
Chapter 720 - Memories of Guard Captain Nair (3/3)

Chapter 720: Memories of Guard Captain Nair (3/3)

Captain Nair was very clear about the limitations of being a street thug and a gang member.

If the royal family turned a blind eye to these street rats, then everything would be fine. However, if one of them angered the royal family, then it would be a complete disaster for the entire underground city, it would be a complete disaster!

Captain Nair was very clear about this in his heart. However, the gang members who mingled in the streets and alleys did not realize this. They did not have the slightest sense of danger as they expanded everywhere, such an arrogant act under the imperial city was tantamount to challenging the authority of the underground city’s king.

The longer the captain of the guards stayed in the gang, the more uneasy he felt. He knew very well that these companions who did not have any ambition on the streets were simply unreliable companions.

The captain of the guards knew in his heart that staying in the gang and working for them was not a long-term solution.

Coincidentally, his mother began to exhort the captain of the guards to leave the gang.

After a long period of struggle, the mother and son of the captain of the guards finally settled down. Not only did they settle down, but they were also thriving. Finally, the two of them did not have to sleep on the streets anymore, the captain of the guards, Nair, built a sturdy little shelter for his mother in a small alley. The two of them were finally out of danger.

At this moment, Nair understood his mother’s exhortation because he was thinking the same thing.

Rather than waiting for the royal family to clean up in this damn gang, it was better to prepare to leave the gang early.

The captain of the guards, Nair, planned in his heart.

From both sides, the well-informed captain of the guards, Nair, relied on his own information network to believe that the royal family would definitely conduct a big clean-up of the underground city’s gangs soon.

Combined with his own judgment, the captain of the guards felt that the credibility of this piece of news was at least 90%.

The captain of the guards, who had been feeling uneasy for a long time, quickly decided to leave the gang after combining said unease with his mother’s dissuasion.

One would not be able to achieve anything in a gang.

Even if he became the leader of the entire gang, the captain of the guards, Nair, knew that he was nothing more than the person who made him the most respected gangster in the streets and alleys. Once he left the alley… after leaving those dirty sewers, the captain of the guards was nothing.

This was completely contrary to the original intention of the captain of the guards, who wanted to climb to the highest point and master justice himself.

The captain of the guards knew in his heart that to become such a person, only an official could do it.

Only by being subordinate to the royal family could the captain of the guards fulfill his dream.

Therefore, Captain Nair decisively broke off his connection with the organization and the gang and joined the guards.

During the recruitment of the guards in the underground city, Captain Nair, who had washed off his tattoos, slowly walked into the recruitment office.

During the physical examination, Captain Nair, who had been involved in gang fights all year round, was instantly selected into the guards. Moreover, Captain Nair’s results could be said to be very excellent!

At that time, among all the new guards, Captain Nair said that he was second. Only one person dared to challenge him for first place!

That person’s name was Hansen.

Vice-captain of the guards, Hansen!

Hansen was a talented person who had graduated from the academy. In addition, his talent was also very strong. He was also a very dazzling existence in the recruit training camp!

Just like that, the ill-fated relationship between Captain Nair and Vice-Captain Hansen had begun!

After passing through the baptism of the recruit training camp, the two of them went to the battlefield together. In the numerous attacks of the magical beast tide, the two of them had made outstanding contributions, and the two of them quickly rose to a relatively high position!

During the years of fighting against the magical beast invasion, the military achievements of the few of them kept on rising, and they almost quickly reached the position of vice-captain of the guards!

Nair was getting closer and closer to his wish step by step.

Vice-captain of the guards could be considered a position that was neither too big nor too small in the palace. There was nothing to boast about in terms of status, but he had real control over the military power!

Later on, with his ability to take advantage of both sides, the vice-captain of the guards, Nair, took charge of both sides of the army. Even among the nobles outside the army, the vice-captain of the guards did not slack off. Following the previous captain of the guards, he kept going to all kinds of high-end places and gained quite a bit of familiarity in the circle of nobles!

With these efforts, the vice-captain of the guards, Nair, who was not as strong as the vice-captain of the guards, Hansen, succeeded in inheriting the position of the captain of the guards.

At that time, Captain Nair could not bear it, because he knew that in terms of strength, Vice-Captain Hansen might be even stronger.

If it was not for his good fortune and opportunism, and if they were ranked according to the level of strength, Captain Nair would definitely be defeated by the other party!

The captain of the guards, Nair, was very certain of this!

However, although the captain of the guards felt very guilty, he would not give up this position to Vice-Captain Hansen.

This was because the captain of the guards still remembered his goal, to climb to a higher position!

The captain of the guards, Nair, who had grasped the military power, could be said to have successfully obtained the position that he had yearned for the most when he was young.

The captain of the guards was different from the vice-captain of the guards. He had grasped the actual military power. Although his position among the nobles was still not very high, seeing that the captain of the guards, Nair, had grasped the military power, all the nobles had to put in the effort to curry favor with the captain of the guards!

After obtaining the thing that he had yearned for when he was young, Guard Captain Nair, began to calculate something in his heart.

During a patrol, the captain of the guards passed by the suburbs of the underground city.

He passed by the farmer’s house.

The successful captain of the guards, Nair, came to the farmhouse that he had grown up in when he was young. It used to be a small broken wooden house that his family lived in, but now it was another serf’s house.

When the farmer couple saw the travel-worn captain of the guards, they hurriedly walked out of their luxurious house to welcome the arrival of the captain of the guards, Nair.

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