
Chapter 509: Lilith - Prophecy Update

Chapter 509: Lilith - Prophecy Update

Their power may rise with Raziel upon the Heavenly Throne." Father announced, startling me for a bit.

Sending a glance at Arsene\'s pale cheeks and sweaty brow, I couldn\'t help but notice the lack of Soulforce in his body. He was fading.

"Is there a chance these the Laws of Concordance will make the angels a bit weaker?" Sene remarked, "From my understanding or experience, not everything can be an improvement."

"True," Father agreed, but still shrugged, "However, it\'s only a matter of time. It may not be now, but the angels will be our match soon and possibly stronger. There is no changing that."

"And the price they will have to pay?"

Noticing the smile on Asmoedus\'s face, I figured this was our in, "There blood turns against them, and they are rejected from the Seven Heavens. Like our Hells, the Heavens are alive. Posing thought, far greater than we can imagine." Said father, pulling out three wine glasses with his Sigil engraved on them.

Summoning an aged bottle, the echoes of a popping cork rang, filling the room in a scent I would never forget.

They say at a certain point in a hunt; you can taste the flavor of a man\'s fear, the echoes of his screaming heart, but this wine that Father opened held all those characteristics and more. It was downright sinister.

Pouring each of us a glass, he eyed me, pushing the glass towards me, then Arsene, who did not even have the energy to move. Taking the time to hand Sene a glass of wine, I could see a grimness in his eyes.

"And what of the chances of them becoming fallen angels?"

"A mystery, my boy, for even to this day, we have no idea how Fallen\'s are born. Baphomet has a theory that it is not the sin they make but rather an acceptance of said sin. Angels\' logic is all twisted, in their whole lawful order, but to them, it makes sense.

"So they believe in a sin like they do their Laws, and it could mark them as Fallens?" I remarked, finding the theory a bit interesting.

"So the chances of us facing an army of Fallen is small?" Sene inquired, sending a chill into my soul.

"Raziel may already have fallen but is hiding it. I can say that we are under a time crunch, as many other Planer Lords are watching and waiting. If Raziel isn\'t dead in a fair amount of time, there will be hell to pay."

Taking a sip to let Father\'s words sink in, I felt my heart warm, witnessing an endless horde of souls slip down my throat; my gaze grew wide. It was amazing. It was bold, not very dry, a bit sweet at times, and held a very complex flavor that all seemed to complement each other.

"This is good," Sene marveled, gazing softly at the wine in his hands.

"I know; it\'s my personal brew." Said father, "Now before I send you all back, what is this about a prophecy.

Almost slapping my forehead for forgetting, I leaned over his desk and tapped his head, sending him the entirety of the text; his eyes grew wide like stars.

"Do you get anything?" Sene asked.

"There shall come a Flame of Night to carry forth the cycle, " Repeated father, with a chilling smile. "There is a coming Dao Cycle caused by you, boy. The stronger you grow, the faster the cycle begins to end."

Sene found a smile, "Interesting, and what of the rest?"

Carelessly shrugging, father rolled his eyes, "Were you not a devil once upon a time? Riddles should be in your blood. Come on, as one of the Seven stars, how do you not understand?"

"Eh?" Turning to Sene, who was also dumbfounded, father chuckled.

"Seven Stars born of Chaos. Come on, Arsene. Bed of Chaos? It\'s a little on the nose, don\'t you think?"

"then who are the other six?" I hastily asked.

"You. I guess. You are a being of Chaos, after all. What is a better way is there to describe the abyss? As for the others, I could not say." Father stated, rising from out of his chair; he sighed. "This is truly, all the time I have. I am a busy man nowadays."

"Wait! what about the--"

Waving his hand, Sene and I were blasted out of the Hells into our manner. Crashing to the ground and then into the wall, I glanced back at the unconscious Sene, with wine staining his clothes.

"Father, you dick," I remarked coldly, placing Sene onto the bed.

There was still much of the prophecy I did not understand, but Asmodeus did give us a big hint. Seven stars Born of Chaos. If Sene and I are two, the others must be within the bed of Chaos, right? But how do we confirm who they are? Does it matter?"

Having the urge to pull my hair out, I rested near Arsene and lamented in silence. "I hate prophecies that just don\'t say shit. What the hell is the point of these riddles but to waste time?"

(A/N: "...")

"MAMA!!!!" Little Arkanos cried out, rushing into my room with teary eyes. "Arkanos has a bully!"

"A bully?" I voice a little too comfortable to move, "Arent you a dragon? How can you have bullies?"

"She is a big meany! And a high god! Big baddie she is! Arkanos hate her! Beat her up for me!" She claimed, startling me.

"I\'m sorry, what? Did you just say, High God? What God would bully a child, then let you run home and cry?"

"It\'s true, Arkanos swears it. She was bigger than me, with long black hair and scarlet gold eyes." She cried out, with pleading eyes, "I no lie."

wrapping my arms around the little dragon girl, I kissed her fluffy cheeks and enjoyed her warmth. "How about you stay with Sene and me for the day. We can take a nap, and tomorrow we teach this bully a lesson, ok?"

Snuggling between Sene and me, Arkanos tears dried up instantly. I had almost felt like I was tricked. I smiled as she kissed my cheek. "thank you, mama, number two."

Who the hell is one?

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