
Chapter 149 - 149 - Separated

Zou Yue silently moved through the bloody corridors. Any zombies he met, he slashed them with one swing. At times he took a rest and sharpened his sword with the sharpening stone his master gifted. After all, it was his main weapon, carelessly slicing through human bones and cartilages will dull it.

If it was not sharpened, then it will only chop things not slice through them cleanly.

When he was doing so, Hary and Tian took care of the zombies just shooting them with dangerous precision. When one was reloading, the other was watching their back.

Yue was in complete awe watching their team work. It was only something you get when you work together for a long time.

"Say, where did you guys learn to shoot?"

"*****," Hary whispered reloading his gun. "Not a fun place to be, but I learned a lot there. Lost a leg as well,"

"Same," Tian simply patted his back. "Not the leg part though,"

Hary moved into position and started to shoot vigorously.

This time, Tian stood close by and started loading her gun. "When will you be finished?"

"In a while," Yue whispered rubbing the sharpening stone on the metal surface until the sword shone beautifully. "Done, let\'s go,"

This time the two fell behind watching his back. Yue was the vanguard taking out the zombies in his way.

The direction board above them was stained with blood. Yue stood by it while Hary jumped up to clean it. "Record room is to our right,"

"Done." they proceeded to the right passageway that went narrower.

The zombies in here were not that many. They all were wearing hospital staff uniforms and ID cards.

\'It\'s a pity... so many doctors and nurses died so easily.\'

The hospital\'s windows were closed off with centralised air con and doors were always disinfected with a mist whenever anyone comes in. The chances of them getting infected must have been low, but the thing with the hospitals is the patients who come in could easily spread the infection. 

Since the effect of the meteor was delayed in G city, many infected and bitten humans were admitted here. It must have been the cause of an outbreak in this hospital.

Yue glanced at the torn off parts of the nurse\'s neck. \'This place is overrun, that\'s for sure, I hope Fan is safe.... \'

In just a few minutes\' walk, the records room came into sight.

The trio ran as quickly as they can and closed themselves inside.

The lights had gone out and the records room usually ever have any windows. It was fully dark inside.

Tian threw a glow stick she got out of nowhere and tossed it, illuminating the room. "We don\'t have much time. Let\'s get to it."

Yue went to the nearby rack. "Everything in here will be arranged by date. Search for records from this month or earlier,"

Tian and Hary dedicatedly searched whilst having one eye on their surroundings.

Zou Yue ran about until he found the recent month\'s records. He pulled down the cardboard box and squatted down on the ground completely.

He flipped all its contents out and searched through it.

"Fan Xui.... Fan... where is his record... ah I got it!"

He took off Fan Xui\'s record and opened it up swiftly. It was full of medical terminology that he couldn\'t make head or tail of. "Where do they specify the room number?"

Tian plucked it out of his hands and flipped it onto the last page. "VIP room number 3044,"

"Darn, he must be a rich man to be able to afford VIP room," Hary whistled softly.

Yue shot up. "Let\'s go,"

"Whoa wait here buddy; do you know where that room is?"

"Where?" he blinked at him innocently.

"It\'s the top floor,"

"How did you know that?"

Hary sighed, hugging his shoulders. "Didn\'t you notice the room numbers as we walked past? The room numbers here start with the floor number. Every room on this floor started with one. If your guy\'s room number is 30 something, he must be on the thirtieth floor,"

"Amazing, let\'s go," Yue ran once again but Hary pulled him back by his shirt.

"Listen, you have to climb thirty floors of this zombie infested place. Instead, we shall go to the research centre. There might not be that many zombies in there. We\'ll bring that nerdy researcher out first."

"No, I want to know how Fan Xui is doing,"

Hary scratched his head, looking at Tian for the final decision.

Tian sighed. "He is right Yue, it\'s the top floor and those things will definitely follow us. We won\'t even be able to climb down easily,"

"But... but..... Fan Xui.."

"We will think about it. Let\'s go the research lap for Qian Wen,"

They both walked out.

Yue still stood there, frown in shock. "No, you guys go for him. I will bring Fan Xui out,"

"Are you out of your mind?" Tian pulled him out by his hands. "Don\'t act like a kid. Be reasonable. Your friend\'s record said that he was hospitalised a month ago. If things were as bad as down here, he must have starved to death for all we know,"

"He wouldn\'t have!" Yue whisper-shouted. "Tian, listen to me. I won\'t give up on him, not when we are so close. You guys go get Qian. I will get Fan,"

Tian softly sighed. "Let\'s go then...this Fan better be worth it,"

They ran to the staircase. As soon as they opened the door, a loud screech came from within.

"waaahhhhh...." a groaning zombie nurse rushed towards them.

Yue kicked it out of his way and slashed it.

Much to his surprise, the zombie evaded his attacks.

Even Hary and Tian shot at it, but the zombie nimbly moved around dodging all their attacks.

"This one is weird. Be careful!" Yue shouted, taking out his dagger from his waist belt.

The zombie nurse growled loudly at them. Her hands were fully twisted in different angles yet still she was able to move so easily.

"It\'s has ability...." Yue backed back, keeping his back close to Tian. "It\'s body is somehow different... it seems elastic,"

In fact, his previous attacks did land on it, but its elastic skin bounced it off, giving the illusion that he missed.

"We have to burn it,"

"On it," Tian activated her fire attack.

The zombie nurse\'s eyes went wide. It\'s screeched loudly, dashing away from the dark flames.

"Hary, attack it!" she shouted.

Hary tossed his huge machine guns to Tian and charged forward. His metallic legs changed into a sharp sword right in front of their eyes. Just a foot away from the zombie, Hary stopped. With his right leg firmly on the ground, he performed a roundhouse kick.

Unlike Yue\'s iron sword, Hary\'s unknown metal was able to easily pierce through his elastic skin, tearing it apart into two pieces.

"screeeee..." the zombie screeched, collapsing to the ground.

 "That felt good." Hary smirked widely, winking at them.

"Don\'t gloat," Tian slammed his gun into his hands. "Look at what you have done..."

He looked back.

The walls behind the zombie had been slashed, along with its small case for the emergency fire alarm bell as well. The glass was cleanly sliced, and the lever was pulled down.

"wee woo wee woo..." loud siren echoed in the empty hallways.

"Shit, we are so fucked!"

They all bolted up the stairs.

The zombies that was were all silent or dormant woke up and started to move towards them.

It was the siren. It was fucking inviting every zombie in the vicinity, not only the ones in the hospital, even the zombies in the streets would be banging their heads trying to get in.

"We are so screwed..." Hary whispered, glancing back.

There were only a few dozen or so before, but now there were at least a few hundred zombies rushing after them.

"Just keep running. We can burn them all when we area reach a narrow corridor," Yue panted, running up the stairs.

A huge number four was right in front of them. "Just a few floors up,"

"Few? That\'s a good work out" Tian groaned but her breathing was even and not a hair was out of her braids.

"Good, good... I\'m slightly out of touch," Hary loudly panted along with Yue. "I believe my adrenalin can cover for that now,"

It was a mad rush, that\'s for sure. By the time they reached the tenth floor, Yue and Hary were out of breath.

Yue\'s long hair had come undone from his high pony tail flying everywhere.

He swiftly tied it up in a messy bun as they ran. "I... really... should... consider..... braiding... my hair...."

"Don\'t talk. You\'ll feel more tired," Tian whispered, taking his left hand. "Hary! Don\'t fall behind, "

She started pulling him along with her.

In about ten minutes of climbing, they reached the thirtieth floor.

Yue held his knees, gazing behind him. The zombies who were in a rush had slowed down exponentially. They did not have joints as strong as theirs, so some of the zombie\'s legs fell off and only their torso was crawling up creepily.

"That is a sight that I can\'t unsee..."

Tian softly let out a breath. "We are here... since this is VIP floor I believe not many zombies might be here...."

As soon as she opened the door, a dozen or so zombies dressed in hospital gown fell towards her.

Yue swiftly pulled her back, hugging her close.

Without a minute\'s delay, Tian used her flames on them clearing a path.

Hary pulled them through, out into the white hallways.

But things did not go well.

A loud cry was heard nearby and a small toddler zombie walked towards them.

"Oh, fuck!" Yue panicked. He bolted to the left, while the other two rushed to their right.

"Yue wait, you are running in the wrong direction!" Tian shouted, but he was so busy fighting off that baby zombie that he did not listen.

The zombies in the stairwell broke through the door and gushed out, blocking the path to her brother.

By the time Yue looked up, a few hundred zombies were standing in between them.


Tian blindly ran towards him, but Hary clutched her back and yanked her away. "You\'ll get cornered you idiot! Just go! Run! We\'ll meet up soon!"

Zou Yue watched his sister run away with Hary grinding his teeth.. "Fuck this!" he kicked the toddler zombie off and bolted to his left.

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