
Chapter 631 - Dragons Reverse Scale

Chapter 631 - Dragon\'s Reverse Scale

How could this be possible! That was the question Sun Jie was asking himself in his heart as he looked into those black-as-night eyes.

His memories went back to several years ago, when he was still a high school student.

Back then, Sun Jie had a best friend who had the exact same name as the person in front of him right now. However, the truth was that the reason why someone like him who came from a prestigious family and whose future was guaranteed had befriended a young student whose parents were nothing more than a bunch of dirty cockroaches who had to wallow in the dust to maintain their small existence was purely and exclusively because that Bai Zemin was by far the person with the best grades of all.

While Sun Jie was not worried about things like grades since regardless of whether he graduated or not his family would surely settle for some good position in one of the companies they controlled, his own pride and arrogance would not allow him to let himself look like a fool in front of others. Therefore, by befriending the person with the best grades, Sun Jie believed that he could at least not look like a complete idiot.

In fact, Sun Jie was not wrong. After giving financial help to pay the hospital bills of the father of that young man named Bai Zemin after he had broken his leg at work as a result of an improperly adjusted load, Sun Jie easily succeeded in gaining his friendship. From this point on, everything was easy for Sun Jie.

That Bai Zemin which Sun Jie knew had some kind of weird capacity or bestial instinct because Sun Jie could still remember how before every exam he would always point out with almost total accuracy the topics that the teachers would put on the tests. On one occasion, Sun Jie asked him how such a thing was possible to which he responded that it was simply his instinct based on the number of times a subject had been pointed out by each teacher or the importance given to it in class, as well as the personality of each one of them.

Be that as it may, Sun Jie\'s grades began to rise so easily that even he couldn\'t believe it. It was practically like knowing the questions for the next exam in advance!

However, during his senior year of high school and after they had been friends for two years, Bai Zemin confessed that he had been in love with a girl from a different class for more than two years. To Sun Jie\'s surprise, the girl Bai Zemin was in love with turned out to be none other than Feng Tian Wu, the person his parents had engaged him to since the two families had been close for generations.

After thinking about the matter for a couple of days, Sun Jie came up with a plan. Since high school was ending anyway and his grades were already so high, then why not play a "little prank" on his "best friend"? Sun Jie was quick to convince Bai Zemin to confess his love even though the latter clearly had no experience with women whatsoever.

Time passed and just when there were a few months left for the year to end, Feng Tian Wu and Sun Jie finally revealed the truth on the day when Bai Zemin confessed his feelings again and asked the girl to be his girlfriend after going on constant dates.

Even to this day, there were times when Sun Jie laughed to himself as he recalled the innocent young man\'s look of despair back then. Although it was a bit of a problem not having him for the remaining months, the fun was really worth it.

However, days before the final test, the nightmare that would follow Sun Jie for years to come occurred.

On one of the nights when he had tiredly returned to the dorm after casually having fun with one of the most beautiful students in the high school after having won her heart, a person slipped in silently, and before Sun Jie could even scream in fear a high-pitched, piercing cry broke out of his mouth as he felt the bones in his legs break into pieces.

Sun Jie could still remember Bai Zemin\'s mocking voice as he looked at him with chilling eyes and whispered, "Our friendship was formed when my father broke his leg, so I\'ll break both of yours. Who knows, maybe you\'ll find a better friend now."

In the end, Sun Jie had to, to his shame, use his family\'s connections to get into a good university since as he was hospitalized he was unable to take the final entrance exam.

Now, more than three years after that incident, Sun Jie could not believe his eyes.

The appearance of the man in front of him was practically perfect to the point where it was difficult to point out defects even if one hated him. The aura surrounding his body was that of a person who had long lived in a position of power and leadership… Compared to the barely average appearance of the young man in his memories and the normal poverty-stricken aura Sun Jie remembered, the two were worlds apart.

There should be no point of comparison. However, Sun Jie would not forget those eyes even if someone burned his bones and turned him into ashes! The pain and humiliation he experienced were still engraved in his soul!

Fortunately, the current Sun Jie was even smarter and more cunning than before. Therefore, even though his body was trembling, he clenched his fists and closed his eyes to suppress the growing fear and hatred in his heart.

His Sun family was no longer practically an omnipotent being as before, in this world, Sun Jie was clear that a single person with enough power could crush everything. Although his father Sun Yun was the second most powerful person in the entire base, who could say for sure that Bai Zemin was not stronger? Sun Jie had already underestimated him once and suffered the consequences; he would not do it again. Therefore, he would wait for the right moment to strike a good blow!

His eyes looked at Meng Qi and a weird light flashed in them. Although Sun Jie didn\'t know what relationship the cheap little bitch had with Bai Zemin, they seemed to be quite close… His lips curved imperceptibly before remaining silently in place.

Of course, Bai Zemin had no idea that Sun Jie had identified him correctly nor did he care.

To him, the existences known as Sun Jie and Feng Tian Wu were matters of the past that had nothing to do with the current him. As long as neither of them bothered him, Bai Zemin had no intentions of giving them even an extra glance and if they bothered him then he would crush them until not even their bones were left; simple as that.

There was no need to argue or much less, it was stupid and pointless. Imagine seeing a real lion roaring or hating an ant, such things did not happen; the lion would simply crush what it needed to crush.

Bai Zemin "told" the story of how he and his group came from the distant Yanqing District to Changping District after fighting for months. He said that after two days of chaos several students and teachers from the university formed a party and started heading south immediately instead of saying that they were stuck there for so many days or else it would be hard to explain how they could get here so fast.

The touching story of the young and old dying on battlefields to allow their allies to continue living always worked on people\'s hearts and much more on the hearts of people who did not really experience the fear of fighting zombies or mutant beasts. Therefore, after hearing how hundreds of friends died by being bitten to death just for the sake of containing several zombies or how they were crushed by terrifying beasts just to save one more second for others, not a few tears were shed.

Even Shangguan Bing Xue and the others who knew the truth of the matter could not help but be a bit moved. They looked at Bai Zemin as if he was a great actor and would really applaud if not for the situation they were currently in.

"The foundation of our China Renaissance is undoubtedly strong and robust. Here in the residential area we even have the treasure \'Unbreakable Field\' that Mayor Wu obtained after fighting to the death against a powerful beast… However, let\'s not forget that outside these walls there are billions of zombies and billions of mutant creatures." Bai Zemin said in a deep voice after finishing the fake story.

"Even if we are strong, even if our walls are high, we must not forget that considering the overwhelming number of enemies only their numbers could forge a path of corpses to make their way here." Bai Zemin looked at Wu Keqian and seeing the latter nod he sighed in his heart before saying with false enthusiasm, "We, the China Renaissance, have the obligation to regain the lost lands and rebuild the motherland. Even if many brave warriors fall in battle among whom I include myself, we will fall as heroes who forged the path of peace with their blood! We will be engraved in the history books and our memories will live forever! For China!"

"For China!"

"For the motherland!"

"Drive out the invaders!"


Bai Zemin\'s words had barely fallen when the more excited and easily manipulated young people began to shout loudly. Not long after, affected by the atmosphere, the older ones also began to roar at the top of their lungs to the point where the walls almost shook.

The corner of Bai Zemin\'s mouth twitched slightly and he almost vomited as he looked at these stupid people in front of him. The 90% of those present were useless people who were good for nothing but here they were shouting like idiots which made him really want to slap them to death.

Once the heat gradually died down, Wu Keqian stepped forward and whispered his thanks to Bai Zemin before taking charge. Bai Zemin said it was nothing but actually practically ran off the stage as he really didn\'t want to stay there.

"Big brother, if it wasn\'t because I know the truth you could have made me cry." Meng Qi covered her mouth and let out a chuckle as Bai Zemin approached her. "These people sure could die of anger if they knew they shed tears over something that never happened and that you are trying to take everything away from them."

"Those who have some ability will keep their positions and those who don\'t will not need to have privileges." Bai Zemin shrugged indifferently.

The two were chatting quietly for a few minutes and they clapped their hands at Wu Yijun\'s speech, but Bai Zemin suddenly frowned as he felt a steady stare practically prickling his back and when he turned around he met none other than Sun Jie\'s eyes.

Actually, Sun Jie had been staring at Meng Qi. He really was crazy for that girl and wanted her all to himself but even his father had strictly told him not to bother her anymore. Therefore, it wasn\'t until several seconds after he had been staring at her that he noticed Bai Zemin\'s gaze and his whole body trembled like crazy.

Bai Zemin\'s expression sank as he noticed the possessive desire and almost naked lust in Sun Jie\'s eyes as he looked at Meng Qi. If there was one thing he would never tolerate, it was disrespect towards his loved ones in any way.

However, Bai Zemin was sensible so instead of rushing forward like an immature child he looked at his sister and asked quietly, "Meng Qi, do you know that man over there?"

Meng Qi looked at the place her big brother was pointing toward and her expression face turned blue. She hesitated for a moment before nodding gently, "I know him. His name is Sun Jie."

Bai Zemin nodded and looked at her as he calmly asked, "Do you like him or are you dating him?"

"What?" Meng Qi looked at him in shock and without even thinking about it shook her head as she said loudly, "Big brother, are you crazy?! How could I like that piece of human scum?!"

"I see." Bai Zemin nodded and patted her on the head before apologizing, "I\'m sorry if I offended you."

Meng Qi said something but Bai Zemin wasn\'t listening anymore. The reason he asked that question before was only because if his sister liked Sun Jie then Bai Zemin wouldn\'t make things difficult for either of them, at the end of the day, while Bai Zemin still felt some resentment in his heart this resentment came from the fact that he knew Sun Jie had utilized him for years and not because of what he and Feng Tian Wu did to him.

However, since there were no feelings involved then there was no need to hold back.

He did not care who the other party was nor did he care whether the family of Sun Jie was powerful or close to the family of Wu Yijun. His family was untouchable and inviolable; this was his greatest pride.

A moment ago he was giving an ardent speech and now he was about to cause trouble.

Every dragon had its reverse scale and Bai Zemin\'s reverse scale was undoubtedly his loved ones. Now that he had finally found them after months of insomnia and not being able to eat to his heart\'s content, any offense was not allowed; even a bad glance was not. Therefore, under Meng Qi\'s amazed eyes, he calmly walked through the crowd in Sun Jie\'s direction.

Some things really could not be avoided even if one wanted to avoid them and it seemed to be that Bai Zemin\'s destiny with his best friend was really strong.

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