
Chapter 239 - [13th Round] Let the World Benefit!

Chapter 239 - [13th Round] Let the World Benefit!

(Sir Hero, there’s no time for this now! The Demon Lord has awakened!)

‘Dear Goddess, open your eyes wider. Can’t you see how I’m busy taking over territories so that the Demon Lord doesn’t take them away?’

I really tried my best.

] Question: Was it really necessary to get rid of the First Hero? He’s going to start a war to erase his shameful history, and we are making every effort to prevent this, and such actions can only worsen the situation.

‘There’s nothing to worry about, stupid system.’

No one knew that he died by drowning in the sea.

As the Righteous Hero, I accompanied him and his companions to the port, and that was the end.

All was clear.

] Humility: I will continue recording.

I didn’t limit myself to supplying flush toilets to the savages of the Northern Continent. After all, I was going to distribute these toilets all over the Fantasy World so that both men and women could relieve themselves comfortably.

Wasn’t that what a real hero would do?

I could scour the area for several days, save some “Sweet Girl A” and be satisfied with myself, but would that really bring about peace?

In a broader sense, my actions improved the standard of living of residents, making them happier.

For two months, under the name of “The Righteous Emperor of Spirits, Unifier of the Northern Continent,” I traveled the world of Fantasy and introduced flush toilets.

It wasn’t easy.

Water pipes were laid, septic tanks were installed, and managers were appointed.

I was a regular high school student, so I didn’t have that kind of knowledge, but I gained experience in the process after installing flush toilets throughout the Holy Mollan Empire.

I watched what Ssosia did and repeated what she did.

“Long live the Emperor of Spirits!”

“Long live flush toilets!”

“His Majesty! Live Long!”

“I will follow you until I die!”

My popularity grew every day.

Rumors that the hero killed some monster were distant and of little interest to the inhabitants, much like wars in some distant country.

But supplying the world of Fantasy with flush toilets was different.

Because it had to do with human physiology, the inhabitants of the Northern Continent couldn’t help but prick up their ears.

Of course, even two months weren’t enough to do everything by myself.

The Northern Continent was huge, and there weren’t enough craftsmen who could install flush toilets. However, wizards and master craftsmen forcibly watched what I was doing and learned from it.

The entire process took two months.

After checking if they could cope up without my help, I was able to leave them with a calm heart and wash my hands.

But I wasn’t done yet.

“Let’s continue!”

In Fantasy, there were more territories than just the Northern Continent.

My travel between worlds through the Snow Woman’s feathers was delayed, but my travel between the continents of Fantasy was still possible.

With her catalysts, I could travel anywhere in this realm.

] Requirement: I did ask you to introduce your group. It is imperative that you do so before you go on your journey, so even if you are lazy, please do as I ask.

First was the drug addict, the First Spirit.

She absolutely didn’t live up to her status as the First Spirit, as her skills were at the very bottom.

But after she put on one of the paired rings that Health Teacher gave me, she got stronger!

She used to sit on my head forever, but now, in an emergency, she could fight in my place.

She had a peculiarity where her cloaca was arranged in an unusual way…

There was also Shadow A, who took care of the Snow Woman since she had no hands. However, as soon as she opened her mouth, she would immediately begin to praise her husband. She desired to stay away from her at such moments.

“You could have left out a lot of those facts! Regardless, Drug Hero, your group is a real flower garden!” The First Spirit wasn’t making any sense.

“Flower garden?”

“Can’t you see? Just look at our beauty.”

“Do you have optic problems? We have a monster with genetic disabilities, a married lady who misses her husband all day, and a sexless spirit. If this is a flower garden, then the First Hero has a botanical garden.”


“Wait! You forgot about me!”

I was about to use the Snow Woman’s feather to immediately teleport me to the Western Continent but was stopped by Saintess C’s interference.

Fine, I would evaluate her as a man.

Face S, Chest S, Waist S, Butt S, Legs S, Voice S…

That was all.

There was no position available to appoint her to.

(Sir Hero, she’s a candidate to be a hero since she’s talented in many aspects. Also, thanks to her stunning appearance, she’d be able to gather information effectively! If you take her as a companion, she will be extremely useful…)

“Take care of the Northern Continent!”


(Take care of what?)

Both Saintess C and the Goddess of Fantasy were at a loss.

“Take care of the Northern Continent while I’m gone. If you think you can handle it, I’ll leave it to you. Your mission is simple. I need you to install as many flush toilets as possible so that they’ll also be available for tourists. Easy, right?”

“Not at all, but I want such a toilet for myself. I’ll take it.”

I thought she would politely refuse, but Saintess C accepted my offer without hesitation.

It wasn’t that I didn’t understand her, though.

After she poured out her soul at the bar, I realized that she was an ambitious woman focused on her career.

She was about to join my journey because she thought she would eventually get the job.

But as soon as I told her that I would give her this position right now, she agreed without hesitation.

“We can finally say that the Northern Continent is free from the Demon Lord’s influence.

It was now time to move to another continent.

I reactivated the Snow Woman’s feather.

Instantaneously traveling through such a huge distance wouldn’t have been possible without the spatial transference magic circle, but I was different.

(Usually, rare items like the Snow Woman’s feather are obtained only after completing a difficult mission…)

‘It’s better if you shut up, you greedy Goddess.’

After all, you said you would provide me with full support yourself, but all you have been doing is interfering.

I knew what that was about, though.

They thought their nonsense, which they called their teachings, were more valuable than any rare items.

I, the Righteous Hero that brought peace and purity to the Northern Continent in just two months, set out to the Western Continent!

The Western Continent that I knew of had always been cold and dark due to the huge Lucifers feeding on light and breeding all year round.

But it hadn’t always been like that.

“Isn’t it too normal here?”

The weather was ordinary. The sky, though gloomy, wasn’t completely dark.

The reason for it was simple.

In this era, the Lucifers hadn’t yet covered the entire sky of this continent.

There were also huge mosquitoes shooting lightning.

Their mouths were like electrifying syringe needles. Like moths, the Lucifers were attracted by this glow, which eventually roasted them.

They were the natural enemies of the Lucifers!

The First Spirit added, “That type of insect is called Zeus. They only feed on the blood of Lucifers or vampires. In Fantasy’s current timeline, they’re considered an extinct species.”

“I know.”

The lightning emitted by Zeuss had the attribute of a “sunbeam.” That was why they were so dangerous to vampires.

As soon as lightning struck them, they would faint, and the Zeuss would drink their blood.

Those who feed on blood have themselves become victims of bloodsuckers.

But this food chain didn’t last long.

“They met a tragedy and a misfortune all because of the Phantom King Shakespeare, whom the Hero killed. After being defeated, he moved into a vampire’s body, killing all the insects that posed a danger to his new race in the process. Due to the disappearance of their predators, the Lucifers began to multiply exponentially and eventually swallowed up the Western Continent.

The First Spirit told me what I already knew.

“Addicted Spirit, that information is just rubbish to me now.”


“Do you really not know?”

The Righteous Hero would rewrite history.

My tasks had increased.

Aside from supplying this place with flush toilets, I now had to save the Zeuss from extinction.

But it wasn’t as easy as it sounded.

The Western Continent that I knew was a “dead land” where no light came in.

But the scene before me was different!

This region had green fields and the same amazing living conditions the Central Continent did.

“Today, I will be an adventurer!”

“Then I’ll be a merchant who knows no worries!”

“Why am I a Demon Lord again?”

I saw children playing on the outskirts of the village.

I didn’t get to see such a sight often in this monster-filled world.

The first thing parents taught their children was never to go beyond the village palisades.

But these children played outside without any fear.

Watching them, I concluded that it was simply extremely safe here.

“Hmm… I don’t know. I might have to gather information about the Western Continent again.”

My 65 years of experience and repeated playthroughs didn’t help me in any way.

“Drug Hero, ask me about it!”

“That won’t be necessary.”


“I can just get information from the spirits of the Western Continent. Huh? How interesting. In some cities, they catch Zeuss and try to use them as electric generators.”

I soaked in information from the spirits, learning some interesting facts in the process.

The inhabitants of this place studied pure engineering, not magic.

At first, they used Zeuss as a weapon against vampires, and then inventions began to appear that could be called “household appliances.”

The history of my beautiful homeland made it easy for me to understand the situation here. During wars, science and technology developed at greater speeds.

The same went for what happened here in Fantasy. As they used those mosquitoes against vampires, many household appliances were invented.

Mass production hadn’t begun yet, however.

“Are you interested in them, Drug Hero?”

“No. Unfortunately, it’s already too late.”

The moment I got the pass from Health Teacher, I would be able to return to Earth.

It was no longer really necessary for me to strain myself so much.

It wasn’t easy to introduce even a flush toilet here, so why should I bother showing them all the benefits of modern civilization? After all, there was a substitute for such inventions in the form of magic.


“We need to protect an endangered species.”

Saving and preserving their technology was up for the locals to decide.

My goal was to find the Phantom King Shakespeare.

There was no point in going to the place I knew he’d be in since we were now in an era where he hadn’t lost to my senior yet.

It wasn’t hard to deduce that much from the intel I got.

After all, only after taking possession of a vampire’s body did he destroy the huge mosquitoes that threatened his kind.

And that hadn’t happened yet.

Did I come too early?

] Confirmation: You solved the problem with the Snow Queen on the Northern Continent and came to the Western Continent too quickly. The Phantom King Shakespeare will begin actively taking action only after two years have passed.

Two years?! Then what did the First Hero do while waiting on the Northern Continent?

] Search: In his 846 days on the Northern Continent, he directly or indirectly helped nine old men, five old women, three boys, thirty-nine girls, twenty-seven married men, thirty-five married women, two bachelors, twenty-four single women, two young men, and fifty-six young girls. He also killed 25,831 beings during this time and increased his Fame and Reputation by 2% and 3%, respectively.

I received a report with specific data from the system.

And I suddenly became interested.

What is my situation now?

] Research: In 67 days on the northern continent, directly or indirectly, you helped 694 old men, 1405 old women, 2069 girls, 6395 boys, 25931 married men, 73,948 married women, 4850 bachelors, 19,530 single women, 596 young men, 978 young girls. During this time, you have killed … 0 people. You are known to have increased your Fame and Reputation by 594% and 13960%, respectively.

It wasn’t as severe as the First Hero’s, but I also helped women more than men. However, I didn’t choose to help women on purpose.

] Analysis: Women are more satisfied with flush toilets than men. Plus, male workers were unhappy with the tax hike. However, what is most amazing is that you haven’t killed anyone in two months, although many were injured.

‘What? Injured? I don’t remember that! You should stop lying, system.’

] Research: You have given 29,502 people a cervical hernia and 33,410 people a back hernia. If you like, I can categorize them by gender and age.


] Question: Are there any other queries?

‘There is. Why are there more patients with back hernias than cervical hernias? I made sure to keep the ratio as close to 1:1 as possible!’

] Error: The essence of the question is unclear.

After that, the system and the Goddess of Fantasy stopped interfering with me for a while.

I finally gained some peace and quiet!

At this time, with the help of the spirits, I looked for the Phantom King Shakespeare.

In the end, I found him, but…

“He does not look like a villain at all…”

Shakespeare, who hadn’t yet earned the title “Phantom King,” was still a forty-year-old archmage, suffering from pain between his 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae.

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