
Chapter 276: Realm War - Prologue

Chapter 276: Realm War - Prologue

"What do you mean you cannot assist us? You have been a part of our CLan for Five years, Arsene." Unnr, the Leader of this little branch within the outer realm bellowed from high upon her throne.

"You have a lot of nerve Unnr." I stated, waving my hand, "Do you believe that simply being in the Realm of World allows you to speak to me in such a matter? It is by my will I allow you to still rule. You are no more than a basic whore I keep on display to show the realm of my mercy; never forget that!"


"It is Lord," I coldly stated with an icy smile, "You will not be the first entity at your stage in the Realm to fall, and you will definitely not be the last. Now explain why I am here in the fucking dead of night?"

Clenching her fist upon her icy throne glimmering under the moonlight with Azure light, an Ancient power began to overflow from this foolish woman. However, this little show did nothing but test my patients.

"Your Capital is under flames right now by the Giants, Elves of Alhpeim, and Dragons. I know at least that much. Humanity is on the brink of death, and a full-on realm war is in the works. Two Saints have already been sent out to battle. Now I could make a guess, but I want to hear it from your lips. I want to hear you beg."

Turning pale as the moon, Unnr lowered her head, "It\'s as you say."

With her bitter words echoing, the air began to spin as a familiar face appeared by her side. Pressing his arm upon her shoulder, he bitterly nodded, "Yes, and it is not just Unnr, but every lord from our clan wants your help."

"Torgiera, we meet again; I had thought I would not be seeing you again. I had heard you had been recalled... hmmm, is there a message from the capital for me?"

"Your Grace, please, we need your help!" Torgeir pleaded, falling upon his two knees like so many others beforehand had.

"The message," I stated without care. Why should I care about the plights of this clan? The only reason I had not taken their Clan was to garner goodwill from the True Gods. Freya had said I needed to make some allies. A foolish statement seeing how things had become under my rule. There have even been tales of me being the stuff of nightmares to scare children.

"Y-Y-yes," Torgeir stated as tears began to run, "His majesty King of Midgard, Lord of The Eternal Blade, Amund Loran, wishes for an alliance."

Bellowing in laughter, I sneered, "The KING! That fucker who allowed Nox to run a train upon his kingdom? Why should I help him? What can he offer me? In fact, if he was serious, he would not have sent you. Now tell me once more why does this branch need my soldiers? With crossroads operating, you should have millions of disciples capable of defending against these armies. "


"I will handle it, Torgeir." Unnr declared, biting her lips, "Went send most of what we had to the capital. The best of our generation went into protecting our main base. Those that dealt with Crossroads have been... Monsters upon the battlefield. Noticing this, the Elders of HQ wishes to form an alliance. They even got the King to bow to pressure and form an alliance with a Lord that came to power within his land. Ever since you opened Midgard to the other realms, it\'s been war on every front. Billions from your war alone have been killed. However, compared to the Central region, that is merely a fraction. We need you, Arsen... I mean your grace."

"Good, it looks like everything is coming along then," I stated, surprising the duo. "But it seems you and Amund don\'t seem to understand something. I am not here to make friends or allies. Humans are weak, yet the Vanir\'s stand with them. It\'s foolish but irrelevant. I am here to kill and convert every being upon Midgard. Why do you think I go around slaughtering the innocents? Why do you think nothing but flames follow me? Did you think I do this for fun? I slaughter for power, for that is what it means to be a Devil!"

"Please, we are dying; Dragons, Elves, Giants, Goblins, and more are sieging our lands. We cannot last long. Please, we need you!"

"Yet you lay upon your thone asking form my help," I indifferently exclaimed, "What can you give Unnr, what can you give me to make me join my enemy? I am enemies with the Aesir clan and many others, all of which run the capital. So tell me, why should I help you? This is war, and I have the power of the undead, the devils, and the Hells. You have nothing, and I wish for nothing. This meeting is over, and so are you. However, my doors are always open, but I am sure you know what that entails."

Chuckling, a mist of darkness consumed my body as I teleported upon a mountaintop overlooking the city created by Ren. Releasing a burst of deep laughter, I turned to the Goddess of Madness, smiling upon a grassy field.

"I think it\'s time for the gods to intervene at last." I lightly stated, unable to mask my killing intent from flooding this city in darkness, "Maybe then I can get a divine soul. Them sending their apostles at me have been a nuisance, but a Realm War is not a Realm War without the bodies of gods. Don\'t you think?"

"You are only at the Realm of Dark Star. You are powerful, Arsene, but you are not even close to killing gods." Melino? curtly said, scrunching her brow at my words.

"And that is where you are wrong, Melino?, my little Mad Hatter. Why do I need to kill the Gods? I have Loki in my pocket, and there is you." I lightly said with a devilish smile drawing closer. "Tell me, Melino?, how would you like to go on a killing spree within the capital?"

Widing her eyes, my smile deepened as the whisper of the Reaper called to me. "All I need is a single incident within this small war to turn everything into a realm of Madness. No rules, Only destruction."

"you... you are.."

"Manipulating you. " I interrupted with a devilish charm, "Yes, my dear I am. There are over a hundred trillion humans within the central region, and that\'s not even estimating the other races. And I, Arsene Snow, King of Ashen Flames, am allowing you in my name to slaughter them all. Come Melino?, let us bathe within the blood of our enemies. A Realm War is upon us, and Midgard will be where it\'s held.

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