
Chapter 584 - Earth Evolving: Annihilating Armies With A Single Slash

Chapter 584 - Earth Evolving: Annihilating Armies With A Single Slash

Bai Zemin did not stop to think about Lilith\'s words even for an instant; he had no time for it! Instead, what he wisely did was to let his body move before his mind sent the command.

" All of you! Move to the outside of the nearest town in a southerly direction! Now!" Bai Zemin turned around and roared at the top of his lungs.

His voice was like a sonic boom but instead of leaving everyone stunned it was like a snap that hit them in the back of the head to wake them up from the dreamlike state they were in.

Seeing how the always calm Bai Zemin suddenly became anxious, everyone\'s expressions changed for the worse and they didn\'t even ask when they got down to business.

In cases like this where the situation was urgent, there was no time for order. The drivers started the engines of the vehicles and pushed the pedal to the end, raising curtains of smoke and rushing off into the distance in an instant.

Some vehicles crashed into each other but fortunately, they were all modified so there were not too many problems except for a few survivors who hit their heads inside the vehicles due to the fierce impact. However, the drivers seemed to understand each other as they did not even hesitate to continue driving south once they regained control of their vehicles.

The ground rumbling became more and more ferocious as if an army of mythological beasts were approaching the meeting point at full speed. Fortunately, what Bai Zemin feared the most did not happen since if cracks had opened up in the earth, considering the world was about to expand, they would surely be cracks of colossal size, and if a vehicle fell in there it would be the end.

"Bing Xue!" Bai Zemin turned around to look for Shangguan Bing Xue, but when he looked at her, he was so surprised that his eyes widened.

This was because just moments ago she was only a few steps away from where Bai Zemin was but now Shangguan Bing Xue was more than 50 meters away even though he could tell that she hadn\'t even moved from her spot!

Shangguan Bing Xue was also incredibly shocked and was speechless. Bai Zemin noticed how her eyes were trembling slightly as proof of shock and fear at what was happening, as well as seeing Bai Zemin showing such a frightened attitude.

Bai Zemin gritted his teeth at the sight of her dazed and shouted again, this time louder than before:

"Bing Xue!!!"

The second shout finally snapped her out of her daze and clarity returned to her eyes. She looked at Bai Zemin and oddly enough just by looking into his eyes she knew what he needed her to do.

"Leave it to me!" She shouted towards him before charging in a southerly direction at lightning speed and disappearing in an instant.

Bai Zemin was relieved that he didn\'t need to waste time and instead pulled out his military radio. He pressed a button and roared over the intercom: "To all units, pay attention! All head for Cuicun Town which is in a southeasterly direction! Do not split up and take care to keep the normal vehicles within protective range but do not deviate if one of them gets separated! Everyone is allowed to open fire at will!"

After shouting several orders over the intercom, orders which the different leaders in charge of the different teams began to take charge of, Bai Zemin looked at the few who were still there and ordered in a deep voice, "All of you head south as well, straight to Cuicun Town! Wu Yiyun, you stay with me."

They all nodded and after looking at each other for a moment they activated their Lightning Movement skills and turned into several flashes of blue light that disappeared in a few seconds from Bai Zemin\'s sight. However, it was clear that this time it was not as easy as it should have been since they were all fighting against the enlargement of the world and therefore they had to run a lot more and were no longer like ghosts that closed great distances in a short time.

Wu Yijun approached Bai Zemin, and even though she was also nervous, when she was close enough to him she actually calmed down enough for her clouded mind to clear.

"Is the Earth evolving again?" Wu Yijun asked as she looked into his eyes.

Bai Zemin frowned slightly but shook his head gently and pointed out, "No... Well, it\'s probably starting to evolve, but it won\'t be completed yet.... Do you remember what happened a little over a week ago? When the sky went completely dark and then the mana in the world became denser than normal affecting everyone?"

Seeing Wu Yijun nod, Bai Zemin pointed towards the sky and said in a deep voice, "Try to sense the surrounding mana now."

Wu Yijun nodded again and with blind trust in him closed her eyes to focus entirely on the mana of the world around her. Doing this in an unknown place full of dangers and when such great changes were occurring was no different from asking to be killed, but Wu Yijun had absolute confidence that the man beside her would protect her regardless of the danger; moreover, Wu Yijun herself was not weak at all!


Bai Zemin looked in a northerly direction and his eyes widened slightly as he saw how the sea that was so close a matter of minutes ago had now moved so far away; of course, it wasn\'t that the sea had moved away but that the land had expanded! However, the dangers Lilith had warned him about finally showed themselves.

Giant waves of between about 300 meters and 900 meters in height began to crash against each other, generating even higher waves that uncontrollably advanced towards the mainland as a consequence of the fierce trembling of the world!

But the most terrifying thing apart from the colossal size of the waves whose power was more than enough to bring down the strongest buildings in the world were the exorbitant amounts of sea creatures that were being swept onto land as a result!

Bai Zemin stepped forward just in time to see the bridge with over 50 years of history collapse in its entirety as a result of the expansion and after being hit by so many waves at the same time.

He could not help but rejoice in his heart. Had they arrived a day later, no, an hour later and the consequences would have been disastrous! All the efforts that Bai Zemin had put in over the past few months to reach the south would have been completely wasted!

A thread of bright blood shot out from Bai Zemin\'s pants. The blood thread was so bright that it seemed to be a thread of light instead and under his control that bloody thread wrapped around the huge hilt of his weapon, unsheathing it and thrusting it forcefully into the ground in front of him.

Bai Zemin extended his right hand forward and closed his fist tightly over the hilt of his greatsword. Then, with a strong upward pull he pulled the weapon out of the ground before bringing it behind his body.

There was a reason why Bai Zemin had not yet left and it was precisely this.

At least 10,000 sea creatures came to the surface and about 500 of them could only writhe there as they had no ability to move on land. However, the rest began to charge forward when they noticed the presence of the two humans whose Soul Power was so tempting to them.

According to Bai Zemin\'s rough estimate, he could detect around 30 First Order existences while the rest were all Unclassified creatures; there were no Second Order sea beasts present. Even so, the number of enemies was increasing with every wave that came closer and closer to the mainland so at this rate everything within several kilometers of the sea would probably be swallowed up by the waters.

Bai Zemin leaned his body forward bending his knees with his right foot in front and his left foot behind. He brought his left hand back, now clinging with both hands to the hilt of his Crimson Thunder Dragon\'s Last Words.

The weird shrieks and roars of the sea creatures were really high-pitched and extremely unpleasant to the ear. Besides, their terrifying appearances didn\'t help either as some of them were disgusting enough to resemble not an animal from the past but a monster out of some low-budget horror movie.

Bai Zemin took a deep breath and held all the air inside his lungs as he swung his weapon forward with all his might. The muscles of his arms under the leather armor swelled up showing the power they concealed and in an instant the 6-ton greatsword completed a full swing.


A huge air cannon as big as a building formed in front of Bai Zemin as a result of the pressure and speed with which he had swung his weapon. The huge air cannon shot forward like a thunderbolt and in an instant hit the ground 1500 meters away.


A fierce earthquake shook the ground even harder and the giant air cannon that seemed to be a world of its own exploded as it impacted in the midst of the horde of sea creatures.

Those beasts that were within 2000 meters of the center of the explosion automatically turned into a mist of blood with white bone fragments flying everywhere. On the other hand, the more "lucky" ones were cut into thousands of small pieces of minced meat as the resulting wind blades after the explosion of the giant wind cannon whipped their bodies over and over again.

By the time the disaster settled down, a huge crater over 700 meters in diameter appeared where once there was soft earth and nearby trees were blown to pieces. But nothing was over because although Bai Zemin had managed to eliminate more than 10,000 enemies with a single attack, there were more charging from a distance!

Only a few seconds had passed since Wu Yijun closed her eyes and when she opened them again she exclaimed in surprise, "The world\'s mana became much thinner now!"

She turned and saw Bai Zemin standing with his greatsword resting on his shoulder as he clenched the hilt with his right hand. Then, she saw him extend his left hand forward and noticed how the blood mist in the distance immediately began to move under his will.

"Right. The world is using the excess of mana to evolve." Bai Zemin stated at the same time as roars of terror and pain echoed along with explosions coming from the sea as a result of the impact of the waves capable of bringing Armageddon to any part of the world.

As Wu Yijun watched in awe as the bodies of the sea beasts were sucked dry and the blood from their bodies was extracted by the blood mist that had seeped into their pores, Bai Zemin continued indifferently:

"There will surely be some events like the one that happened a week ago. The world will absorb that mana and use it to evolve. I don\'t know how long it will take but it surely won\'t be long before Earth officially enters its second stage."





Suddenly, from the surrounding woods, several roars were heard and the ground began to rumble even harder! Except that this time small cracks began to appear as proof that the addition of strength to the power of the earthquake was not due to evolution.

Wu Yijun quickly looked to her right only to see thousands of mutant beasts and evolved plants running amok. Some were fighting each other while others were just trying to move away as they were scared and didn\'t know what was happening.

"I\'ll take care of these!" She said loudly and promptly put her back next to Bai Zemin\'s back.

"Em. I\'ll entrust it to you." Bai Zemin nodded and focused on the sea creatures.

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Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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