
Chapter 16

Chapter 16: <Chapter 16>

I didn’t know for sure why the emperor ignored his poisoned tea. He had an undeniable proof right in front of him.

I could think of two reasons why. Either it wasn’t enough to implicate the dowager empress, or even if it was, he didn’t have enough power to use it against her. Maybe it was both.

According to the emperor, the dowager empress had huge power and influence. Just because he became the emperor didn’t mean she would have lost her authority.

She tried her best to harm him when he was the heir to the throne. It was clear why the emperor appointed me to be his first wife so hurriedly. He had to do it before the dowager empress could place her own woman in this position.

The way she glared at us when he announced his intention was deadly. If a look could kill, I would have been dead by now. This was very bad.

However, the biggest problem wasn’t the dowager empress. Of course, she was an obvious threat to my life, but from my point of view, the emperor was my biggest problem.

The dowager empress was my enemy, and I had no doubt about it. The emperor, on the other hand, was a questionable ally. I would never be betrayed by the dowager since I would never give her my trust. However, the emperor was a different story. I had no choice but to trust him to some extent, but it was too dangerous for me to give him my full trust.

In all honesty, the emperor scared and worried me more than the dowager empress.

Therefore, the fact that Duchess Gust was on the side of the emperor, an ally of mine, didn’t mean I should trust her.

We were accomplices and partners, but I didn’t trust him fully. I was sure he felt the same way about me too.

My life depended on the emperor, yet I couldn’t trust him. This was such a maddening situation!

What if he poisoned me and framed my murder on the dowager empress? It would be like killing two birds with one stone. Get rid of the only witness to his murder and also the dowager empress both in the same scheme.

My situation worried me sick.

Did I make smart decisions? Did I make the right assumptions so far? No one could tell me. I had to make every single decision myself, and I was responsible for each one of them. One wrong decision could be the death of me.

‘I don’t want to die!’

I forced myself to smile brightly. I had to have thick skin if I wanted to survive.

I said to the duchess, “I can’t help but be anxious. I am new here and so many bad things have happened so far. I will trust you to guide me.”

Duchess Gust smiled neutrally and bowed. “It would be my honor.”

So that was how my royal life on this thin ice began.

Suddenly, a maid walked in to speak to Duchess Gust. As soon as I heard the message, I almost dropped my cup.

“The dowager empress would like to see you, your highness.”



Unfamiliar maids surrounded me to dress me. Afterward, I headed towards the dowager empress’s wing.

Her residence was separate from all the other wives’ living quarters. In fact, she was living next to the emperor’s quarters.

The proper rule dictated that the dowager empress needed to move from the empress’ wing to another residence after the death of her husband. However, she claimed that the shock of the former emperor’s death was too much for her, she needed more time to grieve in her own room.

This was clearly a poor excuse from the dowager empress. If the new emperor had an empress, the emperor would have had a solid reason to kick her out, but for now, things had to be left as it was.

I felt strange. Only a few days ago, she was my fellow wife to the old emperor. However, now, I was her daughter-in-law. This was absurd.

Didn’t people think it strange that the father’s concubine married his son? According to the priestess and the chancellor, there seemed to be no legal problems, but it still surprised me at how open-minded people were in this world.

This would have never been acceptable in the olden days of Korea. It seemed like this world resembled the western countries more than the Asian nations in my world.

Historically, the customs of having multiple wives and concubines were common in many Asian countries. I remembered reading about Korean history at school. I enjoyed history classes, especially European history. In fact, I planned on studying history at university.

I wished I studied harder though. It could have been helpful in my current situation if I knew more.

There was no point in regretting the past. There was nothing I could do. All I needed to focus on now was my own survival.

I took a deep breath. It felt like my heart would burst. My hands were trembling. I clenched my fingers to ky myself at ease.

I couldn’t show any weaknesses.

When I arrived, the dowager empress’s maid announced loudly.

“Your Highness, the first wife has arrived.”

I stood tall and entered the room.


The dowager empress was surrounded by high-ranking ladies. They all glared at me chillingly. Clearly, they were on the dowager’s side.

Their stares felt uncomfortable, but I hid my nervousness as best as I could. I walked slowly towards them and bowed politely.

“Good morning to the honored dowager empress.”

Her cold voice ordered me, “Rise.”

“Thank you.”

The ladies around the dowager started to greet me together in unison.

“Good morning, Your Highness.”

The dowager empress’s maid guided me to a chair across from everyone. My maid in waiting, Samantha, carried the golden box on a silver tray to the dowager empress.

“What is this?”

The Duchess answered with a gentle smile.

“It is a gift from the first wife to the dowager empress. It is to celebrate the recent occasion.”

The dowager frowned slightly. This was a common practice for the new daughter-in-law to present a gift to the dowager empress. Usually, the announcement of a new emperor was a happy event for the dowager empress since her son had been crowned as the new emperor. However, in this case, it wasn’t her real son. This was definitely not a happy occasion for the dowager empress.

A gift was an insult, and I didn’t order it. Samantha planned it without even consulting me!

The dowager empress put on a disturbing smile and faced me. She lowered her voice and thanked me.

“Thank you. I guess all I have left to do is to move to the back room and enjoy the happiness of my son and his wife. For that, I thank you.”


I didn’t know how to respond. My mind went blank with nervousness and shock.

The dowager empress announced, “Well then, let’s open the gift. I would love to see what you brought me.”

The dowager empress’s maid took the box from Samantha and opened it in front of the ladies.

Inside the shiny golden box was a small golden can with black tint. On top was beautiful silver decorations.

The ladies around the dowager empress exclaimed.

Samantha explained proudly, “This is Kamailak, the best black tea that was harvested last year. They say its quality is the best it has ever been in a hundred years.”

One lady who appeared to know much about tea recognized it.

She exclaimed, “Oh my! This is worth more than gold nowadays!”

Another lady agreed, “I heard last year’s leaves are indeed of the highest quality.”

The ladies all nodded in agreement. The dowager empress looked at them disapprovingly. When they realized her displeasure, they quieted down.

The dowager turned to me and gave me another fake smile.

“How could I ever repay you for your kindness?”

There was no way I would be able to appease her even if I beg for her forgiveness. Besides, if I showed any weakness, she would use it against me.

Samantha successfully angered the dowager empress, and now I had one option left. I tried to think positively. I knew from the beginning I would never be able to have an amicable relationship with the dowager empress.

I finally opened my mouth.

“There is no need for thanks, Your Highness. I tried to find the best gift for such a HAPPY OCCASION. I am glad you approve it.”

When I emphasized the words ‘happy occasion,’ I saw the dowager empress’s face spasm.

The dowager empress gave a stern expression and clapped her hands.

“Well then, should we enjoy the first wife’s gift together?”

Suddenly, it was teatime. The servants moved quickly to set the table.

When I saw the teacups and pots, I couldn’t help but become stiff.

They shone brightly. They were all made of silver.

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