
Chapter 366: Sitri - Domain of Heaven

Chapter 366: Sitri - Domain of Heaven

"What is the matter, Slave," I darkly commanded, holding the Scalp head of this abyssal bitch. I could feel the pulsing of her heart against my palms, only for my grip to grow tighter around her skull, sending web-like cracks throughout her bones.

"H...He...Calls." It muttered to the best of its abilities as I had torn its vocal cords out, only for them to regrow the following week.

Having a cold smile upon my lips, I could not help but grin. There were only five months left till Arsene\'s life would be mine, and so to will the Flames of Hellfire that was once said to be crafted by the one who created Lord Lucifer.

Tossing the foolish bitch away, I viciously spoke, "I am going to love taking Arsene\'s very soul apart."

"My Lord," Andor and Kain both called from upon their knees from my rear. Narrowing my ruby eyes, I shifted my attention to them.

"The formation is ready! No matter what Arsene does, he will forever be unable to use QI, Dao, nor any type of Treasure based upon qi. This land will now be under your control ." Said Andor.

"And what of Heimdall?" I softly inquired.

"At the heart of the formation, my lord. Heimdall, along with Nerthus, are supporting his majesties formation." Andor pridefully stated as if he didn\'t understand I was going to tear his neck from his body after this was over. How could I allow such a stain upon my name to remain? How could my blood give birth to such a thing? A demon of all things. Although I may keep Kain, the boy is a natural demon.

Carrying my eyes back towards Lilith, I arched my lips. Marveling at her still attractive appearance that still seemed to capture my attention even as a skinless beast.

"By my command, you are to kill your husband, Arsene Snow. I want his head, along with everyone he brings with him." I told with a venomous expression witnessing a faint shudder pass through her body. "You two are dismissed. Assemble the Angel and Ezra from captivity. Let them play their parts as well. I am sure they need the air."

Speaking no words, the twins vanished from my sight. Walking onto the balcony of my castle, my eyes narrowed off into the distance towards the large ships circling the Isles of Yu\'drol. Looking past that, they fell upon a young man a few months away.

Feeling a faint chill, I did not understand; I could not help but brush off this feeling of dread. Asmodeus had promised, and there was only an angel. Even if Arsene were to get another Prince of Hell to side with him, that would not be enough to kill me.

Holding an indifferent air, Arsene held his head high and his back straight. He was not dressed as an aristocrat like I had seen him all those times before. He appeared to be dressed as a simple commoner, but his aura told a different tale. It was noble, untouched, and downright captivating.

"Are you sure of this?" Soloman inquired, appearing from my shadow as though he was a ghost.

"Indeed," I darkly told, never allowing my eyes to leave my prey.

His steps were slow, and his intent did not seem profound, yet the closer he drew, an almighty pressure began to form around him that seemed to smother the laws.

"Nine years," Soloman whispered, "A lot can happen to a young genius in that little time. Friendships can be made, and powers can be obtained. He vanished upon the Isle of Sa\'ar and fell like a star over the land of Giants. And all we could do was watch as a strange Darkness hovered over our skies for an entire year."

Holding my stare till a single month passed, I replied, "It was not Tenebrae\'s Grace, but instead something different altogether. Arsene is only in Spirit Realm, so it could not have been from him. But rather a treasure.

"A treasure that could stop us from bending space? A treasure that could bring darkness to even us?" Soloman grimly told, "Tell me, my Dear Prince, where do you think such a boy could get such a treasure?"

Holding a dark snake-like smile, I shrugged without concern, "Asmodeus most likely. But it doesn\'t matter. The moment Arsene steps upon the Isle of Yu\'drol, this island will become under my heaven."

Disgusted, Soloman dared to sneer, "You would dare? Would you dare go against the natural Law set by every Ruler of Heaven? No Heaven can exist under the current."

"I do not fear Aldrich. While he is somewhat more powerful, it\'s not enough to put me in fear. Not to mention he himself holds Arsene in contempt. I figure he would be more than willing to allow a Temporary Heaven to stand within his domain.."

"Prince Sitri, if this was the Hells, would Lord Asmodeus allow such a domain even if it benefited him?\' He harshly inquired, already knowing the answer. "You are but a prince, not even a king!"

"I do not fear Aldrich," I told once more, feeling the ages pass like seconds. We had descended into silence, but I could feel Soloman\'s anger.

"One of the biggest sins, even for your kind, are independent heavens. To cast aside the ruler and form one on your own. There is no coming back, Prince Sitri. You will be marked as an enemy for life."

"That is rich coming from you. A traitor dears to argue to me about the Domain of Heavens? You who lost favor with the Father by doing the same as I? You may have your wisdom Soloman, but in the end, it is the very thing blinding you from stepping on an equal footing with us." I scornfully stated.

"I see why you remain a prince than, for it is also my wisdom that you lack." He fired back.

"Why are you here," I impatiently asked, "I am sure it\'s not to discuss Dao?"

"It is not. I simply wanted to see this to the end. The boy who was chosen by the Father to hold the Flames of Hellfire, or you a Prince of Hell. I have already sworn upon the Heart of Elysium not to act against Arsene during this time, so do not expect help.

"SITRI!!!!!" A cold, vicious roar bellowed like a demon from my Hells!

"Than watch! Watch as I take everything from this boy!" I sinfully replied, taking to the skies that were slowly returning to darkness once more.


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