
Chapter 115: Kill Her Arsene...Kill Her

Chapter 115: Kill Her Arsene...Kill Her

"That\'s it?" I inquired as she nodded.

"Olivia is a Ljósálfar (Light Elf) slave I found on Midgard. I took her in a little after I met you for the first time, but I didn\'t know she was an avid believer in the Allfather. Of all gods, why must it be that sick bastard." Lilith spat in disgust. "He was nothing more than an incestuous rapist that preyed on anyone that took his fancy. He craved power like a madman and betrayed hundreds for personal gain. Including his wife, Freya. "


"Do not interrupt Olivia. You know I banned you from speaking about that disgusting bastard." Lilith spat as we followed behind brin, who was shivering. "you may go...Do not speak a word about him to anyone."

Watching as Olivia faded like the wind, I sighed. "That was a little harsh, don\'t you think. The last time I saw you two together, you were crying in her arms."

"How would you feel if your brother worshiped the Lord of Deceit?" Lilith countered as she sent me a dark look. "The Allfather, like a lot of the Gods in Asgard are bastards. Should we ever go to Midgard, you had better not cross any of them. They view mortals like toys."

Pulling her into my arms, I sighed as she melted, "relax, girl, everything takes time, and breaking someone\'s fate in religion is one of the hardest things to do. Force is not the way."

"Ok," she weakly said, seemingly not even listening as she enjoyed my warmth.

Seeing her smile once again, I chuckled, removing my mask, tasting her lips as Brin coughed, "my lords...we are here.\'

"Oh, sorry, how much."

"Two hundred Zel, my lord, how would..."

Handing him a ring, I watched as his face changed when he quickly handed me a set of keys and a deed. Lifting Lilith off her feet, I carried her princess style in. With a blush, I laughed as we stared at the entire interior of the luxurious mansion.

"Wellcome my Lords and Ladies." A dozen voices rang as I looked at the dozen of maids. With a deep bow, a seductive maid suddenly arrived before Lilith and me, "May I take your mask, my masters?"

"Guess brim told you about us. That was quick." I muttered as she nodded. Shaking my head, I turned to Lilith, "What do you think, wifey."

"too much, woman, but we could have a few join us." Lilith whispered in my ear, prompting my wood to throb, "Although we may be bathing in a river of blood by night\'s end."

"Sounds even better." I replied as she giggled, sending the maid in front of us a deep glance, "show us the way.."

"Erica," said the little maid with long blonde hair.

Honestly, aside from Victoria was not really that interested in Erica. Although what type of man would I be if I denied free booty. Then again, I have yet to taste the best one of them. Looking down at the little minx in my arms, I kissed the lips.

"you better be ready; in a few day\'s time, your punishment will be starting soon. " I lightly said as I could feel her body heat up from within my palms. "Bring some water; you will need it."

"An if I can\'t wait," Lilith said as she suddenly changed positions. Wrapping her legs around my waist as I walked. Her spell-binding eyes glimmering with lust as her lips traced my own. A pang of hunger could be seen and felt as I stopped.

Gripping her captivating ass, Lilith shivered as she did a subtle grind on my body. "How long must I wait, Sene...How long can you wait, or maybe this face is not enough for you."

"It was never about your face Lili," I lightly said as our breath became deeper, "I want your heart. Your mind, your existence, and I will work to take it. Your looks are only icing on the cake. They help, but I want all of you. "

"My little fool," She said, confusing me as she rested her head against my chest, listening to my heartbeat, "It was already yours," she mumbled as we became silent.

"Soooo, I\'m going to go...You two have fun," Erica awkwardly said as she tiptoed away. "Wow...so awkward.

Stepping to my room, I laid Lilith down as we laid next to each other. No were spoken as hours began to pass. It wasn\'t long before Lilith fell asleep. This honestly the only way to put her to sleep. Hearing the soft snore of her breathing against my chest, I closed my eyes as I slowly drifted off into the darkness.




"Bael?" I said as I looked at the Realm of Night. Knowing he would always call upon me again here, I continued, "What is it you want."

"A Soulbender, I should have known," He coldly said, "I am here bearing gifts, a technique fitting of a true devil."

Arching my brow, I frowned, "I have techniques from Drar\'ethiul\'s Realm. Why would I need your gifts."

Rolling his eyes, Bael sneered, "For a smart man, you sure are stupid sometimes. Do I really have to spell it out for you? Who the hell is Drar\'ethiul...Lord of Deceit and schemes, but do head go and learn everything he just had lying around Learn from that Devil, who turned Yura mortals whore into a demon."

I had already guessed that Drar\'ethiul had done that, but I didn\'t really care. My body could adapt, and I was sure Bael didn\'t understand the limits of my body. Even Gabriel, a true angel, as he claimed, said Truck-Kun did well.

"I have with me a body technique called the Nine Hells of the Abyss with me, and I would love for you to learn it, of course, at a price."

Growing colder, I smiled, "And what is the price." I said, already ready to deny whatever he would ask for. If anime and movies had taught me anything, never make a deal with the devil even if you think you can win. Bael was a snake. Everything about him was abstract, and with each interaction we had, I felt he kept me on a short leash.

"It\'s simple...I want you to Kill Yura Springfield, granddaughter of the Celestrial King."

Bursting into laughter, I clenched my stomach, "Bael, are you mad? Did you smoke some crack? That must be it, because unless you are not watching my every move. Why the hell would I kill my wife?" I asked as tears stream from my chest. This idiot really was arrogant. I will never make a deal like that.

"...You what?" He yelled, rising from his throne, "Do you know who she is. That bitch is our enemy Arsene. Her race is one of Divinity; you must kill her."

"Enough, Bael, we are done," I said, getting colder as time went on. "I don\'t know your game, but that will not happen."

With a moment\'s silence, I felt the realm of eternal Night crack as Bael sent me a chilling glance, "I wasn\'t asking Arsene, Kill her or I kill your family. I will personally materials in that damn palace and kill all your loved ones." he cruelly said with a demonic gleam.

Switching my emotional switch, I grew cold like a heavenly god as I sneered, "Do it, Bael...I really dare you. I truly dare you. Please do not take me as a hero. I am a fucking demon. Get rid of my emotional attachment. Should they die... I swear to the almighty GOD, to Truck-Kun, Flama, and Gabriel, you will suffer in more ways you can imagine."

"MORTAL!!!" Bael bellowed as more cracks began to form around my soul. A cold grimace surrounded me as I felt my soul beginning to break apart at his rage, but as an ancient will swirled around me, I scoffed, feeling my soul being mended, "Bael, do it! Oh, great prince of Hell!!! Kill them. "

Shooting my eyes open, wails of those I slaughtered manifested as everything grew silent. A deep demonic killing intent permeated the void as I smiled, "Bael... Bael... Bael... Do it I truly dare you."

Opening my gaze, Night slowly began to descend as Lilith shot up next to me, "Arsene, what...what happened."

"Show me a virtual image of my parents, Now!!!" I demanded as Lilith shiver, following my words as a massive screen appeared.

Mother was currently in tears, the same for father as they looked at Richter bleeding from his head. A look of pain and betrail could be seen, but for the most part, there were fine. He was probably still bitching over Pendragons fall. Yet...the longer I watched, the harder my heart began to pound like bells as it appeared.

"A Gate of Brimstone," I whispered as a cold shiver ran down my spine as my eyes grew still like ice. I could feel the reapers grip around my neck as Bael stepped out. He did not mask his appearance as I saw black scales protruding from his yellowish body. Twisted horns could be seen as he smirked.

Turning to me, he chuckled in a dark tone flashing his sharp fang-like teeth. "I dare, Arsene, but do you really wish to?"

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