
Chapter 792 Freya - The Abyssal Sin

"Move! Move!" I howled as panic trickled down my spine, "He\'s coming. Hurry up! Forget the equipment; we can create more. Zanris, what the hell are you doing! HELP THEM!"

"But Master is coming. Zan wants to play with him." She meekly cried with teary eyes, making me want to slam my head into my computer. Thank the stars that Avar had constantly been backing up all our data.

"Get your head out your ass and move. Master has lost control, or did you forget what happened half a cycle ago?" I coldly said. Were it not for Lady Lilith appearing at the last minute; we would have died. I\'ve never seen such horrifying power. No matter what we did, the Master would counter us. The scary part was that he was learning, copying other people\'s dao, Heavenly and Mortal. It was so frightening I dared not use my full power in fear that he would use my power against me. Even scarier was that devouring black void pooling off his skin.

"Tsk. Buzz kill. If Master wants to choke fuck Zan, she is more than welcome to that—"

"Gods, what is wrong with you?" I honestly ask, shaking my head, "Go before I tell master you were a naughty girl when he recovers."

Wiping the drool slipping down her jaw, she snorted, "Fine, but can you imagine him electrocuting me? As he nailed my ba—\'

"Go!" I shouted, a little envious of her imagination. By the Hells, it\'s been too long.

The walls suddenly trembled, causing a web of cracks to splinter throughout my laboratory. Fear danced along my spine as I looked up through the walls to the ashen-headed lord crowned by the tarnished darkness.

Surrounded by runes of infernal and Enochian, I gulped, sensing the profundity of the Hells and the Heavens overlapping around his body.

Not only was Arsene protected by his body immune to every dao imaginable, but his forsaken bloodline also made it almost impossible to harm him. Those protective runes made the task even harder. I can\'t even imagine what was needed to harm him.

Sucking in a deep breath, the bloodlust of my Master oozed over this greater plane, withering the life from the void. He was now on the precipice of becoming an Emperyeran, while those strange markings had taken over half his body. No one dared cross this Mad God.


This crazy bitch! Fuck!

Snapping my head to Zanris, I frowned as I gazed at hundreds of people peeling their clothing off. My heart hammered against my chest as a scene of carnage I would soon never forget erupted before me.

Moans and screams, blood and lust, seemed to be reflected through my eyes as I saw many of the Shadowfell I hired to work with me become lost in sin. Kill fucking everything they saw in sight; I held my breath as I saw a woman bite off a young scientist\'s penis, whose name eluded me, and began to run her clit against his bloody lower half. Screams of agonizing joy spilled into my ear as the scientist screamed and the woman moaned.

"By the Hells! Zan?" I cried, looking at the crazed Devil pulling off her clothing as she stared through the walls at our Master.

Grabbing the crazed Devil, I slapped my palm against her head, sending a force blast of qi into her soul, stunning her. Grabbing Zanris as she collapsed into my arms, I cursed, knowing this base had been lost.

How is he finding us? Avar said it shouldn\'t be possible for him to do so. yet—"

"Freya, FUCK ME!!!!"

Turning to Yvan, a noble man taken into the fold of Shadowfell about a thousand years ago who had stripped down to his bare bottom, twirling his cock round and round, I sneered and flickered away with Zanris in my arms. "We are so close. All we need now is time for the gestation period to commence. "

We had over forty labs doing the same experiment, but we have already lost two labs; this would be the third. "We need to lead Master away into enemy territory again. At least there we—"

"I got this, Freya; just get your people out." Leviathan softly echoed into my ear.

Snapping my head upwards, I watched as a figure flicked through the darkness around Arsene, striking him in the chest so hard that the underground laboratory felt like it was going to cave in.

Blasting Arsene away, Leviathan looked down at her knuckles that were bleeding quite heavily and smiled as she began to heal at a rate visible to the naked eye. "Amazing, just amazing! Oh, Asmo, you may hve to forgive me on this one. I\'m going to give him everything I got. I\'m not stopping till my womb bust with his cum, or his balls run dry."

Ignore that! Ignore that! I didn\'t hear a thing! Pushing out my Heavenly Qi to grab everyone, still alive under the effect of Arsene\'s aura alone, I pulled them towards me and raced towards the Rune Teleporter, created by the blood of high-level Abyssal Fiends, and my own.

Carrying with me over fifty people, having lost over half my staff, I sighed as the formation beneath my feet hummed to life, teleporting me alongside everyone else away through subspace.

I could only sigh in relief as we appeared within a large snowy basin, far away from Arsene, in another provenance entirely. Getting here should take more than a thousand years if he were to fly.

"I hope Levi is fine. It\'ll be problematic if she is seriously harmed. However, there is a low chance of that happening." Releasing another sigh of relief, I dropped Zan and eyed the rest of my fellow scientist, who was slowly gathering themselves after the effects of Arsene\'s might.

Cheeks had turned from a raging red to a deadly pale as a profound realization of the atrocities some of them committed flickered through their minds.

"Dare god!"

"Luvey! NO! DARE GOD NO!"

"Kill me,"

Hearing heartbreak in some of their voices, I didn\'t bother to voice my opinion. I was resistant due to awakening my Forsaken heritage, so master aura wasn\'t as powerful on me as it was on the others, but by the hells, it was scary feeling his power run wild like such. How does one resist the Sins that plague them each day? The Seven Sins were a concept of life, made into terms we could grasp. They were truths that most couldn\'t resist.

"Lady Freya," Someone called, but I merely shook my head.

"You know the protocol we instated when dealing with the Master. I must speak with Asmodeus and Soloman to see how things are progressing."

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