyeun.

It was probably to stop him from leaving Korea.

The director wasn’t that naïve. He knew the effects and consequences of his actions. He was also aware that at this very moment, his life depended on Kim Su-hyeun’s decision.


“Son, aren’t you going to eat some more?”

“Mom, I’m already full. I’ve eaten a lot already,” said Su-hyeun as he wiped his lips with a tissue.

It had been quite a while since they had a lovely meal like this.

They were currently in a posh restaurant. Although this didn’t really suit Su-hyeun’s style, his mother wanted them to have a cozy meal since they had not been together in a long while.

‘It is certainly tasty.’

Su-hyeun usually preferred Korean cuisine, especially the traditional and home-cooked ones. But he had to admit that this restaurant’s food tasted really great.

It probably had to do with how famous and insanely expensive this restaurant was and the fact that he was sharing a meal with Shin Su-yeong again.

The person one was eating with, as well as where they were eating, contributed to the overall experience of the meal. One could have a not-so-good main course, but it wouldn’t matter because they were with good company.

“By the way, Son,” Shin Su-yeong spoke, “why did you do that this time?”

Her question surprised Su-hyeun. He wasn’t expecting his mother to inquire about such matters.

Actually, he wasn’t expecting her to ask that question while they were still having dinner.

Shin Su-yeong didn’t press her son for answers. Instead, she waited for him to go through his food and respond.

‘That’s how cautious she was about it...’

Su-hyeun was arrested by the Authority’s tactical response team recently.

The truth was, after he got arrested, they had to release him right away since they couldn’t find anything to charge him with. However, the media reported that he was taken to the Authority.

And then, there was Su-hyeun’s public declaration... Shin Su-yeong must have been worried about her son.

“It’s not a big deal, Mom. You don’t have to worry too much.”

“But you did say something to worry about, you know?”

“Well... That’s...”

“Should I also leave with you, too?” his mother asked. She really would like to know.

“I’m sorry?” Su-hyeun responded, eyes widening in surprise.

“You said you’re leaving the country, didn’t you? Where should we go? The United States? Canada? France or United Kingdom?”

“Mom, why do you sound more eager than me?”

“Well, just, you know... I thought that it must have been really tough for you to actually come out and say that. Besides, I have enough savings now. It’s about time that I retire and enjoy the rest of my life. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Su-hyeun smiled at his mom as he listened to her.

Even though she tried to sound cool about it, it seemed that Shin Su-yeong was quite concerned about the news of Su-hyeun’s desire to move to another country.

After Su-hyeun publicly declared that he got fed up of Korea, she began to consider how hard her son had been working for the country.

“Mom, actually, it’s....”

“Are you in there?”

A voice was suddenly heard. It came outside.

Su-hyeun and Shin Su-yeong turned their heads at the same time. The restaurant had separate rooms for diners, but even then, someone had deliberately stopped in front of Su-hyeun.

“I’m coming in.”


The sound of footsteps could be heard beyond the door.

As for the man entering through the door, he wasn’t exactly someone Su-hyeun was thrilled to meet. Sure, he did expect this man to show up sooner or later, but still, he didn’t think it would happen this soon and in this place, too.

It was no other than the Authority’s director.

“Who is this gentleman, Son?”

“How did you find out where I was?”

Su-hyeun was finished eating by then, so he simply crossed his arms and glared at the director.

The director had always been arrogant and bossy, but this time, he looked tame. There was something in his behavior that showed he was forced to do this.

“Can we...can we chat for a while?”

“I’m in the middle of dinner with my mother.” Su-hyeun glanced at Shin Su-yeong, then shifting his gaze back to the director. “Is it urgent? I can sense your dire need to talk to me.”


The director, staring at Su-hyeun, didn’t say a word. He was struggling to find the right thing to say.

It was the press conference all over again. He was under pressure, but had to keep his emotions in check. As for Su-hyeun, his attitude towards the director had changed a lot.

During their first encounter, Su-hyeun was calculative and insolent. Even so, he had not lost his naivety. He wasn’t tainted by the world yet at the time.

However, just like how it was during the previous press conference, the current Su-hyeun came as a completely different man.

Only then did the director truly understand it.

‘Su-hyeun...he was never my opponent.’

If it was during their first encounter, who knew what might have happened.

Maybe, just maybe, it had been the same story even back then. This was a fight he shouldn’t have started in the first place.

“I’d like to apologize,” the director remarked, bowing his head.


“I am truly sorry. I apologize for everything. That is why...”

He was about to kneel when Su-hyeun responded.

“Fine. Let’s talk elsewhere.”

He wouldn’t have minded it if this was any other occasion, but he certainly didn’t want to discuss such things in front of his mother. After all, they had barely seen each other.

“Mom, I will just go and talk to this man. Can you wait for me by a café somewhere?”

“Ah...no. Wait. I should just go home and turn in for the night. It’s late anyway.”

“Oh, are you sure?” Su-hyeun inquired before shifting his gaze towards the director. “Please wait for me somewhere. I believe you know my contact number.”

“I...I will do that.”

“Okay,” Su-hyeun replied and then turned to his mother. “Let me take you home, Mom. Let’s go.”

“R-right,” Shin Su-yeong agreed. “Let’s go.”

The only person not looking flustered was Su-hyeun. Shin Su-yeong was surprised when some random-looking man suddenly barged in, bowing his head and apologizing to her son. As for the director, he had no choice. His neck was on the line here.

While Su-yeun was driving Shin Su-yeong home, she continued to question her son.

First, just who was that man?

Second, why was he apologizing to Su-hyeun like that?

As expected, he didn’t provide any in-depth explanation.

His reply was...

“If I tell you, you will get hurt, mom.”

It was a short, teasing answer.

Shin Su-yeong knew that Su-hyeun wouldn’t give her a comprehensive answer, so she didn’t press him further. She reluctantly changed the topic instead. “Drive carefully on your way home, Son. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I trust that you will handle it well. Make sure to not create a situation where you will feel sorry, or someone else feeling sorry because of you. Okay?”

With those parting words, Shin Su-yeong get off Su-hyeun’s car and walked to her house. She didn’t want to keep Su-hyeun long. She knew that the man he was about to meet was someone important.

It was the exact opposite, though, if she only knew.

The director wasn’t someone important to Su-hyeun. Instead, it was Su-hyeun who held so much importance to the director.

—I’ll wait for you in the ** Bar next to Jongno Tower.


The meeting place was in a bar...of all places.

This wasn’t Su-hyeun’s style. Being wined and dined? He was considering whether to still meet the director or not.

How uncomfortable this was. Still, Su-hyeun headed to where the director was.

“Sir! Come this way! You look familiar. No? Why does it feel like I’ve seen you somewhere bef...”

The bar turned out to be quite a flashy joint. Touts were busy doing their jobs in front of the establishment. One of them recognized Su-hyeun and decided it would be wise to keep his mouth shut. Well, they were about to deal with a seriously big fish, after all.

“Is the Awakener Authority’s director inside? I’m sure he asked you to inform him as soon as I’ve arrived.”

“Pardon? Ah, yes! Please follow me.”

The employee guided Su-hyeun as he made his way to meet the director. When they reached the biggest room in the darkest part of the establishment, the guide left him.

“You’ve come. Thank you...”

The director greeted Su-hyeun with an open bottle of an expensive-looking liquor while waving his hand.

He was not alone. Two women sat next to him.

Thoughts suddenly occurred to Su-hyeun, ‘There’s no such thing as ‘people change’. It’s just who they are. They show you what you want to see. The director is ready to let his guard down and reveal who he really is.’

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