
Chapter 238: This Is a White Hole, Treasure from the Universe

Chapter 238: This Is a White Hole, Treasure from the Universe

A colorful ball of light stood quietly at the bottom of the sea, just like a pearl emitting a dazzling light at night.

Ling Jiu could clearly sense a steady stream of dark bio-energy escaping from the wormhole and spread in all directions in the ocean.

As Leoux said, all the dark bio-energy of Ganymede came from this wormhole.

“Other than dark bio-energy, there are many other forms of energy, such as dark psionic energy, dark mechanical energy, and so on. Tsk tsk, it is a hodgepodge of energies.” Leoux was fascinated. “I have probably guessed what the situation is on the opposite side of this wormhole, Ling Jiu. If I am right, you will be rich very soon.”

“Huh?” Ling Jiu cocked an eyebrow. “What have you guessed?”

“It is a secret.” Leoux let out a mysterious smile. “Check it out and you will know. Remember: keep it secret.”

Ling Jiu rolled his eyes and held Bai Ya’s hand. “My dear, let’s check it out.”

“OK.” Bai Ya nodded.

The two entered the wormhole. After going for like a few minutes, they arrived at the opposite side of the wormhole.

At first glance, it was still seawater.

Apparently, opposite the wormhole was another water-rich planet.

But unlike Ganymede, the water here was not dark, but translucent.

“This planet...”

Ling Jiu raised his eyebrows slightly. There was richer dark bio-energy in the seawater here than in Ganymede’s ocean.

“Let’s go to the surface, Ling Jiu.” Leoux urged.


Ling Jiu brought Bai Ya and ascended towards the ocean surface. The seawater got brighter as they rose.

Ten minutes later, the two came to the surface at last.

A dazzling light came from the sky, and it took them a while to adapt to the blinding light and see the surroundings clearly.

It was still an endless seawater at first glance. As the billowing waves rose, dazzling sunlight bounced off the water.

They looked up at the sky again. It was blazing white with a celestial body many times brighter than the Sun hanging high in the sky, releasing light and heat to its fullest.

“This star is too blindingly bright.”

Ling Jiu put his hand over his forehead to shelter his eyes from the glaring light.

“Is this planet too close to the star, or is the brightness of the star itself so high? But it can’t be. It doesn’t matter if the planet is too close to the star, or the star is too bright, no ocean should be on this planet.”

“Exactly.” Bai Ya nodded in agreement.

Either the planet was too close to the star, or the star is too bright would raise the planet’s temperature too much, just like Mercury. The entire ocean should have evaporated; it could not have been like this.

“Besides, the temperature on this planet is not that high—it is only about 25°C, almost the same as Earth’s temperature.” Ling Jiu was even more puzzled. “What the hell is going on?”

“Confused, right?” Leoux laughed. “You should be confused, because this luminous celestial body in the sky is not a star.”

“Not a star?” Ling Jiu was stunned.

“Yup. Not a star,” Leoux said. “If it is a star with this level of brightness, the temperature on this planet cannot be so low, and there would have been no ocean. But the fact is, everything of the above has happened. This can only show that the celestial body is not a star.”

“What would it be if it is not a star?”

Ling Jiu could not help but frown as he looked at the sun in the sky.

“That’s a white hole!” There was light in Leoux’s eyes.

“A white hole?” Ling Jiu was none the wiser.

“Yup. A white hole,” Leoux said: “The glowing celestial body above our heads is not a star, but a white hole.”

“A white hole...” Ling Jiu mumbled to himself.

“You will know when you enter outer space, Ling Jiu,” Leoux said as it released the Leoux, and then brought Ling Jiu and Bai Ya into outer space.

At this time, Ling Jiu and Bai Ya saw the true face of this ‘star’ at last.

What caught their eyes was a giant light-emitting vortex-shaped disc, which spun around an axis.

The most amazing thing was, in the center of the vortex-shaped disk stood a massive beam of light.

The scene was too majestic, shocking, and indescribably magnificent. It was beyond imagination.

“Did you see that? It’s a white hole.” Leoux spoke into Ling Jiu’s mind. “The light beam in the center of the white hole is a high-energy matter ejected from the white hole.”

“I can’t believe that it is a white hole!” Ling Jiu was utterly stunned.

“White holes are celestial bodies that are the opposite of black holes. The gravity of black holes is infinite, so they can swallow all matter close to black holes. White holes are just the opposite. The surrounding gravity is infinitely negative, which means the repulsive force around them is infinitely positive, and it can repel all matter. Even if light beamed straight toward a white hole, it would bounce back. So even light cannot enter white holes,” Leoux said. “Besides, black holes and white holes are companion celestial bodies. As long as there is a black hole, there will be a white hole on the opposite side. Any matter swallowed by the black hole will be spat out by the white hole. You should be able to feel the rich bio-energy and dark bio-energy here, right?”

“Yup.” Ling Jiu kept nodding. “The dark bio-energy here is richer than that in the ocean of Ganymede and the ocean on this planet below us.”

“That’s for sure.” Leoux let out a smile. “In fact, there is not only dark bio-energy but also other energies here.”

“Such as, the dark psionic energy, dark chemical energy, and dark mechanical energy. These energies are ejected out from the white hole.”

“Wow, I didn’t know that,” Ling Jiu said.

“That’s why I said, we are rich now,” Leoux said. “White holes are treasure vaults, because they will continuously eject energies, just like a cornucopia. Not only can you find dark bio-energy and dark psionic energy for self-cultivation but you can also find other forms of energy for spaceships. So white holes are another holy land and resource paradise of self-cultivation.”

“You mean, practicing self-cultivation here will yield twice the result with half the effort?” Ling Jiu’s eyes were beaming with spirit.

“More than that. It’s ten, a hundred, or even a thousand times,” Leoux said with a grin. “One more thing, the time curvature of a white hole is negative infinity, so the time flow around it will be quick. Do you know what this means?”

“The flow of time is quick?”

Ling Jiu swallowed. “Do you mean...”

“There is a saying in mythology: one day in heaven equals one year on Earth. So in this case, one day on Earth equal N years near a white hole,” Leoux said, still grinning. “This is another reason people call white holes a self-cultivation holy land. That is because of the fast flow of time.”

“A day on Earth equals N years here.” Ling Jiu’s eyes were beaming. “It’s really a holy land for self-cultivation.”

“This is the white hole,” Leoux said. “According to my calculations, the ratio of the time velocity between this planet we are on now and the normal area of the universe is 1 to 68. This means that one day in other areas equals 68 days here. Of course, the time flow around a white hole is constantly changing. The closer you are to a white hole, the faster the flow of time. The planet under our feet is quite far away from the white hole, so the ratio of time flow is this low.”

“Did you say the ratio of one to sixty-eight is low?” Ling Jiu had no word for it.

“It is,” Leoux said. “Near many supermassive white holes, the time velocity can reach tens of thousands, or even millions of times faster. So sixty eight is really too low!”

“All right.” Ling Jiu shook his head.

“Let’s check out this white hole together.”

Leoux said as it directed the Leoux to fly towards the white hole. As the distance narrowed, the white hole in their fields of vision became larger and larger.

The brightness was also getting more and more intense, along with the energy and repulsive force growing higher and higher.

When it got close white hole at a certain distance, the repulsion was so great that the spacecraft could no longer move forward but fly around the white hole.

So the Leoux was flying around the white hole for the subsequent few days as they sightsaw and explored around it.

It was on the fifth day.

“We are about to end the exploration. There are five planets around this white hole. Because of the high energy, these five planets are all habitable,” Leoux said. “I named them according to their distance from the white hole: Whitehole-1, Whitehole-2, Whitehole-3, Whitehole-4, and Whitehole-5. Whitehole-1 is the nearest, with the richest energy and the fastest time flow rate at a ratio of about 1:130; Whitehole-5 is the farthest, with the thinnest energy, and the time flow is the slowest at only 1:24.”

“What about the planet connected to Ganymede?” Ling Jiu asked.

“That planet is Whitehole-3, the third closest to the white hole, the energy is medium, the time velocity is medium, and the ratio is 1:68.” Leoux said.

“In other words, Whitehole-1 is the most suitable for self-cultivation?” Ling Jiu asked.

“In theory, yes. But in reality, the most suitable for self-cultivation is Whitehole-2,” Leoux explained. “Whitehole-2 is a forest planet, just like Earth. It is suitable for not only practicing self-cultivation but also living.”

“Shall we check out Whitehole-2 now?” Ling Jiu could not wait.


Half an hour later, they came to Whitehole-2.

As Leoux said, this was a green, habitable planet, as if an emerald suspended quietly in space, dazzlingly beautiful.

When Ling Jiu saw this planet for the first time, he instantly understood why Leoux says this planet was suitable for living and practicing self-cultivation—because it was so beautiful.

Incredibly beautiful.

“It’s so beautiful, more beautiful than Earth.” Bai Ya was fascinated.

“This is Whitehole-2,” Leoux said. “The ratio of the time flow rate is one to ninety-nine, which means one day on Earth equal ninety-nine days here.”

“One to ninety-nine ratio? That’s awesome!” Ling Jiu was extremely excited. “If I practice self-cultivation for ninety-nine years here, it would be only one year on Earth. I wonder what level of self-cultivation I will attain by then.”

“This is the scariest part of white holes,” Leoux said. “So white holes are the best treasure the universe has ever bestowed on life. All species living near white holes are blessed races. This white hole is connected to the Solar System through a wormhole, so people on Earth are blessed.”

“Absolutely.” Ling Jiu nodded slightly. “But we must first clean up the galactic and stellar life forms in Ganymede’s ocean before we use this white hole. Those things stand in our way.”

“You are right.” Leoux nodded in agreement.

“I will count on you then.” Ling Jiu stretched. “Leoux, you go to Ganymede to capture those galactic and stellar life forms while we will stay on Whitehole-2 to practice self-cultivation.”

“No problem.”

Leoux quickly agreed. It had been idling for too long, and could not wait to go into battles.

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