
Chapter 98 FaMo Talked Too Much

"Hmm... FaMo, talk. Spill the information you\'ve gathered a while ago." Zhen-Zhen promptly said to FaMo as soon as they settled inside her room.",

FaMo licked his paw first before saying, "Sure, I\'ll tell what I l\'ve got."",

Zhen-Zhen just nodded with anticipation as she stared at FaMo intently. She was now all eyes and all ears on him.",

Then FaMo started to talk like he was doing a story telling to his child.",

"Tristan got four visitors tonight. The first two visitors were his parents."",

Zhen-Zhen nodded as she already knew about that.",

"They came here to visit Tristan because they were worried about him. It seemed like something happened in Tristan\'s company this morning."",

Zhen-Zhen became more curious after hearing that.",

"What happened?" She asked FaMo quizzically.",

FaMo shook his head because he was not sure. "I just heard him saying that he will take a leave from his work. So I think this is good news for you Zhen-Zhen. Tristan will not go to work in the meantime."",

"Really? Is that true?" Zhen-Zhen wanted to confirm.",

FaMo just bobbed his head as a response. Then a bright smile stretched out on her face. She was happy to hear that.",

"Tristan said we will start reviewing tomorrow for my upcoming examination. Now, I know why he has time to teach me. Studying with him is gonna be great. I\'m so excited!"",

FaMo just shook his head and sighed helplessly. \'Zhen-Zhen has simple happiness and that happiness is Tristan.\'",

"Tell me more, FaMo." She urged him to continue.",

"Second, they talked about his scandal video that ruined his reputation."",

Zhen-Zhen furrowed her brows. "Scandal Video?"",

"Yes. Tristan had a scandal video. He apologized to his parents for that embarrassing video. But I don\'t know specifically what\'s on the video. Why don\'t you ask Tristan about it?" FaMo suggested.",

"Okay, I will try to talk to him, tomorrow." Zhen-Zhen told FaMo.",

But the question was, Will Tristan tell her about the content of that video?",

"And lastly, they talked about the seduction attempt. I think they were talking about you and Andrew. His parents learned what you did Zhen-Zhen."",

Zhen-Zhen was taken aback by FaMo\'s last statement. She suddenly felt uneasy as if she had committed a great mistake by doing that.",

FaMo noticed the worry in her eyes so he tried to console her right away.",

"Don\'t worry about that Zhen-Zhen. Tristan explained to them that it was just a great misunderstanding. He also said that it was all his fault so they shouldn\'t blame you. I agree with Tristan. He really made a stupid request by asking you that. At least he admitted that it was his fault." ",

Zhen-Zhen didn\'t know if she should feel happy about that or not. She didn\'t want Tristan to be in trouble because of her actions.",

"I should have thought about the consequences of my actions. I have no idea that this would happen. I regretted it." Zhen-Zhen lowered her gaze as she somehow felt bad about it.",

"Cheer up! Don\'t give me such a face, young lady. Tristan\'s parents are not mad at you. They listened to Tristan. So next time, please don\'t follow every word coming from Tristan. See… it can cause troubles." FaMo could not help but give her advice.",

Zhen-Zhen didn\'t know what to say. She could only nod at FaMo.",

"So don\'t feel bad for Tristan. He was the one who created this mess so let him deal with it and fix everything," FaMo added as he squinted his eyes.",

"If I can do something for him then I will try to help him. I can\'t just watch him getting in trouble, FaMo." Zhen-Zhen told him truthfully.",

"Alright, I understand. But don\'t spoil him too much. Zhen-Zhen, sometimes you also need to stand on your own. Don\'t depend on Tristan always. You should learn to become more independent. Tristan will not always be by your side." FaMo shared his thoughts with her.",

"What do you mean, FaMo?" She was bothered by FaMo\'s last sentence.",

"I mean, you need to make your own decision and choose the right thing. You can not base your decision on Tristan\'s preferences. You should do things for yourself. That\'s what your Fa-Fa and Mo-Mo really wanted. They want you to grow like a strong independent woman in order for you to protect yourself against those people who would try to harm you and hurt you, including Tristan."",

"Tristan will not hurt me." Zhen-Zhen promptly said with so much certainty in her voice.",

"Don\'t trust him too much, Zhen-Zhen. I still don\'t trust humans. See what happened when we were in Oceaniz City. Tristan had hurt you. He made you sad and cry. Though it was unintentional, he still hurt your feelings. I just don\'t want to see you sad, Zhen-Zhen." FaMo insisted.",

"Besides, I heard that he was in love with Hannah. He said that a while ago in front of his parents." FaMo informed Zhen-Zhen everything.",

"In love with Hannah?" Zhen-Zhen repeated those words in confusion.",

"Yes. He\'s in love with Hannah. Love… that\'s the feeling your Fa-Fa and Mo-Mo felt towards each other. That\'s why he cared so much about Hannah, the same way your Mo-Mo cared so much about your Fa-Fa, and vice versa."",

Suddenly, Zhen-Zhen fell silent. She raised her hand, clutching her chest. She felt like something was pressing and squeezing her heart as of this moment after she heard FaMo\'s explanation.",

Zhen-Zhen closed her eyes and took a deep breath, calming herself down.",

"FaMo…" She blurted out after opening her eyes.",

"Yes, Zhen-Zhen?"",

"How about me? Do you think Tristan loves me too?" Zhen-Zhen asked him like a helpless child asking for comfort.",

FaMo paused for a moment, thinking what was the right answer to her question.",

"I think he does. But I am not sure. But I am glad that he even defended you against Hannah and Andrew a while ago. They also came here. They were asking about you."",

"They were here?" Zhen-Zhen was a little bit surprised to hear that.",

"Yes, they were the other visitors of Tristan. They confronted Tristan about what happened in Oceaniz City. He apologized on your behalf. He took all the blame. But I hate Hannah. She kept on insisting it was your fault. She even wanted to hear an apology from you. Arghh. I have the urge to scratch her with my paws." FaMo ranted spontaneously, venting his frustration that he felt towards Hannah.",

Because FaMo talked too much, he didn\'t notice the complicated emotions surfacing in Zhen-Zhen\'s eyes. She had conflicting thoughts right now.",

She had to admit that she felt troubled after knowing everything. But what struck her most was the fact that Tristan was in love with Hannah.",

She felt something unknown deep inside her heart. But for now, she decided to get those negative thoughts out of her mind.",

What matters most for her was that she was together with Tristan. She felt happy that he was treating her well. She could feel that Tristan also cared about her.",

After clearing her mind, she scooped FaMo in her arms and started petting him.",

"Thank you, FaMo for telling me this. Don\'t worry too much about me. I will learn more things in this world." Zhen-Zhen reassured him.",

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