
Chapter 625 - Allies

Chapter 625: Allies

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Everyone quickly agreed on the plan of attack. With the addition of the Kaedeian units and fresh supply they had found during the last battle, Battle Wolf was ready to strike out again.

“Good choice! If we can take down Pulorita, we are pretty much slapping Moye on his ugly face. If he still remains inactive, I doubt he would still have enough authority left among the other dark one city lords.” Lie Jian cracked a smile.

“Well, let’s do it then! I am curious to see a queen that produces dark ones.”

Everyone looked to Wang Tong, and the latter nodded. “We can’t just walk up to the city wall like this. The Zergs are prepared this time. ”

“Indeed! I wish we can sneak a mastery attack on them using the forbidden power. ” Michaux exclaimed. It had been three days since the last time he had called upon the forbidden power. By then, he was fully recovered and ready to do it again.

“That’s what I am planning too. We could sneak in from the sewers. Heidi, you and your girls can sneak up on them in the air.”

Wang Tong started to analyze their options to the finest detail. As a member of the queen’s guard, Heidi was not a typical frail princess waiting to be saved; she was a competent METAL warrior. As most METAL warriors, she was skeptical of mastery spells. Although she believed in Wang Tong’s power—and almost anything he said—her unfamiliarity with mastery gave birth to doubts in her mind. Seeing that everyone was on board with the plan, she kept her doubts unspoken. She was confident that Battle Wolf would be able to take down the city, but at what cost? Every soldier counted, and their priority should be minimizing the casualties.

Heidi didn’t lead her soldiers to a suicide mission. She was here to help the chosen one in accomplishing his mission, and she intended to live to see that happen.

Everyone knew that Lie Jintian was not powerful enough to kill Moye; otherwise, he would have already done that since he had plenty of opportunities to do so at the beginning of the war. Wang Tong was the only one who could kill the dark lord.

Moye was not stupid like his dark one minions, and therefore, he would try to avoid the battle as much as possible. Heidi was here to create an opportunity for Wang Tong. Her plan was simple: when Wang Tong and his men finally found the dark lord, she would have her soldiers guard the area so that he could focus on the Dark Lord. That was her mission, simple but deadly.

When the oracle told her that Wang Tong was the only person who would be able to defeat Moye, she didn’t think twice and believed it. It was not like she a second candidate anyway.

After she had joined Battle Wolf for some time, she realized that Wang Tong was a much more astute leader than she had thought. Even when things were looking rosy, he remained prudent and was careful in making each one of his decisions.

She had expected Wang Tong to go after the dark castle right after she joined forces with him. But, she was pleasantly surprised by his strategic thinking and sharp mind.

She conceded that Wang Tong was different from most minor leaders, such as Lie Jian and herself. Something happened at the certain point of Wang Tong’s life that had made him who he was and stand out among even the best warriors of the time.

Wang Tong knew what he wanted, when to move, and when to wait. He saw things happening in front of him as a small piece of the puzzle in a much larger game. Being able to see things as interconnected pieces gave him the knowledge of the shortest route to his final goal. A side step in others’ eyes, could be a necessary maneuver to avoid failure straight ahead. Never once he was blinded by selfishness or personal ambitions. As a matter of fact, he didn’t seem to have any worldly desire at all.

Heidi listened to the battle plan carefully and decided to keep her doubts to herself after seeing that even Lie Jian had supported Wang Tong.

Lie Jian was smart enough to know not to oppose Wang Tong, at least not yet. To survive, he could only follow him.

Once the meeting was over, everyone returned to their quarters to rest. They would move out the next day first thing in the morning. Wang Tong and Heidi remained in the meeting room, as both of them knew they had something to say to each other. Lie Jian insisted on staying with them, but was dragged out by Michaux in the end.

“Brother Wang, I had never thought that I would see you again,” Heidi said calmly.

“Thank you for not calling me the chosen one…Haha.” Wang Tong laughed broadly. He knew Heidi wanted to tell him something, perhaps a request?

“If my mother finds out that I call you by your name, she will be very upset.” A faint smile finally broke over her face.

“Hehe, you should smile more often. Fill yourself with positive energy.” Wong jested.?Heidi’s smile evaporated. “It’s hard to be positive living in this world.”

“Why not? Do we have to be so gloomy all the time because we are at war? We decide our life…We choose to be happy.”

“Do we really have a choice?” Heidi asked, there was an edge in her voice.

“Of course! But, you need to believe in your choice, live in it, and learn from it. No one but ourselves can save us, so don’t stop believing in yourself.” Wang Tong said with a smile. Heidi gave Wang Tong a wry smile. It was easier said than done.

“There is something... My mother told me to keep it to myself, but I will let you know because I think you deserve to know.”

“I am all ears and thank you.”

“I have brought the best soldiers with me, and all of us are ready to die for your mission. However, in exchange, you need to ensure the survival of the Kaedeian race. I need to hear it from you.” Heidi said, almost pleading.

Wang Tong looked around at the Kaedeian Princess; she had shed the pride and honor that she used to armor herself with and revealed to him her naked and fragile mind. Whatever Wang Tong would say next, he knew he had to be circumspect.

“Kaedeians had always been a part of the Confederation, and no one will harm your race. I am glad that you are willing to fight alongside me, and I can give you my promise. As long as I am still alive, I will not let anyone harm you and your race.” Wang Tong announced firmly.

A slow smile broke over Heidi’s face, and then she beamed from side to side.?“You are much better than that rascal Lie Jian. if he were you, he was going to ask me to…” Heidi stopped and blushed.

Wang Tong scanned her lovely face and was amused. “As I said, you need to smile more often. Your beauty is also a power, particularly over a man like Lie Jian. It would give them bravery and make them want to fight for you. Lie Jian might seem like a promiscuous playboy, but he is much more than that, I guarantee you. Now, on that note, I am not entirely a gentleman either. Haha.” Wang Tong jested and laughed.

Wang Tong loved cracking jokes, and Heidi had been asking for it to come.

Warriors performed much better when their mind was relaxed, and therefore, Wang Tong always kept a number of goofballs around in his team, such as Tan Bu, to ease the soldiers’ nerves.

Heidi blushed. She didn’t disclose the full extent of her mission yet, but she knew she had to break the ice, however awkward it was.

“I was just pulling your leg!” Wang Tong explained. Shyness besting her duty, Heidi gathered herself, then paused and said, “I can tell that.”

The next day morning, the Pulorita City was filled with terrified shrieks of the dark ones.

The human devil had come!

The Kaedeians attacked from the air while Battle Wolf charged at the city on their hell-bound mounts.

Zergs soon poured out of the city wall to meet their invaders. Despite the size of the defending force, the direwolves charged through them like a knife through butter. They skipped all the tasteless primitive zergs and went straight after the nutritious dark ones.

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