
Chapter 1072 Irkalla

The little Djinn stared up at me with beady red eyes. " Y-You can give me the power? You can train me to be—"

"Invincible? Of course. Of course, that\'s if you survive." I cut in, smiling as he nodded. "Well? You know what to do."

Adrian brought the two souls to his chest with a long stare storing them in his heart, and pressed his head over the snow without hesitation.

"Master." he started. " As Heaven and Hell as my witness, I, Adrian of Valiscar, hereby accept you as my Master."

My smile deepened as I nodded. " Good, very good. Then at this moment, you are Adrian Snow. Do well. And you\'ll have everything you\'ve ever wanted." I paused, thinking of something, and lost my smile. \' And if you think about killing me again. Next time you better at least draw blood, or I will snap your neck."

Snatching the little shit by the neck, I felt the laws of Karma form between Adrian and myself. It felt odd. Almost like I was responsible for him.

Is this how all masters feel? But is it karma making me feel responsible for him or my ideology?

Shadow Stepping onto the Bridge of the Damn, a dreadful scream rippled through my ears as Adrian\'s face turned pale as a ghost with the soft kiss of ash against his cheek.

"Welcome to Avenos, boy, the first layer of Hell," I said, amused by the pain racing through him. Although, even I found it painful.

Sweat drenched his brow, and Adrian shuttered through gritted teeth. "I… I can\'t stay here."

"Your welcome to leave if you can find an exit, but I don\'t think you will." Staring down at the rivers of blood pooling into lakes alongside the floating bodies, we headed down.

Saluted and greeted on the way, my frown deepened at the injuries being presented along the way to the front.

"We made it about a kilometer without Duke Bune and the Prince of Hell at the front. "A fair Shade said to me, trailing behind us to give me an update. "We are currently on the rise with the little leadership being presented by the demons of the 106th. But—"

"I\'ll take over Sendra." A raspy voice filled with bloodlust echoed, capturing my attention as a dark hair lass approached.

"How are you, master?"

"Never better; I got a disciple. He\'s still green, but I\'ve got plans for him." I said to Ezra as she smiled, beautifully covered in fresh bruises and lacerations. She didn\'t appear heavily injured, but she appeared in deep pain.

"I see." Ezra mused, lowering her icy gaze to the pale boy. She frowned deeply. " He\'s too weak to be down here."

"Then he\'ll die. I\'ll try not to let that happen. Now continue the report."

Lifting her gaze back to me, she nodded. " Things are going well, although I do think we are walking into a trap. No way we gain all that ground without them allowing it. They are planning something big. Also, I have been sensing pulsing from Irkalla."

The Second Layer of Hell, Irkalla? That\'s not possible.

"Lilith sealed the gates that lead—"

\'I know, Master. But something odd is happening deeper in." Ezra hastily commented. "I don\'t know, but as the Daughter of Asmodeus, I have some authority in the Nine Hells. It\'s not a lot, barely any, but it\'s enough to allow me to pick up on sensation directly from the Hells."

"A few Devils we manage to capture have already spilled that the Devils and plenty of demons are regaining Forbidden knowledge from before the Great Change. We\'ve already found worshipers of Ishar and Amara." Ezra looked back past the pools and bodies beginning to pile up, to the flashes of death, to the splintering battle happening.

"What I have heard," She started again. "Is that the Demons are planning on turning on the Devils? There is mass chaos in the higher Hells. And I think Irkalla might be facing a civil war. I\'ve got a feeling that—"

Hearing her pause, I took a step closer in." What?"

"... I sense hell is about to be destroyed." She admitted, sending chills dancing along my spine.

That\'s… That\'s impossible.

"A fine assessment." A grim voice marred by evil caught my ear, sending chills deep into my soul as I recognized the voice.

The Fallen Chemosh.

Snapping my eyes towards the source, towards the two beings standing resting their backs over the stone walls of the Bridge of the Damn, I pushed Adrian to Ezra.

"Take care of him. I\'ll be back."

Noting the other person, Arwan standing off to the side, covered by a dense fog of black mist and a pair of blood-red eyes, I felt the chill deepen.

Am I still not strong enough to pierce through the veil?

"It\'s so good to see you again, my friend. How was the toy we left behind?"

Ignoring what he just said, I frowned. " What do you want? A Fallen and a Celtic God? Seems odd for you two to be here, much less together.

"Arwan is a dear disciple I hand-picked. Although I personally wanted Nyx, she held far greater potential. A shame Zariel and Mephisto protected her."

"Must you insult me as I stand by your side?" Arawn argued, lifting himself off the stone.

"I only jest in good fun, my friend." Chemosh laughed, but his eyes remained poised… they were deadly still.

This man wasn\'t joking.

"I\'ve been interested in you for a while, Arsene. Not everyone at your level can resist the call to death."

"A fascination you seem to share as you seem to be resurrecting all my enemies." I coldly brought up, standing my ground.

Chemosh nodded without a show of concern, waving me off. "A pet project. I get bored. Although, it seems like a certain bastard managed to escape my grasp. You wouldn\'t happen to know where your brother is?"

"Perhaps, I know, Perhaps I don\'t. Nothing is free. I\'m sure your brother Moloch will agree."

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