
Chapter 157 – Shadow Poison

In the vast expanse of the grassland, their fast moving bodies looked like two streamers of black light.

Long Yu was surprised by the fact that even in such an injured state, Yan Huanmo had made a breakthrough and was now at Zhenling 5th layer!

The promotion to the next layer had increased her basic strength, which was now more than double of her previous strength.

If she were to face Wen Ze and that uncouthly man again, not only could she fight more efficiently, but could also suppress them both immediately!

Unfortunately her writing brush Zhenling entity was damaged by the meteorite pike of that uncouthly man, making her feel sad about it.

Certainly, the only perk of that intense combat was that Yan Huanmo managed to reach Zhenling 5th layer.

In the face of danger, it is the easiest to make a breakthrough to the next layer. And now, Yan Huanmo’s heart was filled with a lot of thoughts now after breaking through.

It seemed to her that in future, she would have to go through much more difficult and dangerous situations to gain experience and enhance her power.

Just like in the case of Long Yu, who had to continuously fight people to save his life right from the day he entered the world of martial arts, and as a result, his cultivation had grown at a great speed!

Yan Huanmo, preoccupied with these thoughts, looked towards Long Yu, only to find that he had been paying no attention to her at all, but had actually been moving forward with his eyes closed!

At this time, Long Yu had achieved a resonance with his lunar wings – the wings were flapping completely in synchronisation with the rhythm of his heartbeat!

Since he had already attained the state of resonance with his battle weapon, he was now focusing on the rhythm it had developed by synchronising with his heartbeat.

At this moment, after narrowly escaping from the chaos of Hun Yin city and entering the Zhenling 5th layer, Yan Huanmo was now more powerful than ever and her speed matched the speed of Long Yu soon; that too without the help of lunar wings.

She had a formidable strength now!

Presently it could be said that the intelligence of the lunar wings depended upon the intelligence of Long Yu. However, if he went further and turned this resonance to revelation level, the battle weapon would develop an intelligence of its own.

But, attaining the revelation level was not an easy task.

Unlike the resonance of Long Yu and his Qian dragon spear, the flying snake sword hadn’t formed any connection with him till now, so he had a fair idea of how difficult it was to attain the revelation level.

Making a battle weapon develop its own intelligence was a feat that couldn’t be achieved in a short span of time.

Like the martial experts themselves, the battle weapons also had evolution levels for their intelligence. Starting from the resonance level, a battle weapon’s intelligence evolved to psychic level and then finally reached the revelation level. Each stage was stronger than the previous one and enhanced the effect of the battle weapon manifold.

For example, when Long Yu reached the resonance level with his lunar wings, his speed was promoted to a whole new level all of a sudden!

“Good, now I am as fast as Mo Fengming.”

Long Yu’s confidence was boosted when he realized that his present speed was even slightly more than Yan Huanmo!

He could run faster than a martial expert with a cultivation level three layers above his own cultivation!

It was clear that if Hun Yin city wanted to capture him, they must send martial experts with a cultivation level of at least Zhenling 5th layer, otherwise it would be impossible for them to overtake Long Yu.

But would the biggest gang of Hun Yin city send its Zhenling 6th layer powerhouses to avenge the murder of a trivial servant?

Any Zhenling 6th layer expert’s temperament wouldn’t be good, let alone that of alchemist Feng Hai himself!

Still rushing forward like two parallel streamers, Long Yu and Yan Huanmo finally entered the boundary of the Tang kingdom as it grew dark.

This region was a continuous stretch of snowy mountains which served as the natural border of the Tang kingdom.

They entered the sierra swiftly and knew very well that from here onwards no one from Hun Yin city could trouble them.

This sierra was not only full of dangers but an ambush could easily be set for anyone who was following them. So, if anyone was blindly chasing them into the sierra, they would not be able to get out of there alive.

This was one of the main reasons why other countries never dared to attack the Tang kingdom from this direction.

“Long Yu, I am surprised to see that your speed has increased to this extent. I am no longer worried about you.”

After entering the sierra, Yan Huanmo narrowed her eyebrows and said: “We should part ways now.”

“Elder Yan, you have some other business to settle?”

Long Yu asked.

“My Zhenling entity has been damaged to a great extent. I need to go to the Tang Imperial city to buy some healing type immortality pills. In the entire Tang kingdom, there is no other place except the Imperial city where I can get such pills.”

Yan Huanmo smiled and said: “Your real identity is known to the whole Tang kingdom now. If you come with me to the Imperial city, I won’t be able to protect you. The seven sects competition is about to start, so you should head straight towards the Sect. The Elders are waiting for you there, to give you a big pleasant surprise.”

A big pleasant surprise?

Long Yu was not at all interested in this ‘surprise’, but he understood that travelling to the Imperial city was not appropriate for him right now.

Chu Chao Sheng was an all-time threat to his life!

In the whole of Tang kingdom, perhaps the only safe place for him was Zhentian Sect, and if he approached towards the sect right from the sierra, Chu Chao Sheng would never get to know about his presence.

“Such being the case, I bid you farewell.”

The two were still running as they parted ways and went in different directions.

Yan Huanmo rushed in the direction of the Imperial city and soon disappeared from the sierra under the dim moonlight.

Long Yu too rushed in the direction of Zhentian Sect.


As the day broke, Long Yu had already passed the sierra and now a large lake glittered in the sunlight before him.

Next to the lake was a large stretch of fertile land, planted with golden wheat.

“In the Tang kingdom, there are numerous such villages. The wheat that they grow here in plenty is their staple food…..”

Long Yu thought to himself as he rushed towards the lake and was now near the village.

The sun had risen and there was smoke rising from the chimneys of small houses. Obviously, each household was preparing the breakfast.

In such villages, a person with a cultivation of Wudao 3rd layer was considered to be good and as one passed the 3rd layer, he or she would join a sect to rise further in the world of martial arts.


As Long Yu was passing by the village, he noticed a familiar figure in that village.

The girl was clad in a pretty blue robe and was standing with her back towards Long Yu, facing the cruel accusations of the villagers.

This girl was Liao Lele!

As Long Yu noticed that the situation was not quite favourable for her, he stopped right there.

He never expected to meet Liao Lele there, and now it seemed that the girl was stuck in some trouble!

“You witch! Your immortality pill has killed Uncle Li!”

“If you had not insisted Uncle Li to take the immortality pill, he would still be alive!”

“You killed him, you witch!”

A large group of villagers had encircled Liao Lele. They were accusing her while drawing closer and closer to her.

Long Yu discovered that Liao Lele had a cultivation of Wudao eighth layer, so if she wanted to escape, she could have easily done that but…….

At this moment, Liao Lele was trembling with fear and in front of her was the corpse of a man placed on a stretcher, which had turned black.

It seemed that Liao Lele had killed the middle aged man and since her heart was full of guilt, she didn’t even utter a single word of rebuttal.

At Zhentian Sect, she was being trained by Old White in the art of alchemy. She never expected that when she would return to her village to treat Uncle Li, she would become the cause of his death!

Was the alchemical technique she used not efficient? Did she create a poison instead of creating an immortality pill?

She could not figure out what exactly went wrong, but at that time, Uncle Li’s body was lying right in front of her and was turning darker with every passing moment.

The fact was in front of her eyes and her frail mind was defeated in the war of logic and facts.

However by this time, Long Yu noticed what was wrong with the body.

He assessed that the middle aged man’s body was showing signs of being poisoned by Shadow poison about which Elder Yu had told him earlier!

The shadow poison was deadlier than any ordinary poison and was pre-dominantly used by Qiansi Sect. The higher one’s cultivation would be, the longer he or she could resist its effects. But in any case, it eventually and completely damaged the victim’s Dantian and meridians and as a result, they died with their bodies turning black.

“It is the deed of someone from Qiansi Sect.”

Long Yu’s eyes flashed as he knew he had to interfere in this matter!

Otherwise, Liao Lele would have to take the blow. Whenever she would compound an immortality pill, the ghost of this incident would haunt her and might hinder her progress.

The talent of this extremely talented girl would get extinguished!

“Everybody step aside!”

As Long Yu stepped forward with these thoughts, the villagers sensed the wave of Zhentian domain and immediately made way for him!

To everyone’s surprise, Long Yu was gradually moving towards Liao Lele!

As soon as Liao Lele heard Long Yu’s voice, she turned towards him and both of them looked at each other with their eyes glittering with mutual admiration.

She had heard that Long Yu had entered the Heavenly Thunder Reservoir and was killed there, and although she couldn’t believe it, since Long Yu didn’t show up, even she had accepted this ‘fact’.

Disturbed by this news, she had decided to leave Zhentian Sect and visit her ancestral village for a while to move on.

Since now Long Yu was standing right in front of her, safe and sound, the extent of her happiness could easily be imagined!

However, the very next moment she was reminded of Uncle Li whom she had ‘killed’ and this made her look gloomy all of a sudden.

What talent for alchemy did she possess when she couldn’t save a fellow villager’s life? What qualification did she have to practice alchemy after poisoning a man? Did she really deserve to be happy of meeting Long Yu now?

“Everybody listen to me. The reason for Uncle Li’s death is the Shadow poison which is used by Qiansi Sect!”

Long Yu said with a stern face: “Liao Lele belongs to the same sect as me and I completely trust her. The immortality pills that she concocts are not capable of killing people!”

Hearing this, every villager present there gawked.

Was this really a deed of someone from Qiansi Sect?

As Long Yu looked at the people present there, he realised that some people still didn’t believe him!

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