
Chapter 97 Neal's Proposal

<strong>Principal\'s office, Administration building of Academy;</strong>

Principal Barton and his ex-disciple sat before each other. No other staff members are present.

"Are you trying to say that we lack qualifications to host the tournament?" Principal Barton spoke coldly as he stared at Neal. "You have judged all the five categories in mere two days when all you did is to sit in the Arena. Is that it?"

He was really enraged inside upon hearing that their academy only met two of the requirements that needed to qualify as a host for the Champions League.

However, unlike last time, Barton controlled his aura.

Neal replied calmly, "I have nothing against you, Master… I mean, Mr. Everglade. I received an order from Headquarters to provide a solid report that will make Heavenly Academy stay silent and not question its decisions if our academy were to host the tournament.

However, from what I see, aside from you and Ma\'am Fauns, there are only four teachers with a 6-star rank existed in this academy. The rest are of rank-5.

Moreover, there are several teachers with even 4-star rank who teach dropouts. I even confirmed the news about teachers getting beaten by students in a fair duel.

Teachers are supposed to guide the students. If their strength is weak, how can they train geniuses?

No matter what, I can\'t put the quality of teachers as first-rate. Once your soul rank is being known to the public, maybe, you will be able to hire some higher rank people.

But for now, the Quality of teachers is the second rate…

I researched around while lunch and dinner breaks. Most of the students said that the Academy is the safest place in the city. Even parents said that they felt at ease when they sent their child to live in the Academy.

Aside from the usual little bullying, the security of the Academy is pretty much worthy to be considered to be first-rate. I don\'t think I need to mention facilities. They are top-notch as always. I even heard that the government has gifted high-quality robots. I think you should use them for training purposes.

Anyway, let\'s talk about where the problem lies.

I had the help of a news reporter in gathering opinions from the students of other academies that are here for the Champion League. Do you want to know what they said?"

Neal looked at Barton seriously, "Of the thirty-five students, sixteen of them said our academy is trash.

Ten of them said our academy is mediocre.

Six of them said our academy is better than average.

Only four of them said they were satisfied with their stay in the Academy. And ninety percent of the students also admitted that only Leonard Light is a threat for them in the Champions League.

After two months, he will be graduated. Then, what will you do? You can\'t depend on one or two students to gain recognition of first-rate."

And finally, the quality of the students. After seeing the results of the worthless group battles, do you still think I should explain about it, further?"

Barton didn\'t back down. He made a counterargument. "Every Academy has its best and worst talented students. This isn\'t a special Academy. Normal Academies are entitled to allow all the students to give a chance to learn.

And your judgment of recognition itself is flawed, Neal.

Normal Academies don\'t only teach how to fight. The majority of our focus lies in normal education. Finis Silvester, the scientist who receive the National Award for his contribution to robotics was this Academy\'s alumnus.

Finis Grace, the CEO of Global Architects was an alumnus of this academy. Winter, the top leading actress; Electra, the bestselling author; Julius, Peridott, Mervin, there are several successful people who emerged from this Academy.

Just because they don\'t know how to fight, doesn\'t mean they are worthless. Do you think my Academy needs recognition from other Arcana academies that only know nothing but fighting?

It has long been recognized by the government. Receiving the best Academy award three times is already enough to prove that my academy has recognition. "

Barton\'s explanation caused Neal to feel a bit ashamed. Honestly, he is a guy who only knows how to fights and was oblivious to many things except for technology.

Suddenly, something clicked in his mind and he instantly thought what kind of bullsh*t his Master is spouting.

Neal reminded him, "But, we are hosting a battle tournament that involves an Arcana spirit, not a science exhibition or some film festival.

Even though I saw a few talents, there should be more than one genius that won\'t be defeated in battle by the above rank even without any restrictions.

By tomorrow, the decision will be made by the committee. So, please bring three such students to me once the tournament is finished. Only that way, I can help you out."

Silence enveloped the room for a whole minute. Barton seemed to fell into deep thoughts.

Meanwhile, Neal patiently waited for his choice.

Neal genuinely wanted to help out his Master in any way he can but he was, after all, bound by the duty.

Even if he provides a false report going against his ethics and lets the academy host the league, the truth will still be found out sooner or later, and then, WAMO will lose its reputation. That\'s why he urged Barton to do something about it.

At the same time, he also had another objective.

The moment he sensed unusualness from Azzy, he didn\'t waste time researching him.

From his research, he found that Azzy was rumored to be the disciple of the Principal. His interest grew further upon finding out Azzy\'s fighting prowess.

It didn\'t take much time for Neal to realize why the boy isn\'t participating in the tournament even though he has a 5-star soul rank and a platinum-grade beast. He concluded that it has something to do with the insecurity of his Master, not because of some nonsense lack of control.

After all, in his view, Azzy is a summoner. Why does his personal strength matter in a duel…

Neal felt like he saw himself in Azzy. It was the same for him. Even back when he was a student of the academy, Neal saw how his Master tried to control his life when he won the National tournament for the first time.

Because of the constant appearance of the scouts, he was banned from participating in the monthly tournaments, an annual tournament. The invitations from other intercity and international competitions were also rejected.

With his tenth grade always spend in isolation, Neal decided to secretly attend the national tournament without his Master\'s permission and later, won the National tournament for the second time, which led him to meet a high-rank-8 expert of military background.

Being in the rebellious phase, Neal accepted his offer and later, became his disciple without consulting Barton. In the end, the relationship was broken between them.

Now, when he returned to the academy after sixty long years, Neal saw his master hasn\'t changed a bit even though he made a breakthrough. In his view, he was just replaced by Azzy.

He felt bad for Azzy. So, he purposely pointed out many flaws in the academy to see what his Master will do, now. Will he choose to keep the prestige of the academy that he dearly loved or will he continue to hide the disciple that will eventually leave after a couple of years?

After what seemed to be a millennium of silence, Principal Barton opened his mouth, "Tomorrow morning, in Arena 2, three of our students will challenge you to a battle."

"Fine, then." Neal stood up on his feet while buttoning his suit. "Then, tell them that their opponent is a mid-rank-7 warrior who will not hold back at all. I don\'t need them to win."

Neal then raised his five fingers, "Five minutes. As long as every one of them will stay conscious for five minutes, Aclein Academy will host the tournament. If not, then, a notice will be given to all the academies about the change of venue."

He then left the room leaving behind a furious old man.

Barton slammed the table and turned it into dust, "It wasn\'t enough to betray me for your own hunger for power? Must you go this far? Damn you, brat…"

He was really angered at Neal, thinking that he was trying to tarnish the reputation of the Academy. "No matter what, my academy will host the tournament."

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