
Chapter 693 - 50 Third Order enemies

Chapter 693 - 50 Third Order enemies

The fierce whirlwind of purple flames and crimson lightning spun in a single spot for more than sixty seconds. During that time, the temperature of the place rose to the point that Shangguan Bing Xue had no choice but to push the frost-like energy that covered her body further into the surroundings to prevent the soul evolver team about 1 kilometer behind from suffering consequences that no one was willing to see.

In fact, it was Wu Yijun who reacted quickly and using several seeds made countless vines grow that served to hold the bodies of all the team members with vigor... This was because the suction or pulling force that the whirlwind of fire and lightning had was simply too strong!

Because Bai Zemin was spinning too fast on a single point and with the help of his greatsword adding even more momentum to that speed, all the surrounding wind was being swallowed up by the eye of the storm that had formed at the top of the whirlwind.

After about a minute, everyone heard a thunderous explosion and under everyone\'s shocked eyes a large sized object engulfed by purple flames and crimson lightning broke through the wall of the roaring whirlwind; the object broke the speed of sound and in an instant disappeared from everyone\'s line of sight.

"This... What was that thing?" Chen He swallowed audibly as he clutched his bow tightly.

"... I don\'t know." Shangguan Bing Xue shook her head. "But, considering that Bai Zemin\'s aura is still in there..."

"But..." Feng Tian Wu hesitated for a second before quietly remarking, "That thing definitely didn\'t seem to be an ant...."

No one said anything more as they had no response to answer the doubt that weighed on their hearts, to begin with.

About a minute later, the whirlwind of blazing fire finally disappeared without a trace after losing power at a speed visible to the naked eye. When the group finally managed to see again what had been hidden by those thick walls of fire and lightning, everyone was surprised.

First of all, the Second Order weaver ants had disappeared, and if it weren\'t for some Second Order Soul Stones on the floor, they wouldn\'t even have left a trace of their existence; even the two fierce sickles next to the mouth of each red colored weaver ant had been turned into nothing.

There were also four black-scorched corpses that looked more like four big lumps of charcoal or four disgusting-looking cakes that had been forgotten in the furnace burning at 200 degrees for a lifetime. Judging by the aura of the four corpses, it was clear that they were Third Order weaver ants and of them, the only thing left in perfect condition were the sickles in their mouths which were clearly more terrifying than those of the red weaver ants.

Finally, in the middle of the four corpses, a figure lay sprawled on the floor panting like a dead dog.

"Big brother!"

Meng Qi immediately panicked and out of pure instinct her first reaction was to charge forward.

However, Meng Qi hadn\'t advanced more than a few meters when she stopped.... Because although she was scared and her emotions were out of control, she was a girl who always managed to think things through more clearly compared to most.

Bai Zemin was very close to the place where the weaver ants were being teleported.... Meng Qi knew that she was weak compared to the red colored weaver ants not to mention the blue colored ones. If she approached that place and a Second Order or Third Order weaver ant appeared, all she would be doing would be causing more trouble to the person she least wanted to bother in the world.

Meng Qi clenched her fists so tightly as she realized her own powerlessness that her pretty fingernails broke beyond her skin and blood began to drip slowly over the bow of the battleship. In this case situation, she could only watch as Shangguan Bing Xue approached; because she was strong, unlike Meng Qi.


Shangguan Bing Xue moved so fast that she seemed to have teleported next to Bai Zemin. She looked at him worriedly as she saw his pale white face covered in sweat.

"Are you okay?!"

Bai Zemin forced his tired eyes to open as his whole body occasionally shuddered. He could feel the concern in Shangguan Bing Xue\'s voice and as he watched her beautiful blue eyes trembling as she looked at him, Bai Zemin couldn\'t help but feel grateful; she was a true friend, one he could trust completely without fear that one day she would stab him in the back, one who cared about his well being like a true friend was supposed to do.

"I\'m... I\'m fine."

Bai Zemin could barely force an exhausted voice out of his mouth as he activated Regeneration several times even before Shangguan Bing Xue could say anything else.

Just as Shangguan Bing Xue wanted to say that he was not at all fine, Bai Zemin\'s sheet-pale face quickly began to regain color and the tiredness in his eyes began to recede at monstrous speeds.

"This..." She was astonished.

Bai Zemin slowly sat down on the ground after a couple of seconds and groaned softly, "Damn, I thought I was going to throw up my bowels just now."

Shangguan Bing Xue looked at him with wide eyes and subconsciously asked, "Throw up your bowels? Why?"

Bai Zemin looked at her with hidden bitterness and said quietly, "Try spinning for so long in one place at over 1500 km per hour and then tell me how you feel."

Shangguan Bing Xue was a little surprised at first after hearing his words but soon she couldn\'t help but smile bitterly and shake her head. Of course, spinning at high speeds for so long would have consequences.

"Besides," Bai Zemin extended his hand outward and held it there as if he was waiting for something while saying in a grumpy voice, "I didn\'t even learn a new skill despite having practically invested all my Stamina into that damn fire whirlwind."

"... If spinning a weapon surrounded by fire was enough to create a skill, then I\'m afraid something might be wrong in this world." Shangguan Bing Xue didn\'t know whether to laugh or cry as she said those words.

"... I guess you\'re right." Bai Zemin sighed just as several wind blasts from the distance flew in their direction.

Shangguan Bing Xue looked into the distance and understood what it was that had been sent flying from inside the whirlwind of fire and lightning earlier.

"Did you lose so much Stamina that you couldn\'t control your weapon?" Shangguan Bing Xue asked curiously.

"No," Bai Zemin shook his head, finally retrieving his weapon. He looked at her with a serious expression and said slowly, "I had no choice but to throw my weapon to hell because I couldn\'t stop spinning and it was getting out of control."

The corner of Shangguan Bing Xue\'s mouth twitched a couple of times but she didn\'t say anything else even though in her heart she was thinking that Bai Zemin really was dangerous when it came to trying new things in the middle of the battlefield.

He definitely had no idea where he had sent his weapon flying when he released it. If the greatsword hadn\'t casually flown in another direction and instead headed towards the human group.... They all would have been turned into meat paste considering the speed at which that thing had been launched.

In the end, while Bai Zemin was unable to learn a new skill, that didn\'t mean that what he had just used to end the lives of four initial stage Third Order existences and approximately forty Second Order existences was useless.

The group didn\'t have much time to relax either as about five minutes later a new wave of enemies was teleported to the top of the Sky Destroyer for which the battle resumed.

Xia Ya activated her skill Wolf Pack and everyone present immediately received a huge boost thanks to Bai Zemin\'s monstrously high stats; even Shangguan Bing Xue became more powerful and lethal.

Under Xia Ya\'s guidance, everyone except Bai Zemin and Shangguan Bing Xue fought to the death against the twenty-plus Second Order weaver ants.

Although the enemy was superior in numbers, Xia Ya could easily take on several Second Order existences at the same time so without any problem she took approximately ten red colored weaver ants for herself.

As for the rest, except for Chen He who after evolving to the Second Order could fight several at the same time thanks to his agile movements, and for Nangong Lingxin whose defensive capability was high enough to withstand the assault of even two Second Order weaver ants; all the others were fighting against a single Second Order weaver ant.

Some of them had no choice but to join hands to fight against one. The Second Order weaver ants had too much strength! A single slip-up could result in the death of any of them, and that was precisely what they wanted to avoid; that was why they fought as safely as possible on this kind of battlefield.

Explosions resulting from terrifying physical and magical attacks rumbled within the great hall, however, the battleship that had become a huge combat ring did not even flinch as the several magical runes absorbed the damage resulting from each collision.

The battlefield of Second Order existences was undoubtedly terrifying considering that each Second Order existence possessed more than enough power to cause an amount of destruction to be taken into account.

However, the battlefield over 2000 meters distance was even more terrifying.





The explosions came and went non-stop, the atmosphere rumbled relentlessly, the wind stirred fiercely and became violent.

Although it was a battlefield involving far fewer existences in comparison, this battlefield was one where beings with the power to destroy everything for tens of kilometers with a single attack were fiercely fighting with the intention of taking each other\'s lives.

Bai Zemin and Shangguan Bing Xue were synchronized in such a way that they looked like companions that had been fighting together for a lifetime. The way she restrained, limited, and caused constant wounds that did not close easily suited his fighting style perfectly; crushing anything that got in the way.

Shangguan Bing Xue was like a beautiful butterfly fluttering on the battlefield and looked gorgeous even as blood flew everywhere. Every step she took to dodge enemy attacks was packed with grace and every sword slash she used to open wounds on the body of her enemies was brimming with elegance.

Bai Zemin was quite the opposite. His expression was firm and fierce as he swung his greatsword from left to right without any delicacy, the pressure of his attacks was such that heavy wind cannons flew everywhere with every swing and purple flames covered his surroundings; no matter whether the Third Order weaver ants advanced or not, Bai Zemin never backed down and only advanced even at the cost of some wounds in the process.

Shangguan Bing Xue was a soul evolver focused on fighting for long periods of time by constantly weakening her enemy; Bai Zemin was a soul evolver focused on fighting short battles by overwhelming and utterly suppressing anyone who stood in his way.

After approximately two hours of combat, the human group was tired; exhausted after having fought to the max against enemies that could not be underestimated.

During those two hours, more than 500 Second Order weaver ants lost their lives.

During those two hours, 50 Third Order weaver ants perished either under the elegant but deadly hands of Shangguan Bing Xue or under the violent and destructive hands of Bai Zemin.

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