
Chapter 895 Two Months Later (Part 1)

In the past, even though somewhere in her heart she knew that dethroning Xuanyuan Wentian was simply impossible for an unknown girl like her, she tried hard; she was the best in studies, she was the best in sports, she was knowledgeable about different cultures, politics, and despite her cold demeanor she was also very good at business discussions.

Shangguan Bing Xue was even good at martial arts long before the Soul Record arrived on Planet Earth.

However, now that she was not only taking everything from that man but even had his life in her hands, Shangguan Bing Xue did not feel joy or anything similar. She still felt resentful and the more she looked at Xuanyuan Wentian the more she wanted to tear him apart; something in her heart told her that just once probably wouldn\'t be enough for her to release the frustration in her chest.

It was then that she realized that most of her hatred for Xuanyuan Wentian seemed to have changed.

Previously, the focus of her hatred towards Xuanyuan Wentian was her mother. However, Shangguan Bing Xue realized that the major focus of her hatred was now centered on the fact that Xuanyuan Wentian had forced Bai Zemin to activate his title skill, and in order not to waste it, the latter had no choice but to leave this world.

More than two months! It had been more than two months, almost three months since Bai Zemin was not with them!

No... Shangguan Bing Xue didn\'t want to admit it but she soon realized that she didn\'t care too much if Bai Zemin was or wasn\'t with the others, but what she was getting frustrated was not being able to see him during all this time.

"Girl, I\'m really curious to know who the person you\'re thinking about is. To think that you didn\'t even notice this old man\'s arrival."

Shangguan Bing Xue blinked in surprise as a mature voice brought her out of her inner thoughts. She looked slightly to her right and narrowed her eyes.

"Who are you?"

The black-haired man with some gray hair around but undoubtedly handsome despite having some wrinkles on his face let out a bitter smile as he heard Shangguan Bing Xue\'s words.

"I\'ve only gotten a little younger thanks to evolution and eating some mutant beast meat but you can\'t recognize me?" The man pointed at himself and said calmly, "I remember when you were little you used to call me \'grandpa\' together with little Yijun, but when you started to grow up you visited our residence less and less."

Shangguan Bing Xue\'s little mouth opened slightly and a faint glint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Wu Jianhong?" she murmured with narrowed eyes.

The man who appeared to be about 45 years old nodded slightly, accepting his identity as the former Premier of China and one of the key figures of the New China faction.

"It\'s been several years since I last saw you, child." Wu Jianhong sighed and said with genuine awe, "I admit I\'m ashamed, just now when I saw you I couldn\'t help but be briefly stunned by your beauty. No wonder that brat Chen He is still crazy about you."

Shangguan Bing Xue\'s expression did not change at all. The fact that even Wu Yijun\'s grandfather was stunned by her beauty was something that honestly did not surprise Shangguan Bing Xue. The number of humans who were amazed by her beauty was increasing more and more along with the age range at the same time as her Soul Power became more and more pure.

"I advise you not to try anything funny," Shangguan Bing Xue said indifferently. She turned to return her attention to Xuanyuan Wentian and warned, "Even if you are Yijun\'s grandfather and even if you treated me well in the past, I am a bit out of my senses at the moment. It will be best for everyone if you obediently surrender, the New China will soon no longer exist and our Transcendent faction will become the human ruler of China in a matter of months."

Shangguan Bing Xue\'s words were packed with certitude and confidence but many might mistake it for arrogance. After all, she was stating with utter certainty that the Transcendent faction would become the human hegemon of China in a few months as if nothing and no one would be able to prevent it.

Wu Jianhong smiled bitterly once again and shook his head. He looked at Xuanyuan Wentian whose body was frozen to his chest, it wouldn\'t be long before he became ice statue completely but all ability to resist seemed to have disappeared now.

"You were even able to defeat Wentian after fighting so many battles before, what can a level 25 useless old man like me do?" Wu Jianhong said with self-mockery. He looked at Shangguan Bing Xue with a gentle smile and said calmly, "However, I am really surprised that you are second in command of this Transcendent faction. With all this power of yours you could easily become the total leader of your own faction."

Wu Jianhong naturally knew about Bai Zemin\'s existence; a young man capable of activating destructive skills on the level of nuclear bombs was impossible to go unknown for long, especially not after Xuanyuan Wentyian had seen some of his strength before.

However, Wu Jianhong was a cunning old fox. He did not believe that Shangguan Bing Xue did not have greed in her heart, and he preferred her to become the next leader of China since for better or worse the president\'s blood ran through her veins not to mention the fact that she was powerful enough to crush a battalion of soldiers, an armored battalion, a legion of soul evolvers, and the leader of them all.

Unfortunately, Wu Jianhong had no way of imagining let alone knowing that the greed in Shangguan Bing Xue\'s heart was strong enough to target the universe but weak enough to be willing to stand behind a single person.

"No one can defeat Bai Zemin." She said in a casual voice, as if she was saying that today\'s weather was a little colder than yesterday\'s. Shangguan Bing Xue looked at Wu Yijun\'s grandfather and said casually, "Bai Zemin is destined to become the ruler not only of China but of the entire Earth eventually, his rise is unstoppable regardless of who opposes him. Even in the hypothetical case that I would want to form my own faction, it would all fall apart sooner rather than later... Do you understand what I mean?"

Wu Jianhong was silent for a few seconds before closing his eyes and sighing. He nodded, "I understand."

"If you understand then that\'s good," Shangguan Bing Xue looked at Xuanyuan Wentian again and said casually, "Regardless of whether you agreed on the nuclear attack, let me tell you that one of the targets was the base where Uncle Wu and Aunt Sun are located. Yijun is very sad, hurt, and disappointed with you."

Wu Jianhong smiled bitterly again and said in a low voice, "Bing Xue, child, there are many things that we as humans are powerless against. Especially me, regardless of my position I am still second only to Wentian not to mention the difference in strength between the two."

Shangguan Bing Xue\'s pink lips curved upward slightly and a glint of disdain flashed in her blue eyes as she said coldly, "A group of students managed to defy fate itself by surviving several anomalies on their own. Several of those previously helpless students have now become soul evolvers that no one dares to look down on and everyone respect. One of those students comes from a normal family, without the support of any kind but he managed to become the ruler of over 5,000,000 humans."

She looked at Wu Yijun\'s grandfather out of the corner of her eye and said indifferently, "Are you telling me that you, a figure capable of mobilizing armies and knowing so many key points with overwhelming advantage at the beginning of this whole mess can\'t do what a group of students could do while crawling up from the bottom? You\'d better think of a better excuse for when you see Yijun and Uncle Wu. Evolution also improved everyone\'s thought process didn\'t it?"

Wu Jianhong was at a loss for words for a few seconds before a helpless smile appeared on his face.

Shangguan Bing Xue was right, his excuse and act of \'being helpless\' was really lame.

Seeing that the ice had already covered almost all of Xuanyuan Wentian\'s neck and realizing that games of wit would be of no use with the smart and cunning young woman in front of him, Wu Jianhong decided to be more honest.

"Bing Xue, although I don\'t really know what happened to the leader of your faction, I know that he was somehow handicapped by the first nuclear missile that Wentian ordered to be fired about three months ago even though the missile seemed to disappear without a trace. Furthermore, judging from what I heard earlier it seems that your frustration and anger towards Wentian comes precisely from the fact that this young man named Bai Zemin has been away for a while."

Wu Jianhong was curious about Bai Zemin not only because of his power but also because he was eager to meet the young man who had made the most beautiful woman Wu Jianhong had ever seen in his 65+ years so devoted and sentimental to him.

"And?" Shangguan Bing Xue replied with coldness.

The ice had finally reached Xuanyuan Wentian\'s chin and it wouldn\'t take long to seal him completely before releasing all the mana and killing him inside the statue.

"This is just my opinion, but don\'t you think it would be good to let Bai Zemin himself decide what to do with Wentian\'s life?" Wu Jianhong said quickly and added, "After all, he was the one who got hurt the most, wasn\'t he?"

Shangguan Bing Xue turned to look at him slightly, her blue eyes glittered mysteriously.

With her intelligence, it was naturally impossible not to know that Wu Yijun\'s grandfather simply wanted to buy some time for Xuanyuan Wentian\'s life. However, if Wu Jianhong believed that something would change then he was truly underestimating her and the entire Transcendent faction.

At that moment, a gust of unnatural wind blew from the north and before Shangguan Bing Xue could say anything she heard her mother\'s voice.

"Bing Xue, why don\'t you listen to Sir Wu for now? I think he has a good point."

Shangguan Xinyue slowly descended from the sky making use of the wind currents to her advantage. Standing beside her, Bai Shilin waved her small hand toward Shangguan Bing Xue with a big happy smile.

Wu Jianhong gasped at the sight of Shangguan Xinyue who seemed to be Shangguan Bing Xue\'s younger sister due to her petite body. However, when he looked at Bai Shilin he couldn\'t help but notice the huge resemblance she bore to Shangguan Bing Xue and his mind immediately went wild thinking of a variety of things.

In the distance, a dozen assault helicopters were approaching the area and beyond the horizon, several black dots began to show up.

Shangguan Bing Xue had finished just in time, just as she had said. The advance troops were advancing to reclaim the city.

"Mom, you..." Shangguan Bing Xue frowned as she watched her mother stop beside her.

"Mm?" Shangguan Xinyue looked at her daughter in confusion for a second before she understood what was going on in her mind. Shangguan Xinyue felt the corner of her mouth twitching like crazy as she slowly said, "Little brat, don\'t tell me you think I still have feelings for this man?"

Shangguan Bing Xue frowned even tighter, it was indeed what she was thinking.

Shangguan Xinyue shook her head not knowing whether to laugh or cry as she calmly said, "Bing Xue, my child, my feelings for your father have died since you took your first step to college. I have told you several times but you still don\'t believe me?"

Shangguan Bing Xue looked at her for several seconds before the frown on her face slowly relaxed. She nodded visibly relieved, "That\'s good."

"The reason I think you should let your father live is because I feel that this young guy Bai Zemin has more right to decide what to do with him now." Shangguan Xinyue sighed and added quietly, "Besides, regardless of the past, I don\'t want you to be burdened for centuries with the fact that you killed your father."

Shangguan Bing Xue was slightly surprised, she couldn\'t help but remember the words Bai Zemin had said to her back then. He had told her something similar to what her mother had just said to her, and Shangguan Bing Xue had to admit that she was practically grateful to Xuanyuan Wentian for treating her coldly since she was who she was today as a result.

Since her hatred for him stemmed from the fact that because of him Bai Zemin was far away, then perhaps keeping him alive temporarily might be a better punishment for Xuanyuan Wentian. For a man like him, proud and arrogant, being kept locked up like a dog would definitely be worse than death.

"Fine," she nodded in agreement. Shangguan Bing Xue drew her sword and added, "But I\'ll make sure this man can never wield a sword or any other weapon again for the rest of his life."

"Sounds fair." Shangguan Xinyue shrugged her shoulders with an indifferent expression on her beautiful face.

Shangguan Xinyue did not lie when she said that she did not care for Xuanyuan Wentian at all, he was nothing but air to her and in fact looking at him now she did not understand how she could have been so obsessed with this man for years. However, she hoped that her daughter would not have to regret later something that could not be reversed.

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Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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