
Chapter 769 Arsene Vs Lilith

Staring at Lilith, glaring back, I crossed my arms, wondering if I wanted a sugar mama. Shit is quite tempting. No fuck that! How dare the Order of Chaos say I should step down! If some bitch ass Arbiter want… Good god, what do the young people say? If the Arbiters want the smoke, I\'m going to be there to fuck \'em up! I\'ve never T-Bag someone\'s remains, but they might be the first.

"Sene," Lilith said shortly.

"Lili," I replied, all smiles.

"You\'re not going to listen, are you,"

I smiled and nodded, like a naughty child sneaking his hand in the cookie jar. " How\'d you know? Now before you get mad. Hear me out."

"Is it along the lines of we start doing whatever we want?" Lilith softly said, \' Screw whatever anyone has to say?"

I once again nodded like a naughty child.



"You\'re going to fuck our child—"

"It\'ll be fine. Plus, we have the Abyss, me, Izavith, and all the others. If it\'s a war they want, we are more than willing to deliver."

"Are you serious?"

"Weren\'t you when you said this to Zariel?" Rolling my eyes, I slid my gaze to survey my surroundings decimated by my tarnished flame, "There is only one rule we need to follow, Lilith, and that\'s the rule of equivalent and exchange. Fuck everyone else. I\'m handling the Fallen, and you handle the Abritors. wasn\'t that the deal?"

Lilith\'s expression seemed to sink as she looked down at her tummy, but I quickly cut in before she started," Don\'t look at the little one. Look at me. The kid will be OK; ask Izavith to do her voodoo magic and get the little one protected if it isn\'t already. As you said, schemes are slowly losing meaning, so let\'s fuck the world up and let there be chaos. Zariel is a Lord of Order and Chaos. And once the abyssal fiends can enter the various heavens, we will let Izavith handle him if he tries some funny shit."

"You would screw Zariel like so?"

"Think of it as hitting him in his metaphorical dick," I remarked, with a sly smirk, hoping that bastard was listening. "Now, let\'s go eat. I\'m starving!"

Interlocking my arms through her arm, I skipped ahead with a cheeky smile. Everything was going well except for Yu Jing\'s death. I now have this curse mark arm that can Tarnish. Speaking of, can it Tarnish anything? Because that would be awesome, and since all my Shadowfell are in mid-transition of being Tarnished, does that mean my child—

Turning to Lilith\'s stomach, I glanced at her, "How\'s the little one?"

"Hungry. Hungry all the time." She bitterly said, "And I\'m now throwing up."

Chuckling evilly, I smiled, " You wanted a kid."

"And you stuck your cock in."

"Hey, I didn\'t hear complaints at the time," I countered, amused by her annoyed expression.

I\'m sure being pregnant is rewarding, but the only benefit is eating like crazy. I\'m not down to be having a parasite living in me; it\'s already going to be eating my food and stealing my sleep once it\'s born.

Lilith rolled her eyes and slowly began filling me in about everything that had happened, regarding what she had to do to save me and what Arkanos went through just to get a bloodstone.

"I see," I uttered, stuffing my face with a bowl of rice and veggies and a few BBQ ribs that appeared to be made Korean style, oddly enough. I nodded along the way while thinking of what to do.

Lilith merely stared, having said her peace. I continued eating till the chefs had to come out and curse me off. Patting my stomach, I finally turned to Lilith and spoke a truth she would not like to hear.

"I\'m not going to side with them. Nothing has changed."

"Eh?" Lilith rose to her feet and stared at me with wide eyes.

"It\'s not like I don\'t want to, but if they are siding with that \'being\' Zariel warned me not to touch, I would rather not side with them. I\'m not a bitch, but he did say it doesn\'t matter what rules he has to break. He will descend and fuck me up if I don\'t listen. I\'d rather not touch upon that think unless my hands are forced. A little tragic isn\'t it. It\'s not even my brother\'s story, but he has the final say—that dick."

Lilith opened her mouth to speak, but I smirked, " Watch it. You\'re not supposed to be giving anything away. I know what I\'m doing. Just relax, and deal with the Arbiters."

Lilith\'s cheeks grew flushed with anger, and she took a large breath, "Fine, but this will put us on different sides, you know."

"What are you—"

"I\'m heading to Iliah via Arkanos to speak with Damien and Apophis in a few days. I\'ll be on the Abyssal side. And since they are going against you, I\'ll be your enemy."

My brow shot up, and the smile on my lips deepened, " Oh really? And what about the baby?"

"I\'ll show up here when necessary if needed." She answered back with a challenging look.

"The Tarnishing!"

Lilith nodded, understanding the implication, " Yup, ever since what you did, this little one has only been devouring worldly things. It seems like it found a new form of sustenance."

"I see." I light heartily said, glancing at my right arm filled with runes I couldn\'t place. Despite the hells being able to understand any language, it failed to make out what these runes said.

"Then shall we have a little competition?"

"You think you can win?" Lilith uttered in a slightly mocking tone. "Apophis is a First-Generation Dragon, you know."

Lifting a single finger, I felt my eyes turn ice-cold, "One Cycle. I\'m going to prepare for everything as this war wages, and in this one Cycle, I will build my power so much that I will be at least a High God during this festival."

Lilith smiled darkly, taking out the other half of the Orginal Bloodstand and offering it to me, " You think you are the only one who will be training? I\'ve been slacking these past few years, so I\'m still a star lord, but I dare say by the time you become a High God. I\'ll be an elder god."

"Unless you cheat." I countered.

"No cheating, just talent." She arrogantly said.

"With that little parasite in you, I bet your just going to be a Mid God, but let\'s make a deal. I win. I wish for the bone of a particular metal element beast. Highest possible realm."

"The hell do you need with that?" She asked, but I merely shrugged,

"Don\'t worry about that. What do you want if you, by some miracle, win?"

"Now, that is quite hard, as you have nothing I want."

"Well, that hurts."

Lilith\'s eyes glowed, " Oh, I know, I want the Ring of Bael."

My brow scrunched, but I still nodded,


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