
Chapter 148

Ed\'s mana was drained, what could he do? It wasn\'t a matter to ponder on too deeply. For starters, he could use crystals. So he did, he brought out two crystals. One was white and the other brown.

Thus, the earth which was listening intently to Bayard\'s command had some of the attention taken by Ed. His skeleton mages also joined in on the fray. Together, they reinforced the earthen seal. Ed also used the ice crystal to freeze the seeping water making everything watertight.

The rhythmic and violent thumping which had been incessant at the time became slower, and slower, and slower until it no longer sounded like a rhythmic beat, But if it were a beat, it would be a beat depicting the throes of a strong-willed man.

Like all things that slow tend to do, the thumping came to an end. Silence prevailed in the room.

\'It\'s over\' Ed thought without emotion. He was really worried when he first heard the thumping. He was simply not a match for the man with his skeleton body. Ultimately, he had resorted to tricks.

\'Perhaps in my orc body\' If it was like that then it was definitely quite possible. But as a skeleton, his skills and base attributes fell behind.

Ed waited another minute. He needed to make sure that no one would be left alive when he released the large amounts of water that had flooded the corridor.

\'Thank goodness that man\'s swordsmanship was on the slow side\' Ed decided to kill time by assessing the battle.

Looking back, there would be no victory for him if he didn\'t push the man back into the hallway. It was a sad truth. He couldn\'t defeat him in direct confrontation. The sword that gave him an edge was also not enough due to his pitiful skills.

\'Now should be about right\' Ed thought and transmitted for the skeleton mages to lower their vigilance.

Ed shifted the earth. The small cracks returned and water began to seep once more. Ed motioned for the mages to watch themselves as he finally opened the flood gates.

With a loud bang, the sound of rushing water was triggered. It caused many ferocious waves that brought with them dead bodies and occasionally, skeletons.

\'Sole…\' Ed observed as the remains of the armor-wearing sole were washed away. It was a pity.

He continued to observe but the water eventually depleted leaving no traces apart from the soaking wet ground.

Out of the wet hall came out anti-skeletons. Some had lost limbs, perhaps a result of battle or the violent flood, others were in tip-top shape. Brutus was such a skeleton. Although the horns of his armor were missing for some reason.

\'Well don-\' Ed was transmitting to his skeletons when a realization dawned upon him. There was a missing body.

He peered into the corridor and saw nothing apart from the occasional scattered bone or sword lodged in the ground. He walked further in with alertness before loudly smashing his boney foot against the ground. His non-existent eyes turned sharp as he felt the vibrations.

With the vibrations as a cue, a section of the ground crumbled. It crumbled into a hole and out from it came a man.

The man looked like a flushed rat but it didn\'t invoke any laughter from Ed. On the contrary, the man\'s calm gaze forced Ed to think up ways to quickly handle the situation.

,m He made an oversight! His battle experience was still lacking and not all plans were bound to succeed but… this was simply too large a mistake! The man\'s expression told him that things were not going to go favorably.

Bayard stood upright as he climbed out of the hole. There wasn\'t a shred of anxiety, rage, indignance, his face was deadpan. It was as if Ed was talking to rock for the man\'s expression was steeled.

"Well played" Bayard acknowledged as water seeped out of his armor incessantly. His muscles were sore. His sword felt inexplicably heavy. But his mind… it felt overwhelmingly calm and collected.

He thought about the knights under him, their deaths… He thought about the young and praiseworthy Sven, the loyal husband Bond, the stubborn Tyrell. Was he not devastated? Not at all. For now wasn\'t the time for devastation. He had to be unfeeling, like a rock.

Ed threw all thoughts out the window after hearing the man\'s cold praise. It didn\'t matter anymore! In the first place, he had always had a flexible mind, no? He charged forward as he brought a shimmering red crystal from out of his robe.

\'I can\'t back away\' Ed thought as he prepared to unleash radiant red flames.

Yet, his steps were forced to a halt. The ground was shaking wildly and his footing became unstable. But that wasn\'t it, the ground was also trying to hold him in place.

\'Damn it\' Ed thought as his the earth crept upon him.

[You\'ve been dealt damage. -53hp]

The ground ate up his legs while maintaining their fierce trembling. Ed promptly lowered the crystal and made it touch the earth. He was going to insert mana!

\'What!?!\' The fire mana was inserted but… nothing happened!

Ed\'s thoughts paled. There was only one other option…!

[Crushing pressure. -70hp]

[Crushing pressure. -70hp]

His body was painfully squeezed.

\'At-Attack!\' Ed transmitted with an unwillingness to his mages. They instantly heeded by the order and popped up on both ends of the hallway to cast their spells.

The fire illuminated the corridor and flew towards Bayard\'s direction, jets of waters, gales of wind, all of the four elements acted against him with the exception of the earth. The earthen mages were stumped as they couldn\'t control the ground near Bayard.

Bayard lifted his heavy sword ignoring his aching muscles. He didn\'t pay the attacks any mind as his steps caused the ground to rise and isolate him and Ed.

[Crushing pressure. -77hp]

Ed\'s whole body had been covered by the earth. It was as if Bayard had prepared him a tomb. Without mana, he couldn\'t teleport out. With his restricted movement, he couldn\'t grab a crystal from his robe to regain it!

He was stuck!

[Crushing pressure. -83hp]

\'What can I do…\' Ed had fallen into a panic but his mind whirred looking for answers.

Unfortunately, he didn\'t find any. His bones had started to crack under the force of the earth. His constitution would likely fail to hold much longer. Ed could practically see his health depleting at astronomical speeds with every passing second.

He would be ground to dust.

[Assimilation is off cooldown]

A message flew by his vision. Yes, a different message. It wasn\'t one that predicted inevitable demise. This was a message that stirred Ed\'s non-existent heart. For he had at last seen hope. And hope brought with it a strong will.

\'I can\'t die yet!\' His skeleton legion had hardly begun, he could return and build them better and stronger, but… to hell with that!

Did he want to? No! He was lazy! He was a man that strove for convenience and facility. He had long since not cared about the dungeon\'s ideals, if he was fighting… he was fighting for himself and his hard work.

[<Thought Manifestation> is in effect]

[Assimilation on cooldown]

The earth that pressed down on him disappeared. As if Ed had broken out of a cocoon and out into freedom, he finally felt relieved.

[Mana +30]

Bayard who was slowly approaching with wary and alert eyes found himself being ever so slightly shocked. It looked as if the area around Ed had been gauged out by some sort of mystical existence. Ed was freed from the earth he had commanded to crush him!

He had expected the skeleton to teleport as it was shown itself to be capable of but instead… it did this!

[Mana Manipulation has leveled up]

Ed\'s mana core was stimulated by the assimilated earth and filled to max capacity. Not only that but his mana manipulation was being augmented by the thought manifestations effect.

It was time to strike back! It wouldn\'t do to suffer so much damage without any sort of retribution!

Bayard\'s expressionless face promptly returned. He noticed that the skeleton had broken out but… that was it. Nothing was different.

The earth reached out for Ed oncemore. It shocked and whrithed madly as it began its journey to creep up Ed\'s boney legs. But Ed wasn\'t willing to be buried just yet.

Suddenly, Bayard\'s brows creased. The earth which he had been so easily commanding was suddenly detered. He felt as if a separate force was acting on the earth resulting in the earth starting an internal struggle.

"Urgh…" He then also suddenly threw up a mouthful of blood. He instictively knew that he was on a timer. It wouldn\'t be surprising if his connection with the earth caused him permanent damage.

"Not until I find the young master…" He muttered with resolve as he dragged his heavy blade a step closer across the ground. He then sluggishly lifted it and was spun horizontally by the sword. After a couple of revolutions, he let go…

Ed\'s focused mind caused him to duck down. The heavy blade that Bayard lugged flew above him with deadly speed. Ed\'s mind which was immensely focused felt a slight stir. A short piercing pain.

\'I have to do this quickly\' That thought popped into Ed\'s mind briefly as his concentration could not be broken. His will was further strengthened by the subconscious realization.

Both sides were in the same position.. Neither would back down just yet.

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