
Chapter 21-23

Yin Suye’s sharp heterochromia eyes stared straight into Shui Ruoshan’s eyes like they wanted to find out something from within. He clearly remembered that Shui Ruoshan said that he(SRS) doesn’t know him when they first met. But after he mentioned his name, he(SRS) could accurately state his(YSY) current situation; becoming very familiar all of a sudden.

This is a very contradictory thing.

"Don’t get agitated first, I can explain!"

Being right under Yin Suye’s pressure, Shui Ruoshan should be the one getting nervous instead. He(SRS) is really a ’pit-digger’, and he specialize in digging a pit for himself(to jump in)!

Otherwise, why did he leaked the information out and get himself buried1in the metaphorical pit?! He is very clear on how paranoid and suspicious Yin Suye was. If he can’t produce a reasonable explanation, he definitely won’t rest this matter!


Yin Suye’s eyes flashed a bit when he saw that Shui Ruoshan became so scared just by this one question from him, to the point of not able to speak properly. Could it be his tone just now was too fierce, that he scared that person? Shui Ruoshan has many doubtful points, but since he has already decided to believe in this person, he shouldn’t be too doubtful. He believed in his own judgement, and he also believed in the truth he sees in front of his eyes.

This person doesn’t even know how to hide his emotions and has carelessly revealed his real nature. If that point is not enough to let him believe, then probably there won’t be anyone he could trust in this world. The only thing that he is not satisfied was Shui Ruoshan definitely has something hiding from him. So he would like to take this opportunity to clarify things.

Just that he seemed to have used the wrong way to express himself, and cause Shui Ruoshan to misunderstood his meaning? Perhaps it would be better if he changed to a gentler tone to ask?

"Not only I know of your matter, I also know about all the things in this world." Shui Ruoshan took a deep breath and raised his head, immediately putting a look of profound mystery on his face.

He(SRS) has decided to do a big con!

As the creator of this world, he knew too many things that other people don’t know. He couldn’t guarantee that he could be cautious all the time without revealing himself or make mistakes. So he must find a reasonable explanation for his behavior, and get this done once and for all. With this, he don’t have to be afraid even when he encounters the same situation in the future.


Yin Suye has yet to decide on how to continue talking with Shui Ruoshan when his attention got caught by Shui Ruoshan’s mysterious expression.

"Because I’m the omnipotent Seer!"

Shui Ruoshan tried his hardest to display a taut expression in order to project confidence. In his mind, he started going through his memories on how should a quack behave; trying to make himself more convincing. But who asked him to have such a weak appearance? He could only use aura to supplement!

When he first wrote the novel, he deliberately arranged for a Seer ’sister’2In case you forgot, it means Young lady to help the protagonist, in order to give the protagonist more chance to meet beautiful ladies and also to highlight the power of the protagonist’s harem.

But it’s a pity that the Seer sister has yet to appear in the story at this time, he will use this title for himself first.

"That’s why it is absolutely normal for me to know your situation. Nothing to fuss about!"

After some thought, Shui Ruoshan decided to give him(YSY) just the summary.

If not for his disappointing height and strength, Shui Ruoshan would put his hand on Yin Suye’s shoulder and start acting like bros3Like ’Hey bro, I got your back bruh’ to bring the distance between them closer.

He won’t admit that his requirement of himself was very simple. He doesn’t hope to overcome Yin Suye in terms of aura, it’s fine as long as he is not too weak! Actually this is no longer called a simple requirement because it was too low that one couldn’t call it a requirement!4This whole paragraph sounds wrong. Raw at the bottom for anyone who want to know

Raw Word Count : 1141

#NotMyFaultItsShort :v



#CanYouGuessMyExpressionWhenIFinishedTranslatingThisChapter ?





Banana: Raw for people to check it themselves -



这穿越方式绝逼不对!Chapter zero two two - The special one

"You are a Seer?!"

In his heart, Yin Suye has tried to guess all kinds of answer and did all kinds of predictions before but when he finally heard Shui Ruoshan’s answer, he still felt quite incredible. The gap between Shui Ruoshan’s image and the profound mystery of a Seer was far too great.

Comparing to this hidden profession as an Incantation master which almost nobody knows, a Seer is a well-known and noble profession.

A Seer in the eyes of the people could be said almost synonymous with the word omnipotence. A Seer is well-versed in geography and astronomy, plus could look back into the past and gaze into the future. Other than that, a Seer could help people with life-threatening events to change their lives...

Unfortunately, people with prophetic gifts were like a handful in a million and people who could truly be a Seer were even lesser. Raising the level of a Seer is incomparable harsh, even one whole nation doesn’t have what it takes to cultivate a true Seer.

This is also the reason why a Seer would be worshipped and possesed high status.

"Correct, I am a Seer!"

Shui Ruoshan nodded with confirmation, not feeling guilty at all. His rank as an author is more advanced than a Seer no matter how you look at it!

"But as far as I know, Seers couldn’t see1blind and on top of that, they shouldn’t be able to use other power ba?"

Yin Suye looked up and down over Shui Ruoshan with obvious doubts on his face.

Sightless and powerless; these two characteristics were the most basic requirements to be a Seer. Obviously, Shui Ruoshan didn’t meet any of the requirements.


Shui Ruoshan instantly understand what it means by ’lifting a rock and hitting own feet’.

When he first drafted the story, he deliberately set the role of a Seer as a delicate and lovable ’sister’ in order diversify the protagonist’s harem. After that, Shui Ruoshan ’lost his marbles’ and ended up setting the requirements for this profession just like that.

"Because I’m special!"

Shui Ruoshan produced a new explanation after a moment of silence. At the same time, he gave his wit countless praises2Facebook likes? in his heart. He is a special case, naturally his existence would be different from the others.

As an author, he could make do if his other life skills were not full points. However, the ability to ’say nonsense’ and ’make things up out of nowhere’ must be full points ah! Then, he won’t be feeling any pressures when it comes to fool other people.

When he heard the word ’Special’, Yin Suye’s eyes slightly narrowed to mask the changing emotions inside. In his past life, if the 3 words he hated were Huang.Bei.Chen, then the 1 word he abhorred the most would be Special.

He obviously was not any weaker than Huang Beichen, but because his(HBC) existence was unique, he(YSY) often lose to this ’specialness’ of that man. This was a very shitty feeling for him.

He didn’t expect that after he reborn again, he has yet to meet Huang Beichen for him(HBC) show his specialness, and got to meet another special person instead. Could it be because he was defeated by something called ’Special’ in his past life that Heaven decided to compensate him with a ’Special’ called Shui Ruoshan?

This realization caused Yin Suye’s unpleasant mood to turn a little bit better. He no longer think the word special to be annoying anymore.

Seeing that Yin Suye didn’t show any reaction to his words after some time, Shui Ruoshan became nervous. Does that means Yin Suye believed in his theory or not ah? He doesn’t have the ability that enables him to see emotions from a deadpan face, so he have no idea what Yin Suye’s silence meant.

Yin Suye, it’s wrong to look expressionless all the time!

This image is actually not cool, awesome, wild, whatever at all!

In his(SRS) eyes, he(YSY) actually looked like a seriously ill patient who didn’t receive treatment for facial paralysis ah!

Don’t give up on treatment ah!

Raw Word Count : 1064




#GuessWhereITookThisAboveQuoteFrom ?






这穿越方式绝逼不对!Chapter zero two three - F.O.C Prediction

"Actually, can I give you a prediction, free of charge?"

Shui Ruoshan felt like he is a promoter who was trying to persuade his customers to buy his products. In order to convince Yin Suye that he(SRS) is a Seer, he must prove his identify with strong evidence.


With just one glance, Yin Suye could guess that Shui Ruoshan must have made up some strange things in his mind. But he didn’t speak out (to ease the misunderstanding) and followed along the conversation. Nobody could face a pair of big watery eyes filled with hope and refuse the request.

"Yin Suye, you will become the Supreme King in the future!"

Receiving Yin Suye’s permission (for free prediction), Shui Ruoshan was eager to prove his ability and ended up saying the man’s highest achievement in the future. As soon he mentioned the title Supreme King, Shui Ruoshan then started to realize what he had said. He didn’t seem to have seriously summed up the division of power levels in this world.

When he first decided on the setting, he just divided 天/地/玄/黄1The author is too lazy. He went and took the first sentence out from the Thousand Character Text 千字文 as the martial art stages in his novel. More info + link at the bottom. to 4 stages with 9 levels in each stages.

[Banana : 天(Sky) 地(Earth) 玄(Profound Mystery) 黄(Yellow :v)]

The practitioners from Sky stage are known as Sky practitioners. After one leveled up over the 9th level of Sky stage, they would be called Earth practitioners. Similarly, passing over the 9th level of Earth stage would become Profound practitioner. Lastly, it would be the Yellow2This Banana simply can’t allow the random word Yellow to be a stage’s name, it’s embarrassing. Changing it to something with similar pronunciation. Imperial practitioner. For anyone who managed to breakthrough the peak of this world’s power system - that is the 9th level of Imperial stage, then he would become the Supreme King.

Furthermore, there would be only one Supreme King in each race.

The leader of the humans is called the Supreme Human King.

The leader of the demons is called the Supreme Demon King.

The leader of the dragons is called the Supreme Dragon King.

The leader of the elves is called the Supreme Elf King.

In order to add more uniqueness to the status of the Supreme King, Shui Ruoshan stated in the novel that each race could only produce one King at one time. Only when the present King passed away that the next King could be born. Otherwise no matter how powerful you are, one would still unable to break through this rule to level up from Imperial stage level 9 to Supreme King stage.

And this is where the title of his novel [The Strongest King in History] came from.

"En." Endless emotions ran inside Yin Suye’s deep eyes.

Supreme Human King , such a familiar title.

In his past life, he indeed became the one and only Supreme Human King but he still couldn’t avoid being betrayed and found himself utterly isolated.


Shui Ruoshan was speechless that Yin Suye didn’t show any special response after he disclosed this explosive newson him. How could he(YSY) give him such a bland ’En’?! This reaction doesn’t follow common sense at all! When a normal person heard this exciting news of himself being the future Supreme King, shouldn’t he express a very joyous emotion? Or looked a bit proud? Or being humble, that’s fine too.


At this moment, anyone showing any kind of extreme behavior is not surprising. After all, people would always do some kind of actions they normally don’t do when they are excited. That’s why this kind of unresponsive reaction from Yin Suye is the most unreasonable action ah!

Should he sigh? Could it be that Yin Suye is really a patient suffering from facial paralysis?

He has yet to express his dissatisfaction to Yin Suye for his reaction, when Yin Suye pulled him towards himself.

Shui Ruoshan : "What are you doing?"

Seeing that Yi Suye’s expression suddenly became very serious, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t help but felt nervous.

Yin Suye : "Are you alright?"

Yin Suye pulled the person to stand in front of him, then began to inspect Shui Ruoshan’s body.

"Why wouldn’t I be alright ah?"

Shui Ruoshan was puzzled by Yin Suye’s actions but at the next moment, he really wanted to tell Yin Suye something. He(SRS) is alright so please don’t casually touch him or he will scream for help from harassment!

"You are indeed special!"

Upon confirming that Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have any problems, he released him.

Because there was always a Seer hanging around that Huang Beichen who had been going against him, Yin Suye was quite familiar with some information regarding Seers.

For example, the farther the Seer wanted to predict the future, and the stronger is the power, the impact of the action would be even greater...

More preparations needed for the prediction and one would need to pay a greater cost. One wrong move will incur backlash, and might even cause death.

That was also a reason why Seers won’t simply predict something for other people.

At first, Yin Suye thought Shui Ruoshan would give him some random prediction that wouldn’t damage his(SRS) body, so he agreed with curiosity. But then who knew that he(SRS) doesn’t have any common sense at all? He actually picked the most high-leveled prediction that would require the greatest cost; this is too rash! He doesn’t want to lose someone he could finally trust to something unexpected like this.


Not knowing that he has carelessly exposed something about himself, Shui Ruoshan took Yin Suye’s words as compliment without any guilt.


After a careful inspection just now, Yin Suye calmed down when he was certain that Shui Ruoshan didn’t pay the price for giving out such an advanced prediction. Although he was unable to find out what kind of secrets Shui Ruoshan was hiding, he was very clear that Shui Ruoshan is what he described himself; a very special person!


Yin Suye, could you not provide this concise ’En’ as an answer every time ah?

You are taking too much of a shortcut, alright?!

He had decided that from now on, he will despise this kind of unclear answer!

Raw Word Count : 1596










Banana: The author is too shameless *face-palmed* Took the words right out from the Thousand Character Text (千字文). This is like you pick the first 4 words from the first page of a dictionary :v Here’s the WIKI for this Thousand Character Text, read it and you will understand what I’m talking about.

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