
Chapter 108 – Second Zhenling

This congealment actually opened a new door to the vast world of martial arts.

“My Zhentian Sun is really something.”

Now, with the help of Zhentian Sun, Long Yu could form a connection with the world, and now if he released Zhentian domain then its power would be two times the initial coercion!

Moreover, his basic strength also increased significantly.

The first layer of Zhenling layer granted the basic strength of 1000 fierce horses, which was four times the strength granted by Wudao ninth layer!

This grade of strength was called ‘Junli’

(Mystique- I will do the math now.

1 Junli = 1000 fierce horses

1 fierce horse = 1000 Jin

1 Jin = 1 lb

Therefore, 1 Junli = 1000000 lb)

After stepping into Zhenling second layer, one would attain the basic strength of 2 Junli. Each promotion in level would double the basic strength.

Thus, it could be seen that there was a large gap between the strengths granted by two different layers, almost unsurpassable gap.

Moreover, this gap in strength would be enormous when there was a difference of two or more levels!

“Now I can feel the thrilling strength of Zhenling first layer.”

Long Yu’s eyes shone brightly: “At present, if I face an opponent of Zhenling first layer then I should be able to defeat them in one shot. Even those four super experts of Zhenling second layer are no longer my opponents!”

Now, his entrance into the Zhenling realm not only increased his basic strength but also strengthened the intensity of suppression caused by Zhentian domain.

“Nine Hidden Dragon mark, activate!

Long Yu condensed Xuan Qi in his chest and immediately activated the Nine Hidden Dragon mark. A boiling hot aura spread all over his body, and at the same time, his strength actually increased by 1000000 Jin. So, now his total strength was 2000000 Jin.

Once activated, the Nine Hidden Dragon mark actually doubled his basic strength!

The mark finally had the third transformation and gave a solid boost to Long Yu’s strength.

“So the Zhenling realm not only doubled my basic strength but also gifted me the second dragon technique, the practice method of ‘awakening palm samsara’.”

(Mystique- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sa%E1%B9%83s%C4%81ra)

Long Yu’s eyes shone with anticipation.

‘Awakening palm samsara’ was a spiritual level best grade martial skill. It was the same as the intoxicated hell technique, and its might surpassed all other spiritual level martial skills.

Earlier, if he used intoxicated hell against an expert of Zhenling second layer then might not be able to kill the opponent, because the basic strength of the opponent was too strong and had practiced spiritual level martial skill.

But now, after the activation of Nine Hidden Dragon mark, when combined with the effect of Demon tyrant form, his basic strength would reach up to 2500000 Jin, which was equal to the strength of 2500 fierce horses, much more than the strength of an expert of Zhenling second layer!

If Long Yu practiced this move successfully then killing experts of Zhenling second layer like Hua Buxie or Huo Fu would be a child’s play for Long Yu.

Of course, right now he certainly had no time to practice ‘awakening palm samsara’, because it usually needed a long time to successfully practice a spiritual level martial skill.

On the contrary, right after he had stepped into Zhenling realm, he felt a burst of ideas transmitting from the Qian Dragon spear and it actually contained the practice method of a spear-based spiritual level martial skill.

“This is father’s own spear skill, a top grade spiritual level martial skill called ‘Kill ten thousand people’!”

Long Yu thought.

Now he knew that his father, a former general of Tang State, had developed his own spear skill and certainly would have killed thousands of enemies in the battlefield.

Killing ten thousand people with one spear attack was really an incomparably aggressive skill!

Moreover, this skill was actually a homemade martial skill of the Dragon clan and this made Long Yu feel somewhat happy.

Long Yu had heard about developing one’s own martial skill before, but it was very difficult to do it.

A martial skill was actually displayed by the circulation of Xuan qi in the meridians, after releasing different pressure points to achieve different effects.

But there were innumerable pressure points in a human body, and if attempted to open them at random, it was easy to rupture meridians and even cause damage to the Dantian. Those without talent could never attempt to create their own martial skill.

Existing martial skill were actually created by predecessors after numerous trial and errors, and some tyrannical martial skill always remained in the hands of the strong and didn’t spread out for others to learn.

“The skill of ‘Kill ten thousand people’ is quite terrifying! It’s simply unimaginable that it has the potential to kill ten thousand people in one fell swoop in the battlefield.”

The spear as if danced in Long Yu’s hands several times. He decided to first practice this spear skill then he would move on to practicing ‘awakening palm samsara’ since because the latter was too difficult and time-taking to practice.

“The image of Zhentian Sun is still only an empty shadow. If I am able to congeal the entity then its might will obviously be much stronger. But unfortunately, I am only at Zhenling first layer and the congealment of entity can be done only after stepping into Zhenling fourth layer, which is still far off in time.”

Long Yu somewhat regretted this but he was satisfied that he managed to integrate Zhentian domain and the congealed Sun.

In fight, so long as he released the image of Sun in his Dantian, then Zhentian domain would instantly suppress everyone in the surroundings. Of course, its range would no longer be limited to 200 feet only.

Although the effect of suppression would gradually decrease with increasing distance, but anything under the illumination of sunlight would immediately come under Long Yu’s domain, enabling him to fully grasp every action of the enemy.

It was said that congealment process of Zhenling was a very complicated process, but Long Yu did it successfully within an hour.

When he decided to get up and get out of there, suddenly, he felt something wrong in the ‘Nine Hidden Dragon Mark’ on his chest.

“What’s going on?”

He frowned when he felt that strong dragon qi was coming out of the mark and accumulating in his Dantian.

The accumulating dragon qi gradually congealed an image of ‘Nine hidden dragon’ in his Dantian!

The image of an Azure dragon appeared in a corner of his Dantian, a bit separated from the image of the sun.

However, the power of Zhentian domain remained affected even after the unexpected appearance of ‘Nine Hidden Dragon’ in his Dantian.

Long Yu noticed that the image of ‘Nine Hidden Dragon’ was clearly a Zhenling!

“Second Zhenling?”

Long Yu couldn’t believe what just happened.

This ‘Nine Hidden Dragon’ was initially reluctant to integrate with the world principle of suppression, but at this time, he actually congealed his own image by congealing nine hidden dragon qi on his own initiative!

It was said to be extremely tough and literally impossible to congeal a second Zhenling, especially at Zhenling first layer.

The difficulty of second congealment was approximately ten times more.

Also, only after getting stuck on a bottleneck in Zhenling realm, some experts considered congealing a second Zhenling.

But Long Yu didn’t do anything. It seemed as if ‘Nine hidden dragon’ did it on a whim and there was no explanation available to this!

“Is this a good thing or a bad thing?”

Long Yu frowned while feeling two Zhenlings in his Dantian. If other people came across such a situation, they would definitely be going wild with joy right now. Obtaining second Zhenling without putting any effort, not to mention this was an incredibly formidable Zhenling, who wouldn’t want it?

However, Long Yu noticed that a strange transformation was taking place in Nine Hidden Dragon mark!

Unfortunately, he was unable to see the later parts of the memories of ‘Dragon’s descendants’, otherwise, he would come to know about the later changes in the mark.

“It seems like nine hidden dragon Zhenling is more formidable than Zhentian Sun but is very strange. I shouldn’t use it casually since it requires thorough research.”

Long Yu stood up while thinking.

“Ha ha ha, finally found him!”

At this moment, a neuter laughter sounded in the valley and attracted Long Yu’s attention.

This laughter was similar to that of Hua Buxie. Long Yu didn’t expect to bump into him like this, but suddenly, a cold smile appeared on his face.

Long Yu looked up and saw the skinny looking man in red robe, standing not far away.

This was undoubtedly the third ranked core disciple of Hanbing Sect, Hua Buxie!

Hua Buxie would certainly not give up on lunar fragment and neither would he give up on his obsession to kill Long Yu. He stopped laughing, but the desire of revenge could be seen floating in his eyes.

He searched for a long time in the mine lode area and finally thought of a round trip, but never thought that he would find Long Yu so quickly.

Long Yu was hiding in a corner, was he perhaps absorbing the lunar fragment?

Hua Buxie sneered and jumped down from the massif and paced towards Long Yu.

“You are quite good at running, what a pity that now you are in my grip. I won’t allow you to flee again!”

Hua Buxie didn’t waste time on idle chit-chat and immediately released the ice-cold world suppression.

Ice-cold world suppression congealed around him and also enveloped Long Yu instantly. He gradually walked towards Long Yu and an incorruptible image of a beautiful frosted flower appeared behind him.

Hua Buxie’s Zhenling was a frosted flower!

And after being enveloped by ice-cold world suppression, Long Yu felt his blood freezing and stagnating!

“Ice-cold world law is really uncommon.”

Long Yu quickly understood that Hua Buxie used this move to stop him from making an escape from there!

At this time, Long Yu felt as if he was falling in an infinite pit of ice and this was freezing his very being!

“I guess it’s time to use Zhentian Sun.”

Long Yu also wanted to test his newly obtained strength and an expert of Zhenling second layer would be the best lab.

However, since he was not familiar with his new powers so he must go all out from the get go!

“Come out, Zhenling Sun!”

Long Yu shouted, and in a flash, a huge round Sun appeared behind him and its bright sunlight sprinkled everywhere.

Hue Buxie never expected this and was suddenly suppressed by it!

“When did you congeal a Zhenling? Moreover it’s based on Zhentian domain!”

Hua Buxie’s complexion darkened with panic: “Such being the case, I cannot let you live!”

Long Yu didn’t care about this threat!

Even when he was at Wudao ninth layer, he was able to escape from him and also managed to snatch lunar fragment from the four super experts.

Now, he actually congealed a Zhenling and stepped into Zhenling realm. This progress speed was extremely unthinkable!

However, Zhentian domain and Ice-cold world suppression churned out intense breath which immediately spread in all directions and attracted the attention of other three super experts.


Liu Yuan, Hua Fu and Bai Hang almost simultaneously looked towards the valley where Long Yu and Hua Buxie were engaged in battle!

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