
Chapter 205: Solomon - Lord of Wisdom

Chapter 205: Solomon - Lord of Wisdom

Gazing upon the endless chasm surrounded by the Will of Tenebrae, I bowed, knowing she was watching. She was always watching, studying us, yet too prideful or maybe too indifferent to do anything.

"You are still here? Give it up, Solomon. It doesn\'t matter your wisdom; Tenebrae is not meant for you." A voice I had not heard in a while resounded deep into my mind, causing a smile to appear upon my aged face.

"Then you are quite mistaken, my little disciple. It is not about controlling Tenebrae nor using her. No man, woman, or god can control such an entity. No, such a thing is quite foolish; what I wish is to gain her favor. To see what she sees, my boy. Perspective can change everything." I told, turning to Aeron with a reminiscing gleam within my eyes.

It had been so long, the boy who was on his knees before a fiend bearly clinging to life was gone. Now, he stands at the peak, towering over most of creation as a God of Slaughter.

"Master," He called, bowing with reverence causing my smile to deepen. He had long reached my level, but for all his faults, Aeron never lost his respect for me as the others did. He did not fall into his Dao but rather followed the true path his heart found.

"So you have awakened, did you gain anything, my disciple," I asked, already knowing the answer. It was one we all had to bear.

"...Yes, but I reject such a path. I will not lower myself to Aldrich, simply to breakthrough. He controls the Heavens but not the Mortal Dao. I will not give up, master," Aeron yelled, clenching his fist.

Lifting my lips high, I nodded, "Good Good, now tell me why is it you have awakened then? From what I can tell, Zelos can still handle the seal for a few more years. There should be no reason for you to be here."

Shaking his head, Aeron bit his lips in shame, "You were right, master... The Court of Nox has been corrupted by its own fears. A new War is upon us."

Frowning, I stared into my disciple\'s eyes, shaking my head, "What has happened." I asked, ready for the worst.

Tossing me an orb, I held it before staring deeply into Aeron with a cold gleam. Shattering the orb within my palm, a massive influx of knowledge filled my soul causing my eyes to open wide.

"Dear God!!! Those fools! "

Nodding in agreement, Aeron clenched his teeth, "You are the only one who has battled with Asmodeus and lived. I am hoping you can at lea..."

"forget it, Aeron, I was able to trick him, but I still lost the battle, but Asmodeus is the least of our fears," I said with a profound look. "That Girl Lilith and That Boy Arsene both worry me."

"I understand the girl, but Arsene?" he called out in confusion, "While he is a soul bender, he doesn\'t seem like anything special."

"Do you know what the Flames of Hellfire are?" I asked in a fearful manner. Feeling the hairs upon my aged body rising in horror at the mere name.

Shaking his head, I gulped down as I could feel the omniverse supply me with its infinite knowledge. "The flames of Hellfire is the tool that torchers all the souls within hell. Some say it\'s the source of The Seven Sin and all that is evil and holy. Hellfire is what we lower being called it, but there is so much more to these flames than what we cannot begin to understand."

"Torture is a rather subjective subject, but it can be divided into two categories, physical and mental, and the Flames of Hellfire is the perfect tool to destroy both. Due to its name, we perceive it as fire, but it is not. Hellfire can be anything, Aeron; it\'s a tool of torture; the only limit is your imagination, fire, wind karma, time, space. All of heaven and earth is within that boy\'s hands. If this boy Arsene could master its power, he will be more of a monster than Asmodeus."

Suddenly the air began to thin as Aeron killing intent began to materialize, flooding this realm in his aura. "Master, what would you recommend. Destroying the girl may be problematic, but killing the boy may be easier.

"It\'s more than that, Aeron; we need to seal his core. Demons are immortal, destroying their Ego, and Will can destroy who they are, but they will just come back within the Nines as a completely different person. They will have no memories, but that boy may still have the flames of Hellfire. We need to both kill, seal and send his core into another omniverse."

"From what you have gathered, this Arsene seems to be highly intelligent, already rivaling some of the top demons within the 72 Pillars. you have two options Aeron, make another fraction within the court of Nox and help this Vivictus or help the Court kill those two."

Lowering his head, I could see a deep frown upon his face as he clenched his teeth, "Those flames... no one should have them, should they."

"Not even the most powerful archangels can possess such a flame, my boy," I comment, allowing him to understand the implications.

Releasing a bitter laugh, Aeron passed his hands through his grey hair as his azure crimson eyes glimmered in disgust, "I both hate myself and this court, but whether I like it or not, I am a member. I hold an entire order, and with that boy\'s intelligence and viciousness, we would be bound to be enemies."

"True, but I will say this, Aeron, should you chose to battle against Vavitus, you will have the complete support of the angels. They are ready; unlike last time, this war will not be like before, not to mention I will stand by you."

Opening his eyes wide, I laughed as Aeron gasped, "YOU!!!!! Even when those bastards attack, you didn\'t interfere. The last battle I saw was when you battled Asmodeus, or should I say when he kicked your ass."

Turning to the Will of Tenebrae below in the chasm, I smiled, "I believe it\'s time, my boy. I think I may have found my path."

Thinking of the Flames of Hellfire, I turned to Aeron, staring at me in suspicion, ".... You are planning something, and I feel like you might be using me as a pawn."

Releasing a laugh, I sent my disciple a stern look, "My lessons are never over. Even if I cannot teach you about Dao anymore, life is more than such, and you have much to learn."

"Solomon, do not play with fire. While you are my master, do not cross that line," Aeron warned as I felt a hint of pride hearing my little disciple so cautious, but sadly my boy...

"Choose Aerons, what will it be? Allies or Enemies."

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