
Chapter 680 - Humans vs. Weaver Ants: Fierce and deadly battle (Part 2)

Chapter 680 - Humans vs. Weaver Ants: Fierce and deadly battle (Part 2)


Alarm bells rang in Chen He\'s head as he saw the red shadow charging up from the bottom of the sea of green ants and immediately shouted out loud:

"Xia Ya, watch out!!!"

All the hairs on Xia Ya\'s body stood on end just like a cat instinctively sensing danger as Chen He\'s warning rumbled inside the passageway. She didn\'t even hesitate and immediately chanted one of her skills that allowed her to improve her system:

"Shared Agility!"

Sun Ling, who was facing dozens of weaver ants at the same time, immediately felt a kind of connection between her stat system with someone else\'s. Moreover, even though she instinctively tried to block that connection, she was surprised to realize that she actually could not do so; it was then that she remembered Xia Ya and calmed down.

As for Xia Ya, she immediately felt her body becoming lighter and everything around her began to move slower; a product of her explosive increase in speed. But Xia Ya did not have time to appreciate the changes as she was immediately forced to move, because from her back, she felt a breeze of cold air prickling her neck.

Xia Ya jumped to the side taking advantage of her Agility which temporarily but by a wide margin surpassed the red-colored weaver ant she was facing, easily dodging the vicious sickles of the creature, which if successful, would have cut her body into two halves. At the same time, her movement prevented her head from flying through the air as an instant later the second red-colored ant appeared just above where Xia Ya was standing a second ago.

"Cursed Hands!"

Xia Ya waved her magic wand which was actually a Magic grade treasure just like Chen He\'s bow, and at the same time as she chanted, several black-colored hands came out from the shadows of the red-colored weaver ants.

The two red-colored ants had no time to do anything when the black hands touched their bodies, but surprisingly, the black hands disappeared as soon as they touched their bodies so the Second Order weaver ants thought that the enemy attack had failed. But just as the two red ants were about to charge forward, they both felt all their stats plummet to the point where they had become at least 20% weaker overall.

A 20% decrease in the overall strength of a Second Order existence was no small feat! Not to mention the fact that Xia Ya had just taken 20% of the total strength of two Second Order existences!

In a battle between two existences of the same Order of power, a single stat point could become crucial not to mention 20% of the entire power system!

Xia Ya gritted her teeth and after a moment of hesitation rushed forward, entangling herself in combat again but this time against two Second Order enemies. Even if both red-colored weaver ants were now weaker and she was faster, the number of enemies had doubled so the danger Xia Ya faced had also increased!

It was just that Xia Ya could not ask anyone for help and could only rely on herself this time; this was because if Chen He or any other crucial soul evolver abandoned their current task to fight one of the red colored weaver ants, the result would be that hundreds of thousands of Unclassified weaver ants and at least several tens of First Order would be free to wreak havoc among the human group that was barely managing to barely survive.

"Damn!" Chen He gritted his teeth as he understood the thoughts of Xia Ya. After a moment\'s consideration, a flash of determination shone in his eyes. "I have no choice."

He leaped several hundred meters into the air, moving away from the battlefields for a moment, and immediately pulled his bowstring back to the maximum. Chen He directly channeled 50% of his Mana and activated the most powerful skill he currently had in his arsenal.

"Xia Ya, move back quickly!"

Xia Ya looked up for a moment and her pupils contracted as she saw the silhouette of a white bow behind Chen He, as well as an arrow at least five meters long and one meter wide glowing amidst the darkness.

She didn\'t even think twice as she cast a binding curse on the two red ants and quickly retreated without looking back.

Chen He gritted his teeth and with a pale face shouted, "Sacred Arrow!!!"


He released the arrow from his bow and at the same time, the image behind him responded in sync. The air exploded as the huge white arrow broke the sound barrier, and before the two red ants could react, they were hit head-on by the white arrow.


A thunderous explosion shook the cave at the same time as a huge cloud of dust rose everywhere blocking everyone\'s view. At least 150,000 weaver ants were shattered on the spot after being hit by the violent shockwave resulting from the explosion.

Xia Ya, who had retreated nearly 1000 meters in a matter of seconds, looked back with a pale face and could not help but tremble at the thought of being hit by such an attack. Worst of all, if not for Chen He\'s attack being focused to the opposite side, she would definitely have been hit by the shockwave!

Chen He landed on the ground again, right next to Xia Ya.

"Are you okay?" Xia Ya asked with a frown as she saw Chen He\'s pale face.

He was panting heavily and with great difficulty said slowly, "That attack drains 80% of my Stamina and half of my Mana. I can\'t fight for much longer."

Seeing the expression on Xia Ya\'s face turned ugly, he smiled wearily and said in a low voice, "At least, my goal was accomplished.... In several ways."

The dust cloud soon settled down due to the constant explosions from the surroundings, and when Xia Ya could see the center of the impact point, she finally understood the reason why Chen He said such words.

A crater at least 500 meters in diameter appeared where Xia Ya had been fighting the red-colored weaver ants and a large part of the wall had collapsed as a result of the powerful explosion. However, what caught the attention of Xia Ya the most was the red head of an ant lying on the brink of the crater with blood oozing out of its severed neck.

"Did you kill one?" Xia Ya looked at Chen He in shock and disbelief.

"Hehe..." Chen He laughed softly with several beads of sweat falling down his face but still proud. "That\'s my strongest attack. Even a mid-ranked Second Order existence won\'t come out unscathed, let alone that level 54 ant."

Xia Ya nodded and without saying anything she dashed forward, just in time as the second red-colored weaver ant emerged from the crater. But it was clear that despite having survived as it was not Chen He\'s focal target, this Second Order weaver ant had suffered quite a bit due to the explosion as its movements were not only not as agile as before but there were several bloody cracks all over its body.

Chen He sighed in relief as he saw Xia Ya immediately take the upper hand as soon as she started fighting the red-colored weaver ant. But looking at the surroundings, he frowned again.

Even though one of the red-colored weaver ants had just been killed by his surprise attack and the other had been injured to the point that Xia Ya would have no trouble killing it within the next few minutes, the situation was still very bad.

The total number of weaver ants, far from decreasing, was increasing.

No matter how many the humans killed, the weaver ants continued to appear and at this point, the group had been surrounded leaving no escape.

Every living being had a Stamina limit except the zombie race during the Unclassified stage, therefore, all living beings would definitely succumb to exhaustion at some point; the question was who could outlast the other.

"At this rate we\'ll all be swallowed up by these damn ants." Chen He took a deep breath before charging forward and starting to fight again despite his legs trembling due to the sudden huge Stamina consumption.

Chen He\'s killing speed had naturally dropped, but he was still a bit relieved that his previous attack also served another purpose besides killing one of the red weaver ants... To alert Bai Zemin and call for help!

"That person should be here in a minute considering his monstrous Agility." Chen He sighed in relief as he lamented over the casualties the human group had experienced.

Bai Zemin had led the human group for days; from the forest to the ruins and even fought against a Fourth Order existence. However, during all that time, Bai Zemin had lost only a dozen men and this only happened during the first ruin because the power and surprise attack of the electromagnetic rifles was something no one expected.

On the other hand, Chen He had led a smaller team so, in theory, it should be easier to avoid casualties. However, in just half an hour, Chen He and his team had already suffered more than 16 casualties at this point.

"At what point did the difference between him and me become that big?" Chen He could not help but wonder aloud, in a voice that only he and the weaver ants beside him heard.

Bai Zemin had been risking his life from the beginning and Chen He respected him greatly and even admired him. However, Chen He also felt a bit bitter.

Hadn\'t he risked his life too? Chen He had suffered serious injuries on several occasions and had sacrificed hours of sleep for the sake of finding prey with a higher level than him for the sake of purifying his Soul Power.

However, far from closing the gap, Bai Zemin simply seemed to be a reincarnated divine god with an easier path open to him from his past life. No matter what Chen He did, it did not seem to be possible to ever reach him.

In reality, Chen He had done an excellent job leading the troops; the problem was that the number of enemies was simply too large and there were even Second Order existences among them. In fact, Chen He had done a commendable performance; it was just that he was not even a little bit satisfied with the result.

However, Chen He made a big mistake for the first time.

He got distracted.

In the middle of an extremely dangerous battlefield like this.


Chen He suddenly felt a piercing breeze of wind blow past him and his pupils trembled fiercely as he realized what had just happened. He abruptly turned around and his whole body trembled in terror as cold sweat covered him.

A red shadow broke past his obstruction due to his momentary distraction and had now reached the human group.

It was a Second Order weaver ant.

And the first person in the creature\'s line of sight happened to be Wu Yijun.

Wu Yijun froze when she met the eyes brimming with murderous intent of the red-colored weaver ant that had just appeared in front of her like a ghost.

She had been controlling the entire battlefield and even extended a helping hand to Xia Ya in the distance using vines to limit for brief moments the movements of the Second Order existence she was facing, therefore, when a second red ant appeared on the backline even though it shouldn\'t be there, she naturally didn\'t know how to react.

In front of the beautiful Wu Yijun\'s black eyes, her figure was reflected in the big eyes of the red ant closer and closer. As if everything had been slowed down to let her appreciate the moment of her death, Wu Yijun saw the sickles of the terrifying ant approaching her neck and the disgusting drool of the beast slipping from its half-open mouth.

It was right at that moment when without her expecting it, her body was sent flying to the side after being struck by someone.


Wu Yijun looked still stunned at the person who had just saved her life and her face turned white when she saw and understood what was happening.

Huang Tian looked back with a somewhat complicated smile and said softly, "Well, at least we can say that I fulfilled my role as a tank until the end hehe-"

His chuckle was cut short as his arms were shattered by the sickles of the Second Order weaver ant, and a moment later, his head flew off into the air. His headless body remained standing for a second before falling to the side, his blood splattered on the ground and his armor covered in dents and broken in several places was soon covered with his own blood, as well as that of the enemies that were killed in real-time.

This was the first time an important figure had died on the battlefield, and it had turned out to be none other than one of the leaders of the four guilds of the Chinese Renaissance.

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