
Chapter 448 - Invasion: 1 Vs 20,000,000! (Part 2)

If even in wartime a few dozen armed troops were left behind, it did not require one to be a psychic to realize that the people living there were too important and possessed a certain measure of power.

However, Bai Zemin did not care about any of this as soon the vast majority of people who enjoyed undeserved privileges would be stripped of their villas and given an ordinary house at best and a somewhat broken hut at worst. Only by working in a dignified manner could they have a better place to live.

After a moment\'s thought, Bai Zemin activated Lightning Movement and then put into effect the second activation of the skill.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

A thick flash of lightning detached from Bai Zemin\'s body and an instant later three clones that looked exactly like Bai Zemin appeared before him. All of them even had that indifferent expression that characterized him with flashes of lightning flickering on their bodies.


Bai Zemin waved his hand and the clones nodded before charging at full speed in different directions.

Each clone possessed 10% of all of Bai Zemin\'s natural stats. Simply put, each of the three clones he had created with the second activation of the skill Lightning Movement had one tenth of Bai Zemin\'s total Agility.

Bai Zemin\'s Agility stat without taking into account the treasure bonus was currently 970 natural points. This meant that each clone had 97 Agility points. While 97 points was an insignificant number in comparison to Bai Zemin\'s actual power, considering that a newly evolved First Order existence had just over 100 points in its highest stats, then those 97 points could no longer be considered insignificant.

"I\'m practically summoning three First Order existences. It really is insane." Bai Zemin forced a smile at the thought of what kind of rarity he was turning into.

One needed to remember that a First Order existence could bring doom to a small camp and only camps with many normal soul evolvers or heavy weaponry could face!

Even if Bai Zemin\'s clones could only fight with their fists and did not have the ability to access his active skills, they had the effect of passive ones!

But this was not the scariest thing of all.... The scariest thing was that as long as Bai Zemin was willing to invest several Stamina points, he could summon a clone infinitely if he did not exceed the limit imposed by the skill!

While Bai Zemin was rambling, he was actually paying attention to his clones as well. While it was currently impossible to see what his clones were seeing, it was actually not much different since he could sense what his clones were sensing; after all, Lightning Movement was his skill and it was connected to his soul itself which meant that the clones also had some sort of connection to his soul. Therefore, even though Bai Zemin didn\'t quite know how the soul worked, he could at least understand that much.

One of the clones charged east, one charged west, and the other charged south. Bai Zemin left the northern area free since that was precisely where he came from and it was absolutely impossible that Commander Jin Shun could have escaped from under his nose.

The movement speed of the clones was naturally slower than Bai Zemin\'s ability to move. Therefore, it took the clones a few minutes to get from the central area to the different areas of the base.

The first clone to reach the target ordered by the main body was the clone that went to the east gate. On the way, it found nothing strange and when it reached the gate Bai Zemin sent the clone a mental command.

The clone climbed the wall and when it reached the top it looked around but failed to find anything.

Once Bai Zemin confirmed that Commander Jin Shun had not fled through the east, he simply cut off the supply of Stamina needed to keep the clone standing, which made clone number 1 disappear in an instant amidst the crackling of lightning.

Clone number 2 was dissolved by Bai Zemin even before it arrived at the gates of the western area. The reason Bai Zemin did this was because halfway there his clone detected Shangguan Bing Xue\'s and Shen Mei\'s auras nearby so there was no need to continue advancing any further. After all, with Shangguan Bing Xue there it was absolutely impossible for Jin Shun to slip by without her noticing.

"There\'s only clone number 3 left then." Bai Zemin muttered and closed his eyes, focusing his all on the last clone standing.

Not long after, the last clone reached the north end of the base and after a bit of searching found the area where the gates were located. However, Bai Zemin saw something that made his expression change, and without even hesitating he cut off the clone\'s Stamina supply before launching himself forward like an arrow that had left the bowstring.

The ground beneath his feet cracked, making craters several centimeters in diameter, and the air traversed by his moving body blasted out in constant minuscule explosions.

In just a few seconds, Bai Zemin reached the north gate and his face turned pale as he surveyed the scene before him.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!....

A team of about twenty people made up of soldiers and soul evolvers was firing continuously using heavy machine guns, assault rifles, and the weapons mounted on modified military vehicles.

The soul evolvers were few, only about three. However, they were all quite fierce as each of them was claiming the lives of their enemies despite the continuous fighting.

However, this was not what caught Bai Zemin\'s attention.... What really caught his attention and frightened him were two things he had never seen in his entire life.

A rift as dark as a wolf\'s mouth towered above the ground like a giant standing upright. From the ground up to seven meters high and approximately one hundred meters long, the rift released a strange reddish aura that was extremely ominous.

The smell of blood coming from that fissure made even the heart of someone like Bai Zemin, who had extinguished millions of lives with his own hands, tremble.

This dark rift was the first thing that caught Bai Zemin\'s attention. However, there was something else that shocked him.

From the rift, there were hundreds of humans that came out nonstop one after another. They all had blood-red hair, blood-red eyes, fierce and arrogant expressions, sculpted and muscular bodies, pale white skin. In addition, the men were handsome and the women were beautiful; the males wore exposed upper bodies and plate mail pants while the females had leather armor covering their upper bodies along with leather pants of some unknown creature.

Some carried spears, others swords, maces, halberds, daggers, and all manner of melee weapons. Surprisingly, none carried weapons similar to bows or crossbows to deliver ranged attacks.

"Hahahaha! To think we\'d find a space rift to leave that damn boring world!" A handsome man laughed out loud as he decapitated a soldier.

An extremely beautiful woman with fiery red hair like fire decapitated another soldier and completely ignored the bloody wounds the bullets had inflicted on her body. She lunged forward with her spear and was about to swing her weapon to kill her second target when her head suddenly flew into the air.

"Hahahahahaha! That was my prey, you little bitch!" A man standing next to that woman laughed like crazy and after killing her also took it upon himself to take the soldier\'s life.

The battlefield was a mess and Bai Zemin could make out from afar the corpses of several soldiers and soul evolvers who were presumably killed before he got there, which meant that the group of now less than twenty men was larger several minutes ago.

Even though the soldiers made stupendous use of firearms and killed thousands of enemies, these human-like beings did not seem to fear death at all as they maintained mad, wild grins as they charged forward speedily as if they were afraid that the rift they were coming out of would close with them still inside.

The enemies quickly began to circle around and it did not take long for them to overwhelm with their numbers several times greater than the circular formation that the soldiers had formed using the armored vehicles as the first and only defensive line. Therefore, although they tried to retreat, it was impossible for them.

As he looked on as his men fell one after another, Commander Jin Shun\'s face turned pale to the point where his lips turned purple at the loss of blood. Although his heart was beating, his current appearance was no different from that of a dead person.

"No!" A shrill scream attracted Jin Shun\'s attention, and when he looked in that direction, he was even more horrified to see one of his two strongest soul evolvers being stabbed in the heart by the spear of a young man who looked no more than 16 years old.

Seconds later, the other two soul evolvers including the last man who was previously protecting Jin Shun in the command center were also killed. After fighting and giving more than their100% for almost 30 minutes, the Stamina of these soul evolvers was depleted to the point that although it allowed them to continue fighting it was no longer possible for them to move as at the beginning; therefore, in a series of carelessness and with accumulated bloody wounds, their enemies, who did not give them time to breathe, jumped on them like bloodthirsty tigers and pierced their bodies while laughing contentedly.

"How could this be... How could this happen..." Jin Shun muttered with a dazed and terrified expression.


\'Eh?\' Jin Shun was shocked as he watched his headless body while the world around him spun. A second later, everything went black for him.

Like this, this battalion commander who was cruel and decisive finally fell on the battlefield. Perhaps, the only positive thing in his death was the fact that he died fighting and even if it was not voluntarily he died while fighting invaders.

"Hahahaha! I got the enemy commander\'s head!" The man who killed Jin Shun picked up his head and lifted it up before shaking it several times while sneering, "I really don\'t understand. What race of shit is this? How do they allow such weak trash like this pig to lead them? Hahahaha!"

Then, the man crushed Jin Shun\'s head and took out a small stone the size of a grain of rice before throwing it into his mouth and chewing on it.

Bai Zemin\'s expression was extremely serious and seeing this man\'s action he realized that even though the existences before him had a human appearance, it was clear from the fact that they were eating Soul Stones that they were not human.

Bai Zemin was not surprised by the fact that Jin Shun had a small Soul Stone in his head at all. After all, Soul Stones were the crystallization of the Mana and Soul Power of an existence. Since Jin Shun managed to withstand the initial mana wave, then it was not impossible for him to form a Soul Stone even if he had not yet evolved. As for how such a process worked, Bai Zemin had no idea.

What surprised him was actually that the aura of the man who ate the Soul Stone really rose!

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Really thank you very much to all who give gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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