
Chapter 111 Dragon's Submission

He may not know the real reason as to why a group of dragons would want to join her but he had long since gone through their minds and all he could get pertaining to this issue was that they just felt it was better for their growth. It was just that simple but even then, Kingsley was confused as to why they didn\'t just attack the place to take it for themselves

"To all the lords who have the same dragon problem, i will be sending a dragon to you… they should be able to help you take control of the situation" Kingsley announced to all his governors who had the same problem

"Ethan, can you come to the castle for a bit" Kingsley called out to the empty air but wasn\'t worried since he knew the dragon heard him.

As expected within the next few minutes, the unchanged Dragon emperor could be seen kneeling in front of him. Ethan had somehow changed within the few days he was assigned his post from the hotheaded being he was to some kind of scholar, his ferocious aura contained to the maximum. It was shocking but Ethan had done it.

"I see, your position had done wonders to your composure" Kingsley commented

"That, my lord is because i had no choice"

"True" Kingsley said as he chuckled

"Anyway, i called you to ask you a question"

"I will try my best to answer"

"Good, now a couple of my governors are having a dragon problem… i wanted to ask if i sent the dragons to help, would they be able to accomplish the job"

"Of course, my lord, Dragons determine authority based on age… of course, with you every dragon can cheat, the dragons are ancient dragons so as long as the dragons who are causing the problem is younger than 10,000 years old then you have no problems"

"What if they are older than that?"

"They will resist a bit but only another ancient dragon can fight another ancient dragon… it\'s that simple"

"I see, then get me six dragons, i have a special assignment for them" Kingsley ordered

Because he could see all and feel all in his territory doesn\'t necessarily mean that he was fully omniscient in said territory, he didn\'t know much about Dragon culture, he really did need to go learn more about the world considering he had civilization crystals on all the races in his library.

Within minutes, there were six dragons standing before him. each one matching the element of the dragons that wanted to join. Since Ethan says that just their presence alone would be more than enough to get the other dragons in line, they would have to stay in said territories for a while at least until the loyalty of the dragons to join is fully built.

"Come to think of it, i should probably do the same to the elves too but where the hell would i find ice Elves… why do they even have to be an Elf for every element" Kingsley thought to himself

He didn\'t feel right just simply accepting these natives into his territory, if the governors had conquered them then it would be a totally different matter but it wasn\'t that so the best thing would be for him to simply send an evolved version of the races to help the governors establish authority.

"You all will be sent out of the territory to a special place to assist some of my governors… as Dragons, i believe it is an inborn trait for you to have the ability to intimidate and establish your authority so your duty would be to act as a guide for the dragons in these territories, do you understand"

"Yes, your majesty!" they all answered

"Good, you can go back to prepare yourself… or wait… that may not be necessary, you can return" Kingsley said as he changed his mind

He just realized how much he would be helping his governors. He had just complained about the fact that they were not doing anything, he was the sole reason why the reputation value of the territory was this high and the action he was about to take would only just continue to make it so.

This was a kingdom, a scattered one but it was still a kingdom nonetheless and he couldn\'t be the only reason why it was prosperous so sending the dragons as planned to stay with them would only make them think that they could rely on his for everything. Naturally he will help when necessary but this was their test.

With that thought in mind, Kingsley projected himself into said territories, he didn\'t need the help of the Dragons to intimidate a few dragons, his [Bahamut] title would do that for him with even greater effect. Arriving inside the territory of the governor who initially contacted him, Kingsley could see tens of Earth Dragons scattered all over.

"What do you want?" Kingsley asked as soon as he appeared on the wall

Sue to the nature of the situation, this was merely a projection of him and said projection was large enough for the entire brood to see him and though he didn\'t appear as intimidating as he would want to, His powers and the fact that they were within his territory gave him all the confidence he needed to fact the group of murder machines.

"Sire" a deep voice escaped from the closest dragon to him as they all bowed to him

Kingsley wasn\'t in the least bit surprised by this… well he was since he didn\'t expect the title to be so effective but it was expected that his title of [Bahamut] will make them respect him enough to behave themselves. The governor on the other hand could be seen stepping out of her castle with new found confidence.

If there was anything to know as a governor, it was that their king was capable of accomplishing practically anything. It was an established fact amongst them so she walked out of her safety spot which was her castle as she made her way to the walls where Kingsley stood.

"We apologize for our demeaning behaviour; we were not aware that such blissful territory belonged to one such as you" The dragon continued

"Well now you know so what do you want?"

"My lord, we would like to request for the permission to set up our lair within the vicinity as we feel that this area would be beneficial to our growth"

"Do you accept their request?" Kingsley asked as he turned to the lady who was walking towards him

"Are they really joining my territory?"

"Yes, however do know that by accepting them, you will be responsible for their safety, progression, feeding and overall management" Kingsley said to ensure she understood what she was getting into

"They are dragons… i bet i don\'t have to worry about these things"

"I thought so too, anyway since you have agreed to take responsiblity of them, i wish you luck and you, i hope you behave" Kingsley said before he vanished

The lady remained on the wall as she looked at the dragons nervously. Within seconds of Kingsley leaving her, the automatons appeared beside her to protect her. Despite her nervousness, she put on a strong front as she faced the mighty beasts, it was now up to her to guide and lead the dragons.

"Um, i should probably open the gates" she said before ordering one of the Automatons to open the gate.

With the gate opened, the dragons entered the territory and almost instinctively, they began to transform into a much manageable height and size. After a few seconds of addressing them, the dragons were fully accepted into the territory and into the castle where they would stay for now.

While she dealt with her own issues, the other governors who were facing the same issue had their issues sorted out too with a little help from Kingsley. Kingsley watched as most of the governors accepted the natives that were surrendering to them, the choice was theirs to make and they had made it.

With his consciousness pulled back, Kingsley ensured that each governor was safe and their newly acquired citizens were all settled down. Unlike what Kingsley expected, they didn\'t receive any gift of any form, it was like the system considered this something normal or something that the natives didn\'t of their own violation despite how impossible it was.

"Well at least this marks the beginning of other cities under the name of the Kingdom, i should probably get them to actively begin to recruit right... maybe make it an event of some kind" Kingsley thought to himself

He was at the stage where he thought of how to advance his society and at the moment that was to grow all his governor territory into full cities. He had once ordered the governors to send out their troops to scout the areas around their territory but that project was ignored and didn\'t progress without his input.

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