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Chapter 16: A Twisted Cord

Chapter 16: A Twisted?Cord

Wiping the blood from around his mouth, Barbas proclaimed in a loud voice to the surrounding excavators, “Like I said, I am going with Captain Noel. Pick yer next leader yerselves.”

Stunned for a short while, the excavators began to gather near to Barbas after they finally processed what he had said.

“Isn’t that a bit sudden, pops?”

“Ain’t that a surprise. I decided just now, you know.”

“P-please wait! We’re only able to be so organised because of you. Nobody could fill in your shoes!”

“That’s an exaggeration. All I did was keep at it. What, I’m sure the next guy’ll be fine.”

Barbas waved them off, but there was no way that they would accept what he had said, and they one by one began to voice their protestations.

“You can’t abandon us after all this time!”

“Aaah, you’re a fussy lot. What’ll I do with you…”

Barbas crossed his arms as he puzzled when, “Then, then, why don’t we come too? No problems that way.”

“What was that?”

“That kid, uh, young woman, came to get you as a retainer, right? So we should go too, right? Right?”

“Oi, don’t say crazy shit. Do you know how many of us there are? There’s no way she could hire us all. Right, Captain?”

Barbas knit his eyebrows, and looked to Noel for confirmation.

“It doesn’t bother me. The more the merrier, and all that. It keeps things exciting.”

She quickly accepted them without worry, picking up the sack of gold from the ground, and casually handing it to Barbas.

“I need to pay you, so here it is.”

“What’ll I do with this?”

Barbas seemed troubled by the weight of the sack.

“Go ahead and divide it evenly amongst yourselves. I don’t really need it. I’d probably just waste it anyway.”

“Is this much really okay? Once we split it up, yer not gettin’ it back.”

“That’s fine.”

Noel didn’t seem to care much. Barbas couldn’t tell if she even understood the value of money. More importantly than that, from what she had said, she was either a great person, or a great fool.

“By the way, how are you going to handle us? It wouldn’t be strange if we were executed upon showing our faces in the capital.”

What Barbas had suggested was highly probable. Noel didn’t seem to be lying, but the Coimbran elites were a different matter. It wouldn’t be strange if all the men were to be hanged.

“Don’t worry about that. I can go in alone and explain it to the viceroy. If you just wait outside the city and run if things look bad, you’ll be fine. I promise it’ll all work out.”

She gave an intense nod to signal her intention to keep them all safe and then muttered that, “If there’s a riot, I can just run too,” under her breath whilst stroking the warhammer dangling from her belt.

It was stained a reddish brown, and was truly imposing. It had already taken several lives.

Grimacing a little at the sight, Barbas said, “In that case, we’ll leave it to you, commander.”

“All right, we should get going soon. I’ve gotten a bit hungry. For now let’s go to Bolbo.”

After wiping her sweat and putting up her hair, Noel quietly turned walk towards the exit. The dumbfounded guards, as well as the gloomy aide followed her with dazed expressions.

I’d look like that too, if such a troublesome lot just up an’ surrendered. It’s pretty pathetic that a little girl got me, but I gave it my all… If I go with her, things’ll get interestin’.

Thinking that, Barbas turned his gaze to the excavators.

“As stated, we’ve been pardoned by Captain Noel. Let the others know too. Today I leave this place. If you follow me, or stay behind, it doesn’t matter. Either way we’re splitting this money as a farewell gift.”

“Oh yeah!”

“I’m coming with you pops!”

“Oi, take some time ta think, you retards. You’ll join the Coimbran army if you go with the captain. Don’t come if you don’t want a humble life. I won’t accept complaints after you’ve decided.”

“Heh, I made my resolution way back when I decided to become an excavator. We’re the veterans of the White And Bloc.”

“That’s right!”

The sunburnt excavators scoffed at the idea of complaining. Those with something to protect, or something to return to had already left. Only the ones who had wanted to stay with Barbas had continued to live there day by day. They may have thought Noel’s coming to be a turning point just as Barbas had. After muttering his surprise at the helpless lot of them, Barbas nodded.

“Just to be clear, remember not to resent the captain even if you die. That’s why you get paid. If you complain, I’ll strangle you.”

“I’ll probably be upset, but I’ll do my best not to complain.”

“That’s fine. At least try to die quietly.”

At Barbas’ words, the excavators burst out into hearty laughter with a, “So cruel.”

“Okay, get ready to leave!”

“Leave it to us. Oh, just take the combustion stones we already have. They might be useful.”

Barbas wanted to give Noel the special product of the Bolk mines as a recompense for how she had trusted them with a large sum of money. The only way to repay her faith was by giving her the White Ant Bloc’s trump card. Noel would likely be able to distinguish herself in the Coimbran army with overwhelming force, and there was no mistaking that the combustion stones would help her to do so if she could use them effectively. Both Barbas, who hadn’t been formally educated, and the other excavators were unable to think of anything in terms outside of digging tunnels, but they understood the dangers of carelessness.

“J-just what we have? We’ve got tons, so it’ll be pretty difficult to carry.”

“We’ll take it and go. Conceal the entrance too, after we leave. ‘Doubt anyone’ll come, but if it’s found, it’ll cause all kinds of problems. We’ll also want to be able to come back for more when we run out.”

“Got it!”

Leaving it to them, Barbas took his battered, old longsword, and ran after his new employer. After calling out to her, he showed her to their usual mining location where he revealed the White Ant Bloc’s secret weapon. Of course, only Noel was shown. He explained the properties of the combustion stones, and Noel’s eyes went round with surprise when he demonstrated their might on the bedrock. After praising it greatly, Noel’s entire face lit up in a grin as she thought about how she could surely do something amazing with them. Although Noel was acting her age, Barbas felt chills when he couldn’t help but remember the darkness he had seen on the other side of her innocence. She was as cruel as she was childlike.

Once Noel and the others had returned to Bolbo, they held a great banquet at various inns, and bars. It was funded, of course, by the money Noel had given them. As anyone conscientious enough to want to save the money for living expenses had already left the mines, they drank until they blacked out. Having never known how to hold back, Noel unreservedly went out with them and boisterously played along with wine in hand. The guards had initially been bewildered, but before long, they began drinking and singing along with everybody else. They were all Coimbrans, after all, and it seemed like the excavators had led difficult lives. Riglette was the only one to hastily retire to her room with a sullen expression.

She had angrily shot Barbas down with,”Even among lowborn, you’re a white haired monkey. There’s no way I’d happily drink with you. Not on your life.”

Having been called a monkey, Barbas was so incensed, he almost stabbed her on the spot. Noel, having blended in with the rest of the lowborn, was nothing but happy smiles. Incidentally, Noel had recently began a hobby of people watching. She never tired of it. Various traits aside, she found sharp people to be the most interesting. Cynthia was the most entertaining, followed by Riglette. Barbas gave Noel a funny look when she told him that.

“Yeah, well if I was going to say, then you’d be th’sharpest, captain. I’d probably never tire of watchin’ you.”

“That’s not ‘cause I’m different from ev’rybody else, is it~”

“Well, ’s true that you’ve got th’ strength of a monster, no, uh, of a thousand men.”

“Ahaha, not that.”

“Then what?”

“I’m not alone when I’m alone, you know? Basically, there’s the proof that I’m not in me. At the same time that I’m me, I’m also we. You can’t know if you’re ever looking at the real me when you see me. Ahaha, I don’t even know,” Noel had been muttering with empty eyes.

Barbas’ gaze shifted from Noel to the scene behind her. While wondering what his trepidation was directed at, she downed the last of her drink.

“Uh, captain?”

“Ahaha, it’s just a joke. A joke. Barbas, I don’t think I’ll get tired of you, either. So let’s work together a lot.”

With a bewitching smile, Noel poured Barbas some more wine; so much so that it began to overflow.

The day after the party had ended, Noel and the 500 ill-bred men went majestically on for her triumphal return, and were immediately questioned by the garrison at Madress’ castle gates. They hadn’t been suddenly attacked because they were flying the Coimbran military flag, but they still could not advance. To all outsiders, they simply looked like a column of brigands, so that much was unavoidable. After standing by while waiting for an audience with Grohl, Noel went quickly in when she received her summons.

“Captain of One Hundred Noel has returned after completing her mission!”

No sooner than she had entered the audience chamber, Noel snapped a crisp salute with a proud face. She was wearing her glasses that day too, and her posture was immaculate. The surrounding officers and civil officials were likely split between bewilderment and resentment.

“Ah, I would like to thank you for your services, but what exactly is all this?”

“What are you referring to?”

Grohl wouldn’t overlook Noel’s sudden senility.

“Don’t go senile on me. I ordered you to subjugate the bandits, not to make them allies. I can’t fathom why you brought them to Madress. Noel, I want you to hurry up and tell me the details.”

Grohl crossed his arms, and furrowed his brow. He already had a basic understanding of the situation from what the garrison had reported. Though he had wanted to yell at her initially, it was true that the troublesome lot had surrendered. That was where he had wanted to praise her, but Wilm and the other military officers could not accept the situation.

“Yes, sir. At first I had intended to kill them; however, I changed my mind upon seeing them with my own eyes. Both their organisation and physical prowess seemed useful, and so it seemed to be a waste not to harness what could become useful. Simply killing them can be done at any point.”

“What kind of joke is that? They are the infamous White Ant Bloc, those of such a low birth should never be allowed into Madress! Viceroy, send the men at once to exterminate them! We can kill them easily now!”

Ah, Major General Wilm again? It can’t be helped if you dislike me so much.

Seeing Wilm’s irate reaction, Noel twiddled with her red hair.

Not allowed into the capital, Barbas and the 500 men under him were on standby outside the castle. Noel had ordered them to escape quickly if she did not return by the appointed time. She also wanted to escape if it came to that, but she had her promises with Elgar and Cynthia to consider. If she wanted to keep them, she would have to remain in Coimbra. Her word was absolute. Good fortune would not befall those who violated deals. That was her one belief; her one religion.

Wilm’s face is pretty funny when angry, though. Now then, what shall I do?

She observed Wilm’s anger with fleeting sidelong glances and got the feeling that things would run much more smoothly if she crushed his skull. Thinking that she might just do it if she had to run, Noel waited for Grohl’s decision.

“The White Ant Bloc is comprised of villains who have raided my supplies countless times. According to our laws, they should be executed by hanging, or decapitation. I did say to use those with ability, but I don’t want to use those who have inflicted harm upon us. Noel, you started this, have you anything else to add?”

“Viceroy, there is no reason to listen to her! Please make your judgement at once!”

Wilm stepped forward proclaiming that there was no use arguing any further, but Grohl stopped him with a raised hand.

“Do calm down a little, Wilm. I’ll probably ignore her too, but it is true that she took down the bandits without a single casualty. Don’t you agree that the average man could not hope of such a feat?”

“Well, th-that is certainly…” Wilm’s response was insignificant.

He’s unusually calm. It would be best to get him raving as usual.

Up to that point, the White Ant Bloc had always survived every single subjugation attempt. Such an unconventional group was now accompanying Noel. Not only had they agreed to that, but had even come as far as the capital. Wilm struggled to understand any actions that did not benefit the actor.

Looks like I’ll have to ask Riglette about this. This girl is a complete nuisance.

“So, what is this, Noel? Don’t hold back.”

“Yes sir. Though they became bandits, they were originally the good people of Coimbra. Though they have strayed from the path, their love for their country has not waned. As evidenced by the fact that they did not join the recent rebellion’s Red Circle Army, and instead, held firm in steadfast defence of the city of Bolbo. Of course, that by no means absolves them of their larceny; therefore, I believe that the best atonement would be for them to give their lives for Coimbra.”

Noel gave her drawn out proposal seriously, adjusting her glasses as she went so that she would look smart. The difficult words she produced back to back were likely thanks to the days she spent in that shitty place. She wouldn’t whisper a hint of gratitude, but she would use whatever they had told her would be useful. That way was what Noel thought best.

“Sophistry! There is no way they intend to atone for their sins. Viceroy, we should not upset the proper order. The military will surely fall into disarray if you ignore regulations. Please make the correct judgement for the future of this dynasty.”

“Sir Wilm is correct. To bend the law is to invite calamity.”

“I concur. Viceroy, please make the right choice!”

No less than half of the surrounding officers agreed with Wilm. That was what was known as the Wilm clique. It was a hard decision for those outside of it.

“Hmmm, well, that is a valid point. This is a complicated matter.”

“I promised to spare their lives. In return they swore their services to me. I will keep my word no matter what.”

“We hadn’t heard that. Know your place, captain of one hundred!”

“Excuse me. I understand Major General Wilm’s thinking well. I apologise for saying too much.”

Noel nodded, stepped back, and then turned to look out the window beside her. She didn’t have a watch so she kept time by looking at the sun that was slightly visible. She traced the top of the warhammer at her waist with her left hand. She had left her treasured bident in her room.

Alright, that’s enough. I’ll kill him.

It was time to get rid of him. He was in the way, and it would be quick and easy to crush his skull. Intending to finish him off with a peaceful smile, she would not even need to close the distance. She was confident that she could kill him just by throwing the hammer. Afterwards, she would make her escape and meet up with Barbas. There was still time to fulfill her promises with Elgar and Cynthia, so killing him wouldn’t conflict with them. Elgar would succeed Grohl to rule Coimbra. She couldn’t tell if it would go very well, but things wouldn’t go beyond expectations. That was how it was.

“Commander of One Hundred Noel, do you have something you want to tell me? Why don’t you tell me properly?”

“No, it is nothing, sir. I have already expressed my full opinion.”

“I-is that so? That’s good.”

Wilm began to feel that if he pushed her, she would kill him, and he felt a few drops of cold sweat begin to form. He had ridiculed her for being but a girl; however, her martial skill was still unknown. No, she had already captured Ristih alive. Here eyes bore a murderous gaze, and directed it his way. Despite his long military career, Wilm felt the pressure of a hungry predator setting its sights on him.

“Please wait!”

Perius the civil official stepped forth with his hand raised to stop them, presenting a compromise. He had mad sure to not be bound by anything so that he could oppose Wilm.

“Viceroy, there is a little more than what Sir Wilm and the others are saying. So, why don’t we look at what we have here once? I have but a single thought.”

“Say it.”

“We have received reports about strange groups frequently crossing the provincial border with Bahar. If we send them there to investigate and intercept those parties, I believe we can test their loyalty. If they only fear for their lives, they’ll happily run away.”

“I see. Testing them out once doesn’t sound too bad. Some might be bothered at the lack of upholding the old ways, but it would be a shame to waste war potential. I also need to be adaptable. Noel, would what Perius has proffered be acceptable?”

“Yes sir! Thank you sir!”

“Is this fine with you too, Wilm? I’m painfully aware of how much you wish to uphold the law, but I would like you to defer to my judgement this time.”

“Ah, yes, well, if you say that much, I must.”

Wilm obeyed Grohl’s words with respect, and heaved a sigh of relief when Noel’s glare abated because it had not changed from the constant glare of a ferocious beast into the final glance before a mauling. Facing Noel, Wilm decided to be more vigilant of her in the future. He would not make the mistake of underestimating her as a little girl. He threw out all naive thoughts that he could talk her around. There was no use negotiating with an animal.

“Okay, so I’ll send you on a mission to track them down. It should be fine to station the men of the White Ant Bloc at the nearby military outpost. That’s enough for today, Noel. Thank you for your excellent work.”

“Understood, sir. Now if you’ll excuse me…”

After saluting Grohl, Noel once more turned her gaze to Wilm. His eyes held blatant hostility. Noel thought that only his treacherous eyes bore any resemblance to Riglette. She couldn’t remember any times she could have gained his hatred, but she knew there was probably something that she had done. Even if she hadn’t done anything at all, it wasn’t an issue. The world was full of unreasonable things after all; things such as the time Noel had spent in that shitty place, the fact that she had been the only survivor, and the time that the only place she could relax after wandering around for a long time had become wrapped up in the rebellion. Even then, her allies had tried to kill her to keep her mouth shut. Life was truly full of mysterious and unreasonable things. Wilm’s disdain was almost nothing in comparison.

After showing Barbas and the rest of the White Ant Bloc the way to the nearby military outpost, Noel decided to go back to her quarters for an afternoon nap. On the way, she let out a great yawn, and her feet suddenly stopped on the first floor of the barracks. Leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, was the towering figure of a blond haired female knight: Cynthia. She raised a hand in greeting, but Noel quietly apologised for disturbing her, and quietly turned around. As she sped away at a rapid pace, Cynthia caught her firmly by the shoulder, with a predatory intensity.

“Oi, why are you ignoring me? Who do you think I made eye contact with just now? It is shameful for a knight to not offer a proper greeting.”

“Ahaha, a bit of sunlight might have blinded me. Also, I forgot some things, so I wanted to go get them. Yup, I’m not guilty of anything at all, nope.”

Noel attempted to vaguely gloss over the matter.

“What did you forget? I’ll go with you to pick it up?”

Cynthia scoffed at the lies she had instantly seen through.

“Ah, what was it again? It seems to have slipped my mind.”

Although Noel was laughing, Cynthia’s eyes bore no hint of a smile. Having instantly noticed that things were going to become like this, Noel had tried to escape right away. Failure to adhere to the social etiquette was what irritated Cynthia the most. Noel was the perfect prey when she didn’t follow orders.

“Then, I shall accompany you until you remember. Oh, that’s right, didn’t you distinguish yourself quite well in the Bolk mines?”

“Nope, not at all. I just was normally… normal.”

“Yeah, yeah, don’t be modest. I’ve heard all kinds of heroic sagas from your guards about the events. You broke into the enemy stronghold, defeated their leader in single combat, and on top of it all, you made the infamous White Ant Bloc into your underlings.”


“One can’t help but laugh at that. By the way, when I heard that I felt surprisingly faint. Hahaha.”

Forcing the expression, Cynthia let out her strained laughter.

“Ahaha, sounds like it was serious.”

“Now is not the time to laugh!”

With an expression like a demon, Cynthia took the hand she had used to grasp Noel’s shoulder, and instantly changed its target to her cheek, pinching strongly.

“Mwu. Ow, ow, ow, that hurts~”

“Of course it hurts! Listen up! It doesn’t matter how many lives you have if you keep doing reckless things like that. That is why I won’t be teaching you the ways of the knight this time, but rather, I’ll beat into you the way a soldier follows basic orders and military regulations. Don’t worry about time, either. I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn to teach you thoroughly.”

“Uh, my, my stomach has been hurting recently, so maybe next time. Later, then!”

After groaning and clutching her stomach, Noel turned to escape from Cynthia’s demonic hand. There was no way she was going to be able to sleep, and it was no time for a long talk. That was why she made a break for her room with all her might.


She had been caught by her hair which was being mercilessly tugged on. Her neck made a disconcerting sound.

“No problem. Just let it out. I’ll preach… lecture you in your own room after all. It won’t be my room, so make as much of a mess as you want.”

Noel’s face stated that she would care, but after being pulled some, she came up with something else.

“Umm, that’s right, I’m a little sleepy today. I just completed a mission, and I’m still tired from yesterday’s party.”

Having heard that, Cynthia knit her eyebrows in consideration. A certain smell had wafted past her.

“Oi, you reek of wine.”

“As I said, yesterday, with the White Ant Bloc, we had a massive party. Afterwards, we went out quite a bit this morning. Hehehe.”

Noel smiled as if to gloss it over.

“No way… You didn’t appear before the viceroy in that state, did you?”

Cynthia’s eyebrows elevated at a dangerous angle. Valuing discipline, etiquette, and military regulations, such a thing was execrable to her.

“I, I didn’t do anything rude. I, uh, I think.”

“I was actually going to stop after three hours, but I’ve changed my mind. Just as I stated earlier, I’ll continue until tomorrow!”

Having pronounced her verdict, Cynthia took Noel by the scruff of the neck, and dragged her into the room.

Forcefully shoving into room which had been dreary until the previous day, it became apparent that Noel had decorated it with lively ornaments. Until then, it had only been occupied by the board for practicing military tactics. At present, it contained a vase that she couldn’t understand the meaning of, blatant reproductions of some famous works of art, a sculpture in the shape of the sun, things such as animal dolls, a carving of the Coimbran coat of arms, and even an expensive rug. There was some order to it all, but it could certainly not be called a soldier’s room. Rubbing her eyes in a daze, Cynthia let out a deep sigh.

“Is this your doing? I don’t even need to hear you tell me to know.”

“Of course it is. I wanted to decorate it since it is my room after all. See, look at this spinny, sun clock. It’s pretty cool, eh?”

Noel began to spin a red sphere while she spoke, bringing it all the way to the top of the post it was mounted on. It seemed to be a mechanism that utilised centrifugal force. She was being shown the movements of the model sun, but Cynthia could not see it as anything but rubbish. Even as far as clocks were concerned, she couldn’t tell clearly what time it was. There were no numbers engraved on it, so it was likely just an art piece.

“Buying this mountain of trinkets, just how much was it? I want to confirm this: how much money is left from the reward that you received from the viceroy?”

Noel joked as she watched the sun descend, “You’ll be shocked if I tell you, so I think it is best if you never find out.”

“At this point you can’t surprise me no matter what you do, so don’t worry about it. Alright, tell me.”

“Er, well. After yesterday’s party I gave all the money I had on hand to the men in the White Ant Bloc, so right now, I’ve got nothing. I’ve been cleaned out: not a single shiny, gold coin; not even a copper one. I’ve got this stuff, and I’m penniless.”

“Y-you, you gave all of it to them!?!? Do you know how much that gold was worth!?”

“It’s a small price to pay to gain Barbas and the White Ant Bloc as direct retainers, I think. You can’t buy lives with money, but everyone decided to come with me.”

Noel asserted that there wasn’t a problem. Cynthia couldn’t easily refute her point despite how much she wanted to scold her. The infamy of the White Ant Bloc aside, their military prowess was undeniable. They had already proved that they were unwilling to be bought when the negotiating civil official had been beaten half to death. It may well have been a cheap price to pay to hire them all, but that did nothing to excuse her having acted arbitrarily without consultation. There was even the possibility that Noel would be punished if it didn’t turn out well. Normally, the military would never even consider taking in bandits without pardoning anything.

“So how exactly do you plan on living now that you are penniless? Your salary includes living expenses you know. What will you eat tomorrow?”

When on missions, supplies would obviously be provided; however, there was nobody soft enough to help her at any other point. Their salaries were not high enough for that, so it was fairly obvious.

“I’ll hunt in nearby woods, and fish in rivers or the sea. When it comes to food, I can do something to scrape by somehow.”

Noel mimed posing with a bow. Even though she wasn’t holding the real thing, it looked extremely convincing. Cynthia had heard somewhere that Noel was originally a hunter from Zoim village. If that was the case, she likely knew how to use a bow, generally speaking.

“You are a knight you know. You’ll harm Coimbra’s reputation, so please restrain yourself. I’ll handle your meals this month.”

“Huzzah. Um, what should I say at times like this?”

After her little celebration, Noel inclined her head as she tried to remember.


“When you’ve become a useless bum, but you get taken in by a beautiful woman, you know. Uh, I think it was: uff…”

She was interrupted by Cynthia strongly pinching her cheeks. She knew something well out of the range of common sense. Cynthia was carrying out her self-imposed mission.

“You don’t need to say anything. In any case, your total lack of understanding both military and civilian common sense is way to extreme. That’s why…”

“Hey, hey, Cynthia, could you possibly be free? If you’re so free, why don’t we play with something. The weather’s nice, let’s go on a walk or something.”

“I’m very busy, but training you to refine your excellent potential is my number one priority. I will teach you discipline and etiquette above all else. I’m sure you’ve already noticed that though!”

She punched Noel in the head. Pressing down on her red hair, Noel crouched to the ground.

“T-the world is spinning.”

“I will devote myself entirely into making you a splendid knight. I will stop at nothing until that day comes. I’ll bet my very name of Cynthia Edrich on it.”

“N-no, that’s fine, you don’t have to bet your name on it. I don’t really want to become a splendid knight anyway. As long as I can become happy, I’ll…”

“Is it not unacceptable to break a promise? That’s what you always say. For that reason, I think it would be best to start our first lecture. I will continue to explain it until you understand so that I can truly claim that I never held back.”

Noel was restrained, and forced into a seat as she attempted to flee. Cynthia wondered how many more times it would take for Noel to give up, but she finally settled down, puffing her cheeks in protest. Cynthia began to explain the totality of knightly and military traditions from square one. The focus was specifically on etiquette, preparedness, and general conduct. As she went, Cynthia was able to find out that Noel’s understanding was biased towards military strategy and tactics. She had asked just where Noel had learned such things, but it was brushed aside with a laugh every time. Respecting Noel’s strong will to avoid the subject, Cynthia ceased her enquiry. Though she wanted to know the full extent of Noel’s abilities, it was not knightly to employ coercion. Noel was reminded of her compulsory learning by a strong fist whenever she dozed off during the lecture. This continued countless times, even beyond the dawn of a new day, and Noel’s face became as drained as a corpse. Leaving the room with a satisfied expression herself, Cynthia suddenly remembered something she had forgotten to say.

“By the way, there is one thing I forgot to mention.”

“Soldiers should not doze off. Eating with fingers is not allowed. I mustn’t fill my room with trinkets. I am a knight. I am a knight. I am a knight. I am a knight. Eh, what’s a knight again?”

After repeating her words like a ritual chant, Noel’s eyes began to spin. The broken form of a knight lurched about, and Cynthia decided it was time to wake her up.

“Oi, pay attention!”

“I remembered. Knights do not freeze up when nervous. You can’t speak when you get nervous. Basically, that disqualifies you as a…”

“S-silence! I just carefully chose my words so that I don’t say anything wrong!”


With a light rap to the head, Noel was able to return to consciousness.

“Seriously. Well, what I forgot to say was about your aide, Sir Riglette. When I saw her this morning, she seemed to be concentrating very hard.”

“Riglette, Riglette… Aha, the Riglette that’s a bit like me. She has a tremendous skill for tutting, you know. She is truly the tutting girl.”

Still wobbling a bit, Noel tapped her head with still hazy consciousness. Laughing again, her eyes returned to spinning as she smiled. Cynthia briefly reflected that she might have gone overboard this time, but it wasn’t something she was particularly worried about because Noel would return to her usual peppy self provided the skies were clear on the following day.

“I don’t see how you two are similar, but be sure to be cautious. It is extremely important to build a relationship of trust.”

“Yup, I get it.”

“Do you really understand?”

Noel continued to repeat that she understood as she turned around, and collapsed onto her bed as though all her mental and physical energy had been depleted. She lay motionless, buried in her bed, dressed in her brand new military uniform, complete with medals.

“She looks just like a child, but her skills are real. I suppose people can’t be judged on their appearances.”

She been defeated by Noel in combat, and had watched as she saved Elgar, saw through the enemy’s surprise attack, and captured the rebel leader. She had even achieved the unthinkable feat of bringing the White Ant Bloc to heel. Cynthia let out a short breath as she covered Noel with her blanket.

“Are you some lucky fool, or a hero taking her first steps? I can’t tell at all, but…”

Cutting herself off, Cynthia looked down upon Noel’s form as she slept with a peaceful expression.

“We’ll be together for a long time, that’s for sure. The answer will come when it comes. Haha, tedium will easily become irrelevant.”

Smiling wryly without realising it, Cynthia left behind Noel’s ludicrously lively room.

Author’s Note

If Perius hadn’t come, then Noel would have quickly made her escape

With such a small thing, history was changed. It’s that sort of thing.

Translator’s Note

Though I’m getting much more proficient at translating, I still think that I struggle with natural seeming dialogue. If any of you have any tips for writing in pleb speak, please let me know. I accidentally scheduled this early… time to fix all my filler pages so I don’t accidentally release something unfinished.

Editor’s Note


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.