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Chapter 25: The Wise Man’s Choice

Chapter 25: The Wise Man’s?Choice

It had already been three days since Noel had sent her messenger to Grohl, and Noel Corps was resting in the Rhine as usual. Pillaging had been strictly prohibited, so conflicts with the locals had not arisen. They didn’t intend on staying long, and the people firmly believed that the Baharan army would come and liberate them. A mutual non-interference policy had developed between them. Unfortunately, Noel was unable to remain calm even in her free time. Nothing could stop her from wanting to ask all sorts of things, and so she had taken to calling out in a loud voice only to be met with irritated glances. In the first place, the only people she had asked so far had been children or the owners of mansions. Riglette tutted beside her as she did clerical work, hoping the singing wouldn’t be so loud. It was a scene that had played out countless times before.

“Hum hum hummmm…”

Kai spoke up, “It seems that you’re suddenly in a good mood. Do tell me if something good has happened.”

Noel stopped her humming, clapping her hands together as she responded, “It’s a mountaineering song that I learned from the children here. It’s unusually happy, and we were all singing it together just a moment ago.”

“Hmph, I can’t tell which one is the child,” Riglette tutted again as she spoke from behind Noel.

Nobody thought it was good for the children to be friendly with a commander of their hated enemy, one who had killed their count, no less, but it was impossible to keep them from their bubbling curiosity. They had secretly met up with Noel and quickly made friends with her. Her appearance was rather gallant and so the children saw her as a hero of sorts. When that was combined with her openhearted nature, she had become an overnight sensation.

“We’ll probably ascend the mountain when the reinforcements from the main force arrive. I thought that we should all sing together when we do, so I’ve been practicing so I don’t forget it.”

“Captain Noel, we aren’t going just to play around. Please drive that point into that insufficient brain of yours. In the first place, we don’t even have permission to cross the mountains yet. If you jump to conclusions, you’ll play the fool again.”

“You’re cryin’ and whinin’ like usual, you fuckin’ baby. That little mouth o’ yers only chirps uselessly. It’s annoyin’ me so I think I’ll stuff a rock in it.”

“White haired monkeys have no right to complain. No mere brigand should be allowed to speak to me like that.”

“It’s because you entered my line of sight, you fuck. You’re an eyesore so why don’t you just cower forever in a corner somewhere.”

The insults had begun flying between Barbas and Riglette as usual. Noel wouldn’t particularly stop them. It was a pain, and even if she told them to get along, they wouldn’t listen, though she thought it would all sort itself out if she properly ordered them to. As long as her fellow companions weren’t trying to kill each other she wouldn’t be bothered much.

“I bet the scenery at the top will be the best. I didn’t have the time to properly admire it when I went up last time.”

Kai responded to Noel’s soliloquy, “You’ve crossed the Balkes before, Sir Noel?”

“I don’t remember if it was here, but I have memories of crossing some mountains. I was desperate to escape back then.”

“Hmm, might I enquire as to whom you were chased by?”

Noel responded with a laugh, “Who was it? I don’t remember it very well, but they were shitty people who wanted to take my treasures from me.”

Kai questioned her with probing eyes, “I see. Then they were most likely thieves right? By the way, I’ve been curious about this for a while now, but where did you learn the military arts? This is just something I heard, but you were a hunter in some village before serving in the Coimbran military, right? And on top of that, you’re a capable commander. I cannot help but wonder at it.”

Barbas and Riglette both paused their argument and directed their eyes to the two.

With no reason to hide it from them, Noel answered honestly, “When I was little, I spent some time at a shitty church. We were forced to memorize all of the military strategies left behind by the sun emperor Bergis, and were almost beaten to death to learn how to fight. We pledged to never betray the emperor and were forced to chant it over and over and over and over again. All of my comrades there died aside from me.”

“Are you making things up again? Churches are where people pray to the Sun God. It is just a place where priests and nuns develop self discipline for that purpose. There’s no way something that heretical would happen in a place like that.”

“Ahaha, you don’t have to believe me. No matter what anybody says at this point it won’t change a thing. What’s important now is,” Noel made eye contact with each and every one of them as she spoke, “that I can gain enough happiness for everyone. As the only survivor I have to live and become happy enough for everyone. I’ll live, and live, and live to the end. That’s why I joined the Coimbran military and why I fight with all that I have.”

Kai, Barbas, and Riglette all found themselves lost for words at Noel’s having suddenly gotten serious. Having said all that she wanted to, Noel opened the door to the terrace, walked out, and raised both arms and eyes to the sky. The weather was magnificently clear, but it wasn’t very good.

“Ah, this is no good.”

Kai responded, having regained himself, “What’s no good? Isn’t your beloved sun ascending brilliantly?”

“I smell rain. Yup, it’ll surely rain.”

“It doesn’t seem that way to me. Well, the weather in the mountains can change rapidly.”

“I can tell, you know. Aaah, if only the rain could just die.”

Noel tutted, and after returning to the room she flopped onto the rug with a thirst for blood. Not even the silky sensation was enough for her now. She closed her eyes, waiting for the calamity to pass, hoping to forget.

At the Coimbran army’s main camp, Grohl had been proceeding carefully east according to plan after having taken Carness, cautiously capturing the territory surrounding the highway. Without using much military force, he had the local lords scrambling over each other to surrender after sending his messengers to them. It had only been two weeks since the start of the invasion, but he had already taken one third of their lands under the Coimbran scales. In a good mood, Grohl had instituted a lenient policy on the surrendered territories to relieve them. The one Grohl really wanted to hurt was Amil, and as long as he could do that and gain the throne, anything else was acceptable.

“We have received secret letters regarding the cooperation of the Lords of Laldo and Barnz!”

“All right, tell them that instead of relieving the area, they should join our army.”

“Yes sir!”

“Wilm, have you gotten any new reports on what that Amil bastard is up to?”

“Yes, I have sent requests for more reports back to the capital. As he is rapidly deploying a large number of troops, there is great confusion. Furthermore, it seems as though they are having troubles with food supplies.”

“How unsightly that he is having troubles with daily food supplies even though he wants to become emperor. Hahaha, it’s laughable isn’t it?”

“It is just as you say, Viceroy. Your capability is on a completely different level than the Baharan administration. We are all honoured to serve such a wonderful lord.”

Grohl laughed loudly at Gaddis’ flattery.

“Even if you praise me that much, it changes nothing. More importantly, Wilm, what do you think of their ability to return to Bahar?”

“Let’s see… leading confused soldiers will probably waste a lot of time. I’d estimate it’ll be about three months after all.”

“Pfft, hahaha! We won’t need more than two months to take Vesta, so a third gives us a time extension! We might as well just take the whole province, eh?”

“The plan is going extremely well. Bahar is running out of lords. If they try for the decisive battle that they want, victory won’t even be a problem.”

“Haha, the Sun God has finally decided to become my ally. At this rate, the imperial throne is not far away.”

Just as Grohl was giving a toast, first to Wilm, then to his retainers, the messenger from Noel arrived.

“Hmm. It seems that Noel has magnificently taken the Rhine. It’s written here that she killed the local lord Berotte. She did well to take it with the troops she had. As expected of her military prowess.”

“Viceroy, this here is Berotte’s head. Will you confirm it?”

“No, it’s fine. It’d spoil the taste of our wine, but it’s rare for the lords to resist, isn’t it. When our messengers return, they’ve all obediently thrown down their swords and agreed to take up the Coimbran banner.”

Gaddis praised him yet again, “Is that not because of your great influence, Viceroy? Though some unnecessary blood was spilled, it’s good that the Rhine has fallen too. Congratulations.”

With a faint smile, Grohl continued reading the letter, “Also, it seems that Noel wishes to cross the Balkes and harass Vesta with the city of the Rhine as a base. She would like reinforcements if we can afford to send them. If possible, she wants us just to send Cynthia’s unit.”

With that, Grohl began to consider the situation. In all honesty, he had thought that what Noel had done this time was pointless. She not only wanted to take a remote location, but go and take Vesta all on her own too, but merely taking the Rhine with so few men was praiseworthy in and of itself. Furthermore, attacking Vesta across the mountains wasn’t a bad idea. If they could cause the local lords to waver even more, it would be a great boon to the campaign.

“All right, replenish Cynthia’s supplies and send her to Noel’s location. This will be perfect to disrupt the enemy.”

Her name called, after Cynthia had given her flustered response, she saluted with a stiff expression. Grohl forced a smile tor try and comfort her before giving his orders, but there was somebody who opposed. It was his most trusted advisor, Major General Wilm.

“Viceroy, I’m sorry, but I have to ask you to please wait. If we are to send somebody without preparations, it must certainly not be Senior Commander of One Hundred Cynthia.”

“What? Why is that?” Grohl pressed Wilm with a dubious expression.

It was not a situation in which she would be likely to die.

“I’m sure this will trouble you, but I have been investigating the inner circle. Please take a look.”

Drawing closer, Wilm took a letter from his breast pocket. Its wax seal bore the Baharan crest. A single page letter was inside. The handwriting was something that Grohl knew well, it was the writing of his little brother Amil. Beginning to read, his good mood evaporated in an instant.

“What is this? Wilm, what is this joke of a letter!?”

The letter was from Amil to Noel. Its contents were as follows:

As previously ordered, take the Viceroy of Coimbra Grohl’s head. If that is impossible, whittle away at the Coimbran Army’s combat potential. Do so by any means necessary. A second betrayal is unacceptable. I have affixed money to cover the cost of the operation and any additional expenses.

In a rage, Grohl tore up the letter in his hand, and threw his wineglass to the ground.

“T-that shameless girl! To do that to me with so many eyes on her!!”

Confirming the contents of the torn letter, Cynthia rapidly spoke up, “P-please wait, Viceroy! That Noel could never double cross anyone like that!”

“I’m sorry, but I think so too. I don’t think that Commander of One Hundred Noel is a traitor.”

Cynthia and Dirk’s defence only poured oil onto the fire of Grohl’s rage.

“Then what is this letter!? Wilm, just where did you get this!?!?”

“Commander of One Hundred Riglette captured a suspicious man in the friendly camp, and seized it. I’m sure you already know this, but my daughter Riglette is Noel’s aide. For this reason I believe this letter to be authentic. The letter also came with a large amount of money and information. Likely funds for the operation.”

Wilm nodded as he stroked his beard. The news from his daughter, Noel’s aide, was already beyond doubt. The officers, unable to trust anyone of common birth, or from the north, all began to speak ill of her one after the other. Cynthia struck the table with both hands, silencing everyone. Her face was red with rage, and veins were bulging at her temples.

Eyes open wide, Cynthia defended Noel’s innocence, “Please wait! I believe that the letter that Riglette obtained is an enemy trap, and falling into it, we have labeled Noel a traitor without ever doubting its authenticity. Viceroy, this is a groundless rumour created by the enemy to eliminate Noel!”

Wilm objected at once.

“But this writing is undoubtedly from the Baharan administration, sealed with the trisabre crest. Furthermore, I have been looking into Noel’s lineage in the interest of protecting the viceroy for some time. She said that she was from Zoim, but that isn’t true. I asked the village head and he claimed that Noel came from the east. What else is to the east of Coimbra but Bahar!?” and with a pause, he swept his arm grandly eastward, and continued with great emphasis, “In the first place, Noel had the White Ant Bloc, which fought against us, easily surrender and become her retainers. Why would those lowborn follow Noel? There is but one answer. If Noel is Baharan, everything becomes clear. That is because they both held the goal of bringing ruin to Coimbra. In summary, they are hiding daggers and waiting for an opening!”

The officers accepted what Wilm had stated one after the other. The opposition consisted of Cynthia, Dirk, and all of the other officers from the north. Grohl too accepted Wilm’s words. He had always been suspicious of the White Ant Bloc becoming Noel’s subordinates. There was no reason that he could find for the people who had opposed him for so long to suddenly bend the knee. Furthermore, he had never thought about her birth. The whole thing was a frightful tale as an unknown individual had suddenly come before him.

“That, that kind of foolish thing couldn’t happen! Remember, did not Noel save the young master, and Lady Sarah? Noel was also the one who helped the viceroy in his time of need at Kanan. If that suspicious letter is correct, I can see no reason for any of her achievements!”

“Hmph. There might be some truth in that.”

His initial rage wearing off, Grohl thought through Cynthia’s testimony as well, searching for the truth. He wavered. Either way, he couldn’t leave things as they were. He couldn’t let it affect morale, or cripple the army.

“We cannot overlook this suspicious letter. Are you mocking my daughter!?”

“Isn’t Noel the one being mocked!?”

Cynthia glared directly at Wilm, meeting his intimidating stance with unconcealed wrath. The bandwagoning officers shrunk back at the pressure.

Wilm glanced away with a loathsome expression. He did not want to implicate Cynthia was involved in a conspiracy. She was a reminder of his friend Cydonia, and he liked her honest nature to the point that he had thoughts of marrying her to Leue. The forceful opposition was outside of his expectations, and Wilm was desperately trying to think of a way to refute her with words.

“Listen, Cynthia. Noels actions have all been to gain our trust. This is something that someone trained to be an assassin from birth could easily accomplish. You are fond of people, and have been deceived by her.”

“I am not so naive! First, Noel captured Ristih, and killed Hoslo and Berotte, so how can you call that a performance!? Do those actions make sense for someone cooperating with the enemy!?”

“If Noel is an assassin, nothing is out of the question. Capturing Ristih may have been to gain our trust, or she may have started out serving Coimbra and switched sides. That must surely be what ‘a second betrayal’ is in reference to. And wouldn’t it be reasonable to kill Berotte to keep herself safe?”


“You’re defending Noel quite a lot, could it be that you are working with Bahar? No, you are all that’s left of my friend Cydonia. I don’t think that would be the case in a million years, but…”

“I am not cooperating with Bahar!”

“Then why are you saying such dubious things!?”

Cynthia responded to Wilm’s provocation without thinking. In the first place, Cynthia was a slow speaker and unskilled in these kinds of settings. It was much more her style to wave her sword about what was right than to fight with words, but she wouldn’t lose a shouting match if it was to protect Noel.

“Viceroy, for the last six months, I have been training Noel at my own expense, and I have not seen a single thing that would indicate betrayal. As far as I have seen, she has been genuinely happy about working for the sake of the young master as she has promised. And Noel will absolutely never break her word! I guarantee it!”

“That isn’t evidence… Viceroy, we should form a subjugation force, and capture Noel at once. If she has been deceiving us in violently assaulting the Rhine, she can easily be captured, no matter how hard hearted.”

Cyntyia shook her head and opposed Wilm’s hardline policy, “That’s absolutely unacceptable! At least give Noel a chance to defend herself!”

“That’s weak! Traitors deserve death! Cynthia, if you have a scrap of a knight in you, figure it out!”

“If she really has betrayed us, I’ll kill her myself! Then I will take responsibility and kill myself!!”

Cynthia drew her sword, and thrust it deeply into the ground. It was a declaration of determination as per the Coimbran chivalric code. She had proclaimed her unconditional will to carry out her promise via an ancient tradition. If she failed to do so, she would forfeit her knightly status.

“I can’t say who is right, but I don’t think Cynthia is lying. In the first place, if Noel hadn’t stopped the Red Circle Army’s surprise attack, I would have died. I don’t think that was an act.”

“That’s right. Noel would not betray us!”

“However, the human heart is fickle. I know that more than anyone. She may have initially wished to serve me as Wilm suggested, but changed her mind.”

“It is not a problem. Please believe me.”

“Which is why I will take her from the front lines, and assign her to the defence of Carness. If she ignores that order, it will mean the death penalty. We’ll conduct a careful investigation after the war.”

Grohl delayed his decision as he had no idea if she was betraying him or not. Thinking calmly, he didn’t think that Noel would betray him, and as the one who had promoted her, he wanted to believe that it was all a misunderstanding, but thinking about where she had gained her terrific military prowess was itself terrifying. On top of his impending victory, there was a slim chance that he could tear out the roots of evil in his court. Most importantly, he couldn’t overlook the words of his most trusted advisor Wilm. Even if it was all groundless rumors, he couldn’t afford to be hasty, for if he ordered Noel killed despite her innocence, he would be the one playing the fool. Many a man had been expelled from his position over baseless rumors and slander in the past. Unable to decide, all Grohl could do was affirm vaguely that he would judge the situation at a later date.

“If that is your decision, Viceroy, than I, Wilm, must comply. Cynthia, do you accept it too?”


Dissatisfied, Cynthia could not dispel her anger. Noel could never be a traitor. She wondered why they had to relieve her of her post even though she wasn’t present, but she couldn’t oppose Grohl’s point. Now that things seemed to have settled, continuing would only make things worse. It may even have been some small mercy that she had managed to avoid having Noel branded a traitor and executed. After grinding her teeth in vexation, she nodded deeply and saluted silently.

“I’m assigning the investigation of Noel to Dirk after the war has calmed down. Be thorough in your investigation.”

“Understood. As per regulations, I will conduct a fair investigation!”

“Now then, let us decide who will take her position in the Rhine. I think we should assign the thousand men we brought along for unexpected circumstances, along with some military police to keep them in line.”

“Yes, that should be good. Do not get too close to Noel until the investigation is completed. This is a crucial time, so I’d like to minimise concerns.”

“Yes sir!”

Sighing deeply, Grohl left as he didn’t have the confidence to judge the situation yet. The remaining officers all went their separate ways. Cynthia could do nothing but kneel on the spot and grip her sword in anger. She couldn’t understand why Wilm disliked Noel and wanted her removed. Wilm had been her late father Cydonia’s best friend and had loved him as much as he loved himself. He was a well respected and prominent knight, as well as a capable Major General. She could not comprehend why he saw Noel as nothing but a burden to be removed. She wondered if it was because of her mysterious background, or because of some other reason. Cynthia didn’t know what was right, but she did no one thing: Noel would protect her promises. She would not act to betray the young master or Cynthia. Therefore, it was unthinkable for her to be a traitor. Cynthia was deeply frustrated that she had not been able to explain that to everyone.

No, I’m not done yet. I can speak with Lord Wilm, and explain it, or maybe…

Cynthia hurried to Wilm’s tent to try and persuade him.

“Are you here to complain about the decision we came to?”

“Not at all; however, dismissing Noel will only benefit the enemy. Could you somehow withdraw your request to have her removed?”

“I cannot. I’m sorry, but I simply cannot trust her like you can. As a commander I have to look at the big picture, and try not to be swayed by my emotions in the moment. I’m sure you can understand that if you focus on what lies ahead.”

Wilm had explained it to her as if talking to an emotional daughter, and Cynthia realised that she couldn’t persuade him.

“Might I enquire as to why you want Noel removed from her position? I feel like you’ve been hostile towards her since she entered the service, Lord Wilm.”

“Does it look that way?”


“It isn’t because I hate the northerners or because I’m jealous of her achievements. Just..”


“She’s a nuisance. She brought glory to the viceroy, but she has become a hindrance. That’s why I have had her temporarily reassigned… Dirk will give her a fair trial. Depending on his results, she should be able to make a comeback. I think that its a result that anybody should be able to accept, though.”

“Understood. Senior Commander of One Hundred Cynthia is returning to duty.”

“Right. The final battle is approaching. Don’t throw away your life, and work as hard as you can for Coimbra!”

“Yes sir!”

Cynthia left Wilm’s tent and looked to the sky. The dark clouds in the sky blotted out the sun, reflecting Cynthia’s inner thoughts.

“Noel… I was powerless. I’m truly sorry.”

Author’s Note:

I’ve played a game called “Are You a Werewolf?” before. When I was the seer, I made sure to look into the people who voiced their opinions with confidence. It’s a good game for experiencing some paranoia. Everyone looks like a liar.

But taking notes and reviewing all the testimonies is really mentally draining, so I haven’t done it recently. Even though it’s a game, I get really tired. It’s fun, but exhausting.

And then, breaking through a wall of 300 000 characters is about halfway for me. Usually I’m really worn out around this point, but not today. Huzzah.

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