
Chapter 769 - Chu Xia Meets Tang Jing…

Chapter 769: Chu Xia Meets Tang Jing...

As the launching of the glass phones officially began, people began to line up in an orderly manner and enter the store to pay for their glass phones.

Because of Little Deeny’s real-time detection, all of the transactions went smoothly.

One by one, people both entered and left. Thus, the queue very quickly moved forward.

Soon, the first customer who bought the glass phone walked out of the store.

It was a chubby girl, seeming like she was 18 or 19 years old. She held the box in her arms, and looked pleasantly surprised.

Seeing her come out, many cameras that had been waiting outside the store aimed at her. The reporters who saw her also rushed toward her. Several microphones were also shoved towards her mouth.

The girl had never seen anything like this before, so she was stunned.

Then, a reporter quickly said, “Hello, miss. I’m a reporter from Shanghai TV Station. I would like to interview you, is that alright?”

“Oh, okay.” The girl agreed and then asked tentatively, “Will this be shown on TV?”

The reporter smiled and said, “Yes. It’s going to be in the evening news today.”

When the young girl heard that, she jumped happily and waved at the camera. “Mom! I’m on TV! I’m on TV!”

After jumping around, she said, “Sure, sure! Ask away! Anything you want to know!”

The reporter saw how cute she was and smiled. “Okay. I would like to ask you, since when did you start waiting in line here?”

The girl said, “Me? I’ve been here since 3am!”

As she spoke, she showed her bag and said, “Look, I’ve also got my jacket and my folding chair in my bag. Still, it was a little cold when it rained last night.

“In the end, I had no place to sleep because the floor was damp, so I could only sit.

“Luckily, I’m the first one to buy it! I’m so happy!”

Another reporter who came over smiled and said, “Then, are you willing to share your joy and unbox your glass phone in front of the camera?”

The girl looked at her and hesitated for a moment, but she still said, “Sure, no problem! I’m also very curious. If not for the person inside stopping me from wasting time, I would have opened the box on the spot!”

As she said that, she put down her bag and took out her folding chair. Then, she sat on the ground and started to unbox her glass phone in front of everyone.

Her action instantly attracted the attention of many onlookers and other reporters, who immediately gathered to watch and livestream.

Just like other cellphones, Jiadian Mobile’s glass phone was contained in a square box with a layer of plastic on the outside.

There was a picture of a glass phone on the phone cover and a large “Dot” on it, making it very high-tech.

Then, she removed the plastic and opened the box. Inside was a piece of completely transparent glass and a small coin-sized box. It was probably the [Bone Conduction Earphone], which was included with the purchase of the glass phone.

The moment the girl picked up the piece of glass to take a look, everyone else looked at it as well, even the cameras were also aimed at the glass.

Because of Su Yang’s previous introduction, none of them were surprised at all. This was because everyone knew that this piece of glass was a screen that could display images.

Then, the girl tapped on the middle of the screen.

Immediately, a fingerprint symbol appeared on the glass, and the screen turned translucent.

Moments later, a sci-fi pop-up window appeared on the screen.

At that moment, there were a few exclamations from the crowd.


“It actually started up.”

“When I watched the video, I actually thought it was fake.”

In fact, the girl’s face was also filled with surprise. Even though she had seen the video, she still had some doubts about the effect of the glass phone that was shown in the video. However, now that she held it in her hand and turned it on personally, she no longer had any doubts.

Then, the girl moved her eyes closer, and a green light shot out from the glass screen to shine on the girl’s eyes. After that, the glass phone officially turned on.

After she turned on her glass phone, she proudly showed it in front of the camera. “Look! This is the glass phone that transcends its time!”

At that moment, someone in the crowd shouted, “Sell it to me! Little girl! I’ll buy it for 10,000 yuan!”

Everyone turned to look at the man. He was a middle-aged man with a big belly. One look at him was enough for everyone to know that he was rich.

After the man said that, another person immediately said, “10,000 yuan? I’ll buy it for 15,000 yuan.”

“20,000 yuan!”

“25,000 yuan!”

It was unclear whether some of them were trying to hype up the scene or they actually wanted to buy it, but they kept on increasing the offer price.

Thus, the girl was dumbfounded.

She did not expect the glass phone that she had spent such a long time queuing up and purchasing would end up tripling in value.

On the other hand, when some of the smarter onlookers saw this, they immediately ran off to queue up!

After all, even if they were not going to use it, they would definitely be able to resell it for a fortune!

There were also some who took out their glass phones and started to take videos on the spot. They were all preparing to post on their Moments or TikTok to show off that they had witnessed the event where a glass phone was being turned on and auctioned!

Because of this, the reporter was shocked.

On one hand, he was amazed at how amazing this glass phone was. ‘It’s really just as advertised. A piece of transparent glass can actually turn into a functioning phone!’

Secondly, he was impressed that the glass phone’s resale value had risen so quickly. ‘It’s only been a few minutes, but it’s already being sold at such a high price.

‘Previously, I’ve heard from Jiadian Group that the glass phone has high requirements for craftsmanship and materials, so their production rate is limited. Because of this, there is no chance for it to be mass produced anytime soon.

‘If that’s the case, the glass phone will definitely become part of the “wealth management product” in the near future.’

Thirdly, he sighed... ‘There are so many rich people in this world!’

On the other hand, the girl was not an idiot. She knew the value of the glass phone when she saw that someone wanted to raise the price in just a few minutes. Hence, she shook her head to reject the offers. Instead, she continued to display the glass phone’s functions.

This girl was obviously a fan of Jiadian Mobile’s glass phone. Because she had seen Su Yang’s video many times, she knew how to operate the glass phone like the back of her hand. Hence, she displayed all the functions one by one, giving people a better understanding of Jiadian Mobile’s glass phone.

When the audience who were watching on both the TV and from their computer screens saw the demonstration of the glass phone and sighed in surprise. This was because they wished they could live in Shanghai!

If they were in Shanghai, even if they queued up every day, they could probably earn 100,000 yuan a month (These people were not aware of the restriction where they had to purchase with their personal identification cards, or thought they were able to bypass the restriction).

As more and more people bought the glass phones, more information about Jiadian Mobile’s glass phone was revealed to everyone.

More and more short videos, unboxing videos, unboxing live videos, and functional videos were being shown to everyone, allowing them to have a gradually better understanding of the glass phones.

Initially, everyone was skeptical about whether the glass phone was a matured mass-production product, but after seeing so many videos, they stopped doubting.

‘Jiadian Mobile is awesome! Domestically manufactured glass phones are awesome!’ Soon, this has already become the hottest topic in the comments section!

On top of that, Weibo, TikTok, Zhihu, Baidu’s various websites’ had Jiadian Mobile’s glass phone flood their trending topics screen continuously!

Thus, the entire country was witnessing the birth of a miracle!

At this time, all the businessmen from the same industry were having a headache because of the launching sale of Jiadian Mobile’s glass phones...


At Huawei’s headquarters.

“Have you received the glass phone?”


“Have you seen it?”


“What do you think about it?”

“I don’t understand at all.”

The first person became speechless after this.


At BBK (mother company to VIVO and OPPO)...

“What’s the situation at Jiadian Mobile right now?”

“There’s a heated discussion online.”

“What do the marketing and R&D departments think of this glass phone?”

“It’s a product that redefines cellphones.”

“That high of a rating? Is this another Apple 3G?”

“No... It might be even grander than an Apple 3G.”

The first person became speechless after this.


At Lenovo...

“How are things at Jiadian? Has their launching failed miserably?”

“Erm... I think it’s completely blowing up over there.”

“The same as Samsung?”

“No, their reputation has exploded.”

Thus, the first person became speechless.


At Hammer Phones...

“Does the marketing department have an evaluation on Jiadian Mobile?”

“Yes. The marketing department said that... We might be done for.”


“Our boss’s goal might have to be achieved by another cellphone company.”


Countless businesspeople were paying attention to the glass phone. The moment they received a glass phone, they understood one thing... The future had truly arrived.

‘If I don’t learn this technology, I... might phase out very soon.’

In comparison to the cellphone industry, the other technological industries in China were more excited.

This was because to them, Jiadian Group was not a competitor, but a potential partner.

With their graphene battery integration technology, glass display technology, bone conduction technology, scanning technology, and so on... Each and every one of these was a technology that could redefine an entire industry!

‘If Jiadian Group is willing to share these technologies... No, even if they’d be willing to sell the finished product... Our products would rise to countless levels. We would occupy the top of various industries, crushing our foreign competitors!’

Thus, this was a huge temptation for every company!

Therefore, when the glass phones were sold one by one, they called Zhao Licheng, Li Zijun, and Jiadian Group one after another with the intention of wanting to collaborate.

Unfortunately, Zhao Licheng and Li Zijun were too busy to deal with them.

When people from various countries got hold of their glass phones and verified the authenticity of the glass phone technology, they were all jealous. Be it Japan, England, Germany, or France, all of them wished they could transform into Koreans and declare that Su Yang was from their country...

In comparison, America was perhaps the only country that was more comfortable. After all, although they were jealous, they had a spy.


In Shanghai, 500 meters away from Jiadian’s flagship store...

On the rooftop lay a middle-aged man in black with a cigarette dangling from his lips.

His beard was unkempt and his hair was long and curly.

Beside him was a heavy sniper rifle.

He laid there in the rain with one eye open and the other closed. Through the scope, he looked at Jiadian Mobile.

As a famous assassin in the country, the Fox Hunter had done this many times and enjoyed the feeling of taking the lives of geniuses and reputable people.

This was because it would give him a sublimation to his soul.

He liked to watch these bright roses fall when they were at their most beautiful.

Thus, that day was no exception. After receiving his mission, he had spent the whole night scouting the area to find the perfect place to snipe. So, he found a place where he had a wide field of vision and could see the people moving in and out perfectly. Apart from that, it was also convenient for him to make his escape.

After all, with the country’s living environment, the most important thing in that profession was not about killing, but escaping.

Regardless of whether Su Yang was killed or not, as long as the Fox Hunter fired his shot, he would abandon everything and escape immediately.

Protecting his own life and reaping the lives of others at the same time was what a good killer should do.

Thus, on that very day, he had prepared his escape route. As long as he killed the young man in the glass phone store, he could take the money and escape to Yunzhou, where there would be someone there to pick him up. After that, he could be sent across the country to Myanmar, then Thailand after. By doing this, no one would be able to find him!

With that in mind, he glanced at the rain-soaked cigarette in his mouth and tossed it aside. Then he pulled out another one and lit it again. As he smoked, he waited patiently...

The most important thing for a good hunter was patience. Since the target had already entered, he would definitely have to exit at some point.

‘No hurry, no hurry at all. When he comes out, all it would take is just a second and I can make that person’s head bloom...’

At that moment, Su Yang had no idea that he was being targeted by a sniper. Instead, he was still helping the service staff sell his glass phones with Chu Xia.

Zhao Licheng was the one who suggested selling the glass phones personally. He suggested that on the first day, several senior executives of the corporation would personally sell their glass phones at the store for an entire morning. It could be considered a “show” and a “good omen”. Plus, it could also be considered to be a way Su Yang could show how important he viewed that day.

Hence, Su Yang did not mind and agreed.

On the other hand, Chu Xia saw that Su Yang was too tired and requested help.

“Thank you for your purchase, please come again.” After selling one of the glass phones, Chu Xia wiped the sweat from her forehead. Then, a new smile bloomed on her face as she raised her head to look at the customer before her.

“Hello... How may I...”

Halfway through her sentence, Chu Xia was stunned. Then, surprise flashed across her eyes. “Xiaomi? Long time no see.”

The people who appeared before Chu Xia were Tang Xiaomi and a woman. Tang Xiaomi was wearing a cute pink princess dress, and she looked like a little angel. The woman standing next to her was dressed in a business suit. Her face was covered with exquisite but heavy make-up to hide her bad complexion.

After Chu Xia and Xiaomi greeted each other, their gazes involuntarily fell on the woman.

With just one glance, Chu Xia felt her eyes light up slightly. ‘This woman is very beautiful, and she has a kind of gentleness and motherly nature that’s different from mine. With one look, she gives me the impression that she’s a woman from the southern region, so soft that it literally melts my heart.

‘But, the only problem is that she doesn’t look well, there’s a hint of sadness in her eyes like she’s hiding something.’

At that thought, Chu Xia was just about to greet the woman when she realized that the woman was not looking at her. Instead, her watery eyes were staring at the other side of the counter...

Hence, Chu Xia followed her gaze.

And then...

She saw Su Yang.

At that moment, Chu Xia’s heart skipped a beat.

Her womanly sixth sense made her heart quiver like she had a bad feeling.

Suppressing the uneasiness in her heart, a smile blossomed on her face, and she called out to the woman who was lost in thought, “Hi there, miss... Are you okay?”

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