
Chapter 135: Arcane Series

Chapter 135: Arcane Series

<arcane gale=""></arcane>

With a flash of black light, I appeared directly in the middle of all five Mid-Life Gates Assassins. A look of surprise masked their face as they all reacted. Their blades instantly heading for my vitals akin to a flying bullet.

Ding* Ding* Ding* Ding* Ding* Ding*

Like a gale of wind, Dragonsbane became like the very winds weaving through the air. Parrying every strike that came my way. As if an invisible spherical zone had appeared, everything that was fired at me was redirected either towards another or into the air.

"What sorcery is this!" Said one of the assassins as I bellowed in laughter. "V1, use your runes. He is growing more powerful with each battle... He needs to die NOW!!!"

Leaping away, V1 pointed his sword high in the air as a massive formation appeared. Suddenly hundreds of blades filled the starry sky, all of them radiating the power of a peak Gate of Life strike. Narrowing my gaze, I gripped Dragonsbane tighter as I walked towards V1.

There was no fear or worry within my gaze as I approached at a snail\'s pace. Arcane Gale consisted of two concepts Darkness and Wind. Two concepts that held no true form. This Arte was meant not just to attack but mainly defend against multiple strikes. At least that\'s how its first form is.

So like Darkness and Wind, I approached my skin, slowly turning colder as the rain-filled with sword light started to fall from the heavens. With each step, I took on hundreds of droplets that would fall towards me like death as Dragonsbane would find its way between it and me.

Ding* Ding* Ding* Ding* Ding* Ding*Ding* Ding* Ding* Ding* Ding* Ding*

With a hum, I roamed the battlefield, my body swaying back and forth as I weaved through any of the rain Dragonsbane could not reach in time, seemingly like a magical dance. In but a matter of seconds, I arrived before V1, my eyes empty as only darkness filled shone from my crimson eyes.


<arcane slash=""></arcane>

With a profound slash of Dragonsbane filled with the concept of Darkness and Thunder, my face became wet as I gently wiped the filth from my eyes. A look of confusion could still be seen as V1 clenched his throat as blood drain over his garms. Watching the light slowly fade like melting snow, I immediately felt the cool sensation of his soul fueling my body.

Gripping his still body, my laughter slowly began to echo out as I watched the other four assassins weep. "Is this it? is this all you have to offer?!"

Roaring at the top of my lungs, I activated the Mark of Sacerlage as my bloodlust began to spike. The howls of Nine Hells resounded within my ears as I felt my body pulsing with its will. Vampiric fangs slowly began to form as Black scales could be seen rising from my body.

My ashen hair slowly began to rise as the Darkness felt my will. With a menacing grin, I dropped Dagonsbane opening my palm wide as I spoke with a demonic tone,

<realm of="" eternal="" night=""></realm>

Suddenly everything became still as my world became black. Sounds, Light, life, and space all vanished. The other four Assassins didn\'t even understand what happened as their bodies fell into the abyss of my Darkness.

Feeling their souls join my clan, I bellowed in cold laughter as the darkness began to fade. However, they were not the only ones to join, as about a thousand souls filled my body. Opening my eyes wide, I gasped at the abyss within the middle of the Southern District.

Canceling the Mark of Sacerlage, I paled as I felt my soul being heavily drained. My vision slowly began to dim as I shot out of the abyss of nothingness around me. Seconds felt like hours as I kept on moving, not daring to stop. I could not stop... If anyone what I did... I would be dead. It was not long that I suddenly lost my footing, falling down a decrepit well.

I didn\'t really understand why I was still falling, but Blood began to fall like rain from my nose as I slowly fell into a deep slumber of darkness.




Feeling the icy sensation of water against my body, I slowly opened my hollow eyes. Everything was blurry; as I looked around at the darkness that was visible only to me, I frowned inwardly. I was completely surrounded by water. And to make matters worse, my body could not move as it continued to fall deeper down the seemingly endless well.

Things only got stranger as I looked at the black ooze flowing endlessly from my body. I figured it was like this since I was unconscious, but I started to worry as time continued to pass. Nevertheless, after three days, I completely gave up on that thought.

Nothing had changed aside from my sanity continuing to fade. Why must I continue to be subjected to shit like this? First with FLama, then mother, now this. My luck really is shit.

Closing my eyes, I suddenly found my way into a Palace filled with flames, "Your back?"

Frowning at the great change, I eyed the Orginal Bael with a frown, "What happened?"

"Your Blood hall has evolved into what I called the Inferno Palace. Congratulations, you are officially a royal demon. Although your cultivation isn\'t." Bael stated with indifference.

"Inferno Palace," I repeated, suddenly comprehending that this was my blood. "You are literally in my blood? I thought this place was located in another space and time."

"Oh, you finally realize. Yes, but do not worry, I cannot do anything. Everything comes at a price, and I am forever stuck here. So tell me, Arsene Snow, what do you want to know?"

Narrowing my gaze, I snickered, "What\'s the price?"

"Souls for now, at least," Bael responded as if he knew what I would ask. "But you may ask one question, and I will answer it for free. One question and it cannot be about cultivation or power."

Arching my brow, I nodded," Oh really? Interesting," I whispered before my eyes began to shine. There were many questions I wanted to ask, but there was one that held the highest importance to me. "Tell me about the abyss."

Watching Baels crimson eyes shiver with fear, I laughed as he backed up, "Arsene, are you sure this is what you want to know? Not about your past, who you are? Why this all keeps happening to you?"

"And how will that help me? Knowing doesn\'t change anything, and I feel like those answers will be answered soon. But the abyss is something I may never know."

Amusement could be seen in Baels crimson eyes as he chuckled. Going silent for a second, a profound gleam flashed through baels eyes as he spoke, "Fine, your request will be granted." He voiced before speaking in a majestic tone, " In the beginning before God created Heaven and Earth, another way of saying creation. There existed two beings. GOD himself and The Abyss. The Abyss was without any thought but held a power that was almost comparable to his majesty.

"You see, the Abyss could not think, feel or respond, but it held a will. So when Father created Creation, he did it within The Abyss. As a way of ensuring creation would continue on eternally. So like Yggdrasil connects the nine realms, the abyss does the same thing but on a different scale. Deeper into the abyss exist an endless number of higher dimensions. And you, Arsene, only exist on the fourth Dimension, a place that holds zero significance."

"At this current moment, Father is continually creating higher dimensions seeing how far his creations can rise. His power is infinite, and you can say the same for the Abyss." Bael explained before stopping staring at me with amusement.

"You said it had a Will? How can it have a will without preexisting thoughts? Does \'will\' not imply thought or feeling? It\'s a paradox. " I asked, not understanding.

Rolling his eyes, Bael shrugged, "Who knows, but logic is not the answer to your question Arsene. Once you reach a certain level, Logic begins to fade, and you are forced to accept the reality before you. GOD and The Abyss are two being we cannot understand, and I myself do not wish to. Once you become a god, you may be able to see a dwarf forge a god-rank weapon out of an ordinary twine and rubber. Some things cannot be explained, even by them. "

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