
Chapter 262: Crazy Expansion, Shipwreck in the Sandpit

Chapter 262: Crazy Expansion, Shipwreck in the Sandpit

The black floating island had expanded tenfold to the size of ten football fields after swallowing twenty Stellar-class ocean behemoths into the body.

The changes were nothing short of phenomenal.

After that, Ling Jiu got some more plants in. He wanted to see if plants would survive there.

Logically, if a plant moves to a new environment, the survival rate is not high.

However, these plants soon took root in the soil and grew wildly after entering the floating island. Instead of withering and dying, they thrived.

This excited Ling Jiu a lot as the Inner World of the Void Behemoth could indeed harbor all things and nurture life, just as Leoux said.

Since plants could grow, he was going to do it in a big way. But Ling Jiu did not continue to grow ordinary plants, because Leoux had provided a better alternative: the super arcana tree.

The super arcana tree and the arcana tree had the same origin, and both were precious resources for terraforming a planet.

But unlike the arcana tree, the super arcana tree did not produce mysterious energy, but pure dark bio-energy.

So it was more valuable.

Ling Jiu selected 100 super arcana saplings and planted them on the floating island.

The 100 saplings quickly took root and flourished. It would not take long before they started producing dark bio-energy continuously.

“The floating island is small. It can’t accommodate too many super arcana trees. After the floating island expands to a certain size, and the number of super arcana trees increases, there will be an astonishing level of dark bio-energy produced every day.” There was a hopeful look in Leoux’s eyes. “By then, you can continuously extract dark bio-energy from the Inner World and use it not only to evolve the elixir field’s stellar system but also to increase the speed of self-cultivation and combat. It kills two birds with one stone.”

Ling Jiu nodded repeatedly. The combination of the Inner World and the super arcana tree was akin to having a factory producing dark bio-energy in the body.

This was almost like cheating.

The top priority now was to expand the floating island and plant more super arcana trees to upscale this ‘factory’.

Ling Jiu got busy. In Leoux’s words, since it was a world, it needed all kinds of materials and energy.

He must deliver not only more bodies of direbeasts to replenish the vitality but also nutrients such as mountains, rocks, soil, and water inside.

Ling Jiu replicated the Void Behemoth’s another ability—Void Devouring—to boost efficiency,


In front of him was a massive mountain. It was lush green, growing with grass and trees, filled with clouds and mist, with the chirping of insects and roars of beasts resounding in the air. The mountain was a blessed land.

“The floating island might expand tremendously if I swallow this mountain, I guess?”

Ling Jiu proudly stood in the void as he quietly performed a Void Swallowing. The next moment, the shadow of a huge Void Behemoth appeared above his head.

This shadow spanning across the sky was so massive that it almost blocked out the sun. As large as this mountain was, there was no comparison to the shadow of the Void Behemoth. The mountain looked as if it was just a little brother.

The shadow of the Void Behemoth looked up into the sky and roared. With its mouth wide open, it swallowed the mountain in front of it in one go.

Like a crocodile swallowing a chicken, the mountain, together with the nearby peaks, disappeared into the mouth of the shadow of the Void Behemoth. It left behind a massive black hollow in their places.

Afterward, the shadow of the Void Behemoth returned to Ling Jiu’s body like a swallow homing.

The black hollow quickly recovered under the effect of the dimensional ocean and was restored to its original state in no time. The original mountain was gone.

In its place was a massive pit.

He had swallowed a mountain in one bite.

It was a shocking sight. As much as Ling Jiu was the person who did this, the terrific power of Void Swallowing still stunned him.

“This is incredibly powerful.”

Ling Jiu gasped. He sank his consciousness into the Inner World and saw the mountain that he had just swallowed was suspended in the air alone.

The floating island looked pale compared to the majestic mountain. There was simply no comparison.

“Break it down!”

With just the thought of his mind, the mountain started to break down, with rocks and trees decomposing into various mineral elements; birds, beasts, insects, and fish into vitality; and other substances into other nutrients.

The majestic mountain had broken down into various pure energies and elements, continuously filling the floating island in less than five minutes.

The floating island expanded rapidly, as if a sea reclamation project with massive tracts of land rapidly formed.

1 km2.

2 km2.

3 km2.


When the expansion stopped, the floating island had reached a staggering 4 km2, almost equivalent to four or five small towns.

Ling Jiu hovered in the air and could not hold back his gratified smile as he looked at the floating island that had expanded over four times.

“The floating island now can barely be regarded as the Inner World. It was way too small before this, where it was just a small island. But this is still not enough.”

He was like a conscientious little bee, devouring mountains, direbeasts, and any materials that were swallowable.

The floating island was expanding like crazy.

Whitehole 2 became the hapless target. Mountains were disappearing, leaving behind massive pits in the earth, as if scars on the face, looking as ugly as sin.

Ling Jiu felt sorry for Whitehole-2, which was originally a beautiful forest planet but now had been destroyed because of his actions.

Besides, Whitehole 2 was to become a self-cultivation paradise for Earthing in the future.

It was a bad idea to destroy its environment just like that. After discussing it with Leoux, the two came to Whitehole 1.

Because of the proximity to a white hole, Whitehole 1 to 5 were planets with life, and each planet had its own uniqueness.

Whitehole 5 was an icy planet.

Whitehole 4 was a volcanic planet.

Whitehole 3 was an ocean planet.

Whitehole 2 was a forest planet.

Whitehole 1 was a desert planet.

Each of the five planets has its own characteristics, but all had life that adapted to their respective environments. On Whitehole 1, there were lives that adapted to the desert environment.

Giant sand scorpions...

Scary sandworms...

Towering cactuses...

All lives there were of desert characteristics.

Ling Jiu had no qualms about swallowing things in such a desert. He performed a Void Swallowing to devour any material that was swallowable.

Large tracts of yellow sand were swallowed into the Inner World, along with many desert creatures.

Time flew. Ten days had passed before he knew it.

Ling Jiu stopped devouring on this day. He returned to the Leoux and replicated the Void Behemoth’s other ability: Void Escape.

With Void Escape, he could travel thousands of kilometers in just a blink and around an entire planet within a few blinks.

Devour. Devour. Devour.

The floating island was expanding like crazy.

Ten days later, Ling Jiu replicated the Void Behemoth’s other ability: Void Stellar Flame.

Another ten days later, he replicated Dimensional Peering.

Besides Ultimate Physique, he had all the Void Behemoth’s abilities: Void Escape, Void Stellar Flame, Void Devouring, Inner World, and Dimensional Peering.

And after a frantic devouring period, the floating island had expanded to 100 square kilometers.

100 square kilometers was huge.

Next, Ling Jiu spent a day planting super arcana trees on the floating island.

He hoped they could thrive and produce dark bio-energy as soon as possible.

In fact, because of the fertile soil, the first batch of super arcana trees he planted had started to produce dark bio-energy.

He had calculated; it only took about 24 days from planting to produce dark bio-energy. This was not a long time; in fact, it could even be deemed short.

This meant that after 24 days, the super powered trees that Ling Jiu planted could produce dark bio-energy, the amount of which would be absolutely huge as days went by.

After all, this forest of super arcana trees was 100 km2 in size.

Ling Jiu continued to devour the desert.

Time flew. Another few days had passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Ling Jiu came to a high dune area. After swallowing the sand dune and just when he was about to leave, he saw a little patch of black from the corner of his eye.

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