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Chapter 11: A Red Circle Split

Chapter 11: A Red Circle?Split

This chapter was supposed to be up on OCY first, but I really didn’t want to disappoint my calendar timer thing, so this hasn’t been checked. There is no OCY schedule, so it might be here early again, but the probability of that will decrease over time as I translate slightly faster than my schedule would dictate.

I can’t let this be too easy to read compared to the OCY version, so I’ll leave the white instead of f8f8f9. Maybe you’ll notice them and want to read the chapter somewhere else where they’ll be properly invisible.

May the calendar countdown widget be never sullied!

A Minor Notice Before the Chapter:

It has been a while and I do have some plans for additional content that will be exclusive to here.

I’ve added some small things to clarify the situation that weren’t in the original text. Japanese is fairly vague, so I felt it was important to add some things to make it flow properly in English. Well, I’ve been doing that this whole time, but for this chapter when I felt like I was adding something, I placed it in [braces] so you can know. If you think I’m horrible for adding things, if you don’t want to know when I added things, or if you like being able to tell where the Japanese was ridiculously vague, please let me know.

The Coimbra Military was heading north on the Kanan Highway to engage the rebel army under Grohl’s personal control. Almost all of the highway that stretched in the direction of the capital was visible across the plains. Its east bank transitioned into hill country, and they had to pass through Rockbell in order to get to the more difficult mountainous terrain. Their scouts reported that the rebel army was assembling its troops and continuing to advance as it pleased. Perhaps as a result of their taste for pillage, the rebel army was in a feverish frenzy.

Grohl instantly abandoned the idea of going to his suppression council for advice.

“As I thought, the battle will be somewhere near here, in the middle of the highway. We have the advantage in manpower and equipment, so we shouldn’t rush, but rather carefully carry out our assault. We’ll slowly envelop them, and wait for their defeat. That way we can avoid major losses and achieve victory.”

Wilm made his suggestion while he stared at the map which was spread out atop a table. The enemy had little equipment and organization, and was primarily composed of untrained individuals. If Coimbra could encircle them and pelt them with arrows, they could most likely achieve victory. From Wilm’s point of view, it was okay for Grohl to pile up more mistakes, but he had no intentions of allowing the rebels to advance to the capital as they pleased. He had to stop the rebels at all costs before they reached the capital, though he didn’t know the exact circumstances of the situation. It was true that [he had allowed] the rebellion to arise, but it would only be acceptable to, at most, dethrone Grohl.

If I recall, the leader of the rebellion was supposed to be Ristih, right? He most likely wants to quickly grab glory by taking the capital for himself, but as one would expect, I can’t allow that. My opinion of Amil aside, I am still a man of Coimbra.

“That’s too weak! We’ll use the crane wing formation as planned, and crush the insects without stopping! It doesn’t matter that they were deceived by Bahar, those who took part in the slaughter of their fellows cannot be forgiven!”

“But, there is no need to waste soldiers’ lives in an aggressive attack.”

“It is for this kind of emergency that the soldiers have weapons and training. Do you think this can end without bloodshed!?” Grohl bellowed as his face went red.

After all, if the poor from Coimbra’s north hadn’t advanced as they had, the soldiers that were concentrated in the south would have been able to organise. The rebels numbered 8 000 strong and could be summarily crushed by the entire military force of Coimbra. What infuriated Grohl was that their numbers had been miscalculated.

“… In that case, the short-term plan doesn’t change, is that correct?”

“That is how it is. Wilm, you take the centre, and wait until you see a chance at victory to charge with your men. When you signal, all forces shall attack. Know that I won’t allow retreat!”

“Yes sir, leave it to me!”

Wilm saluted and left the tent. His son Leue was standing by outside, and his daughter Riglette was approaching. The two of them were both in the Coimbra military and had good positions for their respective ages. Wilm had especially kept an eye on Leue and held great hopes for his future. He excelled in the literary and military arts, and had garnered great trust from the soldiers. He possessed all the qualities of a brilliant commander. If he gained experience, there would be no complaints if he became Wilm’s successor.

On the other hand, Riglette was a piece for political marriage, and if she could manage that, he would be satisfied. Unlike Leue, she didn’t seem to have any talent for military affairs at all. From childhood she had been of a weak constitution, and her face had always been too pale. She had always worn glasses and was so frail that she was unable to properly grip a sword. Without the Grambull family name, she never could have joined the military. It was to the point that he had thought many times that it seemed like his friend’s orphan, Cynthia, was more like a child of his. Above all, Riglette’s melancholic disposition, gaze, and bearing were such that it unavoidably irritated him, despite their blood relation. Her existence seemed as though it would become the embodiment of [melancholy] with the way things were. On the other hand, there was also that their house employed devious stratagems. When she gazed at their dirty secrets, them simply entering her field of view was enough to irritate her. To say it clearly, had she not been his daughter, he would have already gotten rid of her.

“Father, how was the war council?”

“Leue? As expected, the Viceroy is pushing for a swift, decisive victory. There is no change of plan.”

“I don’t understand. To say it clearly, he won’t win by encircling them will he? I don’t think there is much need to take any unnecessary casualties though.”

Wilm nodded at Leue’s words.

“It is as you said. However, the Viceroy must consider his honour. If he is cautious when his opponents are mere brigands, he fears that his reputation will be tarnished.”

“He easily allowed the rebellion to arise, so why would he care about losing face at this point? After that, what could he even be worried about, eh?”

Leue smiled weakly. He had already been informed of the plan to remove Grohl.

“Hm, it is exactly like you’ve said. However, if you don’t take care, you may lose your life in battle. Absolutely make sure you don’t drop your guard. I won’t permit you to die in such a menial fight.”

“Yes, I understand.”


Following after Leue, Riglette saluted.

“Riglette, I don’t have anything to say to you.”

“… What is it you were talking about?”

“Nothing you don’t already know. I have no interest in your life or death. Don’t bring shame to the Grambull house for once, and show me how you fight. You may be a woman, but there is still probably some scrap of a soldier in you. Seriously, you should learn from Cynthia, Commander of One Hundred.”

Wilm snorted and Riglette grimaced, only furthering his irritation. He may have done so in order to conceal his facial expression, but his dissatisfaction was still vivid. If Leue had a brilliant military disposition, then Riglette was shadowy in nature. That was truly distressing for Wilm if she really was his daughter.

“If you give the order, I will gladly serve in the vanguard.”

“Stop spouting things that you can’t do. If someone who can’t even hold a sword is sent to the front, that person will only die in vain. It will be fine if you command supporting archers. I can’t allow the Grambull house’s name to be smeared with mud. At that time I will discard even family if I need to.”


“Is there something you want to say?”

“No, I understand.”

Riglette nodded, but the corners of her mouth twitched. She was most likely thinking something like, in that case, don’t start by saying unnecessary things. That girl’s face was quick to show her discontent, and she would blatantly click her tongue at inappropriate times. Those kinds of actions greatly displeased Wilm to the core. Enduring the urge to strike her cheek with full force, Wilm changed the topic.

“By the way, about what I previously ordered, I wonder if it has been carefully arranged.”

“Father, it is all as you wished. Lady Sarah has begun, and nobody suspects a thing.”

“Hm, then things are well.”

“… That doctor is…”

“You have absolutely no reason to know. You aren’t permitted to even investigate it, so just obediently follow my instructions.”

Wilm led Leue, and in that way they turned to walk towards his troops. Riglette stood, utterly frustrated. If she spoke with him any more than that, he really would have hit her, so she hurriedly left his field of view. What had been arranged was for Grohl’s injured wife Sarah. Wilm held his breath; the doctor would approach her, and he didn’t know what would happen after that, but his preparations were not ones that could be overcome.

“By the way, father. Are the rebels really about to attack without thinking? They must have realised where the inferior numbers lie.”

“That is only natural.”

“Then, there is only one plan to gather numbers. To be careful, I’ve investigated this area in advance. Please look at this.”

“Show me.”

He took Leue’s map; if it had been himself, what would he have done? Thinking it over, he quickly figured it out. What would he do if he was Ristih? The commander was a civilian from another province. The only ones capable of damaging his foes were the soldiers and mercenaries from Bahar. With those troops, how would he overturn the situation? If he followed the plan, the chance that his rebel army would be betrayed by the suppression force from Bahar wasn’t low.

“A desperate sneak attack is all it can be, eh. If he can defeat the viceroy the situation will become more chaotic, and if it goes well it could lead to a mass rout. It will become a gamble, but the possibility of it working out is high. The sad truth is that in this army I am currently the most effective in emergency situations.”

Wilm spoke cynically.

“We don’t have any effective methods for fighting a war of attrition, and Ristih most likely knows this. If he was able to see the viceroy’s temper that well, he has most likely already prepared the attack. Now all we have to do is decide how to handle it.”

Speaking his thoughts, Leue turned a questioning gaze to Wilm. What came to face him was a rebel army composed mainly of civilians. That was most likely the majority; however, it was one that was like a lure. The rebel force would quickly be disadvantaged. Grohl gave the order for a full frontal assault, and both wings began to charge; the centre even more so. Ristih most likely had expected that was what would happen up until that point. Wilm raised his gaze to the easterly hills. That was a place from which there was an unbroken view of the highway. If so, they would send a select elite to conceal themselves there.

“Listen well Leue. Do not reveal this matter to anybody.”

“Yes sir, of course.”


Wilm folded the map and placed it in his breast pocket. Suffering just a single loss could still be worked to his advantage. So long as his household was in good order, anything could work. His initial plans were different, but as long as the outcome was the same, it didn’t matter. Ristih’s plan was not only to take Grohl’s head, but also to take the capital. Wilm, however, would never allow that. If he did not stop at removing Grohl, then Wilm would reorganise the remaining soldiers and annihilate the rebels. The enemy would suffer losses [in the upcoming battle] too, and that was enough to make it feasible [to stop them].

I hadn’t thought simply taking his life would be such an exertion, but that only seems regrettable. Viceroy, the truth is, I’m not on your side. That is just you paying for your own mistakes, and your punishment will be well received. Please leave the future of Coimbra to us.

Kanan Highway’s plains division.

Under a sky without a single cloud, the rebel army had taken the initiative and had begun to form its strike. Without proper ranks, the rebels spread out horizontally in a formation that naturally bulged in the centre. The Coimbra army had both wings arrayed to engage the enemy as planned. The rebel army had initially been winning, but this would not be as easy as Rockbell. Because they had not experienced anything other than overrunning their opponent, if they didn’t break through in one push, there was no other option. Slowly, but with a numerical advantage, they began to pressure the Coimbra army.

Cynthia, deployed in the rear guard of the right wing, was confirming the progress of the battle with a telescope. A newcomer to the hierarchy, she wished she could be on the front lines, but it was not allowed, and she was ordered to stay at the back. If her first battle was a close fight, she would do anything to achieve meritorious service, yet that wish did not seem likely to be granted.

“Hmm. At this rate it doesn’t seem like the battle will end without the opportunity for merit will it? What is this?”

Cynthia groaned atop her horse and folded her arms. Speaking clearly, she could already see the course of the battle. The front of the enemy had already bowed. It seemed like they would rout en masse at one more blow. That’s right, at the centre, Wilm’s force was waiting. If they were to attack, both wings would also begin to advance. Obviously Cynthia would obey that order, but the rear guard had no space to move to the front.

It would be stealing a march on everybody, but should I advance my corps a bit? I won’t get in trouble for moving a little bit.

Disobeying orders was a crime, but in every province was the unwritten rule that it would be forgiven if it brought about great enough merit. Of the great men who had biographies written of them, the number of them who had disobeyed orders was high. There was risk involved in the crime, but it was otherwise difficult for someone young to gain merit.


Cynthia, pursing her lips, grasped her sword. Then, as she made her resolution, the moment she was about to issue her orders, from atop her horse, she felt her cloak pulled down.


Her back hit the ground. Her armour protected her from serious injury, but in that moment, the shock was incredible. After scrunching up her face, her anger boiled to the surface. She stood in a rush to find the impudent one and roared.

“What are you doing!”

“Hey, you were about to disobey orders weren’t you. There’s nowhere to distinguish yourself here. I can see it in your face again~”

“D, do, d-d-d-don’t say such…”

“I saw you shaking though…”

“Ahem, don’t try to make jokes! This one would never disobey orders! More importantly, are you aware of what you have just done!?”

Noel was the perpetrator who had pulled Cynthia down with a carefree face, and she grabbed her by the collar. She was Noel’s commanding officer. Her selfish antics would normally have been okay, but at the moment, it was not. She had to dole out punishment.

“Captain Cynthia, please wait a moment before you strike. See, after all, if I disobey orders, it’ll be okay as long as I distinguish myself enough. It’s more fun that way, and it’ll surprise everyone.”

Noel took out a map of the battle formation from her bag and displayed it proudly. It was tremendously significant information that even Cynthia likely didn’t have. Where Noel, a Leader of Ten who shouldn’t have had access to it, had found it was a mystery. She would listen to what

Noel had to say for the moment, and so she released her grip on the girl.

“How, exactly, did you come into possession of something like that?”

“Hehe, I drew it myself. It’s my first attempt, but it turned out pretty good, didn’t it? I don’t know the commander’s name, or really understand it, so that area is a bit vague though.”

Looking at the plans, in the described area was lightly scrawled the somewhat unfitting Pochi house and Tama house. It was hard to believe, but that was unmistakably something that Noel would write. Noel closed one eye, gave an elated thumbs up, and once again began her explanation. There wasn’t a scrap of tension in her appearance.

“Where we are right now is here at the rear of the right wing, and the main body of the enemy is here, right? And then, to achieve victory, General Wilm’s company will advance from here. So, Captain Cynthia seemed like she was going to advance through the gap during the offensive, you know. You can’t reach the enemy from here after all.”

“H-hmmm… W-well, that is close—that isn’t— yes, well isn’t it okay to go forth?”

Cynthia was faltering, having been seen through. It was hard for her to honestly admit that she had wanted to advance to the front to raise her standing.

“So~ here is my question. Why is the enemy mindlessly fighting us here? They absolutely can’t win in a regular battle, right? They don’t have the same numbers and equipment after all. Even a monkey would know that.”

“Even knowing they will lose, there is a time it can’t be avoided. That is most likely their situation right now.”

Even at a disadvantage, there were some things that were unavoidable. Even if the rebel army was 100 000 strong, Cynthia would fight to the end for Coimbra. The enemy may have thought the same thing.

“That’s a lovely Cynthia-like opinion, eh. But not everybody is like that you know. There are loads of people out there who think to strike their enemy’s weak point after all.”

Everything had an opposite. Saying so, Noel pointed to a place on the map. It was the place on the map where the hill was that Noel Company had met the rebel army.

“Do you have something to say about that place?”

“Yup, earlier we met Fras… an enemy scout party there. Why were they there~ I wondered, and thought carefully about it too. If it wasn’t a landmark for a village raid, it was probably a preliminary investigation or something. For that crucial moment, you know.”

“What would be prepared for the crucial moment? Aah, you’re too roundabout!! Hurry up and state your conclusion!”

She couldn’t tolerate Noel when she put on airs and demanded that she state her thoughts.

“People like the Viceroy, and General Wilm might not have thought of it, but what if, when the whole army is committed, at that moment, the real body of troops comes crashing down like an avalanche? If that happens, we probably won’t be able to stop it, right?”

“W-what was that?”

“That’s what I’d do. If the Viceroy is killed, everyone will be shaken too. If a smaller force wants to win, it obviously will target the enemy commander from the start.”

Noel stabbed the location of the commander’s tent with the dirk she kept on her belt. It penetrated deeply into the location that Grohl occupied.

“B-but, aren’t you thinking too much? I don’t think they have the surplus to form a flying column to send though.”

Aside from being the enemy, they were no more than a muddled gang of bandits. It was unthinkable that they could have a plan. For the sake of being cautious, a scout party could be sent, but by the time they returned, the main offensive would have already started.

“I see. Yup. It might be like that. So, that was just me overthinking then.”

Quickly agreeing, Noel packed up the map. Surprised by the anticlimax, Cynthia added to the conversation with a complaint.

“Oi, you’re the one who said it, so don’t dismiss it so quickly. I know, to ward off that disaster, what should I do?”

“Um, shift your forces into the bushes at the base of the hill? If you form up to strike, you can kill the enemy with the momentum from a surprise attack. After that just wait for reinforcements, and the commander’s tent will remain safe.”


“This decision is up to Captain Cynthia. Well, I’m fine either way.”

Having said all that she wanted to say, Noel yawned, stretching both arms to the heavens. Her whole body bathed in sunlight; she seemed to be in a good mood.

Thinking carefully, Noel’s words do have a point; however, if it is reading too much into the situation, it would just end with disobeying orders.

She glared at the easterly hill. She couldn’t feel the presence of any enemies at all, but she also felt that a figure would appear as soon as the whole army was committed to attack. The enemy commander was a Baharan, so the potentiality that there was cavalry was high. She really didn’t think that they had the time to attack and retreat. It would be fine to report it to her commanding officer, but it would without a doubt be rejected. Preparations for the assault were already underway, and the mood was rising.

“What to do, what to do? Aah, what would be best!?”

“Hey, your thoughts are leaking out. You’re amusing like I thought, Cynthia.”


“The weather’s nice today too. Whichever you choose, you probably won’t die. Yup, it’ll probably work out.”

Making baseless assertions, Noel performed a charming salute.

The hill east of the Kanan highway.

Ristih’s flying column had hidden themselves and were concealing their breaths atop their horses. As expected, the enemy had committed fully to the front. That was exactly as planned. He expected Grohl would bite without a doubt. Furthermore, Wilm, who had noticed the troops preparing an ambush, was pretending to have never realised it.

A loud trumpet sounded, and all their drums and chimes violently rang out. Wilm’s main force which was waiting in the centre of the Coimbra forces was preparing to advance. The accompanying wings too, triumphantly commenced their assault. There was no way the small fry bandits could halt the rising momentum of the Coimbra forces. The Red Circle Army’s corpses were piling up, and in a single moment, the situation had become dire for them. It appeared it would soon become a rout. Ristih nodded. His chance had come.

“All right, it is all going according to plan! Look, Coimbra’s main force is splendidly entering the trap! The target is their commander’s tent! It is going to be undermanned! Capture the foolish Grohl, our ultimate chance has come!”

Ristih, informing them so, raised the morale of the cavalry. The Red Circle battle flag was raised. For the moment it was nothing more than a symbol, but it would become the new provincial banner once he had conquered Coimbra. They only had to kill Grohl to complete their mission. After that, they would hand over the province to Amil, and Ristih would likely be given the title of next viceroy. The mouthpiece of the people suffering under oppression, Ristih, would become the hero who punished the incompetent Grohl with the death penalty. Geb flashed his teeth while stroking his beard.

“I didn’t think it would turn out exactly as planned until this point. It looks like you’ve been lucky, Ristih.”

“Hahaha, the will of heaven is with us. Geb, you go all out too. Let them know the might of the Baharan cavalry!”

“Leave it to me. Oi, Fraser and Kraft, you go all out too. If you take Grohl’s head, you’ll have the most merit. Not even knights or nobles can dream of that!”

“Yes, understood!”

“I, a noble? I, I’ll absolutely take the heads of many enemies!”

“Good answers, you two. Humans are boring when they don’t have ambition after all!”

Without receiving trouble from their horses, Fraser and Kraft had responded. They were in Geb’s unit and were a part of the flying column. They had themselves honestly chosen to go, and so they were greatly relieved, for if they had performed poorly, they might have been the ones being crushed [in the decoy group]. Furthermore, their hearts were pounding at the incredible chance that had arrived. Taking Grohl’s head would make nobility no longer a dream. If they could do that, their lives would be transformed. Fraser and the others were overflowing with ambition, drinking in the air, and waiting for their orders.

“When Geb’s unit separates from the vanguard, we charge! The target is in the commander’s tent; take Grohl’s head! Don’t even glance at the others!”


“Red Circle Army, charge! TO OUR VICTORY!!”

The Coimbra army’s commander’s tent. Watching the course of the battle with an eyepiece, Grohl nodded in satisfaction. It was going eerily well. Both wings were annihilating the encircled enemy, and Wilm’s force was already beginning to advance. A great noise resounded; the impression of fife and drum reached his ears.

“This is the end for the rebel army. It seems like I’ve been able to save face at the last moment.”

“Yes, after we’ve finished the current business, we’ll strictly investigate the matter with Bahar. If we only have circumstantial evidence, the Bahar officials will cover it up.”

“Naturally. Amil won’t send a flattering envoy. With honeyed words we’ll raise the issue to father, and face the emperor early! We can’t let this chance go!”

Grohl struck his scabbard to the ground.

“If we can capture Ristih, the initiative will be ours. We have to capture him alive no matter what.”

“Yes, the gentlemen commanding the front also know this well, so…”

The official next to Grohl cut off his words. Thinking it to be strange, Grohl looked over to see the official’s throat pierced by an arrow and he [watched the man] die where he stood. Crumpling limply, the body convulsed in short spasms on the ground.


“Viceroy, it is an enemy attack from the east! The enemy cavalry is aiming for the headquarters!!”

“N-no way. L-like that is going to happen!”

“But, there is no mistaking it!”

“Fortify the defence! Don’t let the bandits approach your viceroy!”

The imperial guard immediately formed up and fortified the area around Grohl. The charging cavalry that bore the standard of the Red Circle was kicking up a cloud of dust as they descended. Not long after, arrows were flying. There were around five hundred [of them charging down the hill].

“S-stop, somehow stop them!!”

Grohl sent out orders, but the eastern guard had already been scattered. Because of the preparations for the total offensive, their defences had become too thin. The rebel army’s vile spear was carefully aimed at the Coimbra army’s weakest point. There was no one other than Grohl who would have been so lax as to not take up his shield. The soldier’s defencive position had easily been overrun, and the second line of defence had already been reached. Next would be the imperial guard that had fortified Grohl’s perimeter. Drawing their swords with shaky hands, the nearby officials followed the orders of Perius whose voice was raised.

“T-to Wilm, send word to Wilm!! Light the signal to return, call him back with the horns!!”

“Viceroy, in the meantime, do not get involved! Wilm’s force is already engaged with the enemy front! It would be wise to fall back to the commander’s tent!”

“D-don’t mess with me! Fleeing from rebel opponents, if I do that I’ll be a laughing stock! This tent is my pride, and holds my personal banner you know!”

In the commander’s tent, Grohl was signalling his orders with a flag, waving the Coimbra scales twice. It was not a banner that had been forged by the sword, and yet he hoisted it up. He would not allow the enemy to trample the banner; even less so when his enemies were mere rebels.

“Viceroy, your life is more important! So I will not allow bandits to take your life! Now quickly retreat!”

He shook off Perius who was forcefully removing him. There was no way he would run. He was the proud viceroy of Coimbra, Emperor Befnam’s son. It was absolutely unforgivable to sully that honour.

“Shut up, shut up, shut up! I will absolutely not flee!”


He shook off the obstruction of Perius who had grabbed his arm and raised his angry voice.

“Stop their advance here at all costs! Everyone, prepare yourselves! Let them know the might of the Coimbra forces!”

Grohl swung his sword down in an inspirational moment and received the final piece of bad news.

“Runner! The second wave of enemy cavalry is flooding in from the east! The garrison cannot hold out against a pincer, and the defencive lines have been overrun!!”

Grohl opened his eyes and turned them in that direction. New enemies were engaged in the fight, easily winning, as they swooped down without pause. In place of the dumbfounded Grohl, Perius gave orders.

“Whatever happens, defend the viceroy! If we buy time, reinforcements from the front will arrive!”

“Viceroy, stay behind us! We will protect your life at all costs!”

The imperial guard formed a front to become the final shield. They were mighty, yet, though the feeling was faint, it didn’t seem like they could hold out. The victory that had been before them was snatched away, only to be replaced by death.

Will I, a carrier of the blood of the house of Waldek, die here? Will I die in an unsightly way at the hands of bandits?

Grohl, as if he would collapse at any moment, strained all his might to stay standing.

The second wave of the cavalry that had swooped down in an instant from the easterly hill.

Ristih was leading the first wave which had already descended, and Geb, capable despite being a mercenary, had been given command of the second wave. Adding to their momentum was that their path was blocked by no man; the rear of the right wing had easily become undermanned in the total assault, and they were already breaking into the commander’s tent. The Coimbra garrison was being completely toyed with by the two stage surprise attack.

“Die, small fries!”

Geb rushed through, spearing some of the few remaining guards from atop his horse. He merged with the men from the first wave, and they turned to face the Coimbra standard. Ristih was waiting in the rear. Things had progressed frighteningly well.

“We can do it, after all.”

Geb nodded at what was certainly good windfall. He figured that with some training, the rebels could become some fairly useful soldiers. Geb had the ability to see a person’s true ability, so he knew who to bring with him and who to not make into an enemy. To live as long as he had, Geb had continued winning, and he would continue to do so. Ned had been quite useful, though he was already dead. He didn’t want to meet the one who had killed him. Never facing a strong opponent head on was another secret to survival. In those situations, thinking up a surprise attack was a good method of attaining victory. A fight was neither fair nor underhanded.

Noel seemed like an interesting one though. Now then, I wonder if she’s alive.

Heroic soldiers were blocking the way, standing with their spears to guard the tent. Their equipment was of a different quality, so they were most likely imperial guardsmen. That meant that the man who had gone pale behind them was Viceroy Grohl. His head was worth a great deal. With their momentum, most of the soldiers had left for the offencive, leaving the most important man unprotected. There was value in how incompetent their supreme commander was. If he was attacked and killed, the soldiers’ morale would plummet; even more so if he was their viceroy. He was not someone they should have easily allowed onto a battlefield. They had to be incompetent to not realise that. Geb snickered.

Be it incompetence, or whatever, that viceroy’s head is highly valuable. I’d love to receive a mountain of money!

He lit a flame as a signal to his subordinates and to further increase the chaos. To penetrate the defences in a single stroke, he flourished his spear, striking down the enemies that had gathered near him. It didn’t matter if they were imperial guards. If the enemy was hesitant, he’d surge forward like a wave against the shore.

“Kill, kill!! Kill them with whatever you can grab! Grohl’s head is just a short ways away!! Take it and you’ll be rewarded all you want!”

He casually approached as the enemy spears thrust at him. A strong shock impacted his hands. As though waltzing through small fries, Geb struck each one down in a single blow.

“You bastard!”

Spontaneously, blood flew, and, pulling his spear back, from atop his horse, he thrust down with both hands. Again, his blow was received. Geb displayed the spearmanship of a veteran from Bahar.

“You won’t receive it a second time!! You aren’t a small fry, are you, you bastard!”

Geb reflexively glanced at the small fry’s face. The small fry wore the standard Coimbra uniform, armour, and helmet. It wasn’t an imperial guard uniform, but, without a doubt, the small fry was more skilled than an imperial guardsman. Red hair peeked out from under the helmet. The happily grinning face matched one from his memories.

“Are you… Noel!?”


“You’re as plucky as ever…”

As he was shouting that, he felt a pain in his abdomen. Shocked, he gazed down at two puncture wounds that had injured his organs. Red fluids were spilling out. He hadn’t remembered being negligent, but that thought was naive. Noel’s blow had been too well executed for that. It gave him a hint of what had led up to Ned’s death as he began to feel sluggish. He was out of luck. His organs had been ruptured, and with the taste of a feeling he hated more than words could describe, he vomited blood.

It was hot. The burning heat seemed to spread through his abdomen; no, it did not only seem to, but was actually burning him. His body was tinged with an almost incandescent red, and the stench of burning flesh clogged his nose. His vision dyed scarlet, and the earsplitting sound of his own wheezing could be heard, emitted against his will. The memory of first feeling the pain had already become dull; muscle, bone, viscera, brain, the places in pain were able to recognise clearly that they were burning. It would soon end.

“B-burning? Haha, what happened? Why would my body burn…”

“It’s mysterious, eh? I don’t really know why either. It’s a spear that can produce flames; well, it isn’t normal. There was talk of it being a miracle product, but it’s probably fake.”

“Hahahaha, burn, it’s burning, m-my body, body… Gah!”

“Hey, what exactly is this spear? While I go over there, why don’t we think about it? Of course, I will too. So?”

Noel didn’t receive an answer to her question. Geb’s eyes were melting with the fever, and reddish brown fluids were spurting rather than flowing from his mouth. Noel survived a victor, and Geb died defeated. As expected it seemed difficult to keep winning all the time, but it seemed like it might have been a good way to continue to survive. It gave off that sort of impression. If that was true, she’d surely one day grasp happiness. Geb, who had taught her that important truth, had died, but there was no helping it. He had been an enemy after all. That was also why she had killed Ned. It was why she would kill Kraft and Fraser. They were no longer allies.


Noel thrust her bident even more, lifting Geb’s remains off of his horse. Hoisting it like a banner, the body was engulfed in a violent blaze, and the stench of the corpse was carried with the black smoke as it spread. Silence filled the surrounding area in an instant, and it became as if time had stopped. Friend and foe alike were speechless as they could not help but turn their eyes to the young girl who bore the flame.

“Sir Cynthia; Leader of Ten, Noel has killed the enemy cavalry commander, Geb!!”


“The next wave is coming! Don’t be distracted!! Form up with your spears!! Aim for the horses, and crush them!! Everyone, protect Lord Grohl!!”

Changing her words to rebuke them harshly, Noel jumped onto the horse Geb had been riding. Taking up her trumpet, she signalled an attack. Following that, the soldiers of Noel Company also continued on in high spirits. When the call of the trumpet died down, the screams and cries of the enemy soldiers echoed across the battlefield. After Mirut too rushed in with his spear, the dumbfounded guards also began to comply with Noel’s order, having become swept up in the momentum.

“What an unbelievable girl!”

Cynthia urged her horse onwards as she rushed the rebel forces before her. Everything had gone as Noel had predicted. In the end, Cynthia had ignored her orders to remain on standby and had gone to prepare against an enemy surprise attack. Noel Company had gone ahead and waited near the commander’s tent, having been sent there to minimise the enemy impact. Cynthia’s group was to strike the enemy in the flank. Countering the surprise attack with another surprise attack had gone exactly as Noel had predicted. Although they hadn’t been able to repulse the first wave, they had somehow managed to keep Grohl alive. It was true that the commander with the initiative could take the offensive and force his opponent into a state of confusion.

Thoughts of Noel’s proud face passed through her mind. Her usual way of speaking was flippant and did not elicit much trust, but she had perfectly read her opponent. Had Cynthia been by herself, there was no way she would have realised the enemy planned on assaulting the commander’s tent.

Just who is that Noel anyway! I think she says some foolish things, but she has fearsome foresight. I really can’t understand why that is!

Idiotic hesitation over whether to attack the enemy cavalry or respond to their attack had halted her feet. The initiative that Geb gained by leading the charge had also gotten him killed. Noel’s warcry had yet to reach her location. Killing the enemy general would cause not only enemy morale to drop, but also allied morale to rise. It was also a taboo to stop advancing during a surprise attack. The weapons of the cavalry were impact and maneuvrability. If those weapons were unusable, the situation would be beyond saving; therefore, it was important to determine the success of a charge in advance and to quickly order the withdrawal. Everyone knew that much, but it was difficult to judge when actually watching combat. From the start, the evidence for such a surprise attack had been driven home. In the place where they were soon to seize victory, there was nobody who would call for withdrawal.

“Damn, this wasn’t how it was planned! The tent was supposed to be practically empty!”

“Damn bandits, I can see you bastards’ plan! Throw down your swords honourably, there’s no way for you to win!”

“Shaddup right now!! At least I can kill you fuckers!”

The horse mounted rebel stabbed at Cynthia. Calmly observing him, she chopped off his arm and stabbed his torso. She could hear a trumpet from the direction of the commander’s tent. The present state had become that of a pincer attack. Noel was directing the defence of the tent while Cynthia led the flanking maneuvre. It was very likely that the rebel leader Ristih was present. If he could be captured, the rebellion would be ended.

“Take their heads! They’re just bandits, so their lives don’t matter! Our target is their general, Ristih! Capture him as alive as possible!!”

To completely destroy the enemy which was in chaos, Cynthia raised her sword and gave her orders.

“Haaah, haah, shit, fuck!”

Without care for the enemy’s thoughts, Ristih butted in as his flying column had fallen into a panicked state. The momentum of the attack had petered out, and they had been lodged in by an enemy that had prepared for a pincer. It was unlikely that the incompetent Grohl had prepared an ambush. Wilm may have figured it out, but he was guaranteed to be on the front lines. That meant that somebody with a brain had done something unnecessary. Ristih chewed on his thumbnail.

“Sir Ristih, let’s fall back! I can’t imagine we’ll be able to break through much longer!”

“Where are we supposed to fall back to!? We won’t even buy much time by retreating to Rockbell!”

“B-Bahar, let’s go home!”

“Such foolishness! There’s no way they’d let us in! Right now we’re in the Red Circle Army!”

Ristih had ignored his orders to prolong the rebellion and had instead marched on the capital. There was no way that defeat would be forgiven. All that waited if they returned to Bahar was death, so they had nothing left to do but continue the attack.

Ristih stayed his feet and raised his spear. More so than when Geb died while leading the vanguard, if the momentum of the cavalry was killed, they would truly begin to feel the effects of the pincer attack. Leaving aside those directly employed by Bahar, the mercenaries were already losing nerve. They were far above the small fries in terms of skill, but they had not a fragment of loyalty to their employer. If they thought their orders were too dangerous, it seemed like they would quickly escape. To ensure a rout would not happen, he could not doubt for a moment that they would one day achieve victory.

“Everyone, raise your spirits once more! Grohl’s head is just ahead, not far away! We can break through this level of defence in one push!”

“Eh, isn’t that already impossible though?”

Paired with the sun’s pretty rays, a single horseman slowly approached. It was a Coimbra soldier dyed fully in red, and she had already come into range.

“The pathetic Coimbra army is trying to say something!”

Gripping his spear, he unleashed a shining thrust that had been admired even in Bahar. After only that much, his blade was caught. Confused, he tried to wrench it free, but it still did not budge.


“Pretty fast for a general.”

“R-release it!”

“If I kill you, the merit will be halved. So, I’ll let you live for now.”

“I won’t let such a low ranked soldier look down on me!”

Releasing his spear, Ristih drew his sword from behind him; however, he could not get it out of its scabbard. He felt a great impact in his right shoulder and fell off his horse with the overbearing pain. The surrounding Baharan soldiers took up their swords to protect him, but they were killed, their breasts pierced.

“Just to confirm this, you are Ristih, leader of the Red Circle Army, right? It’d be pretty bad if I’d mistaken you. You just introduced yourself, so I doubt I’m wrong.”

Not paying attention to her surroundings, the female Coimbra soldier stepped down from her horse. It felt like he could escape, but if he tried anything, he would forfeit his life. Surrounding her with spears from horseback was possible, but not for with the current state that the cavalry had fallen into.

“W-who are you?”

“My name is Noel. I’ve seen you once before at Zoim village though.”

“Z-Zoim village? That village was supposed to be under our control? So, why the Coimbra military…”

“Cause it seemed more fun that way. That, and I didn’t want to be a disposable pawn. You only saw us as pawns, right? I really hate being viewed like that.”

Saying that, Noel reached back and took up her war hammer with a firm grip. She was smiling, but on the inside she felt ready to boil over. If she hadn’t met Cynthia in that fort, she couldn’t have joined the Coimbra military. She would have been placed on the front lines of the decoy corps as an ornamental stone. The lives of the people of Coimbra were only as valuable as pebbles to them. In truth, the decoy corps that had been sent by the main force of the rebel army had simply been an aside. The rebels had thrown down their swords, raised up their cries, and were beginning to rout. Corpses littered the area with arrows pinned to their backs. It was truly a dreadful scene.

“W-wait. Listen! Somebody think about who is really in the wrong! The cause of the misgovernment, the cause of your suffering, think of the one behind it all! If you leave me here, then…”

“Shut up.”

Noel swung her hammer down on Ristih’s right knee, totally pulverising it. While he was screaming, to finish it off, she crushed his left knee as well, leaving him crippled. The pain was so great that Ristih lost consciousness, frothing at the mouth. After violently kicking Ristih’s helmet away, she took him by the hair and dragged his limp body away. The soldiers brandishing their weapons around her did not take any action. No, they could not take action. Noel’s bident was dripping with blood as she held it. The gently swaying, evil bident gave off an aura almost as if it was searching for new prey. Each one knew that the instant his stance shifted in an attempt to help Ristih, the bident would thrust into his throat, and so, not a single one moved.

“I-it’s a demon.”

“A devil in h-human skin.”

“Ignoring your own actions, you guys say some nasty things, you know.”

Noel, sporting a bitter smile, observed her surroundings without negligence.

While she was doing so, “Noel are you safe!? Sorry for coming late!”

Cynthia and the others were finally approaching, having thrashed the enemy at the commander’s tent. At that moment, the mercenaries broke free from their temporary paralysis and began to flee at full speed. There were some who threw down their arms to surrender. No longer waiting for reinforcements, the course of the battle had already been fixed.

Dragging along the fainted Ristih, Noel looked up to Cynthia atop her horse, and confirmed, “I’ve properly kept him alive, you know.”

“Is that man Ristih? Did you defeat him by yourself?”

“Yup, I remembered his face after all. I confirmed it once too, so there is no doubt it’s him.”

“I, I see. Well done.”

Cynthia praised her, though her face twitched. She turned over the corpses of the enemy soldiers which were not few in the area. Among them was a charred corpse. The villagers that Noel had been leading were silently huddling together with Mirut a short distance away. There was no way that they had created the corpses. In summary, Noel had: taken down Geb, the commander with the initiative; whittled down the cavalry’s morale before finally destroying it; and captured the rebel leader Ristih.

“Captain Cynthia, quickly announce your victory. If you do that, this battle will quickly end.”


The one who had captured Ristih was Noel, and Cynthia hesitated to take credit for it.

“Mirut, sound the drums and chimes. I’ll play my trumpet. This way Captain Cynthia’s status can be raised.”

After saying so, Noel let out a resounding sound from her trumpet. It was the tune of victory. As she continued, though Mirut was still confused, he began to beat his drums. It felt as though not only those around the commander’s tent, but all the soldiers across the battlefield turned their eyes to the sound.

“Is it really okay?”

“Of course. I’ve already done it so it’s all good.”

Cynthia nodded, took a deep breath, and called out in a voice that could be heard across the entire Kanan highway.

“Cynthia’s troops have captured the rebel leader Ristih for the Coimbra army!! This battle has ended with our victory!!”

One beat behind her proclamation, a cheer rose from the Coimbra army. It was clear to see upon whom the goddess of victory had smiled that day.

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