
Chapter 960 The Abyssal Sin

"Lay your weapon down," came a powerful voice that demanded attention, dropping from the skies and landing ten meters away with an icy grimace filled with utter venom. The Stranger stood tall and muscular with scars covering his face and arms. "you are surrounded. You\'ve no chance of surviving if you fight." Standing with a golden three-prong trident in one arm, the Elder God sneered and pointed his fork towards me. "I will not ask again, boy."

I smiled, cracking up into laughter, as the darkness trembled and slowly began to bleed the essence of the very Abyss into the air. The starry skies filled with light faded to ash; as stars aligned in my governed skies died to my will.

"You. What is your name?"

The Stranger gulped, his heart hammering like drums for all to here, lowered his trident a few centimeters, and stared wide-eyed.

"Lord of the Rite and Harbinger of Time, I am—"

"No," I said softly, as the Flames of the Abyss began to sear the laws of the universe, fracturing the laws and concepts as a flame, so hot it felt cold, yet so cold it felt hot, withered, and burn its way into reality.

"I asked your name," I said, as the screams finally leaked into this Stranger\'s ear as he looked around at the melting flesh of his people alongside the various clan members who had turned in for the night.

They were screaming! Howling as they began to bleed from every orifice. It did not take long for the sounds of children\'s wails to enter his ears as my burning fury cracked through the fractured laws, almost materializing with the help of my Divinity.

Illusions of men of old and children of young cracking their heads over the earth, slitting their necks as to gain some type of release, all seemed to dance through the air, showing a most wonderful illusion to all those strong enough to survive the mere presence of my flame.

"S-stop." said the Stranger. "Please stop this! Stop this now!"

"I\'ve not even shown you my final form." I teased, chuckling, as scales swelled from my flesh, and horns pierced from my skull, my wings flashed out, batting at the winds with fearsome might. I licked my lips. "You touched my Devil. You, a mere half-breed human, touched my Devil."

"Arsene, the Court of Nox will—"

"They will do nothing but watch my reign." I coldly stated. "Tell me, Victoria, who owns the night?"

The Abyssal Child bowed her head, "You do."

"Well said. I own the night. And as Monarch of the Night. Who are the Court of Nox?"

"Insects,\' Came her response as Abyssal qi danced, picking up a storm.

"I needn\'t fear the Ilthad. They\'ll need an army of Paragons to kill me." I said as a fact, fixing my cold eyes onto the spineless thing before my eyes, buckling at the knee. I arched my hand over the skies, calling upon the Abyssal Flames that instantly heeded my call. Twisting the laws of heaven and earth, a ball of fire capable of wiping out peak Elder Gods and hurting Paraons flared over the skies like an enormous dragon baring its fangs.

The nameless strange who\'d not given this king his name dropped his trident, falling to his knees as the invisible intent of my will held everyone in place. Locking them down, I sneered. " You can die now."

Almost hearing Ty scream, Booom! An eruption flared like the birth of dawn over the planet, glinting over the horizon, turning this land mass into nothing but ash. A pillar of flame and Hell pierced into the skies, smiting stars a few thousand parsecs away.

"Oops." I sang as the debris and Flames died out after a moment or two. " I kind of forgot we were not in the Abyss. My powers are far more destructive."

"Iluthath and the Abyss have the same scaling dummy!" Victoria shouted, stomping her foot down as soot and ash covered her beautiful face, marred by anger. " And is oops the only thing you have to say?"

"Well… yeah. I lost control for a bit. No harm done. Just a few dead people…."

"Go on. Say it."

"Whose souls I completely destroyed, wiping them from existence… oops."

"Oops! My ass! Why don\'t you just hold up a sign that says, hi, I\'m Arsene, and I\'m in the Eben Forest."

Watching Teach stomp like she used to, I could only chuckle before falling right into her arms as the world cut to black.

"My lady, he\'s insufferable! Who gives away their location!"

"Oh, Victoria. It\'s not so bad. Arsene\'s is just a little special at times. Just smack him. He\'ll give you the baby eyes, and he\'ll listen."


"No idea, but it\'s a good idea, huh?"

Drawing my eyes open to the world of light permeating this small room, a groan I held in rattled my organs. Feeling something warm curled around me, I glanced downwards at the little Devil drooling over my bandaged chest as she slept silently.

"And Ezra?" Lilith inquired through a small hologram.

"I tossed her onto Arsene. She\'s a drooler. And Devil\'s drool has natural healing properties."

"It is also an aphrodisiac. But this is Sene, so it doesn\'t make a difference anyway." she mused, flicking her hair, "I\'ll be down in a few years. I seem to be going back into the sleeping phase. God, these twins are going to be the death of me." She yawned and shook her head. " Take care, Victoria, and protect Sene. God knows someone needs to"

"Of course, my lady." Said Victoria, bowing her head as the connection went dead and turned to me with a surprised expression. " Your awake."

"That does happen when someone faints."

"How do you feel?" She inquired, drawing near as she noted Ezra laying over me. "Compy?"

"A half-naked devil is lying over me, with a body that defies reality. Yeah, I\'m comfy, and the day I say otherwise. Just shoot me." I said, cracking a smile as I pushed away some of the blankets. "Care to join?"

"I\'ll pass." She said flatly, rolling her eyes. " After your stupid stunt a few hundred years ago. I\'ve had to deal with the clean-up. The Sect of the White Rose is investigating us. I\'ve already felt multiple probes."

"Them again. Ignore it." I conveyed, waving off her concerns," Now, let\'s get down to business. Tacos. I\'m in the mood for tacos. Do you know how to make them? Gods, I hope it\'s taco Tuesday today! I\'ve just got this craving."

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