
Chapter 491 - The Paths Finally Converge And The Only Explanation Is Drugs!

In mid-jump, Bai Zemin felt his body suddenly lean to the right and as if time had slowed down his eyes automatically moved in that direction.

The sword...

Carrying a weapon that weighed over 6 tons while he was severely injured without being able to use his physical stats to his heart\'s content and without even having an extra drop of Mana unless he wanted to abandon his severed arm.... Bai Zemin underestimated the effect Crimson Thunder Dragon\'s Last Words would have on him in this kind of situation.

In a desperate attempt to avoid falling, Bai Zemin roared while ignoring how the bones in his shoulder moved out of place and fiercely swung the greatsword in a full circle from bottom to top in a clockwise direction.

The little air left inside the broken space rumbled at the ferocious swing as Bai Zemin gritted his teeth and prayed to all his ancestors that the greatsword would manage to reach the portal and plunge into the earth on the other side.

However, the goddess of fate and the goddess of luck did not seem to be particularly fond of Bai Zemin.

"Damn!" Bai Zemin cried out in frustration and at the same time despair as he saw how barely the tip of his weapon managed to pierce through the portal before the pulling force of the chaotic void began to drag him toward his imminent death.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind again, however, Bai Zemin felt too spiritually weary to care about anything at this point in his life; a life which would soon be over.

The light in his eyes faded and a sigh that only he managed to hear was swallowed by the ravenous silence within the now 99% collapsed passage.

What was the use of complaining if everything was done?

What was the use of complaining if there was nothing more he could do about it?

After all, he had failed to overcome the hard trials that life and fate had put in his path.

How many times had he been on the verge of death today? Tens, hundreds, thousands of times? Bai Zemin did not know. But what was the use of thinking about it? One mistake was all it took for everything to be lost forever.

Bai Zemin\'s body fell past the point of possible return as the portal that could take him back to his world shrank to just over a meter high and about a meter wide.

The light that contained the spark of life seemed to leave Bai Zemin\'s eyes and as he fell downward slowly transformed into a small dot that looked golden from above due to the faint glow of the barrier surrounding him.

Chaotic lightning that came too close were shattered by the power of the godly spear. The weapon seemed to have intelligence for as if feeling his approaching doom, the spear also seemed to despair as it wiped out all the lightning in the vicinity after releasing a powerful magical shockwave.


Suddenly, Bai Zemin\'s closed eyelids opened abruptly as he felt something around him changing.

He barely caught a glimpse of a thick shadow hovering above him before some sort of giant hand caught his falling body and surprisingly the golden spear did not prevent the giant hand from passing beyond the magical barrier.

"Plant?" Bai Zemin muttered in shock before the image of a person flashed in his mind.

Honestly, even though this woman was very highly valued by Bai Zemin and he also saw her as an important ally, at the end of the day, the person he least expected to receive help from in this kind of situation was her. After all, that beautiful woman was simply too weak to be of any help to him in such circumstances.

However, reality again proved to Bai Zemin that he was wrong.

The value of people was not something that someone else could decide and what was or was not impossible for someone should be decided by that someone and not by a second or third party!

"Is it Wu Yijun?" Bai Zemin\'s eyes sparkled again and his heartbeat increased in tempo as he realized that perhaps all was not lost for him.

The hand was over ten meters long and about a meter wide, barely passing through the portal that was shrinking more and more. Although Bai Zemin had worsened the condition of his wounds and the bones in his right arm had been severely damaged due to the abrupt stop his body experienced when the giant hand caught him, he couldn\'t be happier.


Bai Zemin\'s pupils contracted tremendously as the sound he least wanted to hear reached his eardrum.

How could a plant empowered by the power of a First Order level 5 skill be able to easily lift a weapon as heavy as the greatsword Bai Zemin carried?

Bai Zemin gritted his teeth and a flash of resolve shone in his eyes.

Slowly and with his heart bleeding, he began to loosen his firm grip on the hilt of his weapon.

This was the sword that Bai Zemin had put all his heart and care into forging. He had given his 200% on a good day to forge it and it came to a point where he even fainted from the level of effort he had put in during so many hours of work.

Only someone who had given everything from the bottom of their heart to obtain or to do something would be able to understand Bai Zemin\'s feelings at this moment. The feeling of helplessness and reluctance that slowly gnawed at his soul was truly unbearable.

However, what was the use of continuing to be stubborn?

"This could be my last chance to get out of here alive... I can\'t waste it no matter what!"

Bai Zemin nodded and prepared to let go of his beloved weapon which at this moment, sadly had become a burden. However, it seemed that fate did not want such a brilliant weapon to be lost forever in the darkness.

At least, not today.


Without warning, the surface of the plant arm that appeared to be some sort of gigantic branch was covered with layers of frost and a moment later the frost quickly hardened into a thick armor of ice.

Bing Xue! Bai Zemin\'s eyes lit up and he quickly tightened his grip on his weapon again.

The powered-up plant hardened with layers of ice slowly began to move upward or perhaps shrink in size; as a result, Bai Zemin\'s body that had been falling toward the infinite darkness began to be pulled upward as well.

Bai Zemin relaxed and this caused the pain he felt to double. However, he could not worry about such matters at this moment.

Seeing the flash of bright light that awaited him and the warm temperature on the other side as well as the all too familiar scent that flooded his senses, Bai Zemin finally knew that he had managed to survive what was undoubtedly the worst experience of his entire life.

An experience he honestly did not wish to have to experience ever again.

* * *

Oblon World.

Lucifer\'s dark eyes glowed with a dark glow and two small magic circles flickered in his pupils. His stare became strange and under his astonished eyes, the portal leading to the other world finally closed completely.

"I knew it. Being awake so long and expending so much energy is not good for the mind." He mumbled incoherently.

"Lucifer, did you see something?"

"The spear? What about the spear?"

"Your Majesty!"


The leaders of the other factions and the members of the Demonic Army immediately began to cause a commotion as they looked at Lucifer waiting for answers.

Lucifer nonchalantly turned around and surveyed the surroundings. Then, he looked at Emperor Thannath and said in amazement, "Man, the air of all the abandoned worlds is the same as the air of this world?"

Thannath looked at Lucifer in awe and in a trembling voice he tried to express his doubts, "E- Excuse me?"

"Magic drugs, man! I mean some kind of stuff like that!" Lucifer held out his hands as if he wanted to embrace the world and said dramatically, "There must be some really powerful plant that releases some kind of spores that confuse the mind of a being as brilliant and powerful as me, mustn\'t there? Holy cow! How can you people stand such a thing?"

"Hah?!" Thannath let out a sound so strange that even he didn\'t understand what it meant as he looked at the handsome man dressed in pajama clothes as if he were looking at a species that should have been extinct long ago.

The expressions of the other Higher Existences were also strange and those who did not belong to the Demonic Army seemed to be holding back the urge to laugh as they looked at Lucifer with eyes brimming with mockery.

Hellscar\'s body began to tremble and his eyes turned red with anger as he felt so many mocking gazes fall upon him. However, the shame he felt was on the same level as anger so he was about to erupt.

Just then, however, a small hand touched his shoulder and a feminine but flat voice reached him:

"Calm down. Don\'t you know how His Majesty Lucifer is? Let others mock him as much as they want. Haven\'t we experienced enough in our lives? Learn to control your emotions and you\'ll be invincible.... I think the woman who gave birth to me often said such words. I can\'t remember clearly as it has been over 2,000,000 years since I last saw her as she failed to ascend so she died as did all Lower Existence."

Hellscar looked at Valiant and took several deep breaths before nodding, slowly calming down.

Medes, the Lord of the Army of Heaven, looked at Lucifer with a frown. He knew Lucifer\'s character perfectly well as they knew more than anyone else between them so he knew that even though Lucifer might look foolish in reality he often used that to his advantage to be underestimated and deflect some things he wanted to keep hidden.

"Lucifer, explain what did you see," Medes said in a deep voice.

Lucifer looked at him sideways and said in a lazy voice, "I don\'t want to. What can you do about it? How about you come and force me?"

"You..." Medes frowned and a flash of anger shone in his soft gaze.

Just then, Uriel asked in a honey-soft voice, "Lord of the Demonic Army, could you please explain?"

"Mm." Lucifer nodded seemingly satisfied and looked at Uriel appreciatively as he said, "I knew it, Uriel should have come to my Demonic Army.... What a pity."

"Lucifer, you bastard!" Michael gritted his teeth and flames of anger burned deep within his eyes.

Medes abruptly extended his arm and gave him a glare, causing Michael to calm down with much effort.

Uriel smiled bitterly and shook her head. This sort of thing always happened, it was nothing new to her.

"Anyway." Lucifer cleared his throat and adjusted the collar of his shirt as he said in a flat voice, "Just now, I just felt the aura of a Fourth Order existence fade into nothingness, I also caught a glimpse of a flash of a young man being lifted by a giant ice arm and carried through the portal alive. Judging by the fact that there were no more auras in that place, it looks like this First Order existence was having a good time with the Fourth Order existence that kicked the bucket recently."

The expressions on the faces of the other leaders became extremely ugly when they heard Lucifer\'s words and even Medes and everyone who knew Lucifer well thought he was joking or mocking them.

A First Order existence that fought against a Fourth Order existence? Hah! Yeah, of course! Those present would rather believe that an Unclassified ant could eat a Second Order Dragon than believe such madness!

Michael took a deep breath and while looking at Lucifer with eyes burning with anger said slowly: "So.... What\'s up.... What happened to the spear Sirius threw?"

"Eh? You mean Annihilation of the Falling Sky?" Lucifer asked with an innocent expression on his face.

"You bastard! Of course I\'m talking about Annihilation of the Falling Sky!" Michael exploded and started screaming.

Thannath\'s ears bled and his world began to spin as he fell backward. Even if Michael\'s voice wasn\'t directed at him at all, the difference in power was simply colossal and a hint of the mighty fire archangel\'s aura was enough to put the proud asura emperor in a pathetic and pitiful state.

"Calm down, man." Lucifer sighed and said in a clear voice, "I think it might be because of that kind of attitude of yours that Fire Sorrow rejected you back then."

Michael took a step forward but just before the flames burned on his spear Lucifer quickly continued speaking.

He looked at everyone with an extremely calm expression and said as if he was describing the appearance of a flower, "Regarding Sirius\' spear. It seems that it was encrusted in the chest of this young First Orderer and since he was still alive and kicking he took the spear with him. As for where the spear is, good luck finding it now that the passage is closed and the connection to the other world is lost."

Nikolay was already in a bad mood after learning of Long Tian\'s act and Lucifer\'s words naturally did nothing to calm him down.

The powerful Eighth Order Vampire stepped forward and said in a low voice: "So, you\'re telling me that a First Order existence fought against a Fourth Order being and came out alive while the Fourth Order died. Are you also implying that after being struck by the spear of Sirius\' ghost who beat the crap out of that damned son of a bitch Long Tian, that First Order being was still alive and kicking?"

Lucifer looked at him with wide eyes and said dumbfounded, "You see? I told you it was the magic drugs!"

* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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