
Chapter 325 I’ll Draw A Picture Of Chu Xia

Chapter 325 I’ll Draw A Picture Of Chu Xia

He truly hated the city’s elders now. They knew nothing but to endless inspect. What’s the use of inspecting if you don’t know anything about technology?

Even if he showed them the world’s most powerful technology, they wouldn’t be able to understand it. Moreover, they’d probably have to pretend to understand. To do that, they’d have to order people around blindly. Su Yang would always remember the time when an education professional came to his university for an inspection and visited Su Yang’s class. There, he saw a painting he felt was a little crooked so he commented on it.

The teacher accompanying her quickly asked Chu Xia to correct it.

Chu Xia fiddled with the painting, adjusting it until the person was satisfied and left after nodding his head.

Su Yang witnessed the whole process in the back of the classroom and felt like things were a little off. He asked her about it after they left class.

Chu Xia softly whispered to Su Yang that she had, in fact, not even moved the painting. She just pretended like she did.

After he heard this, he was shocked by her actions. This girl seems to be rather unusual. She doesn’t seem to like like the usual secretaries who only knew how to make reports.’

Once he got the system on his side, he’d ask Chu Xia to cover for him every time he needed to skip class.

That was how the subsequent series of events happened.

After he experienced an inspection in school, he didn’t expect to be subject to it again after he left school. Su Yang was really speechless.

He couldn’t fake this inspection at will either. Even if he had the Unknown Sticky Note to help out with the machines, where would he find the personnel or the venue?

He couldn’t just make it all up out of thin air, right?

Even if he could find the people, they’d have to be reliable and be willing to fake it with him on top of being willing to be subjected to a line of questioning during the inspection.

Finding people like that was an impossible task to accomplish.

Being inspected was a characteristic of China. No matter what industry you were in, this would be an inevitable fact. As long as your enterprise grew, you’d have to face such things.

Su Yang began feeling like he should start looking for relevant talents. He recalled seeing big companies setting up government relation departments to handle requests like these.

‘I think I can consider looking for talents in this department and let them handle these things. I think it’ll be much easier.

‘However, I need money to recruit people, to set up Al labs, and to complete Silver Missions. Everything needs money...

‘But how do I to make more money!’

Su Yang mulled it over. ‘I’ve been losing money in stocks so I can’t rely on that in the short term.

‘The only thing that can make money now is the movie!

‘Once that movie is done, everything will be in place!

‘After all, many small-budget movies were able to double the money invested.

‘By then, the AI lab and the Silver Mission would’ve fallen into place.

‘With the artificial intelligence lab, the company will really be on the fast track in the future.’

Su Yang hadn’t thought about whether he should accept external financing. After all, it looked like many big companies in China was invested in their technology at his moment.

However, he didn’t have the technology right now.

Since the core of the technology was actually Little Deeny, she was the reason why the Find Me app was so amazing. It wasn’t because of the AI prototype. Instead, it was solely because of Little Deeny performing a secondary screening in the back, playing defence for their team.

‘I can’t hand Little Deeny over now, can I?

‘As for the AI prototype, it’s not advanced enough to stand by itself, not to mention being world-class. It probably isn’t even comparable to the domestic AI systems of Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent.

‘According to what Little Deeny said, the AI prototype has been running on her hardware. Without an actual server for testing, she didn’t know how much it would affect the performance.

‘Even if it runs well, these things don’t just appear out of thin air, right? There has to be a developer to develop it, right?’

The inspectors weren’t fools and without real talent and something to show them, raising funds would simply not happen.

A regular venture capital investment required due diligence to be done on the target company. It also required a clear investigation into the technology, personnel, and profitability of the company before an investment can be made.

It was impossible for someone like Su Yang who had nothing to show for to even pass the due diligence process.

Those things you see where people fool tens of millions of investors just by saying that their company has a certain type of technology or by showing some demonstration only existed in movies...

In reality, nobody was stupid.

With that in mind, Su Yang had a clear direction. It was to get that movie out.

He thought about it. ‘Now that the shoot has been put back on track and I no longer need to act like an amateur to interfere, I could help with the post-production, especially the special effects and perfect it as best I can.’

However, he wouldn’t be able to settle the special effects himself.

So, he got up and left the virtual space before scanning all the little monsters and items into the courtyard. Then, he asked the little monster beans to clean the house as he went out the door with the intention to have a chat with Wang Dong about recruitment.

When he arrived at the company, Su Yang saw that the receptionist wasn’t at the front desk, but was at the front door instead, looking into the company from time to time.

Su Yang tapped on the counter. “What are you doing?”

The lady at the front desk shuddered as she turned her head, looking at Su Yang in surprise.

“Director Su? You’re here in the office?”

Su Yang nodded.

Su Yang said “Yeah. What happened? What’s wrong with the company?” Su Yang also stretched his head to look into the company but didn’t see anything. The receptionist lady said, “Actually, it’s nothing. It’s just that Director Tang from the Hi-Tech Park is here.”

“Director Tang?” Su Yang wondered. ‘Why is he here?’

Director Tang was the same director that Su Yang and Chu Xia met when they first came to the Hi-Tech Park. He was also Pan Zhaodi’s original supervisor. The lady at the front desk said, “Why else? He’s here for you,?

“I said you weren’t here so he said he wanted to chat with Mr. Wang. When I was passing by the general manager’s office, it seems that Miss Chu Xia accidentally dropped something so he overheard.

“He probably thought it was you in there he told me he didn’t mean any harm and asked for me to knock on the door for him.

“I had no choice, so I went. As it turns out, Miss Chu Xia seems to know him so they began chatting quite a bit.”

It was no wonder she looked so concerned. Su Yang replied nonchalantly and walked into the office.

As soon as he entered the office, Su Yang saw Director Tang chatting with Chu Xia in front of the office.


She had a polite and reserved smile on her face and was talking about something while Director Tang was nodding his head. ‘It seems that Chu Xia handled it well...

It wasn’t convenient for Su Yang to make an appearance so he didn’t go over. Instead, he went over to the general manager’s office to look for Wang Dong.

He was here this time to see Wang Dong. He wanted to use the employees of Qidian E-Commerce as the backbone to expand his companies. He mainly wanted to expand his film company. The employees in Qidian E-Commerce had been sitting idle for two months while his other companies didn’t even have much of a payroll to begin with.

He definitely needed more people in the film and television company so it would be necessary for him to transfer people here over so they could form the core of the company.

When Su Yang arrived at the deputy general manager’s office, he knocked on the door and Wang Dong’s calm voice could be heard. “Please, come in.”

Su Yang walked in and saw Wang Dong in his suit, sitting behind his desk while scrutinizing the data with a serious face.

Without even noticing it, Wang Dong had been in charge of a medium-sized enterprise for just over a month. Within that period, he seemed to have lost part of his youthfulness while gaining what could be described as an aura of seniority.

After all, he rode on Su Yang’s coattails and became a legend in the industry. He was kicked out of the company by his boss before he found a new boss. This new boss, in turn, defeated his old boss and took over his old company. From an ordinary employee, he became the deputy general manager of a company within a single leap.

Now, Wang Dong didn’t only have a high salary, but also dividends from the profit along with shares of stock from the company. He was now a successful person.

When he heard the door open, Wang Dong looked up from his file and saw Su Yang coming in. He stood up in surprise and quickly greeted him, “Mr. Su, why are you here?”

Facing Su Yang, he had become more and more respectful. It wasn’t only because Su Yang was his boss, but it was also because he was personally following Su Yang’s development, and knew how fast and how terrifying the man was.

Su Yang patted him on the shoulder and used his old title. “Brother Dong, don’t act like a stranger. I’m just here to talk to you.”

Wang Dong welcomed Su Yang to sit on the sofa and poured a glass of water for Su Yang. Then, he returned to the sofa and sat down with only a third of his buttocks on the sofa, as if listening he was listening to the teachings of a master.

Su Yang drank a sip of water and asked, “The company’s development is all good now, right?”

Wang Dong repeatedly nodded his head. “Right. Everything’s great. Junqing left a very strong foundation in the first place. Even during the student holidays, it had other intermediary businesses to support it so the profit didn’t drop.”

Su Yang nodded his head. “In that case, can you look into picking a few good seedlings from the administration, legal, finance and other departments? Send some people in to talk to them. I’m planning to let them expand the new company’s business.”

“In addition, let the personnel of the company send out recruitment information in the name of my film and television company. I need a group of senior film and television personnel who must be familiar with the work. Let’s recruit 5 first. Let your people look into it.”

“By the way, now that the film has entered a formal level, let Chen Xiaoyun be the examiner for this interview to train her.”

As he heard Su Yang detail his plan, Wang Dong was busy writing them down one by one. After that, Su Yang and Wang Dong chatted some more as he asked him how he was doing with his girlfriend. Wang Dong said that since his income had skyrocketed, his girlfriend had more smiles and was no longer as sad as before.

He planned to settle down and propose to his girlfriend after earning some more money.

Talking about family matters, Wang Dong’s face full of happy smiles.

Su Yang patted him on the shoulder with some emotion, having a sense of accomplishment of changing someone’s life.

He felt this way because this person was very much like himself who wasn’t born with a golden spoon in his mouth...

After leaving Wang Dong’s office, Su Yang looked at the general manager’s office and saw that Director Tang had left. Chu Xia had also returned to her room, probably to continue writing

Su Yang thought about it, but he still walked over.

He quietly pushed the door open and saw that Chu Xia was back at her desk, cracking away at her novel.

In his eyes, the sun had just dipped to the west, and the afternoon sun was bright and gentle as it scattered its golden rays on her body.

Her body was covered with a pale glow over her palm-sized face. Her eyebrows were thin and matched her pink lips while some hair hung softly by her ear, making her look like a character in a comic book.

She seemed to be writing a plot with sweet emotions and her eyes seemed like crescent moons as she smiled warmly.

The scene before him was less astonishing than Lin Jiali. Instead, it had more of a girl-next-door kind of feel to it.

Looking at Chu Xia like this, Su Yang didn’t know why but... He had an urge.

An urge to draw... The impact of her beauty may have awakened the soul of an artist within Su Yang. He was unable to restrain his desire to draw.

It made his heart thump with desire, as it were about to jump out of his chest.

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