
Chapter 318: From despair to hope (1)

Chapter 318: From despair to hope (1)

Translator: Leyy3

In the middle of the night in the Gullveig Alliance’s camp of the port city Styx...

Why now...

Kwak Jun was left deep in contemplation after Niu left.

Dammit... what do you want me to do...

Since he was told to earn his keep, he needed to do something, but there wasn’t anything he could act as a spy for. Strategy? None of that was important for the battle that would happen in Styx soon. It would be a fight of strength against strength! Those trying to break through, the Valhalla Kingdom, and those trying to block them, the Gullveig Alliance. It was obvious that it was going to be a fight of strength, so what could he do as a spy? The most he could do would be delivering the battle tactics and plans of the Gullveig Alliance.

What is he thinking? This isn’t the best time to make the most out of me. Hmm...

As his contemplation continued,

“Is he saying that I should raise our chances of victory by at least a 1% chance?” Kwak Jung came to his decision. “Well... I guess so... since taking over Styx is the most important right now.”

It meant that Kang Chul-In had decided to use him actively starting from this battle, which was understandable. Kwak Jun really needed to start earning his keep considering the amount of money that Kang Chul-In supported Vito Clemenza with.

“And since I chose now...” Kwak Jung extended his hand towards a cube that had the strategies of the Gullveig Alliance stored inside of it. “I might as well do my best.”

Because he was the commander-in-chief, his level of authority was right below Andrei Ivanovich and Mei Ling’s. This meant that he could deliver nearly all information to Kang Chul-In.

“Sir. Her Majesty has come.”

The knight who was in charge of guarding him announced the arrival of the Mei Ling.

His hand reaching for the cube paused.

“Y-Your Majesty!”

“You’re working so hard... even though it’s so late at night...”

“It’s nothing!”

“Can I sit down?”

“Of course.” Kwak Jun signaled for her to sit. “What happened? You should be commanding the sovereigns of the alliance at the Pentagon...”

“I left that to Andrei Ivanovich. His charisma is more outstanding than mine, so there shouldn’t be a problem. Also... there’s something that only I can do here.”

“Ah...!” He realized why Mei Ling had suddenly come. “Neptune Spear’s...”

“Yes, that’s correct.” Mei Ling nodded. “I thought we would need to raise the morale of our soldiers.”

“That’s a wise judgment of yours.”

“Your compliments are too much.”


“Are you working late into the night like this usually?”

“Of course. Our forces are many, but our opponent is the unmatched army of Kang Chul-In. We have to make sure things go smoothly without a hitch.”

“You’re a very careful person, commander... it’s fitting of the one who leads our alliance.”

“It’s only my job.”

Kwak Jun didn’t lose his humble attitude even after Mei Ling complimented him.

Dammit, just when I was trying to pass the information over.

Inside, he was cursing Mei Ling for coming at this time.

“How trustworthy... ah, also.”

“Please speak.”

“How is Lord Vito Clemenza?”


“From what I know, he’s never shown himself in public...”

“He’s getting better.”

“Ah, is he?”

“But he’s still uncomfortable with walking around, so he’s staying on Earth with his secretary. He’ll probably come back soon, and he wants to speak with Your Majesty...”

“I see.” Mei Ling nodded. “Alright. If you lead our alliance to victory in this war, we’ll help you with anything to help Lord Vito recover.”

“T, Thank you!”



“Commander Kwak, we’re planning on rewarding you separately as well. You’ll like it.”


“So I’ll leave it in your hands, Commander Kwak.”

“You don’t have to worry.”

“Then I’ll be off. Since it’s late, I’ll relay news about my family tomorrow in the morning.”

“Will you?”

“Yes. Oh, and...” Mei Ling looked back at Kwak Jun. “I hope you get a few hours of sleep at the least... as the commander-in-chief of our Alliance soldiers, it’s very important for you to maintain your health.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Then I’ll really be off now.”

Mei Ling stepped out of Kwak Jun’s office.

“Whew...” After she left, he sighed in relief. “She came just when I made my decision...”

He wouldn’t be suspected just because he was touching the cube, but he felt it prick at his conscience. Still, he wasn’t going to stop handing the information over to Kang Chul-In.


Before leaving for the Emperor of Blood and Iron’s grave, he promised peace to the citizens of Esmeralda territory.

“Y-Your Majesty...!” Skadi, who had rushed over in the Warp Gate after hearing the news, had tears brimming in her eyes.

“I promised.” Kang Chul-In spoke with a grin. “When you left your body to me, I promised I would regain Esmeralda for you. Do you remember?”

“Of course...!”

“I’m keeping that promise now.”

“Your Majesty...!”

“Sorry it’s so late...”

Suddenly, Skadi jumped into Kang Chul-In’s arms.

“Huk... huk huk...!”

“Why are you crying?”

“B-Because I’m so happy...! I-I really... didn’t know... such a day would come...!”


“Your Majesty...” Skadi couldn’t say anything while she cried in his arms.

“It’s all okay now.” Kang Chul-In was speaking in a rare soft voice that was reserved for his wife (technically, for one of his wives) and stroked her back.

A kind woman...

He felt how pure of a personality Skadi had again. A few years ago, right after the first Lords’ Meeting, Skadi had given up her authority after predicting her death and left her body in Kang Chul-In’s care. At that time, she had said this:

“The prediction that I saw last... had the citizens of Esmeralda territory suffering eternally. I don’t care however long it takes... Unless someone takes complete control over Esmeralda, the citizens will be pained forever... I couldn’t see a solution. Except for you.”

She had sacrificed herself. Realizing that she couldn’t protect her citizens herself, she had left her body to Kang Chul-In so the future of her people would be better. It was all for her people! Was it common to find a woman like her who had sacrificed herself for people she didn’t even know? She had left her body to the rumored great villain, murderer, and demon, Kang Chul-In. It wasn’t something that could be easily done.

“Huk... huk huk huk...”

Skadi cried for quite a while after that, and she continued until she almost fainted. She felt empathetic. After all, Skadi was a part of an oppressed group of people on Earth, the gypsies. Because the people in Esmeralda territory also trembled in near, not having any stable home, she couldn’t help but relate to them.

“It’s alright now.”

“Your Majesty...”

“I’ll repay all the pain that the citizens felt until now.”


“Also,” He added on. “I’ll promise you.”


“This land won’t be taken or become a war territory ever again.”


“So be at ease. Everything’s really over now.”

“Huk...!” Skadi burst into tears again. She was touched. Kang Chul-In’s promise was held in higher regard than any other’s. The words of the Supreme King of the West weren’t to be taken lightly. Esmeralda would never fall into anyone’s hands ever again, and this was because Kang Chul-In had said so.

After Kang Chul-In calmed Skadi down, he gathered all the citizens of Esmeralda.

Dum dum! A loud drum echoed in the air,

“His Supreme Majesty, Kang Chul-In~!”

And Kang Chul-In revealed himself, with the martial artists of the Valhalla Kingdom at his side.



Kang Chul-In was speechless after seeing the people.

“...Are they ghosts?”

That was his first reaction after seeing the people of Esmeralda.


There was no cheering or applause. The citizens of Esmeralda didn’t have any reaction to their new Lord. They just stood there like emotionless scarecrows.

“You dare...!?”

The generals of the Valhalla Kingdom spoke with rage.

“I’ve never seen such disrespectful people in my life...!” Amur bared his teeth and growled.

“You don’t even know the ‘R’ in respect...!” Drakan, who was always composed, was also furious.

“You dare...!”

“Are you looking down on our king!”

“Your Majesty! Punish them...!”

The other generals had the same reactions.


“As I expected...”

On the other hand, Kwak Jung and Lucia observed the situation with amusement. They knew why the people of Esmeralda had to react like that.

“Your Majesty!”

Just then, Amur turned to Kang Chul-In with his fur raised.

“Those disrespectful servants have...”

“Be quiet.”

“Please kill a few of those disrespectful...”

“I said to be quiet.”


“Everyone under me, close your mouths.”

A scary light flashed from Kang Chul-In’s eyes,


And the generals all zipped their mouths. No one dared to refuse his orders.


Kang Chul-In sighed after giving the orders. He knew why the people of Esmeralda were acting like this.

They must have suffered so much.

The reason was simple.

They don’t even have any thoughts of rebelling against the new authority.

Changing of the rulers in Esmeralda was all too common, and every time it happened, they had to suffer somehow. That meant that no matter who was ruling over Esmeralda, it was always at its worst. When they began to become familiar with the system, another war occurred, and the master of the territory changed. Also, the new masters of Esmeralda were usually all focused on their militaries and only built the most basic of structures like tents or camps. They didn’t invest anything into it because they didn’t know when it was going to be taken. The Esmeralda now and the one in the past that Kang Chul-In knew was cursed.

Now, they don’t even have the strength to be angry... is this what true despair is?

Kang Chul-In smiled bitterly thinking of the Esmeralda in the past. He had dominated this land back then, and he hadn’t acted much differently from other Lords. Rather, he had probably been worse than them. Back then, he hadn’t known how pained the people were.

But now, he could see.

“Everyone, listen!”

Kang Chul-In’s clear voice that rang throughout all of Esmeralda territory woke up the citizens from their blank looks.

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